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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:12 pm

Shadow lay his head down, watching his daughter very carefully. Shadow was a very strange horse indeed he was a mythical horse, an immortal, he had almost super strength and endurance.

He was a dark horse, relishing in a good fight to the death, he had only one thing that could be used against him. His daughter. Melanie was the most important thing to him, he would do anything to save her. Shadow had almost super strength and endurance.

Shadow realised that she may be placed in danger, because of him, but she was also a mystical animals. She was faster than a cheetah at full speed and as agile as an antelope. Her father had given her the chance to go and live her own life but she didn't want to yet, she was happy where she was.

Shadow had already killed 3 stallions that had tried to mess with Melanie, he now had a reputation and a price on his head. Many batchelor herds wanted her, so much that they sent posses to hunt them down. Most were baffled as to why Shadow had never forced a mare in his life, even though he was a dark horse. However just because Shadow was a dark horse it didn't mean he didn't want to find love.

Melanie had three horns, she got them from her mother who had sadly passed away a few months before. She grazed happily..

[If you join, please don't have too many mares, stallions who either try to court or steal Melanie are also needed. Thank you]

Shadow's Picture
Melanie's Picture


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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Saviour Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:21 pm

[I can reply...?]
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:25 pm

Sure Smile


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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Saviour Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:28 pm

[Alright, I'll just make a bio... A Black Indian stallion is ok???]
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:35 pm



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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Saviour Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:41 pm


I watch the father closely with dark brown eyes. He was obviously different, had some sort of abilities. I wasn't interested in him however, I was interested in his daughter. She was beautiful, and had abilities like her dad. I was immortal, yes, but I was stuck at the age of 7, therefore I wasn't old and wrinkled.

I gathered the guts, and stepped into the open meadow. "Sir" I said, staying back, but not cowering in submission. I wasn't interested in a fight, but I would fight if he insisted,

You may think it wouldn't matter- a fight I mean. Just because I'm immortal doesn't mean I live forever. If I am injured badly, I will die, just as any other horse. If I starve, or dehydrate, I will die. The only thing special about me, is that I won't die of old age.
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:47 pm

Shadow raised his head and looked at the stallion in front of him, he snorted loudly. Standing up, he stretched..and looked at the stallion with unforgiving eyes.. " What do you want ? " he snapped. Melanie casting a dissapproved look to her father sighed and said " Who may you be..? "

Shadow disliked not being able to control the situation, but Melanie had the right to do as she pleased. She flicked her long mane over to the other side and looked at the stallion.

Meanwhile Shadow grazed keeping an eye on Melanie...


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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Saviour Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:52 pm


I went to answer the father's question, but then the mare spoke and I decided to answer her's instead. "My name is Geronimo" I smiled at her.

She was gorgeous, and obviously mischevious[sp?]. I tossed my mane and forlock, sending the feathers inside of them swirling. My brown eyes glance at her fether, but I notice he isn't aggressive looking. I then turn my attention to her.

"And you are?" I asked her, resting a single, mahogany colored hoof.
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:01 pm

Meliane returned the smiled and once again had to give her father a stern look as he raised his head, in a more agressinve manner. " My name is Meliane, Mel for short. Nice to meet you Geronimo..".

Shadow was getting more aggitated by the second, the stallion was to passive for his liking, to calm. How was shadow sure he could protect her...? He scrapped his hoof against the ground as a bull does before it is about to charge..snorting a warning to the stallion


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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Saviour Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:05 pm


I glance over as he raised his head aggressively, but let it pass. I nodded "Beautiful name" I said to her. My ears flicked back at the sound of his aggitation.
One magik ability of mine, hearing specific sounds for other's moods.

I snort back at him and lace my ears back on my head sternly. "Sir, I have done nothing to make you angry" I retorted.
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:10 pm

Shadow looked at him, " I won't let you court my daughter unless, you prove you can protect her..otherwise I'll chase you off like I have every other worthless stallion.." he snapped, his long mane covering one side of his face.

Meliane was about to say something before she was given a stern look by Shadow..she sighed " Thanks.." she said.. he black coat catching a ray of the sun as it sat over head. " Dad, please.." she asked kindly...she felt kinda silly having to ask permission to talk to Geronimo.

Another stern look quickly corrected Meliane...


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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Saviour Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:14 pm


I chuckled "She is a fully grown mare. Now, with all do respect sir, I will talk to your daughter and she will talk to me if we want to" I answered him, trying to avoid a silly fight that would satisfy both of us in different ways.

My dark blue/ black coloring shimmered in the setting sunlight as I stood there, waiting for the strong stallions permission to talk to his daughter, or his decision to fight for my worthiness.
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:25 pm

Shadow moved so that he was between them and began moving sideways, herding Meliane away from him... " You mis understood me, You will not court her unless I know you can provide for her.." Meliane was shadow only child, he was overly protective of her. Shadow moved his head to nip his daughters rump to tell her to start walking..

Meliane sighed and looked back before moving, Shadow used his bulk to keep driving her away from him...If Geronimo was really interested in her he would intervine..


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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Emoticon Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:30 pm

Kirla~~ Like a Star @ heaven

She flew glided after every high jumps, enjoying the feel of her wings. She stopped and breathed, panting heavily. Even though how much she loved flying and the wind, she still had legs and still had needs. She stood there and lapped up water, cooling her throat and delaying hunger on her stomach. She decided to graze, not knowing what to do. Once hours have passed, she decided to move. She was galloping and lifting herself up when she heard conversation. She lifted her head and trotted towards the sound, then saw the horses. She lifted her head high when she saw the 2 stallions and an odd looking mare. Besides being an Pegasus, she had an special ability to read minds, but it took energy and was balanced with the fact she was weak and more of an sprinter. She cautiously walked up to them, sensing tension among the emotions in the heads of the studs. "Hello, my name is Kirla, whats yours?"

Pic~Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Pegasus
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Saviour Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:37 pm


I stepped in between Shadow and Meliane "She is too old to be pushed around by you" I snorted, pawing at the ground, prepared for his next move.
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:38 pm

Dionysus was walking through the red pines, some prickling his firey orange coat but he didn't mind. He kept his chest buff and his wings were huge and dark red. Suddenly, he came across two stallions and two beautiful mares. He blinked and walked towards them. "Well hello."
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:41 pm

Although it was the response he had wanted Shadow semi-reared towards Geronimo, he looked at Geronimo. " She is my daughter.." he said before rearing again this time striking his forelegs out, every time he landed he placed himself between them. He saw the pegasus mare and looked at herm she looked tired but he had more pressing matters to attend to. So he threw the mare a be right there look, seeing another stallion enraged him more


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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Emoticon Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:46 pm

She acknowledged the stallion and backed away, then she hit another horse. "Oh im sorry, I didn't see you there." She said as her checks turned light crimson. "Hello. My name is Kirla, whats yours?" She looked at him and held her mind, knowing that she had an oath sworing she would never read the minds of horses when she first meet them unless danger was present, but the dark stallion was scary enough out of instinct she almost read his whole mind. She fanned her wings out, showing her beauty.
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Saviour Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:46 pm


I glance over, seeing a new mare, and a new stallion. I snort roughly at the stallion and ignore the mare. My legs lifted in a rear, returning his threat "She is your daughter, who is old enough to chose who she wants to talk to" I said, striking out at him, but purposely not hitting him. Right now this was only a show, if neither one of us gave up, it would result in a more physical fight.
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:49 pm

Dionysus ignored the stallions snort and looked at the mare who spoke to him. "Hello, I am Dionysus. Beautiful name." he said seeing that she was trying to show her beauty. He smiled and shook his head. "Wow beauty indeed."
❥ Destiny Styles
❥ Destiny Styles
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Emoticon Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:57 pm

"Why thank you. You have such an unique name." She said, her wings folded up on her back. She felt kinda bored with the conversation, so turned towards the play before them. She silently watched as the studs hurled words at them, and decided to get some information about them. They would feel an little pain in there head, and more as she explored. She found out there names and the mares, and stopped her exploring when the pain would start to annoy the studs. She watched them duel it out and would intervene if necessary.
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:04 pm

Meliane snorted and rub her head again her dad's barrel she then bucked and cantered a short distance away. She was quick enough so that no one, unless they were as fast as her would see her jab him with one of her horns, releasing a calming agent. She flagged her tail..

Shadow suddenly felt so tired, he stepped unsteadily backwards, before turning away from the stallions and mare and laying down. He knew what Meliane had done, he was almost disappointed in her..


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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Saviour Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:10 pm


I glanced at Shadow, confused. Why was he suddenly so tired? I then looked around, where was Meliane?

[sorryyyyyy, brain fart]
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Emoticon Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:19 pm

Kirla became aware of the power the mare had, and noted it as an hazard and an threat. She walked behind Geronimo to follow the mare. She lifted her wings and became slightly airborne as she followed the mare. She looked in the area the mare went, foot prints are bittersweet. She neared the mare and went out with her mind. It took more and more energy as the mare was going very fast. She hurled the mind bullet but was weakened by the sudden break in contact. It slowed the speed and would be nothing more then an migraine in her head. She panted as she took an different route, going to graze away from the horses.
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Shadow the dark stallion (Re started) Empty Re: Shadow the dark stallion (Re started)

Post by Emoticon Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:51 pm

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