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Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Spritz Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:03 am

Name- Apollo
Age- 5 1/2
Breed- Fresian
Apollo has a ebony black hide, the dark hair continuing over his body, down his legs, to where he has long black feathers covering his dark shining hooves. His mane is long, falling past his shoulder and falling off the bridge of his nose. He is all black, exept for a tiny white snip on his muzzle. From his looks, many asume he is mean, heartless and uncaring, but he is exactly the oposite. Apollo is quite a gentleman, very caring and gentle. He is quite smart, and is a bit on the larger side, but not bulky like a draft, but tall and elegant with long, thin bones. His stride is very long and smooth, his neck is perfectly arched, and he has a well muscled body, but able to run very fast.
Picture-Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) 400_F_13080695_0Z01cxXgNxMZwS7zXoGvzFxxjhLiqjGh

With his long mane blowing in the winter wind, Apollo was siloughetted against the white of the snowy forset. His head was held high, his nostrils opening and breathing in the winter air deeply, the cold breath burning his lungs slightly.
He lowered his head, reaching forward, and he raised a dark hoof, the feathers coated with ice and snow. A small shiver racked through his body, and though cold and thin because of lack of food, he still looked majestic, handsome.
His long shining mane cascaded over his neck like a waterfull, blowing back in the wind. Large white sand banks were collected around him, and the wind blew small flecks of snow around in the air, some landing on his dark hide and melting shortly after. Pawing at the ground, he was able to uncover a small amount of frozen grass, and lowered his head to the ground, his dark velvet muzzle sniffing at it, then delecatly ripping all he could from the frozen ground. The grass tasted dead, with no flavor, but it was something.
He continued to paw, and was able to find a few more mouthfuls, but that was it. Once again, the stallion raised his mighty head, his neck arched, black hide shining. Stepping forward, he struggled through the banks of snow, sometimes having to leap forward to get through them. Reaching the forest, he snorted softly and opened his mouth, gnawing on the bark of a large oak. The dry bark flaked off easily, and he crunched on it for a small time, before shuddering with cold and shaking his hide, actually hearing the ice clink on his feathers.
A large pine beckoned to him, and he crawled underneath the large overhanging branches, shuddering with the cold that persisted in making him miserable.
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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Spritz Tue Oct 04, 2011 7:18 pm

Anyone at all?
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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Guest Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:04 pm

Dreamer sniffs the snow, never seeing it before. She slowly makes more and more steps then throws her body weight around. She nickers "geeze this is cold", she stops and looks around, head held high as well as her tail. Her eyes are bright and full of cheer. She begins to frolic around in the snow, un knowing the stallion around.


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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Spritz Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:05 pm

Apollo rested his large black head on his hooves, his long legs spread out in front of him. His elegent neck curved gracefully, and he closed his eyes, tendrills of steam from his breath rising from his flaring nostrils. His body started to relax, then suddenly, a new scent flooded the breeze. His muscles tensed, and his head shot up, his dark eyes scanning the treeline arond him. He then let out a high whinny of alarm, and struggled to his feet.
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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Guest Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:11 pm

Dreamer stops sudenly almost stumbling overself. She looks wondering where she heard the call from. Her head and tail held high, ears traight forward and eyes wide open, she continues to look around. Being afraid she let out a small nicker.


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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Spritz Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:14 pm

Apollo pawed the dead, frozen ground, his dark eyes darting around him. Then, he saw a lone figure in the once green meadow, that was now frozen over, the fingers of winter devouring all of the lush greenery. He thrust out a tall, strong leg, and struggled his way through the banks, trying to resume the same path he had taken before. He gave out another whinny, and shook his magestic head, his ebony hide shining in the cold sunlight. The freezing wind made his mane and tail whip about him, and a small shiver wracked his body.
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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Guest Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:21 pm

Dreamer continues to look as her mane and tail blows around in the wind. Looking around she spots a lovely tall and dark stud, she stands her ground and nickers again. She shakes her head and body removing some snow that she kicked up.


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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Spritz Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:25 pm

Apollo soon reached her, and snorted softly, his breath leaving his nostrils with steam that drifed upwards. He lowered his head, his dark forlock falling over his eyes, and he gave her a small smile.
"Hello there."
He spoke quietly, his tail flicking ocasionally.
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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Guest Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:29 pm

As he gets closer, dreamer spooks a little. When he reaches her she snorts and archs her neck snorting and sniffing, keeping really still. "Hello! I'm sorry, is this your land?"


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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Spritz Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:32 pm

Apollo quickly backed up, giving her some space. His jet black hide stood out on the snow, and he gave her a smile. "No, no. You're more than welcome here though." He said, and whickered softly, his bright eyes shining, reflecting her own reflection in them.
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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Guest Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:35 pm

She relaxes a little and swishes her tail, shaking her head again. "Well thanks, I've never seen snow before. It's awfully cold." "Arnt you freezing!"


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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Spritz Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:36 pm

Apollo snorted softly, and pawed the ground, his iced feathers clinking together. "Yes, I am litterally freezing." He said, and shook his mane out, the long hair cascading back over his strong black neck.
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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Guest Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:57 pm

Dreamer moves closer and nods "may I?" She looks at the ice cicles on his feathers.


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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Spritz Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:01 pm

Apollo frowned, his long forlock blowing into his eyes. "May you.. what?" He asked, confused.

(Sorry so short)
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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Guest Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:14 pm

"May I try and remove them?" Slowly lowers her head

(Its ok, I don't mind)


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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Spritz Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:22 pm

Apollo frowned, and gingerly lifted a hoof off of the ground, settling it back down onto the snow. "No really, its fine. Lets get you into a warmer spot."
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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Guest Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:24 pm

She raises her head and shivers a little. slightly nickering, she fallows Apollo


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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Spritz Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:26 pm

Apollo turned, following his packed path up the hill, pushing into the strong wind that made his mane whip about behind him. His ribs could be seen under his black hide, and his hips stuck out a bit. He was getting thinner and thinner, and though extatic to find a mare for company, he wondered how they would find enough food for them both.
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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Guest Thu Oct 06, 2011 7:39 pm

Dreamer continues to fallow, blocking the wind as much as she can with the side of her face. She watches Apollow and sees the worry on his face. She trotts a little to get side by side with him and gently nuzzles him to let him know everything will be ok. Then she falls back to walk behind him, letting him lead the way.


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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Spritz Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:59 am

Apollo was startled as he felt her soft muzzle on his face, then she fell behind him, following. Soon, he led her to the treeline, in the forest, the wind was not quite as strong. Looking over his shoulder to check that she was following, he showed her the overhanging pine. Its large branches were coated with snow, and there was an opening that he had gone into. He ducked inward, whickering for her to do the same. Inside the small shelter, it seemed to be warmer, as the wind didn't penatrate the snowy walls.
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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Guest Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:15 am

She ducks and fallows. "Feels much better" she smiles and lays down closing her eyes she rests.


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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Spritz Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:19 am

Apollo snorted softly, agreeing with her. He lay down in the packed snow, folding his frony legs under his body. In an attempt to keep them both warm, he lay near her, thier sides touching.
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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Guest Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:28 am

she nickered softly and smiled at him. As she rests she thinks to her self "I wonder what I can do to help him. He's such a lovely stallion." She tosses her head nuzzling him softly again.


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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Spritz Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:34 am

Soon, the cold winter sun was blocked by a menicing snow cloud. THe air around them seemed to grow colder, and Apollo shifted. "A blizzards coming." He informed her softly.
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Merley Love-  (About a freisan stallion) Empty Re: Merley Love- (About a freisan stallion)

Post by Guest Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:41 am

Dreamer wasn't too sure what that was as she's never experianced it, but she could tell it wasn't good. She curls up closer to Apollo and puts her head over his withers.

(Sorry my son is up and a lil cranky so they may be short)


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