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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:10 pm

There was once a pack, once known as Dawn's First Light, that was as peaceful as any pack could be. Pups were born every year, hunting grounds were prosperous, without fail. The Alphas of this pack were highly revered, before Tyro's birth, the pack had fallen into disarray, and after the revelation of Tyro's mating pact with Desireè, a rogue wolf who wandered into Tyro when they were younger, caused the pack to become peaceful and ever at joy.

Of course, this was all before the birth of the only pup Tyro and Desireè would have, the pup looked beautiful, her pure black as night fur resembled neither her mother's pelt, or her father's, her large ears were patterned with swirling thorn markings that reached along her slim frame and onto her face. Tyro allowed his mate to name the heir of the Alphas; Desireè decided to call her, Lucifer, Luci for short, because as Tyro left to check on the pack, Lucifer had shown her eyes to Desireè and frightened her, Lucifer's eyes were blood scarlet with savage waves of amethyst, even specks of gold could be seen, but it all revolved around her pupils, shaped like a feline's eyes but more terrifyingly mesmorising to behold. This pup had the eyes of Satan and was never to show her eyes to anyone, even Desireè never told her mate of their daughter's eyes. Lucifer wore a black cloth around her eyes, she always has someone with her, ordered by her mother, she must act blind. For that is what her mother and father decreed to the pack.

Lucifer soon managed to wander off, catching her guard unawares and leaping away into the brush, she couldn't tell were she was going but anywhere was better than the guards sight. She walk for, seemingly, hours on end. Her paws were dragging and her pads were dark red from overwalking. Lucifer slumped against a tree and cried. And cried. Her life had never been truly accepted by her mother, she hated her father for ordering that guard upon her. Her tears were not of joy or of sadness, but of loneliness. The whispering dark of the forest had become more welcoming than her own parents, at least to her. Suddenly, the sound of pelt brushing against bark alerted her to another prescence," Who goes there, state yo-you bus-business..!" she cried, trying to regain her composure as she stood and took a defensive stance." Calm yourself, little princess." a smooth, male yet attractive voice sung out," You need not fear me, or what prescence I bring. For it is not your time yet, little she-wolf." the figure that spoke didn't move from the darkness," Who a-are y-you?" Lucifer asked carefully before standing alittle more upright from her defensive position." I am feared throughout this land, everyone fears my coming, even if they dont show it. Alphas fall before my paws and the heirs come to my side. I will grace you with my name, Grim Reaper is my world-wide name, but the name that hides in it's shadow, be Bane. It be a pleasure, Lucifer." the figure took more steps into the moonlight, revealing a black as night wolf, who towers above Lucifer's own father, wings that resemble a bats," I never told you my name, Bane." quickly gaining in confidence, Lucifer stood upright and stared down Bane," You have my eyes, young one," Bane lowered his head slightly so that he was eye level with Lucifer, pulling the blindfold cloth from Lucifer's eyes, bloody scarlet, amethyst and gold eyes with cat pupils stared into, what seemed like, a mirror of the eyes." Come with me, I wanna show you something Bane." Lucifer smiled devilishly as she returned her blindfold to her eyes," Follow me," she beckoned for Bane to follow, he did.

Soon Lucifer was at the edge of camp, wolves were worried sick but when they saw her, live and well, they were overjoyed. Tyro was atop Alpha peak when he saw hisdaughter appear," Luci!" he called happily, followed by his mate who was equally happy, Tyro soon stood at the front of his pack, facing Lucifer. Who said nothing." Is something wrong Luci?" Desireè asked curiously, Lucifer had not shown any reaction to her pack." Bane, if you be so kind to step out and reveal yourself, I'm sure they'll love it as much as I do." Bane chuckled beneath his breath as he stepped out from the shadows, to stand beside Lucifer." What is this, Lucifer?" Tyro asked carefully, this stranger frightened him." He be who all wolves fear, the one whom Alphas fall beneath his paws. He is commonly known as the Grim Reaper, but has been kind enough to share his True Name with me." Lucifer looked up at Bane as he smiled cruelly," What is it you will do with your new pack, Lucifer?" Bane asked as he looked back to his follower," Bane, do you know who my father is?" Lucifer asked, entirely ignoring Bane's question.

" Because that wolf over there cannot be my father. I am nothing like him. He is nothing like me. I am NOT his flesh and blood, whereas I am Desireè's flesh and blood but, have I know father of my own?" Lucifer asked curiously as Bane looked down upon her," No. You never had a father. You are spawned from Desireè's previous life's whims and desires. You have my eyes but I was born the same day as you." Bane replied all-knowingly. Lucifer then ripped her blind gold off and opened her eyes," See, my eyes be a mirror of the Grim Reaper's!" Lucifer's eyes glowed an eerie dark as she glared at Tyro, causing him to flee in forced terror," I claim this pack." Bane snarled before Lucifer or Desireè could do anything about him. Bane stretched his large wings and all the females of the pack were drawn over to him, even Desireè! Lucifer remained standing alittle afar, her face showed hurt more than anything, Bane saw her and sent the females away, he told them to return to their duties. Bane walked to Lucifer and licked her cheek," Lucifer, follow me," Bane smiled brightly, much unlike him, and walked with her into the Alphas den," If anything happens, gothrough the small tunnel at the back." Bane said carefully," Where do I retire to now that you've taken over my birthright?" a small hint of sarcasm voted into Lucifer's voice." You retire in the Alpha's den, you will uphold your rank, your mother, however, will be demoted to Omega." Bane noticed Lucifer's cruel smirk," Well, young princess, I will allow you this night of rest." and with that Bane was gone, standing atop Alphas peak.

• No powerplaying!!!! Or godmodding!!!
• Even Genders!!!
• Lead hunter/warrior/scout etc must be male unless told otherwise.
• If you want to fight another wolf, PM me and the owner of said wolf, asking for permission
• PM me if you want your wolf/wolves to get a higher rank I.e senior hunter/warrior, lead hunter/warrior, beta etc
• If you have a problem with anyone or anything someone's wolf has done, PM them.
• Have as much fun as possible!! ^_^

Name: Desireè
Age: 6 Years
Gender: Female
Personality: Sweet, respectful, knowing of her place, somewhat ignorant, dislikes the monster Bane has made of her daughter, sad for her mate (he became a slave).
Rank: Omega
Wanted Rank: (Original Rank was Alphess.)
Crush: None
Courting: None
Mate: Tyro
Player: Open
Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) I256280546_69818_2

Name: Tyro
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Personality: Forgiving, lovable, hatred toward Bane, Wishes his daughter will stand up for her pack, disappointed in Lucifer, misses his mate.
Rank: Slave
Wanted Rank: Omega (to be with his mate)
Crush: None
Courting: None
Mate: Desireè
Player: Open
Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Amazing-wolf

Name: Lucifer
Age: 2 1/2
Gender: Female
Personality: Sweet and caring beneath her cruel exterior, she is loving and understanding (mainly loving toward Bane), curious and strange, mysterious is how many describe her.
Rank: Alpha
Wanted Rank: To be Bane's mate.
Crush: Bane
Courting: None
Mate: None
Player: Me
Before Bane's influence;
Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) BlackWolf
After Bane's influence;
Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) 35ip4dg

Name: Bane
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Personality: Flirty with females, apologetic when with Lucifer, he honors her favor above all else, he can be cruel and unjust, even with females. He is usually kinder toward females but rarely toward males unless they have either his or Lucifer's favor.
Rank: Alpha
Wanted Rank: None
Crush: Lucifer
Courting: None
Mate: None
Player: Open
Bird Wings;
Bat Wings;
Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Wolfthingy

Name: Daguerre
Age: 5
Gender: Male
Personality: Understanding, calm, respectful and loyal, can fearful and cowardly.
Rank: Warrior
Wanted Rank: Lead Warrior
Crush: Canabera
Courting: None
Mate: None
Player: Open
Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Golden_Dire_by_Goldenwolf

Name: Canabera
Age: 4 1/4
Gender: Female
Personality: Frightened and fearful, she can be judgmental and quick to act but she means well.
Rank: Hunter
Wanted Rank: None
Crush: None
Courting: None
Mate: None
Player: Open
Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Img-thing?

Name: Hadrian
Age: 3
Gender: Male
Personality: A proper ladies man, always an attention seeker, he has yet to flirt with the Alphess, has a taste for females with power.
Rank: Hunter
Wanted Rank: Lead Hunter (he currently has Bane's favor)
Crush: Every Female
Courting: None
Mate: None
Player: Open
Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Lightning_Wolf_by_CaptainMorwen

Name: Cidan
Age: 6 Years
Gender: Male
Personality: A little bit of a chatterbox, often getting on the packs nerves but never hated, he is like the centre of information. As he loves chatting and knowing everything, he is one of two scouts in the entire pack.
Rank: Scout
Wanted Rank: None, he likes where his place lies.
Crush: None
Courting: Noneknowing everytrhin
Mate: None
Player: Open

Name: Tassle
Age: 3 Years
Gender: Male
Personality: Understanding and Jumpy, Tassle is, most definately, a hassle, so he is Cidan's apprentice scout.
Rank: Apprentice Scout
Wanted Rank: Scout
Crush: None
Courting: None
Mate: None
Player: Open

Name: Fennin
Age: 3 Years
Gender: Male
Personality: Same as Tassle
Rank: Apprentice Warrior
Wanted Rank: Warrior
Crush: Lupyre
Courting: None
Mate: None
Player: Open

Name: Lupyre
Age: 2 Years
Gender: Female
Personality: Same as Lucifer apart from the liking of Bane, she prefers males who can properly admit their feelings but are prepared for the consequences of mating with her.
Rank: Supposed Heir after Lucifer.
Wanted Rank: Lead Huntress
Crush: None
Courting: None
Mate: None
Player: Me

Name: Desovolu
Age: 3 Years
Gender: Male
Personality: Rather happy-go-lucky really, he has a relatively good Lupyresense of humor and can 'woo' the ladies if he so wishes.
Rank: Hunter
Wanted Rank: None, he's good with his current rank
Crush: Lupyre, for her from-birth, personality-wise, inner and outer power and devilish behaviour.
Courting: None
Mate: None
Player: Open

Name: Forge
Age: 5 Years
Gender: Male
Personality: Impulsive i cant add more just got banned again
Wanted Rank:
Player: Open

More to come!!!

Last edited by Artemis Featherarrow on Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:37 am; edited 2 times in total
Artemis Sinfeather
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Tayssi Mon Oct 24, 2011 11:41 pm

Wow this seems awesome, though, if it's alright would I be able to make my own characters? ^^ It's alright if it's a no.
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:32 am

Once all the pack premade characters are done, then sure but I've still got more to add and thanks! I spent roughly 3 days on the story alone. ^_^
Artemis Sinfeather
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Tayssi Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:13 am

Okay, thats fine but when all the characters are all done and if I dont want any of them can I make my own?
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Tue Oct 25, 2011 5:20 am

Hadrian and Candra
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:45 am

Tayssi: As long as they obey both my rules, and pack laws, then sure! ^_^
S t a r: Sure you can play Hadrian and Canabera. ^^
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Tayssi Tue Oct 25, 2011 2:55 pm

ah hat's fine, please let me know when all the characters are done and i'll take a look, then ^^
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:00 pm

I wanna join. I wanna join. I wanna join. I wanna join. I wanna join. I wanna join. Can I join? teehee
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:04 pm

Tyro and Desiree
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:25 pm

Sure ^_^

All currently made characters left up to pick;

All currently yet to be made;

Still many others to come, if y'all want me to make more! ^-^
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:32 pm

Desovolu & Judoka plz when you make them?
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:20 am

They're both male but okey. ^^
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Guest Wed Oct 26, 2011 6:40 am

Leave a female hunter open for me plz. Smile


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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Nicoco177 Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:30 pm

could you reserve any wolf for me?
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:36 pm

Depends on the rank and gender, Nicoco ^^
And sure, Wild, I'll reserve one for ya ^_^
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Guest Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:44 pm

Thanks, Smile


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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:03 pm

O well i want a male and a female xD
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:17 am

The way this pack goes is there are more males than females XD, once I've got my lappy back I'll add the forms and I'll add the pack laws.
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Nicoco177 Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:21 am

Daggure then?
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:34 am

Sure ^_^
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Nicoco177 Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:59 pm

thanks Smile
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Guest Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:10 pm

Ooo look fun! Oh ya oh ya! lol

Save meh a male and female.. Oh ya oh yaa! lmao


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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Nicoco177 Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:37 am

am I alright to have Desovolu also?
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:33 pm

Sure, Desovolu looks like Dagguerre but is more gold than tan or creme.
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Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play) Empty Re: Something Wicked, This Way Comes... (Wolf War Pick'n'Play)

Post by Nicoco177 Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:34 pm

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