Call of the Wild
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Wings of Hope

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Wings of Hope Empty Wings of Hope

Post by Spritz Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:38 pm


Her name meant nothing to her. Nothing at all. Alone, hopless and scared, she shook her head, face in her hands. Tears ran down her face, making her black makeup smudge, and she grabbed a tissue from between the two seats, flipping open the mirror and wiping some of it away, trying to make herself look a bit less of the mess she was. Sniffling slightly, she straightened her low cut T, wiping her eyes once more and re applying the thick black mascara. She sat in the quiet car, then turned the key, the cheap engine needing a couple tries to actually start running. Placing her heeled foot on the gas pedal, she turned the wheel and drove out of the parking lot, a bit weary and not totally focused, forgetting to put on her blinker as she turned. Again, the tears started to flow down her cheeks, a sob escaping her lips. Her vision blurred slightly, and she continued to drive on, wet streaks cascading down her face. She reached the busy intersection, and gripped the wheel with both hands, squinting to see properly. The light changed to green, and her foot slammed onto the gas pedal, her car giving a shrill screetch in the night, the teen not looking for oncoming cars as she turned. Suddenly, a car horn snapped her out of her sobbing trance, and her mouth opened in horror as she turned to look out the passenger window. The last thing she saw and heard, was the huge grate of a semi truck, and the scream of her own voice. Then, blackness. The semi had sped head on into her small rickedy car, not able to stop in time. The huge truck crashed into the small car, the whole right side caving in, the windshield shattering into a million pieces, the small shards of sharp glass raining down onto Destiny's limp body. The impact had sent her head against the steering wheel, the car crumpling, sending her flying out the window and landing on the hood of the car, sliding to the ground, her head cracking against the pavement. A large gash on her forhead made rivulets of bright red blood run down her face, covering the trace of tears. A large shard of thick glass from the driver side window embedded itself in her arm, not to mention multiple other injuries that hadn't been seen yet. The driver of the semi sat frozen in place, in fear and horror of what he had done. People crowded all around, a man pulling out his cell phone and dialing 911 with speed. Soon, sirens could be hear wailing in the distance, and everyone was hushed, looking at the unconcious, bleeding form of the teenager that lay on the road, traffic stopped. The Ambulance pulled up, sirens screaming and lights flashing. The medical team leaped out, carrying a strecher, and they hovered around her body, blocking the view of any passer byers. The Ambulance was followed by many police cars, the chief ordering commands to his officers. Yellow tape was strung around the area, Destany's body rolled onto the strecher, carried with speed to the ambulance.

(Hello everyone. This is a post I made about a year ago on another site, and I decided it may be a start to a good topic. Please reply as anything you want to be. Human, vampire, angel, whatever. Thank you. Sorry if its not punctuated correctly, like I said, it was a year ago. I'll go through it soon and fix it all up.)
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