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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Harley Sat May 07, 2011 1:59 pm

Name: Nayantara
Age: 2
Gender: Mare
Pic: Coming soon, but she is a cream paint with feathered hooves, \

Nayantara slowly walked into the small clearing, everything was good. With a happy jump she started into a gallop. The happy mare bucked and let out a happy nicker of contentment. Everything was perfect, just perfect. "Woo hoo!" She cried as the water of a stream splashed up around her.

The gentle evening sun beat down on her coat as she ran laps around the perimeter of the clearing. Her cream colored mane covered her eyes and her tail drug on the ground.

(sorry it short

Last edited by Harley the Invisible on Sat May 07, 2011 3:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 2:07 pm

Fiaver heard a mare nearby, as well as picking up her marvelous scent. He frowned slightly and trotted over into the pasture where she was, glaring over to her. When he laid eyes on her, his mouth dropped, but he quickly closed his mouth, clenching his jaw shut tightly. His eyes scanned over her whole body from muzzle to the end of her which dragged along on the ground behind her. He turned and looked at his own, rather stubby black tail and his shiny blood-bay coat. He bobbed his head and snorted in greeting to her, wondering if she'd notice him.


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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Harley Sat May 07, 2011 2:17 pm

Nayantara skidded to a stop and looked at the handsome stud with wide eyes. She returned the nod and grit her teeth. The young mare swivled a ear towards the bubbling stream, but returned her main attention to him. The silence was to much to bear and Nayantara had to break it. "Hello...?"
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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 2:19 pm

He felt a bit far off to be talking to the young mare, and when she gave him an informal greeting he trotted warily over to her, his head bowed slightly. "H-hi," he stuttered slightly in his greeting. He was a bit astounded by how beautfiul she was. He was trying not to drool on himself. He shook his head slightly. "Sorry," he said nervously and regained his composure. "I'm Fiaver." He said to her, regaining his confidence. "Who may you be?" He couldn't continue without complimenting her. "You're really pretty..." he said bashfully.


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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Harley Sat May 07, 2011 2:30 pm

She giggled at his shyness and nuzzled him in reasurrance. "No worries, my name is Nayantara, but you can call me Star." Nayantara smiled shyly and shook her head. "I'm really not, b-but you are quite h-handsome." Her blue eye watched him, she had to keep her jaw shut so she wouldn't giggle like a idiot.
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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 2:34 pm

It sent a slight shiver down his spine when she nuzzled him. A smile spread across his lips as she introduced herself as Nayantara. It was a mouthful of a name, but when she said he could call her Star, he supressed a sigh of relief. The last thing he wanted was to embarrass himself by pronouncing her name wrong. He blushed a rosy pink when she complimented him, and he thanked his lucky stars that his brown pelt hid the slight coloration from showing on his high-set cheeks. "T-thanks," he said. He laughed suddenly, realizing how much both of them were stuttering.


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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Harley Sat May 07, 2011 2:38 pm

She noticed his sigh of relief and smiled. "It means Star of Eyes, my mother was a Indian horse." With a small wink, Nayantara turned, flicked her tail and headed back to the creek. She watched him from the corner of her eye as she drank the cool water. The mare herself didn't notice her strong heat scent, and barely knew she was in heat, but couldn't help but crush on the new stallion.
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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 2:47 pm

An unfamiliar scent drifted into Fiaver's nose and he snorted, trying to shake the oddly pleasing scent out of his nasal passage. He stomped his hoof and tilted his head slightly, giving her a quizical look. What was that smell? He lifted his nose to the air and sniffed around, suddenly realizing it was coming from her. His eyes widened momentarily, but then quickly went back to normal as he dropped his gaze onto the ground. He trotted over to the pond and drank to his heart's content before looking up at her, "I'm not very familiar with Indian names," he finally piped up.


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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Harley Sat May 07, 2011 2:52 pm

"Not many are..." Nayantara sighed. "You're not a forcer, are you? I've heard of stallions tricking mares into trusting them." She looked at him and took a step back. "No, of course you arent, you couldn't be." Nayantara scolded herself and rubbed her flank against his rump.
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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 2:55 pm

"Well, at least I'm not alone," He chuckled slightly. He tilted his head again when she mentioned being a 'forcer.' He snorted and looked at her, confused. "What's that?" He asked, but he sort of caught the drift. His ears perked up immediately at the touch of her pelt against his, which was totally uncalled-for in his mind. She was obviously more bold than he was. "Ummm..." he said nervously and flicked his tail, his eyes darting from her body and then back onto the ground.


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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Harley Sat May 07, 2011 2:57 pm

"Never mind...." She sighed and lowered her head, stepping away again. Once more, she let her scent flow free. They were both young and inexpirenced.
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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 3:00 pm

[ lol ]

Fiaver snorted and looked a bit confused. She looked unhappy with him. What had he done wrong? He frowned and hung his head, closing his eyes slightly in annoyance. Obviously he was too inexperienced for her. The scent flew up into his nostrils again and he stomped his hoof, grunting angrily. Why wouldn't that damned smell just leave him alone?! It was rather gross yet magnetizing at the same time. It sent shivers down his spine, ones that he'd never experienced before. He sighed slightly and lowered his head to graze, hoping having his head lower to the ground would reduce the chances of him catching that scent again.


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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Harley Sat May 07, 2011 3:04 pm

She looked at him and put her ears back. "I hope this isn't to personal, but how old are you?" Nayantara sighed and lay down, feeling like a fly you couldn't get rid of. "I'm 2. But I doubt it matters." A sad tone was in her voice. He was nice, but probably didn't like her all that much.
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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 3:07 pm

"I'm 3," he replied, and when he realized she was only a year younger than him, hope surged through him. ...Maybe they had a chance after all? He smiled gently towards her and said, "So..." the smell emitting from her rump was starting to send shivers down his spine and down his tool, which he found excruciatingly uncomfortable. He shifted his weight uncomfortably. "Umm... I'm having this weird feeling right now." He said and looked up at her, hoping, praying that she would understand what he meant.


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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Harley Sat May 07, 2011 3:13 pm

Her smile brightented. "you're older!" She blurted out, but not on purpose. Nayantara nodded, "Father said the same thing to mother, then they did something weird that I don't wanna describe." She sighed and nudged his belly. "It had something to do with that."
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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 3:18 pm

"Oh, um..," he frowned slightly and shifted again. He didn't want to force her, or whatever she'd said. He was tingling with excitement at the smell that was continuously driving him insane. "Sorry," he replied. "I didn't mean to make things awkward." He smiled sheepishly. "It's just..." he took in another whiff of the scent, "You smell really good." He said quietly. Damnit, Fiaver, you're pushing it! he thought to himself angrily.


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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Harley Sat May 07, 2011 3:24 pm

"I-its ok, I do it alot to." Nayantara sighed shyly and shrugged. "What? What smell?" She asked and sniffed the air. "I don't sme-" She nodded and smiled, "I get it, but you look even better." She tried to flatter him. but probably failed.
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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2011 3:30 pm

Fiaver chuckled at her flattery that didn't really flatter him. He smiled gently, gaining his confidence with her. "Do you know... the smell you're making?" he asked, then clamped his mouth shut, realizing what he'd asked. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't m-mean to say that. Please forget t-that!" He could feel his face get hot with embarrasment. He let out an exaggerated sigh, "I'm sooo sorry." He frowned again.


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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Harley Sat May 07, 2011 6:54 pm

"If I could control it I would." Nayantara sighed and clamped her tail shut. "No, no it's ok, I'm not offened." She nuzzled him and rested her head on him. Her eyes were wet with shame, and shyness. "Well.... what do you wanna do?" Nayantara smiled sheepishly and gritted her teeth.... You sound like an idiot! She scolded herself mentally.
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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Guest Sun May 08, 2011 6:25 am

"I feel horrible for saying that," Fiaver replied. He stil fe lt really angry at himself that he'd let that one slip. When she asked what he wanted to do, he nearly froze. What kind of a question was that? A mare asking a stallion? He flicked his ears and looked her over coming up with a decent reply, "It doesn't matter to me. We can do whatever you want to do."


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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Harley Sun May 08, 2011 10:01 am

"Well.... I don't know what I want to do." Nayantara replied. She looked towards the sky and then back at him.... "I don't have an idea in my head about what we should do....." It was getting silent and awkward. "Uh...."

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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Guest Sun May 08, 2011 10:06 am

Fiaver noticed how silent the conversation was. Damnit, man, this was YOUR fault! he thought to himself angrily. He nipped her shoulder playfully and cantered off, engaging them in a playful game of tag. He flicked his tail as he cantered away and stopped a ways, looking back to see if she was catching his drift. He nearly tripped on a rock but managed to catch his balance. He laughed at himself and trotted farther away from her.


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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Harley Sun May 08, 2011 10:26 am

She laughed and darted after him, using his moment of trying to get his balance back to tag him. Nayantara darted off before he could react. She was on the other side of the clearing and a devious smirk played on her mouth. Nayantara turned away from him to drink, giving the young stallion a chance to tag her.
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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Guest Sun May 08, 2011 11:12 am

Fiaver laughed and turned sharply, galloping over to her. He was moving too quickly and tried to stop himself but ended up sliding into her rump, pushing both of them into the water. He tumbled over her and landed with his head under water. He got up, splurting water everywhere and laughed, helping her out of the water. "Sorry about that!"


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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

Post by Harley Sun May 08, 2011 1:26 pm

She laughed as her nose was pushed under and she snorted it out in his face. "Oh I should be the sorry one!" Nayantara laughed and nuzzled him. The mare nipped him and giggled, "You're it!" and darted out of the water, drops of dew still shining on her mane.
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Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only) Empty Re: Fiaver and Nayantara (Thunderstruck only)

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