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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 2:59 pm

Each post MUST be at LEAST 120 words. ALSO, he's a *forcer*! But only to begin with. :)

Name: Thunderstruck
Breed: Mustang x Quarter Horse
Age: 6 years
Personality: Find Out!
History: Long and painful.

My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Thunde10

His head hung low as he made his way across the barren meadow, his scraggly mane hanging in his face and between his ears. He kept his head low the ground as he walked slowly, shoulderblades and hipbones moving accordingly. He was all alone, once again. He had recently had company of a fox, who had found a mate, and darted off, never to return. This only saddened him more, seeing as his mate had left him 3 years before. She had left him with the hurtful words of, "You're nothing but a bastard stallion! I don't see why I was ever blinded by you!" She was angry for no reason, and then, before he could stop her, she was gone. His life had been hollow since then, and he let the rest of his herd go, including his son, Benji, whom he hadn't seen since his mate left. Since then, he had become a wanderer, moving constantly and never staying in one place. He finally decided it was time for him to move on. He was only 6 years old, he was still young. He turned 7 in a number of weeks, and by then he hoped to have a companion, but this time, for life.

Word Count: 207


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:28 pm

I walked alone through the woods listing to the birds and every tree branch I stepped on.I was in heat but did not care I gust let my tail flow in the wind I was sooo lonely and wanted a mate or at least a herd and friends"Hello."I called out and my sweet voice echoed the area.I then emrged from the trees and counted to walk alone and sad for I had never been loved.My mom would not ex-apt me or my dad and herd and no stud ever licked me and no mare ever wanted to be my friend but I should not walk around weeping.I then raised my head and looked around before letting out a ear-piercing neigh to signal I was here.I then stopped walking and stood there still before starting to graze i..... i.....i.... i was alone and lonely.

Word count-151
Name-Lonley and alone(Gos by-The lone flower or flower)
Age-4 soon to be 5
History-VERY tarable and sad
Personality: Find Out
Breed-Will pick soon
Picter coming soon

Last edited by wild one on Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:05 pm; edited 1 time in total


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 3:34 pm

Thunderstruck lifted his ears at the sound. He stomped his hoof and began to walk slowly over to where it had come from. He went through a short expanse of trees before reaching the mare who had made the attrocious noise. He walked up to her, a smile spreading across his lips. It was a mare! Finally! Maybe he wouldn't be lonely anymore. But something was stirring inside him that just made him want to mount her no matter what her thoughts. He pushed back the feeling as he walked over to the mare. He lifted his head, trying not to feel sorry for himself. She looked rather sad herself. He looked her over a moment before asking, "I'm Thunderstruck. Who are you?"

Word Count: 123


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:04 pm

I was grazing among the meadow alone and sad I then raised my head faster then a blink herring foot steps of a horse.I sall a hansom stud emerge from the trees and nickered warmly to him but figered he was gust passing though but to my serpised he stopped and talked to her.She gave him a puzzled look."I'm lonely and alone a mare who never really talked to others before and haves never been exaptid by any one."I said it all to fast and in a sad tone but quickly tuned my frown into a smile,"It's nice to meet and talk to you."I then said.I stared at you with confused eyes before the words slipped out of my mouth,"Why would a nice stud like you bother with a ugly no good for nothing mare like me?"

Word count-145

Her picture-
My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Her_name__s_lonley_and_alone_by_bri_and_haerts-d3dlqv4
(Sorry it took so long I was making the pictures 2 tex. Very Happy )


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:09 pm

Thunderstruck was surprised at her words. The overwhelming urge to breed her kept popping up. "I don't think you're ugly, or good-for-nothing," he said softly. "I think you're beautiful." He smiled. His bangs fell in front of his face. He flipped them out of the way and gave a sheepish smile. Was it every day he felt like forcing a mare? No, no. This was the first time in his entire life, but he was able to supress the feeling and not let her see. He briefly scanned her with his eyes, then looked back up to her, his eyes penetrating through hers. "Why do you think you're ugly? And, more than that, good for nothing? How can any mare be good-for-nothing? All mares are unique, special, talented. No matter what you think, I bet there's that spark of uniqueness inside you. You just have to light it." He offered a gentle smile.

Word Count: 157


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:22 pm

She was very serpised by this,"What-really?"I then watched him move his bang.I listened to him,"Well-well-well because my mom never wanted me nor my dad or herd they all thought I was trash so I've spent my 4 years of life trying to sevie and stay out of others way because they always chased me off or something."I listened to him,"Not me well I'm unique and not special and only talented at being pushed away."I was still VERY serpised he had not left me yet and seamed to like me for who I was,*Is this really he the one?*Thoughts raced around in my mind.I then stared at him for a good long 20 miments.*He's hansom.Seams senative.Seams brave and strong....but is he loyal?*I wondered.

Word count-137


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:27 pm

"I still think you're beautiful," he smiled, circling her. "Perfect mane," he continued to circle her, "Perfect coat," he stopped a minute to gaze at it, then continued on, "Perfect shape," he reached to where he was directly behind her, "Perfect tail..." his voice was strained, but finally his other half got the better of him. In a quick movement, he had mounted her and managed to push her tail out of his way. He hugged her hips close to him with his forelegs and pumped in and out hard, grabbing her mane with his teeth and jerking backwards, so he would remain steady on his feet. He snorted and continued to mate her, scooting himself closer to her so he had easier access. He hadn't done this in a long time....even though it was by force, it felt good.

Word Count: 141

[brb gonna get on my wii. once on my wii I can't do word count, sry.]


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:42 pm

Sky. She was white and beautiful. But she never thought so... she was dumped three times and never knew how to love anymore. She snorted looking around, head held quite high. She then spotted a couple of horses. She snorted and slowly trotted to them, not understanding WTH was going on. "H-hello." she said slowly. She looked confused. "What are you doing?" she asked, violent wind coming through. She looked up and down quickly, her heart beat for the stallion he was quite handsome. Sky was absolutely dazzled by him. "Who are you?" she was mad from asking so many questions but she couldn't help it. She snorted and backed away. "I'm a traveler, my name's Sky." she murmured with a big smile across her lips.

Word Count:126
My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Dashing_Sky_by_Thumpermeyers
❥ Destiny Styles
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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:44 pm

I listened to him and noticed something was fishy about him and when he said 'perfect tail'.She pennd it down put not in time.She felt his heavy weight and at 1st struggled to hold him but aventily she could.She had never mated before so this was her 1st time.She tried to nip him but he had to much of a tight grip on her main.She then gave up and let him do what he wanted and if you could turn this mare on you'll have a field day.*Is he the one?Really me self you had to think that gust before he did this!What's wrong with you he's nothing but a forcer,forcer,forcer,forcer,forcer....*The word forcer echoed in my mind then repeated it self and echoed over and over."Forcer"I whispered as my body rocked back in forth.

Word count-149


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:58 pm

Thunderstruck heard what she said and immediately snapped back to reality. He snorted and pulled himself off, shaking his head, eyes wide. What have I done? He lowered his head and looked to her, "I'm so sorry...I don't know what got into me." He shivered as his tool slid back into place. "I've just been away from my old mate for so long...I just needed relief..." a tear rolled down his cheek, "I'm so, so sorry..." his body trembled. He couldn't bring himself to talk to the new mare. "What have I done...?" He reared and neighed loudly and sorrowfully, galloping off.

[ sorry it took so long. I'm on my DSi. Can't do word count. ]


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:16 pm

your Word count-104

When he dismounted I took off but stopped and trued to hear him apalagize.I nuzzle him but then he takes off.I let out a loud,sad,upsetted neigh for I now wanted him to stay,"Don't go."I whispered before starting to run after him at fool speed but.I lots sight of him and acadently went another way I ran and ran till I was lost,I let out a neigh letting them know were I was not trying to let the animal who came were I was,"COUGAR!"I screamed and it raced towards me and I kicked up at it and it hit a tree but did not give up but instead climbed the tree and jumped on my back,I reared but the cougar managed to stay on.I then grabbed it and swung it off me.It got up and ran towards me grabbing a hold of my leg with it's teeth.I kick it off with my back leg but was exhausted.I then fell down.and it approached me.I let a hard to here neigh out,"Help."But it was so quite I doubted any one would here me.

My word count-!98


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:23 pm

Sky saw him run off and sighed, wanting to chase him, she saw the mare go the other way. She didn't know which way was the perfect place to go! She hesitated for a second until she heard 'Help!' she turned the way the mare went and trotted after her quickly, looking around frantically. "Hello?" she asked she then saw the mare with a cougar. She watched it for a second, thinking she had it but seeing the cougar did not give up, made her panic. She raced over and hit against it snapping at its muzzle it scratched her side and she bit some flesh off. She laughed and mounted it, biting it. It gave up and ran off. She turned to the mare and bobbed her head. "You okay?" she asked.

Word Count:134
❥ Destiny Styles
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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:29 pm

He realized she was following him, but after a couple moments he discovered he was alone. He stopped and lowered his head, thinking about his old mate and hison, Benji, who would be 2 years old now. An ear-peircing cry suddenly filled the air, penetrating his thoughts. Was that.....It was! He lifted his head and bolted through the forest until he found her. Just as the couger was about to finish her off, he leaped over her exhausted shape and landed on the cougar. It clawed his stomach but he lashed out and struck it in the head, instantly killing it. He snorted and rushed over to his fallen companion. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly, licking her wounds.


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:52 pm

(Waiting for wild)
❥ Destiny Styles
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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:54 pm

(Um you both put post up about saving her.)
Your word count-119
I watched the mare chase off the cougar and then come back to me,"No don't think so."I then saw the stud come trough and kill the cougar then come to me and lick my wounds,"I'm fined and I wonder."I said a little worried sounding.I then tried to stand but stumbled around then fell,"DAMIT!"I Hollered in a aervatied voice before trying to stand aging and this time I was successfully,"Sorry about the fail languish."I then started to groom him then the mare then clean my wounds.I then stood there in be twin the two and sighed,"This feels different cause no one's every helped me like this before or ever talked to me kind and even help world changing fast"I then nuzzled his chest and licked his cheek."You two are soooo nice well over wise then when he-"I cute my self off,"Never mind what I gusted said."

My word count-162 Very Happy


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 5:56 pm

(Patience I can't tipe long post that fast- Very Happy )


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:02 pm

(Oh... sorry.)

Sky saw the scene of when the stallion came and killed the cougar. "He surely learned his lesson." she murmured looking at the limb body from the few inches she was from it. She then smiled when she licked her wounds, and then his. She bowed what she said. "No one never really talked to me either, which was never fair, because I was abused, abounded so many times." She sighed and lowered her head to the ground. "And I never found my love--" she was about to continue when she saw the mare pressing up against him and all stuff like that. You found the right one I guess, and I'm happy for you. She thought. She was, but she was not happy for herself, for she never found someone.

Word Count:131
❥ Destiny Styles
❥ Destiny Styles
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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:36 pm

"Were you never exaptied by your mom,dad,and herd two?"I asked her and licked her in a friend way,"Don't worry we all avently fit in some wear."I said trying to comfort her.I then started to tail slowly hitting my sides.

(It's ok and I'm brain dead)

Word count-47 Sad Sorry


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sat Apr 09, 2011 6:49 pm

Sky sighed and shook her head. "Worse..." she murmured sadly. "When my mother had me, she was happy and then, my father was a forcer, he was expecting a boy and tried killing me. But I manged to escaped because of mother. Then when I came back, she was dead bloodied all OVER her body... I went over, and cried. I was only a filly, first born. Then my father came from behind me, and had me under his control. As I grew up, I could not go anywhere but his territory... I then met a stud when I was one, about my age I fell in love with him then he broke my heart. My father force-bred me when he found out... I was ruined. Soon my father died, and I moved on leaving his body behind. How could I not leave it?" she said, thinking about the horrible past, make her heart break and she began to cry.

Word Count:160
❥ Destiny Styles
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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:22 pm

(Will coute when thunders back ok? Very Happy )


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:32 am

Thunderstruck listened to the mare's story. He walked over to her slowly when she began to cry and lifted his majestic head and placed it over her neck in a comforting sort of way. He turned his head and licked her cheek. "We can't dwell in the past. We all have to move on sometime." He snorted and stayed beside her, hugging her closely to him. After a couple minutes, he turned back to the first mare, then stepped away. "I don't believe we've introduced ourselves," he stated. "I'm Thunderstruck. Who may you two lovely mares be?" He snorted, then turned back to the first mare, whom he had unintentionally forced. The smile slowly faded from his lips. He owed her his time until the foal was born, if there was to be one. He missed his mate so much, but he shook it off and waited for the other mares to reply.

Word Count: 153


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:27 am

Sky sighed and shook her head. "I know I shouldn't think about my past, my past is the one I shouldn't think now even if it was good or bad... Past is something we leave behind, to look towards our future. But don't some not have a future? The one's that are killed in cold blooded ways." she snorted and sighed. "I can't even think of it, even though it coming back to me, to haunt me." she said. She shook it off when he asked for both our names. she smiled. "I'm Dashing Sky, but call me Sky." she said and bowed. "I-I am sorry for my complete past attitude just seconds ago, I just miss my mother so."

Word Count:120
❥ Destiny Styles
❥ Destiny Styles
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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:36 am

I sighed "I'm sorry for asking......well at least she loved you....mine chanced me off once I could walk and my dad and herd did not want me because I was different then the other foals."I said with a sigh."My name's 'Lonely and a lone,'I was forced to come up with my own seance I grew up with out other horses.I guess I was trash but not no more."I said then nuzzled Thunderstruck."Nice names to the both of you.....I might change mine but what to?"I was feeling good for a mare gust atcaked and who was pregnant But I was worried it would not make it,"I wonder."I then said aging.I looked to the night sky then lay down to sleep.


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by Guest Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:32 am

Thunderstruck snorted to Sky, then looked to Lonely. "Star's a pretty name," he replied softly, laying down beside her. He rested is chin atop her shoulder and whispered into her ear, "I'm sorry for everything." He lifted his head and got up once more, walking off from both of the mares. "I'll be back soon," he told them as he walked over to a ledge and looked up at the night sky. "Such a beautiful thing looking down on such a horrid creature," he told himself and lowered his head. He snorted and looked up again, counting some of the constellations he knew. He looked at each individual star, watching it twinkly brightly. Do I even deserve to be here? he thought to himself. He shivered as a breeze passed by, but on it was carried a beautiful melody....He recognized the voice to be his mother's. He looked up, ears alert, and looked around to find his mother, but to no avail. The song continued to play, though, as if it was toying with his mind.

Word Count: 179


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My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed ) Empty Re: My Signature Stallion ( Mare Needed )

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sun Apr 10, 2011 11:41 am

Sky snorted when he snorted back at her. She lied down, and put her head between her hooves looking at them both, seeing he was whispering something in the other mare's ear. Her heart dropped. She didn't wanna think they were just toying with her heart, thinking she found them, so they could be her guide. She was just about to start a conversation when he walked off saying he'd be back. She waited.... a few minutes later she was getting kinda of impatient. She hurried off into the woods looking for him, til she found him. "It is a beautiful night." she murmured then walked over to the ledge beside him looking at the stars. While he still did, she looked at him, mesmerizing every second of him. She felt him shiver the melody going through, her ears perked by a voice she looked around. A spirit... she listened to the melody.

Word Count:153
❥ Destiny Styles
❥ Destiny Styles
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