Call of the Wild
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A New Day, A New Land

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A New Day, A New Land Empty A New Day, A New Land

Post by Harley Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:30 pm

Him now-

A New Day, A New Land Z

Him Later-

A New Day, A New Land Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_h8BqIy8_l3PSMNKNsm4gwbNZCd5tThnvW6zhMy9Zw89QA8YX


The newborn colt's eyes adjusted to the light of the world, his mother licking him affectionately. Warm brown eyes gazed up at the sun, wondering what it was. "Come on, you gotta walk..." His mother laughed, getting up and prancing away. The colt neighed desperately, getting up and following her, only to tumble head over heels. She finally returned and let him nurse.

-------------------------- 5 years later

The stallion, now named Misery, was running for his life from the dreaded humans. "Go!" HeĀ  demanded his herd, hoping they could get away. Whizz! Ropes puled him back. Two on his neck.

Not finished. Do not post yet. And yes, it is kind of a spin off Spirit.
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Join date : 2010-12-14
Location : Following you, asking the chicken inside my coat if this is the one

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