Call of the Wild
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Can you fight for and win the female?

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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by Guest Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:21 pm

Name-Secret beauty
Nick name(s)- Secret,beauty,the red beauty,red beauty.
personality-Find out
History-Ask at your own risk
Eyes-Amber brown
Markings-See pic
Crush:None... yet
Rank:Not assigned to her.
Appearance:See pic

Can you fight for and win the female? 0117a520485600_full-1
(Gust the wolf not the collar.)
~Secret beauty~
She walked though the land standing tall with no fear her beautiful red coat gliming brightly in the moon light as she took every step gently pounding into the soft dirt.She grunted when the cold breeze rustled though her fur.The reason I came was to find a tough male that you could say he is "Tough as nails"I said walking around waiting patiently and calmly.I then turned and walked to a river taking a long drink of it then rasieing my muzzle dripping with water and trunning.I padded along .Then stopped and let out a howl,"I'M HEAR TO FIND THE TOUGHEST OF THE MALES THAT WILL FIGHT AND THE STRONGEST WILL HAVE ME AS A MATE!"She then continued to pad along till seeing a high rock.She then climbed up it and hanged her front legs off it and waited.

Last edited by wild one on Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:23 pm; edited 4 times in total


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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:15 pm

May i reply here?
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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by Guest Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:49 pm

(Yes if you want. Very Happy )


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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:39 pm

Name:Security Gurad
Age:4 1/2
Mate:Nope not--Yet!
Physical Traits:Muscular. Strong. Speed. Body Built mucles. Swiftness. Experianced flyier. Handsome. And Skillfull at fighting...
Personal Traits:Brave. Wise. Loyal. Noble for his age. Kind. Doesnt think before he attacks he just goes for the attack. Throughtful. Willing. Protective. And Fearless...
Rank:Not assinged to one...
History:Seriosuly Don't Ask!!!
Can you fight for and win the female? Wolf-anime-animal-6656901-600-670

Securilty Guard--
He stood tall above the blazing sun. His paws hanigng over a huge rock. He stood as he heard a faint voice not far from here. He raced toward it. Seeing there was a female wolf in a middle of a clearing iwth ehr paws hanging out a rock. He growqled and snapped. Roaring loudly wind blowing toward her from his maw, trees rustleing grass waving as he did so. He growled and stood in fighting stance. " Chains And Whips will never break me! Try me female!" He roared. Ready fro anything. He towered over the female the collar around his neck was made from other wolf teeth and claws even cats.
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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:11 pm

(She not here to fight them but for the males to fight the other males.)
Secret beauty watched him he seamed tall and was a bit taller then her self."Well well well."She said looking at his muscular body then jumped to her feet hearing the bushes rusel she let a growl out and waited.
Deadly's twist came out and stared at the female,"Well hello gorgeous so your looking for a strong mate huh?"He said in a strong and powerful tone.
Secret reaconzied him and growled,"Only the toughest WIMP!"She snapped.
Deadly's twist-He gave her sad eyes,"Awl don't be so mean I'm tough."He slowly approached her passing the other male and placed his feet a pone the rock next to her head,"You're finally looking for a mate sign me up to fight for yea."
Secret growled,"Twist your nothing but a coward get!"
Deadly did not back down he gust sat on the ground waiting for more males to come he then got bored and stood up ready for a openit.
Secret growled,"Ok but you'll lose trust me."She looked at the other male aging and stood tall,"Who are you?"I stared at him my eyes seamed to go right through him and to his soul well others told me, i seamed to do that to wolfs.My claws were unleashed gust in case I then spoke,"Only the toughest who you could say is TOUGH AS NAILS are welcome."She did not yell but raised her voice.


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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:01 pm

He let a low growl and chuckled at the female. " My bad ma'am. I'm Security Guard. But plz call me Security." He said and his claws flexed out prefectly formed as well as his fangs. They lurked out of there hiding place. Pealing back his lips to let his fangs take place letting out an strong, vicious, and awfull roar. He stood taller then the two, he growled and flung himself at the brute. KNocking him off his feet. Security had his claws jabed into his throat and his weight held the male down. Security put his head down close to the brutes ear and whispered. " Now did you EVER think that you would defeat me?" He smirked devilshly and flung he male up grasping his large maw aorund the brutes nac and bolting his fangs into his wipepipe, tearing it ot and flinging the lifeless dead body through the air and into a tree...
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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2011 3:09 pm

Secret beauty watched,"Knew it."She said and walked to the dead body and whispered in his ear,"I wornd you."She then stepped back and chuckled,"So you able to kill gust about every one?"She said knowing he probably could but looks can be disving.She then walked taords him and stopped eye to eye with him,"Nice name but if you want mine you'll have to earn my trust."She then trued around and walked 6 feet away from him and trued back around waiting to see what he would do now.


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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:19 pm

HE snorted and rolled his eyes, turning his head in stubborness. He shoke his ehad and snorted. " If i wanted to." He answered her first question. Then pricking his ears to hear her way 'Win Me'. He shoek his ehad and flung it back in shook. " Well, ma'am. If it's trust you want then trust you will get." He snapped and tackled her. Pinning her down. His blue eyes danced and let them go deeper and deeper inside of her. searching for answers, finally finding it's way to her soul. He smirked and said " Your names Secert Beauty." He said taking his paws of her, letting her up. He licked her maw and smiled. His claws still unleashed. His fangs still ready. He snorted and flung his head to his side and nibbling sharply on his shoulder...
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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:29 pm

She growled at him,"How do you know my name?"Her tail up high in alert.When he licked her she settled down and licked him back.She sat down next to him and looked at the stares,"It's a beautiful night,What do you think?"She said then looked at him staring deep in his eyes.Her noise almost touching his.


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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:42 pm

He smirked and nodded " It is beautiful. Just like you." He said turning to face her. He smiled deeply. Looking deep into ehr eyes. " I can find the names of all who dare not tell me theirs, for with my eyes they hold a power of reading souls." He says in a remedy. Like a pam but more like a quote.
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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:50 pm

She smiled,"Thanks",She rapped he tail around his."O so you have"She leand up agents him.


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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:57 pm

Security nodded " I suppose so." He smiled and let her lean up against him. Melting his soft blue fur into her red. He smield andlicked the top of ehr head before saying " So what do you want to do?" He asked...
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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:18 pm

She smiled,"What do you want to do?"She let her sent out.


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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:35 pm

He smirked and smelt her sweet scent. He said in a deep stern voice. " May i?" He said circling her then stoped at ehr rump.nibbling ehr tail...
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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:37 pm

She smiled and stood up,"Yea."She said seductive tone.


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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:49 pm

He smield and mounted her instantly. He slowly pushed in. Not wanting to hurt her. He went in further until he started to go faster and harder with each thrust. He leaned closer pushing in further to finally break her wall. His sperm flowed out inside of her. He smield and licked her muzzle as he was still thrusting in and out of her...
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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:17 pm

"O BABE!"She screamed it felt so good,"Your good at this."She then said and groaned loudly."More".


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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:00 pm

He listened to her command and pushed his further and further. his legs by her stomach and his paws on ehr shoulders. He thrust in harder going out and then slamming nack into her...
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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:18 pm

She tasted her head up and moaned loudly."O MAN!"She said and continued to groaned and she aslow relaxed her musels making it easer to get in her.
(Hey I have a unanswered topic call-Alice moves in Please join. Very Happy )


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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:32 pm

(Got to go.)


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Can you fight for and win the female? Empty Re: Can you fight for and win the female?

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