Call of the Wild
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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:34 am

She landed egal feet 1st then my pawls hit the ground. I smiled and let out a whinny. I pranced around my feathery horse tail free. I then made a noise only a griffin or hippogriff could make. It sounded like a giant egal. I then stopped and sat down waiting. I was in heat.

Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Hippogriff
(Unlike in the picture her back legs are one of a lions.)

Last edited by wild one on Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:13 pm

Kryptonite listened intently to the call of another hippogriff. He replied with a call that likewise resembled the one heard, whom he assumed was from a female. He bobbed his head lightly and spread his wings, taking to the air with one giant leap. He soared around until he found the source of the call, where he landed with a great display of feathers and grace. He settled himself and tucked his wings by his side once more and took in the heat scent, although he didn't let it boggle his mind. "Hello, there." He said simply, nodding in a small bow.

Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Hippogriff


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:30 pm

I smiled and watched him. Unlike me he had horse back legs and a egal\horse body. I had lion back legs and a horse body but that didn't bug me,"Hello I'm Aura". I said calmly. I caught eye of a dear but paid not action to it though I was hungry.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:37 pm

Kryptonite smiled gently and laid down. "Pretty name," he commented. "I'm Kryptonite." He snorted and opened one wing in front of him, and turned his head, pecking dirt off of his silken smooth feathers. Once he was finished, he turned back to her. "What are you doing around here?" He asked, even though he already knew the answer to his question. She was obviously in heat, and obviously wanted a mate, but he wasn't going to pressure her for it.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:50 pm

She smiled ,"Thanks....your names cool." She looked at him and listened to him,"Well I was getting lonely and wanted a mate and I diside to go while in heat." She looked a bit embarrassed about the end of her sentience. She raised her head to look at him aging and stood up walking closer to him then sitting aging.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:55 pm

"Thanks," he replied to her compliment. He realized she was getting a bit embarrassed, so he offered her a smile, then said, "I see. Perhaps I may be of some interest to you?" He asked, looking to her when she moved closer to him. Her scent was already stuck in his head, and it was starting to take the toll it usually had on males.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:09 pm

"Maybe." I simply said. I then stood up and walked closer then sat aging. He was 10 hippogriff away from her now. She wondered if he would come closer. She staid off in to the distance. She then walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down, then went back to were she was.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:11 pm

Kryptonite caught her drift, and got up, walking over to her. He laid down in front of her, and rubbed his neck against hers, then pulled back and looked her in the eyes. "Maybe isn't a very straight answer. Makes me nervous," he jested and smiled.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:24 pm

She laughed,"Maybe you got to earn the answer or just find out." She said and nuzzled him back and jumped wings spread and flew into the air. She made a eagle noise. She was trying to start a game of catch me if you can. She flew off.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:05 pm

Kryptonite rolled his eyes and chuckled low within his throat. He leaped into the air, in the opposite direction, and nearly crashed into her head-on. Instead, he turned at the last moment and his wing grazed hers. He turned sharply in the air and flew above her. "Can't you do any better?" He joked, laughing.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:22 pm

She laughed with him,"I don't know but I can do this.I then turned upside down grabbed on to him and spun so that he was up side down and I was right side up then I spoke"Hold on tight".I then griped him tighter and spun us around and around real fast going strait down.My wings were tucked.We then hit the ground,I was laughing. I had landed on my back underneath him. I gazed into his eyes not laughing any more just gazing.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:24 pm

He nodded, confused at what she was doing, but tucked his wings close, as well, increasing the speed of their decent. They hit the ground with a thud, and he began to laugh along with her. His laughter trailed off when hers did, and he stared at her for a moment, then shook his head and got off of her, "Sorry." he said, nearly blushing.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:36 pm

"No I should be sorry so sorry."She said and got up shaking the dirt off her. She walked to him and sat down and leaded on him,"Figured it out yet?" I joked and licked his cheek.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:38 pm

Kryptonite chuckled and looked to her, smiling when she licked him. "Yes. Is it? A yes?" He asked, nuzzling her and picking out dirt from her slender form.

[ wow brain fart ]


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:52 pm

I chuckled,"You tell me.....big boy."I said while grooming his chest.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:57 pm

"Well I'd like to have permission first," he commented casually as she started to groom, he wrapped wings around the both of them, pulling them closer together, a devilish grin on his face.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:20 pm

She moved her beak so that it was touching his."Well you do."She said and pushed him over and stood above him looking down at him.

(Brain fart x| )


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:24 pm

Kryptonite smiled and pulled her back to his level. He flicked his tail nervously, going behind her and glancing at her once more to make sure she was okay with it.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:33 pm

She noticed he was unsure so she backed up and put her but a gents his chest.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:37 pm

Kryptonite took the hint and chuckled slightly, and mounted, spreading his wings to balance himself.

[ sorry it's so short I gtg ]


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:00 pm


I spread my back legs paring for his weight.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:16 pm

Kryptonite let her ready herself before rearing up and landing gently on her back. He scooted himself closer to her rump and began to thrust---gently, at first.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:28 pm

Kryptonite continued for a few more minutes before he hit his climax, and thrust once more, then dismounted and shook himself off, and nuzzled her rump gently, then walked slowly over to the front of her, smiling.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

Post by Guest Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:43 pm

She groaned and moaned then felt him dismount. She then nuzzled him,"You got you answer know."I said and licked his cheek before laying down by his feet and resting.


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Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff) Empty Re: Inacent and gentle or is she? (Males wanted others may come....maybe a griffin but i would perfer a hippogriff)

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