Call of the Wild
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Survival of the Fittest [ Needs a Reply ]

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Survival of the Fittest [ Needs a Reply ] Empty Survival of the Fittest [ Needs a Reply ]

Post by Saviour Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:48 pm


The voice of my father calls over my fishtank's steady thrumming. Moaning, I grasp the edge of my bed and pull myself towards it. "Woaa" The sound escapes my lips as I tumble roughly to the hardwood floor. "Ughh" I stand up and stretch my aching muscles. "Dad! It's only Saturday" My voice littered in complaint. The wooden door swings open and my father's familiar face greets me. "Hun, its the ninth, you know we have to leave soon" He said, motioning over my rough appearance "You really need to listen to your alarm clock". Nike shoes leave my room and I open the wooden drawers containing my clothes. Yanking out a pair of jeans and a simple, plain tee, I pull off my pajamas. Pulling the tight fitting, cheap jeans, I button them and slip into my shirt. Moseying over to my connected bathroom, I freeze at the mirror. "Holy crap, he wasn't kidding" I chuckle, grasping my thick, black hair in my hands and attempting to smooth it. I got my hair and appearance from my mother. Her small features strong and fearless. I smile small at the thought of her. A longing pushing on my throat and welling up my esophagus. Forcing the feeling away, I stumble into the bathroom and run a brush through my hair. The coarse black strands untangled. It shined in the artificial lighting as I finished. Splashing water on my swollen face, it calms and I look normal and without a groggy pull. I dab away the refreshing liquid while grabbing my toothbrush and preparing it. My father's voice tells me he will be waiting in the truck. Running the coarse plastic bristles over my teeth, I clamber into the kitchen and pull out a glass of milk and a banana. I was only allowed these items for my breakfast on the ninth. Spitting and rinsing my mouth out I sigh in a refreshed feeling. I chug the milk and grab a pair of socks, hurrying to pull them on and lace my shoes. Splitting open my banana, I jog out into the truck and open the metal door. Slamming the rusty gears behind me and taking a large bite of fruit. I smile over at my only parent and wink. He was my only family left, and my best friend as well. With a terrible sound the truck pulls into the unused dirt road and up towards the mountain.


We park a long way from the road and throw the water bottles and granola bars behind us. My hand finds my forhead and I take account to the time. "We have a few hours to sundown, lean-to or hammock?" My voice sliced across the empty silence of woods that surrounded us. He shrugged and glanced around "Hammock for tonight, there are snakes in this region. I will look for firewood and start the fire over there" He points to an area of sandstone that would be safe for fire. Nodding, I walk to the nearby yuccas, sustained on the border of forest and desert. The yellow of dead plants register in my mind, a drought. This would help me in the finding of string. I grab as much leaves from the yuccas as humanly possible and walk back to the campsite. Pulling the fibers into rope in a total of thirty minutes, I begin looping them around each other to form two hammocks. I hang them and smile at our work, finished at the same time. "You up to hunt while I gather?" He gives me a look of surprise. "Okay, okay, I know" I giggled and begin my way up to the woods. I found a few safe mushrooms and several herbs for medicinal seasoning. When I reach the campsite, the smell of fresh venison cooking makes my stomach growl. "Good job" I said, then notice he had killed a buck. The antlers would be good for tools. His weapon lay against a large boulder. A homeade bow with willow arrows. In a few days, we would wander back to the truck, happy with another survival.


A heavy pounding started me into drowsy conciousness. It was three in the morning! "Dad!" I yell and pull on my cold jeans and rush out the door. In bold white leathers I see police written on the jackets of two men. Reluctantly opening the door I grumble "I have school tomorrow, this better be worth while" They asked me a series of questions, uselessly searching for a way to get me to confess to a crime that was obviously commited by someone in the ghettos. "Okay, good evening to you as well" I mocked their moral tone and shut the door. Two hours until I have to go to school. Might as well get ready now. The shower's welcoming hot water woke me and cleansed my body. Getting out and pulling my clothes on, I brush my long, dark hair into a high ponytail in ritual. Quickly putting my small amount of foundation and mascara on, I take note of my now ice blue eyes. Smiling in remembrance of my beautiful mother, I prepare myself breakfast and relax in front of the TV. Another hour passed, and I ventured out the door and awaited another annoying day of christian's trying to turn me at school. I had tried changing my father's mind about my school, but he told me it helped my growth and patience. He was so smart, yet so annoyingly right. I leave the rusty old truck and walk up to my school. Out of ritual, I was greeted by Grant, my crush. "Hey, Sophie right?" His voice made my heart jump. "Yea" My smile plaguing my face. Luckily, my blushing didn't show through my darkly tanned cheeks.

[ Please post fairly long and play Grant... Thanks ]
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