Call of the Wild
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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guardian Angel Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:39 am

Leona had traveled with her young, nameless colt and her best friend Beautiful Sins with her charming filly Isolde(sp), for weeks to find a better home to settle down in. Both had been impregnated by a demon stallion who abandoned them, leaving them alone and unprotected in his dark home. They deemed the place unsafe for their offspring and left.

As the weeks slowly went by, we came to the perfect place to live in the Garden of Plenty. It was a small, but homey pasture with lush green grass and plenty of apple trees. A shallow creek passes along the center promising cool water. I smiled triumphantly as i asked Beautiful, "How is this?" Her young filly Isolde stood by her side as we all gazed at the grand field. The sun glittered down and illuminated my white coat and picked out the different shades of red in my mane and tail that fluttered lazily in the breeze. I turned my emerald gaze to my chestnut colt that bolted from behind me to the flowing creek. I had finally decided on a name for him, Ambrose which meant Immortal in Greek. I smile at him before following shortly behind to check it out.

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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:14 am

Beautiful Sins~
From the moment we had entered the valley, I could tell we would be safe from predators, well from the one's that normal horses would fear greatly. Coming to a stop next to Leona's right side I smile and touch my muzzle to her shoulder for a second then lift it up and let my gaze roam the gorgeous open valley. "Good choice indeed!" I exclaim, then chuckle when Leona's colt, Ambrose, had suddenly bolted forward and ran to the bubbling creek. She had chosen his name yet just a few days ago, and what a name it was! Just the sound of it seemed to scream of strength and power. Laughing lightly, I turn my head and nuzzle the soft forlock of my daughter, Isolde.

She was a sweet one, Isolde. Always doing her best to please us. Nickering softly, I urge her to go play with Ambrose her half brother. Which she did as soon as Leona shortly followed her son to the creek. I stand there alone for a second to look at the scenery..Oh how beautiful it was!. Flicking my tail, I take up watch. Though we were safe from predators, we still had to watch out for other mares and stallions. Stallions might kill our foals and mares might steal them. Snorting softly I lower my head to the gently swaying grass, my teeth clipping them neatly so only about an inch was left before I moved on.


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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guardian Angel Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:51 am

I stop at the creeks edge and gaze down into the clear liquid. I stared at the face of a white horse that stared back with emerald gems as eyes. I smiled a softly smile and lowered my muzzle to the water. I took a long, much needed drink and lifted my head. The water dripped down my whiskers and landed back in the stream creating ringlets. I drew back and slowly turned around to casually walk back to Beautiful. "Do you think there are other horses around here?" i asked her plainly as i cropped some grass.

Ambrose skidded to a halt at the creek bed, just barely stopping before falling face first into the water. His little head whipped around as Isolde neared his side and he smiled at her. The two stood there a moment gazing at the inviting water. Smirking, Ambrose bumped his flank against her's and pushed her in. He giggled and tumbled onto his side, rolling with short bursts of laughter.
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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guest Thu Feb 03, 2011 1:15 pm

My body shivered as it stopped to a hault, freezing in the center of the woods. I was isolated, or so I thought at the time. My parents were, well, gone, dead in an ambush from a rival herd. My mind had viciously brought those memories back into my head which made me rather angry at myself. I wish I could've done more to save them... But I guess that's life for 'ya. My small, fluffy mane stood on its tips as the wind pelted my body. This was terrible for a colt my age, considering I was only a mere 5 months. Now I know you're probably wondering, 'How did you live?' or, 'Yeah, sure...' But I did survive without milk from my mother. I, instead found the protien I needed in mushy, rotten bark. It was horrible, but it was necessary.

I started to trot again, my body swiftly slithering around the trees. It was cold, my breath quickly turning into a mist as I released pants between my lips. Today, I was determined to find somone, I didn't care whom, but someone to talk to before I went insane. I made my way to the edge of the woods, and there stood numerous horses shining brightly in the sunshine. I nickered softly to them with my colt-like whinny. My small hooves carried myself a step closer towards them all.


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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guest Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:20 am

Beautiful Sins~
By the time Leona had come back to me, I had turned to face her with a smile. Only looking past her once to make sure our foals were okay. "Yes." I say tentatively, as if I myself weren't sure. "I mean, I believe so. I can smell them, but whether or not they have noticed us, I am not sure." I had barely ended my sentence when the loud splash of Isolde falling into the water caught my attention and cause me to laugh lightly. The sound the crystal bells.

Scowling up at Ambrose, I huff and narrow my pretty little eyes. Watching him roll about in his laughter I struggle to my long slender legs and straighten up, shaking off most of the water droplets as soon as I got my footing. Then I focus my steady gaze on him, my ears pinning slightly. "Yes, I bet you do find that funny!" My beautiful voice hissed as I walked towards him. I was just about to lunge at him and topple him over when the soft whinny of another reached my ears. Though before I even looked over to the young colt, I had known it was a boy. Holding my head up high, I watch the staut little figure progress towards us.

Eyes Ambrose out of the corner of my eyes, I choose this time when he was not paying attention to avenge myself. Stretching my neck out, I deliver a small painful little nip to his neck and quickly retreat to my mothers side. My laughter ringing out much like my mothers as my quick feet rushed me to her side.


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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Feb 04, 2011 10:59 pm

I smile a little bit, thinking of the horses that could be roaming just out of our reach. Maybe mares who are herd less and willing to take on an all female group or lusty stallion scavenging for little mares to force. I shiver slightly and shake my head. I hear two foals and turn my head to them slowly, laughing lightly as Isolde struggles to get out of the water. "Careful now, Ambrose." i murmur knowing all to well what would happen i f he did not control himself. My ears then twitched to the sound of another foal, this one unfamiliar. I looked to Beautiful and back to the colt.

I sit up on mu elbows as i watch Isolde come up from the water and stand up, shaking out the droplets. I studied her closely, wondering what she would do now. I struggled to my feet as she spoke and i smirked, "I did find it rather humorous.' My voice was deep for my age, but not to masculine. I was yet just a child, But it was warm tenor like, easy on the ears and still youthful. shaking loose the dirt, i quickly turn my head to the sound another foal. It was a colt who was trying to reach our attention. While i was concentrating on the new-comer, Isolde nipped me. I squealed and whipped around, glaring after her running figure with dark, crimson rimmed eyes. I heard my mother's warning all to well and calmed myself before trotting to her side.
Guardian Angel
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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:54 am

I snorted lightly, sidestepping as I nearly lost my balance. I stopped and looked at the mares, unknowing what to do. I was afraid they would try to chase me off, or worse, kill and attack me on the spot. My tail twitched as I dared to step closer, my ears perked almost as high as a mule's. My knees felt weak and as did my mind at the moment. I was speechless, but again, I took another step closer. I then stopped in thought and wondered if this was what I was to do after my nearly entire life secluded from other horses.


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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:18 pm

Beautiful Sins~
After nuzzling Isolde when she gets to my side and looking at Ambrose. I catch the sound of the colt. Turning towards him, I become mortified at his almost slender form. Quickly my mother insincts kicked in. Nickering to Isolde, I instruct her to stay next to Leona while I inspect the colt. First I had to make sure he had no diseases that our still young foals could get. As I make my way to the colt, Isolde stays patiently.
Once close enough to him I nicker softly. "Hello young man. What are you doing out here all alone?" I ask softly as I lower my face to be level with his.


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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guest Sat Feb 05, 2011 1:34 pm

My head threw back slightly as the mother came towards me. I hesitated to answer for a moment, but continued to do so. "I-I live alone..." I said softly, not really knowing how to answer to her question. My eyes glanced towards her family, but quickly redirected to hers. My ears twitched and moved around constantly, still frightned from all that has gone to chaos in my life.


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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guardian Angel Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:28 am

I stood perfectly still as i watched the two. I had my head lifted up high and turned to face them while my body shielded the two other foals. The lazy breeze tugged my locks in the direction it was blowing and tried to block my gaze. I snorted and tossed the hair out of my eyes and stamped my hoof annoyed.
Guardian Angel
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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guest Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:35 pm

Beautiful Sins~
Looking away for a moment, I clear my throat..almost like I was clearing my thoughts. Returning my eyes to the small colts, I continue. "So you have no family then?"


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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guest Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:07 pm

He was tempted to hesitate answering that question, but he knew right, and dared not to. "Er.." he paused as his eyes welled up, and he blinked, "No..." he finished as he looked at the mare swiftly before staring at the ground.


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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guardian Angel Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:24 pm

I stayed put, but listened closely. With my hearing, i was not hard to him. I felt sorta bad he had no family.
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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guest Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:49 pm

Beautiful Sins~
Reaching out I lip his fuzzy short forlock then bring my head back. "Don't worry young one. You can stay with us." Swishing my tail I smile, hoping to brighten him up. Turning my head, I look back at Leona and the kids.


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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guardian Angel Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:02 pm

(do ya think they are coming back?)
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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guest Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:11 am

(Yeah, i'll just have to remind her.)


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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guest Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:39 pm

His head lifted in hope as he heard her reply. "Thank you!" he spoke in his childish tone, but once he realized how young he sounded, he bowed his head and nipped at his legs with his stubby teeth.


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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guest Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:44 am

Beautiful Sins~
I smile and turn back towards Leona and our babies. "Come, let me introduce you to the family." My voice was sweet and thick as honey on the comb as I spoke to him. Swishing my tail I flick my ears to catch the sound of his little hooves upon the grass.


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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guardian Angel Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:09 pm

I lifted my head and breathed in the scent of them that drifted to me on the breeze. I grinned as they came closer and nickered, "Welcome."
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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guest Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:14 am

Beautiful Sins~
Smiling back at Leona, I flick my tail then come to a slow stop. Lifting my head a inch higher I look at my tentative daughter. A quiet chuckle rose in my throat. I'm sure she didn't know what to do because she had never met a full blooded regular horse before now.


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For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different Empty Re: For the Wounded, Abandoned, and the Different

Post by Guardian Angel Tue Apr 05, 2011 3:32 pm

Ambrose stood close to his filly friend as he watched the new foal approach them. He had never seen nor smelt a creature much like he was. He did not feel threatend, but placed himself infront of her and his mama. He held his head high and proud. Leona chuckled and watched her son and how he reacted to the other colt. She looked at Beautiful, "Where is his mother?" she asked.
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