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Post by LoveOnHerArms Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:39 pm

k so can anyone on the portal click on the [ View the whole list ] to show who is on from the map?? cause i cant and my comp is jacked up so it says people are on like 45mins after they get off(yeah i've timed it...was really really bored one time...) so thats how i see if someone is really on or not by the that sounded stalkerish but i promise you im not! haha i dont think i could be a stalker i would laugh to much and talk to you not just fallow and stare lol....anywhoooo will it not show any of ya'll or is it just me?
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Post by • Echo Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:53 pm

Mhm, when I click the View the Whole List thingy, it says I haven't got the "rights to access this page". And I don't think it's your computer being messed up that shows the people still being on, I've heard others say the same thing on a whole crap load of RPing sites, including this one, and it does the same with me no matter if I'm on my mini Dell, my mom's Dell, the main comp in my house, or one at school, it does the same. I honestly never know who is truly on or not unless they're Rping to something.
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k quick question  Empty Re: k quick question

Post by LoveOnHerArms Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:57 pm

dang it! it just started doing that on mine.....yeah i've had other probs tho for awhile untill we got the comp cleaned it would only let me on somedays and not others, it annoyed the crap outta me. oh well thanks tho for the info.... :]
oh and i take it it shows people on waaaayyy longer then they are right?
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Post by • Echo Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:05 am

Yeah, I think it's 'cause most people don't actually log out, they just close the page, so it thinks that since they never logged that they're still on or somethin'... I'm trying to start actually hitting the "Log Out" button, but I keep forgettin' and just close the page since usually I have to run outside to fix a fence or clean tack or catch some loose animal... Haha, life on my farm is hardly ever uneventful xD
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:14 am

yeah.. i keep forgetting to log out and sometimes i forget to close the page even, cause some goat or horse got out and we have to put them away or something else happened (like a goat has babies and we have to make a pen and spend two hours out there in the freezing cold or better yet you have to bring the baby back to like with a hair dryer then bottle feed that right there takes away your life for months on end) but i get ya........luckily tho we got ride of the cows so no more chasing them half across the state...
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Post by • Echo Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:38 am

Awh, man, I know >.< We've only got two goats now: A kid I'm gonna be showing next year and the black mom that is just ugly as hell but the nicest damned goat I've ever seen. Our pigs can no longer get out cause we put the fencing about two feet into the ground so they can't dig under it, and the cows are in our roundpen (which sucks cause the horses I train do NOT know how to lunge and just flip out every time I try and I can't just let them loose in the arena or they'll try to get out some way or the other) and the railings are high so they can't jump out the way they did in their old pens. I know what you mean about chasing them, I finally got my mustang gelding cow-and-rope proof and my aim with the rope has improved after they tromped all over the whole damned town >.<
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:53 am

haha yes we have some of the ugliest goats you've ever seen, at lest you can work with your horses tho in a actual pen, i dont even have a round pen to work with them in, i've been trying to in the paster bt the two year old filly trys to kill me when i work with the others ones, she thinks im playing.....yeah like i wanna play tag with a 1500pounds of horse thats taller then me...i dont think soo. i've gotten so many bruised up ankles from my quarter horse who we rescued, she thinks she a big puppy and when im trying to fix a fence or get a stupid goats head unstuck shes right there breathing down your neck and getting sober all over thank god we dont have any pigs..i would kill them all if we did..or feed my little brother to them....
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Post by • Echo Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:11 am

Yeah, one of the three mustangs I have right now (the other two I'm just training, IF I can actually get some sense knocked through their thick skulls...) is right on the line of horse/pony, so I call him a pony horse. He absolutely adores me and happens to be gay. When I'm in his pen he chases every other horse at least thirty feet away. He has a nipping problem though, and will follow you ANYWHERE. He cuddles with anyone who rubs him behind the ears of gives him a carrot, never pays any attention to where he's walking unless he's wearing his neon green boota (xD I love those boots, got 'em as a present) and will walk right over you and tries to play with anything and everything. Except dogs. He absolutely loathes dogs now. Yeah, the lamb my sister had showed and my mom bought as a breeding lamb gets her head stuck in the fence, so did two of our goats before we sold 'em, and I have actually locked my brother in the pig pen, though they're too afraid of you to come after you, unlike the cows... Damn, I hate cows and pigs >.< We didn't even want the pigs, and the cows are dairy cows (but the boys that the dairy leaves out to die since they aren't any good for the dairy farms ^.^) so the meet isn't even gonna be good. We eat hardly any pig meat so now we're gonna have to pay more to turn them mostly into bacon and sausage when it's their time to go. And it's a real good thing I keep my guitar locked in my closet when I'm not using it, cause with my last guitar my brother snapped the neck ^.^
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:22 am

haha your mustange (witch i want one so bad!) sounds just like my mare! this April i was in the corral sitting on a pice of wood cleaning something, i dont even remember what, my leg was stretched out in front of me and she stepped right on my ankle! i yelled and she stepped off and looked at me like she was hurt cause i yelled at her, my ankle was swollen for days and i have to get in popped in every couple mouths other wise i have to hobble around cause if hurts to bad, and i dont tell people about my pain so when i tell someone it really really hurts, dang tho about the cows and pigs bt i hate them too, we had a calf that we bottle feed for meat ya know? and well he got really mean and you would have to beat him with a pice of rubber hose to stop him from hurting you, well one day he rammed into my dad and flipped him over,scared the crap outta me so we sold him and now hes dead :]...but yeah im little bro loves to break my stuff and get into it, i have a hot wheels collation going on (weird i know) and he keeps trying to open them and play with them...or he just breaks my stuff or destroys my room, then he runs for his life and hides behind my mom, cause hes the freakin baby of the house so most the time he gets what he wants
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Post by • Echo Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:36 am

My mustang is so lucky I love him to bits xD He wouldn't have lasted a year in Nevada (where we adopted him from the Wild Horse Bereau thing) He would've been so desperate for friends he would've seen a mountin lion and tried to befriend it. Yeah, we've bottle fed cows before, but since these two started breaking the fence and getting out, the one with more black on it started charging us when we tried to catch it, and the whiter one would go everywhere but back in the damn pen >.< Yeah, my brother and sister randomnly go into my room for things and it makes me angry as hell. I have a Breyer horse and Trail of Painted Ponies (the Breyers I hardly ever get anymore, but I love the Ponies xD) in my room, and my little brother has broken at least 20 legs, he even threw a whole family collection down the stairs one time when I said he couldn't play with them. He's shredded some of my favorite posters from my walls since I said he couldn't have them. That was all when my grandma lived with us (I hated living with her >.< Though I don't hate her the way I hate my sister, just living with her). She pampered my brother, and when I told her how he would break something of mine, she would just say "Oh, it's not his fault, it's your fault. Why not let him play with it? Why not let him have it? It's not like you pay any attention to any of your things." Now he actually cries and complains non-stop when he doesn't get what he wants. My mom was the one who finally put her foot down and basically told my grandma to get the hell out of our house.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:44 am

awwww yeah see i want to do that but dont have the proper place or the money for that that sounds like mt brother! but now hes got this cocky boy attitude thing that almost gets him killed when he talks to me like that but woooooot for moms! XD imma thinkin i like the sound of your mom. yup i had a bunch of pictures and such on my walls went to a friends for the night came back and half were gone and the other half where all messed up and scattered everywhere in my room, i almost killed my siblings but my mom was like 'aww but i thought it was funny and cute' yeah no it wasnt but then again my the oldest, yeah know how people say the oldest gets what they want most the time? yeah there lying through there teeth! i hardly even get want i want from clothes to food! its crazy like its my turn to pick what we do one night and my dad turns around and dose what my brother and he wants to do! i was so pissed that night
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