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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:12 pm

Personality:Find out...

Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Summer

Personality:Find out...
Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Pikariheader

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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:15 pm


Power-Run Nature
Personality-Sweet, kind, helpful, can talk to wolves, power
Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Untitled-2
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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:24 pm

Personality:Find out...
Pic:" alt="" />


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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:35 pm

Power-She can talk to farm animals(including exotic)
Personality-Sweet, she can be mean, sometimes helpful, can talk to dogs,cows,horses.shy.
Pic- Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. U17684320

Last edited by wild one on Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:20 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:36 pm

okay....I'll start.

Summer did not speak; there was no reason to. She just watched the people talk. She looked over at Pakri. He was quiet too. She sighed heavily and went back looking at people talking, as she sat perched on the high velvet chair of the restaurant. Her owner was quiet, she seemed like the only child there.

"Here you are ma'am." A man said, and gave Alex, her owner's plate. Summer watched him turn back to the tray and grab the other another fancy plate. The aroma drifted through Summer's nose. It smelled so good. Pakri's favorite, warmed up kibble. The man turned to the tray again, getting a rather small plate. She let this aroma drift through her nose, and it had her name written all over it. He set the plate down nice and smoothly so he made sure he did not drop it. "Here you go." the man walked away. Summer eyed him carefully, giving that thankful expression.

Alex wipped off her delicate hands, and her food was half way eaten. "I'll be right back." she murmured and got up, slipping her way towards the girls bathroom. Summer looked down at her food and sighed, she still wished she had that Milkbone and chicken kibble on her plate, but it was gone and her stomach felt like it was blown like an air ballon.
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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:12 pm

ABBY-I was heading the cows inside with Abigail.
ABIGAIL-I turned left right over and over in till they were all in then ,i asked for food by beagieng for the pig feed while abby went that way.
ABBY-I laghed,"We will get some food soon,"I walked over to the pigs and fed them when ,i heard my friend who was a worker here yell."Abby I will tack care of the other animals for you today!"I smiled and yelled back,"Thanks Josh!"I then ran inside garbed some money then ran all the way to a dog friendly restraint, i walked in and smelled all the good foods,i then put a leash on my dog and went to a set and sat down and tied my dog to one of the tables legs.
ABIGAIL-I fallowed her into the house then out and into a food place and let her tie me up before sitting on the soft bench like chair.


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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:07 pm

Summer moved her eyes throughout everyone. Murmuring, laughing and talking. She sighed and watched as Alex came out with a smile. "Okay, were about to get moving." she said and grabbed her small hand bag. "You ready?" she asked looked at Summer. She barked her agreement. She looked over to where stood Pakri... he was nowhere to be seen. She looked around, her heart beating frantically against her chest until, she spotted him going towards a girl and her little dog. She sighed and ran towards her, Alex behind.
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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:13 pm

ABBY-I got scared seeing the big dog come closer and panicked inside.
ABIGAIL-I looked at my girl then back at the big dog and let a warning growl out.(see yea ,i got to go to bed Very Happy )


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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:57 pm

Summer looked over at Pakri. He was wagging his tail, panting. Just then, she felt something choke her neck, sort of and she turned. It was Alex. Alex let go and moved in beside them and sighed. "I'm sorry, don't worry they won't harm you." Sacrdy cats. she added quietly to herself. She lifted a hand, standing still, her heart was stiff, but she was not showing she was afriad. "I'm Alex." she said.
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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by Guest Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:30 pm

ABBY-"I'm abby,and this is Abigail she is a Australian cow dog mix".I looked down at the big dog and remembered that accident with another big dog ever seans that, i only petted little dogs and my medium sized dog Abigail but ,i stared away from big dogs.


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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:36 pm

Alex looked at the girl. She could see the scayiness in her eyes. Why was she scared? Alex slowly leaned down to pet the small dog in front of her. THAT was close to her dogs size. She lifted herself back up, putting her hair behind her ear. "Hi, nice to meet you. Oh yeah and these are my dogs, Summer and Pakri." She watched as they both bowed and whimpered their greeting.
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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by Guest Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:48 pm

ABBY-"Hi doggy.s and Alex.Um. i got to go."My voice was shaky then,I ran out of the door and all the way home


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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:55 pm

Alex watched the girl run all the way home. "Freak." she murmured and looked back the direction the girl was standing. She saw that she left her dog. "Hey, little sca- girl you left your dog!" she yelled, ugh... the girl would not hear her that way. She yelled it one more time thinking The lighting echo my words. He made a booming sound outside, echoing those same words so the girl could hear, she also heard steak. She looked around and shrugged. "My echo is broken. she murmured. Her two dogs whimpered in confusion.
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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by Guest Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:05 pm

ABIAGAL-I realised my girl ran off and i ran after her.
ABBY-I sall my dog come running and smiled then said,"Pepper mint can Abigail and me ride you?"I sall the mare shark her head so .i put my dog on then ,i jumped on and we went riding on the side walks.


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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:08 pm

Alex ran to the door, with her dogs behind. She watched as they walked off she rolled her eyes. "Are you ready to go home?" She asked. She realized Pakri was still watching, his eyes following the horses tail. He growled playfully, getting in playing postion and raced off, following the horse.

Summer rolled her eyes and looked frantically at Alex she met her gaze for a moment, and then they both went after him, going as quick as possible.
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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by Guest Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:22 pm

ABBY-I felt pepper kick her back legs up and then ,i fell on the seement.
PEPPER menet-I kicked at the big dog and put my ears back and bit at him and charged.
Peepers pic- Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Jessie-Kuka


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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:26 pm

Pakri only took one blow and whimpered. He fell back with a big wound on his shoulder. Summer looked at the wound and that caused her to become furious. She ran after the horse and bit on it's butt like a natural pro, tearing off a piece of it. She then jumped ontop, knocking down the small pup and throwing her in the street. "You crossed the line!" she growled at the girl. She looked at the horse and bit its neck causing it to get hurt. Alex was kneeling down, getting a aid-kit out of her small bag to fix Pakri's wounds.
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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by Guest Mon Feb 28, 2011 4:40 pm

PEPPER MEANT-"Get off me!"I screamed and bucked and reared and bit the dog then tossed her off.
ABBY-I went into shook and screamed over and over aging,it was oveoss. i was one of the mental kids.
ABIGAIL-I growled and attacked her,"Leave pepper alone she was spooked and horses don't like WILD DOGS",i screamed at her while standing on her.
JOSH-I heard abby scream and came running, i ran over to her,"Its ok its ok."I said calmly.
HIS PIC- Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Foxhollowrodeo1005005


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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:49 pm

Summer dodged the throws and made a furious growl. "Wild dogs? WILD DOGS?" She chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I am no wild dog, I am a domestic dog. I'll take a dog over a small weakling any day." she said snapped and pinned her down now. "Get the picture?" She got off walking over to Pakri, and licked his wounds. "I'm okay, I'm okay." he said and shook himself off.

Alex madly looked at the horse and tried to calm her down.
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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by Guest Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:41 pm

ABIGAIL-"I know that but does the HORSE?She probable was thinking that he was one,got the picture dog?"I walked over to pepper staying clear away from her back end and went to her,"You ok?"
PEPPER Mint-I looked down at her and nuzzled her."I've been better."
ABBY-I stood up and ran to pepper and hugged her tight ,i was crying and shaking,"Bbbbig mean dogs."She murder then sat down and put her arms around her lags and rocked back in forth slowly.
JOSH-I walked up to are horse and looked her over,"They will be sorry for this,"He murdered and stated to tack her home.
ABIGAIL-I licked my girl and watched pepper nuzzle her.I then stood and fallowed them.
ABBY-I got up and fallowed and looked at the border collie for a moment and ran from her and pasted the others then slowed down and walked by my mare.
JOSH-"Hey its ok those dogs are not going to hurt you any more and as a matter of a fact ,i will make sure."


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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:47 pm

Alex ran over to them, getting in front of them. "Hey, hey, w-wait." she said and stopped all of them. "Your gonna let your dirty horse hurt my dog, then your gonna walk away?" she said and looked at them. "Don't say anything about the horse she actually deserved it." she said. Summer looked up and rolled her eyes, as Pakri looked at her. "I'm gonna prove we're nice..." he said. Summer looked at him as he walked up to Abby and started to lick her face, whinning friendly.
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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by Guest Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:19 pm

ABBY-I screamed and fell down and hid behind josh.
JOSH-"She did not if you did not know horses don't know the differences between wild dog and friendly dog in till there get to know the dog,now get out of my way ,i have a VERY HURT HORSE to take care of,"I said firmly and heard abby."ARE YOU OK?"His voice was frantic."These dogs seam to be DANGERS FOR LITTLE KIDS AND ALL OTHER ANIMALS!They should be kept in a house NOT IN PUPLICE!"I then pooled my phone out and the vet and police showed up they grabbed summer and said,"Sorry young lady but this dog is to dangers."they then put her in a pound car when it showed up and then they loaded the horse in a trailer.
ABBY-I watched with scared eyes.


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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:19 am

Alex looked with surprised eyes. "How dare you! The only reason she attacked your horse is because is a FREAK, stupid! It should know the difference. I knew her ever since she was born and your gonna take her away like that..." she looked over at Peppermint... the storm of a tornado was coming towards them, cause, oh she wanted them to die. "You know what? If she's very bad, let's have her get put to sleep... no, no, we don't have to call the vet, I have it right," she pulled out the small sleeping liquid. "Here." slowly she took the needle and put it in the horse making her fall into a never ending sleep. "You took my pet away from me, well freak I'll just take yours, the hard way." She ran up to the Pakri and told him to follow her scent and get back and get her out. He ran barking, following the truck. She called her limo and before she got in, she waved a sassy goodbye.
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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by Guest Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:46 pm

(hay you cant kill my caters with out my premison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Evil or Very Mad !AND PEPPER MINT IS GONE TO WITH THE VET!!!!!!!! Evil or Very Mad !)
josh-"SHE NOT DUMB THE DOG WAS CHASING HER AND MISSY THEY HAVE NOT COMPLIANTLY TOOK HER WAY THEY MIGHT LET YOU KEEP HER BUT 1ST THEY MUST DISIDE!"He said very angry.And when she did that he cased her limo,"YOUR GOING TO PAY FOR HURTING HER!!!!!!!!!!!!"Gust after that the national horse show people came,"Were here for the interview for you horse pepper mint."He said kindly."Sorry sir she wont be going this year."I looked at the guy AS he frowned,"So no famous pepper mint this year to bad,"He said with a sigh.


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Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything. Empty Re: Live To Breath, One Last Breath Took Everything.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:41 pm

(Let's just say I was getting kinda angry... sorry.)

Alex's heart shattered. She felt some kind of bad feeling. "Stop!" she yelled. They stopped the limo and she hopped out the car running back. "I'm sorry... can you guys please move, I am a vet here." she said, looking at the horses bleeding wounds. Slowly, she took out her big kit and started to pat water stuff of it. She then sew the wounds together and got up. "There, you no longer need help.. I'm sorry about you horse, now you should be sorry about my dog... she was in love with Pakri, has your horse ever heard the words love?" She asked, setting down a apple in front of the horse, to calm her down. "I didn't want to be mean, I just got stressed and... you should have done that." she said leaning down to cry.
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