Call of the Wild
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Summer Dogs

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Summer Dogs Empty Summer Dogs

Post by Guest Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:45 am

Summer Dogs

- No taking over characters
- You can have as many characters as you want
- Cussing is allowed
- Have fun!

- Takes place in Texas
- Starts at 12 in the evening
- People are walking around to work

The Form

My Form
Name: Spring Sun
Gender: Fea
Age: 2
Mate: None
Crush: None
Personality: You'll find out
History: Don't wanna know
Appearence/Pic: Summer Dogs 565452906_6c8039feea_b

This is a free roleplay, for anyone is allowed to join. Don't ask, just join. It doesn't have to be accepted, just put your form and put your rp. C:


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Summer Dogs Empty Re: Summer Dogs

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:06 pm

Crush:No one
Mate:No one
Personality:Find out...
Summer Dogs Whitey%20von%20kern
Crush:No one yer
Personality:Find Out...
Summer Dogs EntlebucherShasta2Years

Scamp smiled and walked out his house with his head and tail high. He smiled, when he saw Sonny walk over to him. "Hello Sonny!" he said to the small dog. She clumsly fell down over his paws and smiled, looking him into the eyes. "Hello Scamp!" she exclaimed, getting back up on her paws. "What are you planning on doing today?"
"Um... I'm not sure..." he answered with a sigh. "Where do you wanna go?" he asked. "Hmm... I wanna go to the beach!" she exclaimed. Scamp nodded and started walking towards the beach, Sonny following.
❥ Destiny Styles
❥ Destiny Styles
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Summer Dogs Empty Re: Summer Dogs

Post by Guest Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:28 pm

The sun gleamed down on the pavement. Dogs panted, humans swam. It was very hot, man, even the sand burnt! But, there was the one dog who stayed cool under a umbrella, and licked ice. A male dog walks by and goes crazy for her. His owner pulls him away, and the fea laughs. She rolled onto her back, and her owner tries to scratch her belly. The fea let out a low growl, saying, Paws off human! The beauitful dogs name was Spring Sun. She was very beauitful, but she hated the way her owner babied her. Spring got to her paws and shook her fur. "No no Spring Sun!" Her owner yelled. She grabbed Spring and brushed down her fur. Sun managed to squirm away, and she ran into the water. She paddled. Swish swish swish swish. Her legs and paws went. Splash splash splash, Her tail and head went. It was heard to stay atop, since the last time Spring had put her head underwater too, her owner made her stay out of the water for 2 weeks, brushing her fur and pampering her claws and other body parts. Spring sun returned back to her towel, shook her fur again, and rolled in the sand. Her owner screamed. Spring Sun let out a laugh, and she rolled her legs in the air. Her owner grabbed her by the collar and pulled her torward her. "Bad dog. You will get it when you get home." Spring Sun knew this was bad. Really really bad. Not like no more dog treats and belly rubs bad. Like, grab a stick and beat bag. Staying in the house bad. No more going to the beach for a month bad. Spring knew she had to do something, but what?


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Summer Dogs Empty Re: Summer Dogs

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Tue Feb 22, 2011 12:34 pm

Scamp raced into the parks entrance and smiled as little Sonny made her way to the other side of him. "So what are you up for?" Scamp asked catching out the coner of his eye a dog being chased in the water. He rolled his eyes and looked back Sonny. "Um...race ya!" Sonny made her way to the water. Scamp giggled and ran chasing after her too. "Ha ha!" he laughed. "You're pretty fast."
"Ya think?" Sonny asked jumping into the water as Scamp followed behind. They smiled and swam around til Sonny, threw some water at Scamp. He giggled and did the same. "Aha!" he laughed happily.
❥ Destiny Styles
❥ Destiny Styles
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Summer Dogs Empty Re: Summer Dogs

Post by Guest Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:46 pm

A growl rumbled in Spring's throat. She bit her owner's arm quickly, and then took off for the dogs. She stopped infront of one. A male one. Spring sniffed the air. 2 years old. No mate. Not a crush either. She tried to speak, but she couldn't help staring at him. Even when her owner came and tried to carry her off, Sun stared and bit her owners arm(again.) She was tooken to the hospital and given a shot(again.) "Sorry about that. Owner trouble. Can give you pain sometimes too, can't it?" She chuckled, trying to shoo the male dogs sniffing her back away with her tail.


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Summer Dogs Empty Re: Summer Dogs

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:55 pm

Scamp growled and bit Sonny's ear. Until, a female came up to him and asked him about pain of humans.
"No, I love my human.." he barked and countined to gnaw on Sonny's ear with a smile. She laughed and pulled his tail...
❥ Destiny Styles
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Summer Dogs Empty Re: Summer Dogs

Post by Guest Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:45 pm

Taking a step back, she had to think of something else to say. "Well, my owner babies me and abuses me, so I bit her two times today. And I'm running away. I know running away from your problems doesn't work, but I have to." Spring flicked her tail and then walked into the water, laying on her back and floated around, the sun glaring on her fur.


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Summer Dogs Empty Re: Summer Dogs

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Thu Feb 24, 2011 5:16 am

Scamp nodded and looked at her with a shrugg. "I'm Scamp and this is Sonny." he said looking at the little one, pulling his tail. He laughed and flicked her away with his hind-leg. She smiled and shook herself off. "Who are you?" she asked.
❥ Destiny Styles
❥ Destiny Styles
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Summer Dogs Empty Re: Summer Dogs

Post by Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:31 pm

Spring chuckled, then watched the little dog tug at Scamp's tail. "Oh, my name is Spring Sun." She gave a little smile, "And yours?" Two great dances walked by, and one of them piped, "Come on baby! Let's ditch this sand box and run off with our tails tied!" Spring rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up Randall." The danes laughed and winked at her, then they ran into the shore and fought over a frisbee. Randall and Wolly were two very annoying great danes who loved to tease and flirt with Sun. Rolling her eyes again, she watches the idiots romp and splash water, some getting onto her. She snez and took her paw and rubbed it over her face. "The fools." She muttered.


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Summer Dogs Empty Re: Summer Dogs

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:55 pm

Scamp egsaterated and ran outta the water followe by Sonny. "Aren't we gonna play with her?"she asked in a pretty small voice. "N-no....... I don't know." he said quietly.
❥ Destiny Styles
❥ Destiny Styles
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Summer Dogs Empty Re: Summer Dogs

Post by Guest Thu Feb 24, 2011 9:29 pm

Sun sighed. "Stupid. You'll never fit in." She thought that no one had heard her, and hoped no one did. She got up and walked away, past humans and dogs who wathched her until she was only a dot. A tear dribbled down her cheek. Then another. Her nose twitched. Her tail swung sideways very, very slowly. "I wish I was normal. Normal like a dog who wakes up every morning to a bright, warm day with their owner patting them on the head then taking the dog for a walk, playing and feeding it, leaving for work, coming home happily." Like that. I want a owner like that.


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