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I Am Shetan!

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I Am Shetan! Empty I Am Shetan!

Post by Man O' War Lover Fri Jan 07, 2011 6:54 pm

My black coat bleed into the night. The sky over head was dark. I held my head high the wind whiping my black main. I called out into the night waiting for a young stallion to chaleng me in speed and strength. My large brown eye's drank in the seenares about me. The sand shifted in the cool breeze. No stallion could beat me in a race. If they thought they could let theme prove it first. I rose on my hindleg's stabing the air with my front one's, tossing my handsome head. I let out one more battle cry before standing on all fours. I waited for a answer.

Man O' War Lover
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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Guest Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:06 pm

El Sheton~
Upon hearing another intruder on my land, my slender black ears folded tightly against my cranium. Throwing my head into the air I let out a piercing scream of rage as I rear and strike at sky. My hooves sliced through the air like a knife until they landed with a dull thud back onto the earth and launched me forward into a gallop. To an untrained eye, one would not be able to distinguish that I was a horse. As I only appeared to be a black blurr moving through the tree's towards the other stallion.

Being a rare full blooded Arabian, once I heard the stallion, I wanted to kill him. My blood boiled with anger as it shot through my veins and aided me to go faster. As I continued to race through the forest, my nostrils dilated until the red lining showed. I did not even need to lower my head as I raced with ease towards the stallion, my hooves pounding the earth silently as I moved.

Being an older stallion, my first instinct drove me to either kill this stallion or drive him off of my land. Bursting through the tree line, I slam to a stop and search for the one who made the call. Spotting him I rear up part way and shake my head viciously from side to side. Coming back down, I extend a long slender black forleg and paw the earth. Tearing up clods of dirt and rocks, sending them flying behind me. "Who dare's come upon my land?!" My deep monotone voice bellowed as my brown eyes settled on him. The muscles beneath my black pelt twitched aggitatedly as I snorted once again.


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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Man O' War Lover Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:15 pm

I had sensed he was coming, when he burst threw the tree's I saw a older but more exsperianced stallion. Same breed, same color, battle scared he had earned the right to be called a lead stallion. Was that what I would look like when I was older? My scream of chalenge was loud and clear. "I am Shetan, son of Abeer and Abia." "I am the one who dares threaten your title as lead stallion of this land." I shouted. I shook my small head, tossing the black main that crownd my high crested neck. Had I seen him from somewhere before, I do not know. But he was ready to ponce any minute. Evrey muscle in my body evrey sense I had was ready as well.

Man O' War Lover
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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Guest Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:35 pm

El Sheton~
My nose wrinkled back even more as he stated his business. My whole body had tensed even more as the last of his words left his mouth. I was prepared for the surge of anger that raced through my veins and only showed as a dangerous glow in my eyes. Smirking, I pin my ears tighter against my cranium. At least he had enough mind to tell me what his parents names are. "I am El Sheton. The names of my ancestors need not be spoken when they are dead." Eyes narrowing, I take a purposeful step forward and plant it firmly upon the grassy ground.

Eyeing him closely, I snort and shake my head, my black mane and forlock falling in small tangles upon my black, taut, muscular neck. "You come here prepared to recieve land." My voice was strong, not a hint of cautiousness in it as I spoke. "But have you also prepared to die?" Though when I spoke the words were in deep tones, they carried across the short distance between us and reached his ears easily. "Do you know anything of this land? Of who resides here?.....Of the one that leads it?" I hiss, almost spat, the last sentence.


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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:05 am

"Yes you." I spat pawing the ground. "Now do you want to talk all day, or fight?" I let out a long and loud battle cry. A ran to circle my oponet, my eye's rimmed white, nostrils red and flairing. Tossing my head I ran at him.

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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Guest Mon Jan 10, 2011 5:56 pm

El Sheton~
Snorting I toss my head and step out of his circle and then avoid him by stepping quickly out of the way. Obviously he was inexperienced, his whole actions showed it. Shaking my head I paw the ground. "This is your last chance young stallion!" I warned, ears still pinned tightly against my neatly arched head. Standing stock still to my full height I watched him. This wouldn't be the first stallion, nor the last, to have challenged me to my land. Others had come here seeking to take land, all had ended in their death.


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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:38 pm

I crashed into him, going for his throat. My neck in a snake shape as I stiked. Teeth bare I screamed a chalenge.

Man O' War Lover
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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 1:05 am

El Sheton~
Screaming in rage I pull backwards and whip around. Kicking back both back legs viciously, one hoof managing to catch him in the face and the other barely missing his neck. I could feel the facial bone collapse under the force of the blow, but whether or not that would deter him, I did not know. His teeth had managed to clasp around my throat for but a second before I had jerked away. Though, he left his mark. For the sick warm feeling trickled by drops down my black pelt. It's colour grutesque and odd against the mid-night black colour. Snorting ruthlessly I flare my nostrils until the fine red lining shows.

Obviously I had accepted his challenge. But it also meant something else. He accepted to fight two other stallions here....

By now my head had dropped just a little causing my thick heavy forlock to fall over my face and make me look all that of meticulous arabian stallion. (sp) A dark sinister chuckle flowed out of my mouth then surged into a full out roar of laughter. Then it stopped just as suddenly as I had started. "I hope you did your homework." I say snapping my powerful jaw. "This is where the fight ends." I continue on, my head also rising to its proud height. "In two days time, you will meet another. If you beat him, and I put emphasize on IF, he'll have directions for you." Growling I narrow my eyes and watch him. This fight was over, none had won. Before he could fight me, he had to go through others first.


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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:18 pm

"Coward!" I yelld, I had faght before. Was he afraid to fight. I watched him trot away. "What stallion, where?" I yelld.

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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Guest Tue Jan 11, 2011 2:38 pm

El Sheton~
I snort and shake my head. "Your words mean nothing to me." Turning away I start to trot smoothly to the tree line when his question reaches my ears. Stopping I only turn my head a bit to look over my shoulder. "He will come to you." With that I seeminly just vanish before his eyes. Not even a trace was left to support that I had even been there. Sort of like a dream.


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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Man O' War Lover Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:26 pm

I snorted. yeah shore he will come for me. I walked up a small hill and waited.

Man O' War Lover
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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Man O' War Lover Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:36 am

Why was I doing what he asked? I would go after him chalenge him again! I let out a chalenging whinny and waited. I waited and waited. Untill somthing caught my eye.

Man O' War Lover
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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Faye Wed Jan 12, 2011 6:16 pm

(Hehe..I remember when Cruor fought El times.Sorry for interupting,but I just had to.. Smile )
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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Emoticon Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:21 pm

(wait, i thought twilight lover was the leader?)
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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Emoticon Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:23 pm

(wait, wrong place sorry lol)
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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Guest Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:04 pm

(haha @ Faye, yes very fun interesting times LOL. @ SeptSapp, Twilight lover or Twilight_Chic? I forgot to publicly post that I changed my name from Twilight_Chic to TamelessSilence. Reason- because that is my screen name on other site's.)


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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Man O' War Lover Wed Jan 12, 2011 9:40 pm

I that second stallion coming? I don't know what to do next?

Man O' War Lover
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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Guest Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:10 am

(Yes, I believe that would be Faye's stallion. But I have to go over it in another topic first. You could though, have you stallion follow mine back to his herd and that way everyone is on the same page haha. let me know if ya want to do that)


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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Man O' War Lover Thu Jan 13, 2011 1:33 pm


Suddenly I bolted forward down the hill, I would follow and damand another chalenge. I saw his lone figure in the shadows of the tree line. My stride grew wider, my front leg's kicked up dirt and threw it behind me. I was a going a dangurus speed but I was gaining. I drew closer, my feet barly touched the ground. I kicked into a faster gear, I was a black demon on a hunt for another stallion. Then at the tree line I stopped, I would be quiet. My pace a quick but soundliss walk. I stopped at the edg of the shadows of the trees. I saw a large feild before me a heard of horses not far away. The black stallion praticly just like me stood not far from theme watching for intruder's. Then I ran in the shadows the echo of hoof beat's the only sound I made, no one could see me, not even the stud. I was a confusing horse let theme try and keep up with the sounds to try and ketch me. I didn't know if I was scaring foal's or old mares in the heard, or forcing the young stallions to scot out and look for me. But I did know I was faster and I had the shadow's. Let the black stud come for me.

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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Guest Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:20 pm

(You'll have to post where his herd is at, the topic where it says El Sheton's claim)


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I Am Shetan! Empty just for El sheton

Post by Guest Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:57 am

May i join your herd?


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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

Post by Guest Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:46 pm

@ Crazy Horse5, Yes you can join if you would like Smile


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I Am Shetan! Empty Re: I Am Shetan!

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