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~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by whit0107 Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:40 am

~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

I opened my sleepy eyes while I lay in the wet, dew covered, green grass. Laying where I was for a minute letting my body wake up and get in tune with the world. Birds chirped, the stream running through the meadow I was is sang a beautiful hum as is ran every wich way, and the warm morning sun shone down on my brown eyes. The stream did sound good, so I stumbled my lathargic body up to my stiff feet. I shook myself off, dust flittered off my body and danced in the air and tickled my nostrils. I blew air from my nose, clearing my nose from the dust. I slowly walked towards the wet, blue, shimmery water. Ilowered my head and took a long refreshing drink of the water and then moved on. The skin of my neck was stiff from last night, dust and dirt had mixed with dew on the grass and made a mud mask on my upper half of body. I snapped my head back and forth in the air, cracking the mask. My meadow was filled with beautiful yellow, tallish, sweet smelling flowers. I walked over to the biggest bunndle of yellow flowers growing and rolled in them, trying to mask the flowered scent all over my dark bay body trying to hide my heat scentfrom others near by. I was only 3 years old, but I wasn't nieve. I knew I was in heat unlike other mares. I stood up to my feet, now feeling very much alive and carried a large winnie from my lungs and out of my throat. The winnie had been much louder and clear than I had thought it should've come out. I was hopeing no stallions near by had heard this. If they did and they were here to force me I would run, run faster than the breeze carrying through my dark mane rite now. I was very fast when it came to running... Smile
(can any one tell me how to get her picture to show up on my topic??! please)
~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ &docid=Q8ozkLxf_QgwDM&w=400&h=300&ei=PUViTtblIYrBtgfMh-SNCg&zoom=1&biw=1600&bih=551&iact=rc&dur=80&page=6&tbnh=110&tbnw=154&start=145&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:20,s:145&tx=119&ty=75

Last edited by whit0107 on Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:20 pm; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : subject editing)
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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by whit0107 Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:27 am

(Any one? it's not that good but still... Sad )
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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by Guest Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:50 am

It was a beautiful spring morning in the garden of plenty. The sun beamed down onto the yellow flowers and onto my magnifecent white coat. I took in the smell of all the beautiful flowers, thinking about love, wondering if i will ever find "the one". i sighed and started to walk over into the trees when i heard a whinnie. My ears shot up and i started to go towrds the sound. I neighed back, my voice loud and graceful. Then i saw her. I started to walk towards her, hoping she didnt think i was a forcer.
~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Normal_Among_the_Fields_of_Gold,_Arabian_Stallion

(on the toolbar above the text box, theres a little icon that has a pic of a tree on it. click on that then put the web address in the box and click ok. Make sure u have the web address of the picture by itself tho, cuz if u dont it wont work)


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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by whit0107 Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:32 am

I heard a clear smooth winnie reply to mine after a couple of minutes. My heart pounded, I wondered if I was in danger. I trotted to the edge of the meadow and waited. Then I saw him, he was very handsom. I watched him come into the meadow. His white coat moving through the yellow flowers towards me. My ears pricked towards him and I listened to his movments. I don't think this stallion was bad. I took 2 steps forward and stood there patiently and curious. I breathed heavy and snorted a few times, I was nervous.
~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ &docid=Q8ozkLxf_QgwDM&w=400&h=300&ei=PUViTtblIYrBtgfMh-SNCg&zoom=1&biw=1600&bih=551&iact=rc&dur=141&page=6&tbnh=110&tbnw=154&start=145&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:20,s:145&tx=96&ty=73
(can you see her picture now?)
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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by Guest Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:16 pm

"dont worry, im not a forcer" i smile and nuzzle her softly. "may i ask of your name?" i ask, my brown eyes gleaming
(no, i cant see it...its just an x)


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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by Guest Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:38 pm

[/b] Wow, this place is beautiful i thought to myself as i walked through the wet grass... i looked around and saw nothing but beautiful flowers,trees and the sun shinning down on me. As i walked a little farther into the garden i saw two shadows on my left side behind some trees so i walked towards them whinnied once and said hello my name is Iva who might you be?~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Horse-in-meadow


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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by Guest Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:29 pm

"pardon me for answering a question, with a question...but, who are you?" i asked, kind of annoyed by the sorrel mares presence


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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by whit0107 Sun Oct 30, 2011 10:20 am

His brown eyes were mezmorizing. I looked into his eyes and everything around me was muted, a blur. I felt myself shiver inside as he nuzzled me. I snap myslef out of my day dream and face reality. He asked for my name. I'm Two Eyed Emotion. And your name? I felt my last words get cut off when another mare walked into the meadow. And this stallion stared at her with his brown eyes looking confused. I took one step to his side facing the mare so that we were side by side. He asks her a question. I stay quiet. I stomp my hoof once out of akwardness and touch my nuzzle to his neck, wondering what was going on...
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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by Guest Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:07 am

Oh, Me my name is Iva, im just wondering around throughout this meadow. Who are you?


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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by whit0107 Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:15 am

T w o E y e d E m o t i o n~ I speak up. and step away from this stallion. hesatent to leave his comforting side. But I take one step forward and say my name. I'm Two Eyed Emotion you can call me Emmy. Is say my name quetley but loud enough for this mare to hear me. I say one more thing, "Why are you here?" loud enough this time. There was a hint of meaness in my voice. That may have just came from fear and curiosity though... I get spooked by my own voice and quikley step back over to the stallion waiting for me. He was curiose just like me.
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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by whit0107 Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:18 am

(Let's wait for *~Patriot~* to get back online now.)
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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by Guest Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:22 am

Why am i here? i say, Im here just like anybody see what the garden of plenty has to offer I've heard great things about this place. I trot over closer to them in a slow motion, and stare at them for a closer image. in a meanish mood i whip my head and main to get the hair out of my face. then look up and ask why might you be here?



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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty He paws feriously. Reguicing in his strength. He does not sky away from the sword. He does not stand still.. When the trumpit sounds..

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:27 pm

Grim Reaper~

Behind the eyes of the Grim Reaper, is the heart of a full brooded through-bred....No sir, well I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore. It's your turn, to take a seat we're settling the final score. And why do we like to hurt, so much? I can't decide You have made it harder just to go on. And why?
All the possibilities... Well I was wrong That's what you get when you let your heart win. That's what you get when you let your heart win. I drown out all my sense with the sound of its beating. And that's what you get when you let your heart win. I wonder, how am I supposed to feel when you're not here.'Cause I burned every bridge I ever built when you were here. I still try... holding onto silly things, I never learn. Oh why? All the possibilities. I'm sure you've heard...

GRim Reaper was my name. Im a strong stallion, ready for anything. You may have heard of my name before, told in the stories that elder's tell. If not then i'll give it a try and tell you of my story. how it really started and ended horribly. Now sit back while I slice your thraots open. Hold onto your mane. Here is the first of my story what really happened.


More than three thousaid years ago there was a man named Toby. He questioned God about all his troubles. Now the bribe tells us that God answered... Do you give the horse his strength? Or cloth his neck with a flowing mane? Do you make him leap like a lociest; striking terror with his proud smarting. He paws feriously. Reguicing in his strength. Then charged into the fray. He laughs at fear, affraid of nothing. He does not shy away from the sword. The quiver lashed against his side, along with the flashing spear and glance. In a frency excitement he eats up the ground. He can not stand still.. When the trumpit sounds..

A flash of black and white surged through the pack, taking the lead. His jockey; Zack almost fell off from grim Reaper's speed. Grim hit 24 stakes, he sed up further but his rival Flash Of Flames was neck to neck with him on the 2nd quarter. Zack whispered into his horses ear. " I'm tired off this dirt. Let's get a move on." Grim Reaper snorted and he bent forward more, he grunted and brought up his pace. He surged past Flame. The annoucer called out; " Grim Reaper is now surging past Flame. He's at 26 stakes, 28, 30! I can't believe 32!" The crowd gasped and stood quickly. Grim Reaper was miles ahead of the other horses. Flames owner gasped and stopped clapping, he looked side to side and said. " That's impossible. A horse can't reach that speed." Grim Reaper was going on the turn pike. AS he did, it seemed as if time had started to slow.. He laughs at fear, affraid of nothing. He does not shy away from the sword. He can not stand still.. When the trumpit sounds... Grim Reaper turned the corner sharply, surging down toward the finish line. " 44 stakes, 46, 49! This is outrageous! 53 stakes! And Grim Reaper wins!" The crowd screams out cheers of excitement. Grim Reaper slowly to a gentle gaint and turned swiftly. He paws feriously. Reguicing in hsi strength. His heart pounded as everyone called his name. Grim Reaper snorted and started to show off with excellent dressage moves.

3 years later~

When Grim Reaper was racing in his 18th race. He was in teh lead. When.... BOOM! His heart burst. Grim Reaper neighed loudly and fell to the ground, his Jockey tustled as broke his leg as he hit the ground. Grim Reaper layed on the ground, heavily once then stopping immediatly. He had pushed himself to hard, making his heart burst. His eyes turned red, screams of terror were heard from the crowd. The horses stopped and stood in moan over grim Reaper.. Grim Reaper layed their the night, his heart started to pound against his chest. His side heaves, Grim kicked out his hooves. Pawing at the ground. He sat up, looking around to se that he was on the racetrack he had failed to complete. Grim Reaper snorted and struggled to stand. How he survived hsi heart bursting was a question that has no answer to it. The large black and whtie stallion limped out of the stadium. He unstrapped the saddle on his back and shook the reins off his head. He snorted and glared down at them. Kicking sand up he walked slwoly into the shadows of the forest, never to return. Keeping his title as dead.


Dark black clouds rolled over head. Grim Reaper sunk back into his cave. He snorted and leaned up against the side of a wall... WHen morning came he lead himself out. Going out intot eh meadow. He stopped beside the rushing water. Dipping his muzzle half way in to lap up the cool, refreshing water. His tail lashed side to side. Grim Reaper sensed presences near. He pulled his ehad up slowly, ears pricking. Eyes narrowed, he stood tall, and still. Glancing around him, he couldn't see anything, but he could smell the scent of intruders. Grim Reaper turned to the scent, following it with silent trotting. He snorted and pressed his muzzle agaisnt the ground, he smelt the scent of a stud and mares. He squeezed through to tree and out into a vast lush garden. He snorted and shook his head as leaves fell upon hsi mane. Freezing instantly as his eyes met mares and a stud. Rippling broke out, growls struck through his throat and echoed over the land. His voice echoed everywhere, deep and dangerous. " Who goes there!" He called. Stepping out of the shadows, he was a tall stallion. Standing about 6.9 hands tall. Grim Reaper stood where he was, awaiting an answer. He paws feriously. Reguicing in his strength. He does not sky away from the sword. He does not stand still.. When the trumpit sounds..

~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Why_do_we_like_to_hurt_so_much_by_xNalax
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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by Guest Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:03 pm

Seriously? another mare, another stallion. "All i came here for is to have a good time, not a competition.. if you guys want to compete over eachother, im out of here" i sigh and start walking away. every once in awhile, i looked back at two eyed emotion, wishing it was just us two like it was before.


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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:35 pm

Grim Reaper~

He snorted and pawed the ground. He reared up and bucked out to the side. He callled out to the stallion. " I don't want your mares, BRUTE! Just get off my land!" He let out a neigh. He growled and waited the stallion to challenge him, if he was brave enough. Grim pricked his ears, in the distance he heard a loud trumpit start to sound. He starts to paw at the gorund out of now where, and surged toward them. He skidds to a hult as he came inches away form slamming into the stallion. He snorted and towered over him. HIs tail lashed out wanting to race again. But knowing he needed to keep his title as dead showed courage in his strength and ability. He stood tall, raising his head up higher. Did they recongize him, if so would they confince him back into racing?
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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by Saviour Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:38 pm

[ Can I reply as a young mare as well as the stallion you are challenging...? ]
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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by Saviour Tue Nov 01, 2011 7:52 pm

[ wait, nvm srry ]
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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by Guest Wed Nov 02, 2011 7:20 pm

i roll my eyes in disghust "this is the garden of plenty..there are no leaders!" i snort. "But i will just leave now, so no one gets hurt, thats not what i came here for" i pinned my ears and galloped away. "Two eyed emotion, come with me!" i neigh out to her


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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by whit0107 Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:15 pm

cherry (I'm sorry guys but would it be fine if just these players are in this forum? Alycupcake123, *~Patriot~*. and me, whit0107.)
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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by Saviour Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:19 pm

[ Sorry, I saw it in the Portal, clicked it, and didn't see that there were other pages. Sorry again ]
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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by Guest Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:22 pm

I nickered loudly for two eyed emotion to follow me


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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by whit0107 Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:34 pm

T w o E y e d E m o t i o n~Replying to his nicker softly snorting I trot to his side without a doubt. I thought in my head "I liked it better when it was the two of us too. because I know thts what he's thinking rite now" I paw the ground winnieing loudly to the other that I was annoyed with the confusion and challenging.I flick my tail.

Last edited by whit0107 on Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : WITHOUT!)
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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by Guest Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:36 pm

"glad to see you came with me" i smiled and then came to a stop when we were far away and out of sight from the other horses. "where should we go?"


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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

Post by whit0107 Thu Nov 03, 2011 6:41 pm

T w o E y e d E m o t i o n~
Any where there's no competion and danger. And somwhere there's peace and quiet and where we can be alone. I say as I look at his smile and into his big brown eyes.
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~ T w o  E y e d  E m o t i o n ~ Empty Re: ~ T w o E y e d E m o t i o n ~

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