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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Guest Fri Mar 11, 2011 6:59 pm

The large, green forest was seemingly endless other than a single clearing in the south east part of the land, the Garden of Plenty. The clearing was fairly large, measuring at about 150 yards long and 65 yards wide, the size of a football field. It was silent, other than an occasional chirp from one of the small birds resting in the trees every minute or so. There was a slight breeze that gently swayed the tree tops, but suddenly that all changed as an enormous gust of wind shot through the clearing, bending some of the younger trees almost completely over and even sending some of the little birds flying through the air. The rabbits and ground squirrels scurried into the safety of their burrows and the birds abandoned their nests for the holes in the adult trees. The frightened animals watched the clearing from the safely inside their homes, wondering what monster could have brought this wind to their peaceful clearing. The creatures backed farther into their homes as a mysterious mist crept into the clearing, causing the ground to disappear under it. Despite this the sun continued to shine brightly over the meadow with only a few wispy clouds to accompany it. The mist pooled in from the south, but the strange fog never left the clearing. A pitch black form appeared in shadows of the forest and calmly entered the windy clearing. What everyone thought would be a hideous, bloodthirsty demon was instead a young Arabian mare.

She was a good sized mare for an Arabian, standing at 15hh, and her entire body was an unusual blue-grey color. The mare had the long, slim legs of a race horse and the typical wedge-shaped, dished head of an Arabian with large nostrils that allowed her to acquire more air then normal for running long distances and small, curved ears. Her large eyes were one of the most unusual things about the mare, as they were a vibrant orange, the color of fire. Her mane, the other unusual thing about her, was a few shades darker than her body and changed into mist as it reached her shoulders, rising up to lay across her withers. The mare’s tail, the same color as her as her mane, transformed into mist when it reached her fetlock and wrapped itself around her four hooves, the same fiery orange of her eyes. This mare was what Allah had created the Arabian to be, a horse made purely of wind and fire, free from the dull elements of earth and water. Despite her divine appearance, she was a regular Arabian… well almost regular. Her name is Atiya and she is Queen of the Arabians. This mare was the very first Arabian that Allah created, followed by nineteen other mares and four stallions to ensure that there would be no inbreeding among the Arabian breed. Atiya was, and still is, Allah’s favorite mare, so instead of letting her die of old age as he had the others, Allah gave her immortality. It was also a reward for mothering so many great Arabians such as the original bloody-shouldered mare, and the mare who mothered the Five Mares of Mohammed. Along with the gift of immortality, Allah also gave Atiya the power to grant immortality, but only to a single horse. Allah did this so that she could find a lifelong mate; since the stallion she and four other mares had been paired with had died of old age. Her immortality was represented by the Arabic sign for Allah on her haunches in orange and when she gives her mate immortality he too will be marked with the sign.

Atiya looked around at the many different kinds of trees as the wind settled down and the younger trees returned to their natural position. This was the first time she had left her homeland in the desert in the 5000+ years she had been alive. She pranced forward to the middle of the clearing, her head held high with a pride all Arabians possessed and her long neck arched at the crest. The mare gave a loud, high-pitched neigh then pulled her ears forward to see if any horses responded. The mare had left the desert because very few Arabians still remained there and she was looking to start a new herd or maybe even find a mate. Atiya wanted to start a herd with Arabians of only the purest blood as the lead mare and would settle for no lesser position. Atiya scanned the meadow for signs of another horse then flicked her blue-grey ears back and lowered her head into the mist to graze on the grass concealed beneath it.

Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Mist_h11


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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:55 am

can I post?

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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Mar 14, 2011 11:26 am

Name: Abbas (Lion)
Color: Dark Bay, white star stripe
Eye's: Brown/green
15.1 hands
He is the leader of the Arabian heard, strong, exsperianced fighter, smart, handsome, classic Arabian look's, of course lot's of speed and endurance.

[img]Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood 42427910[/img][img]Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood 36467910[/img][img]Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Thee-d10[/img]

My family or my head was the purest left, I carryed blood lines of the five mare's and my dam was a straight decendent of the bloody shoulderd mare, though she neverd shered that peace of infermation with anyone but the closest of relatives. I was leader and my name Abbas ment lion. I had recently been in a fight with a red stallion and my hind leg had to be slightly draged, but instead I walked on it for I was proud and my dam had told me once she would have named me so it was not for my loud lion's roar or my chalenge call for other stallion's. I was searching for mares to join my heard but only the purest could join. My heard was small but that goes with a very long story.

Characterristic's of Abbas very classic built and posture-My head small and refined. With large and wide-set eyes, bulging forehead, dished face, flaring nostrils, small and refined muzzle, rounded jaw wide between the branches, small and close-set ears. My Neck had a clean, or tight, throatlatch and was long and arched tying in high to the deep-wide-chest and withers. My shoulder was long and sloping and well-covered in muscle. My topline was relatively flat through the croup. My tail is set high and often carried high. The barrel of my ribs are well sprung. My legs are well muscled forearm and gaskin, straight and sound bone, large and defined joints, long and sloping pasterns, with round and proportionate feet.

My shield-like bulge between the eyes, whitch was called a jibbah, was traditionally and demark
greater intelligence in me. No doubt was I a very classic Arab and my tail was carryed proudly and my highcrested neck stood for bravrey. I moved fluintly as I walked threw the fog and stopped when I heard the call of a mare, it was soft a sweet like a song. I belowed out mine, since my voice was deep and low, but my call was low and powerfule and sweet. I hitched my tail and swished it, posed and tall I waited for awnser.....

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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Guest Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:48 pm

Atiya jerked her small head up from the ground when a low neigh reached her ears, that were now facing toward where the sound had come from... the other end of the clearing. Atiya raised her head higher and whinnied in response to the horse, who she suspected was most likely a stallion, then lifted her left front leg and struck the ground hard enough to send grass and dirt flying into the air above her. She repeated this once more then turned her body in the direction of the sound and began to walk toward it, the mist making it appear as if she was walking on air. Atiya moved silently across the meadow with her grey, blue tinted tail carried high in the air. She paused when the form of a horse appeared in the mist then started walking again until the stallion came into sight. He was dark bay the same height as her. A small smile found its way onto her face when she realized this stallion was a related to her. She could see in his brownish green eyes a wild and untameable fire that only her descendants could hold.


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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Mar 14, 2011 1:31 pm

I heard the light step's of a gliding mare, once she stood before me I knew I had found a rare jewle. Her tail was the most unushaule blue grey color. I could see she was as classic Arab as I was but the coat I had never seen one such as this one she had. It was a grey but tinted blue color. She had a samll beautifule dished face. Her neck was highly crested and I could see she was quite strong and brave. She had long strong limb's flawliss in confermation. Evrey line, bone, muscle told me she was as or more pure than myself. But how? No such horses exsested unless she was a straight decendent of the five mares! We where the only heard with such family history could she be related to my dam? I bowed my head in respect. "It's a plesure to meet such a pure and classic Arab mare. I'm Abbas leader of the pure heard." I say raising my head. We both were built for speed and endurance but somthing was difrent about this one. I saw the ornge mark's on her hindquarter's. I tried to ingnore it or was I not sapose to, I did not want to insult her. I stood tall and proud trying to make first inpresion's not wanting this mare to get away. Her eye's where a butterscotch ornge with long elagent lashesh that skirted theme. They where just afire as where mine. "What would be your name miss?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Guest Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:04 pm

Atiya watched the stallion as he told her his name and of his herd. Atiya dipped her elegant head to the ground in greeting then raised her head high and replied "My name is Atiya. I left the desert to find an Arabian herd of only the purest blood." Her voice was kind and melodious, holding the ability to calm anyone who heard it. Atiya's fiery orange eyes shinned with pride for the stallion standing before her. It made the mare ecstatic to know that her bloodline had not been tainted with impure blood. Atiya smiled when she noticed the stallion attempting not to stare at the unusual orange marking on her hindquarters then, dispite already knowing the answer, asked "You wouldn't happen to be related to any of the Al Khamsa mares would you? Atiya took a few careful steps toward the dark bay stallion, curious to know how he would answer.


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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:26 pm

May i join?
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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:44 pm

If it's OK with Gold Horse

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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Guest Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:07 pm



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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Guest Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:45 pm

Is anyone going to reply?


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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:15 pm

I was waiting for that one member to reply first but I can go ahead?

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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Guest Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:55 pm

Yeah, of course


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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:30 pm

"My sire's dam is a straight decendent of the Al Khamsa. She very old but very wise. It is her blood lines that make our heard the purest on the island. Or so I thought." I say looking at her. "It is nice to meet a mare such as you Atiya." My Arabian acent had great impact on my voice when I said it. To bad Flame was hear to see her he would have chalenged me for her. I saw that her eye's where shining and the pride and spirit that sat deep in those eye's. "You have come a long way to aquier such a heard." I smiled a little and said "I have around twenty horses but it's so small beacuse I keep a strick rule about who join's my heard. Only the purist blood." I added quietly. My leg felt better for some reason as I put wait on it to relaxe my fron leg's. The wind lifted my long silky forlock as I spoke spark light my eye's but the fire smolderd quickly.

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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Guest Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:58 pm

Atyia smiled at him and replied "It is a pleasure to meet you too, Abbas." She flicked her blue-grey tail and said "Yes, but it was necessary. There are very few Arabians remaining in the desert." The mare widened her eyes slightly in surprise and repeated "20 horses?" She then remembered that life in the forest is extremely different from life in the desert and said "The largest herd I've heard of had twelve horses." Atiya perked her ears toward him when she heard the stud whisper something, straining to hear what he said then smiled softly and asked "If this is true then would you give me the honor of joining your wonderful herd?"

(Sorry, it's so short and not very good. Brain fart.)

Last edited by Gold Horse on Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:15 pm

(that's fine I do that a lot to do you want to start a new post where she can meet the hear in Arabian Meadow I will name it Atiya Comes With Imortality?)

I listen seeing she was not use to large heard's. "Yes you are very welcome to my heard. My family would love to meet you." I say flicking my tail. I prick my ear's. "You will love theme they are all a lot like you. Very classic built, smart, brave, pure." I smile a little. "I'm not sure if they have such a beaty of a coat but you will fit right in." I turn a little. "We live in the Meadow next to the red stallion's heard. It might take a while but the trip is quite plesant." I say-

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Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood Empty Re: Atiya Comes To Start A Herd With Arabians Of Only The Purest Blood

Post by Guest Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:13 pm


Atiya smiled and swept her blueish head to the ground in respect to the powerful stallion standing before her then raised it high and said "Thank you, Abbas. I am eternally grateful for you allowing me to join your herd. I have been traveling on my own for a while now and it is a very lonely way of life." The mare gave a small grin when he claimed that the trip to his home will be long and said "That is fine. I doubt it will be any longer then my trip here." She tossed her small, dished head in an attempt move her forelock from her fiery orange eye only to have fall into the middle of her face, but out of the way at least.


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