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{EXP POST}♥ ♥ Another Day, Another Lie, Another Passing ♥ ♥

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{EXP POST}♥   ♥   Another Day, Another Lie, Another Passing   ♥   ♥ - Page 4 Empty Re: {EXP POST}♥ ♥ Another Day, Another Lie, Another Passing ♥ ♥

Post by • Echo Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:31 am

{ Rolling Eyes A whole buncha different reasons... I got woken up at 2:30 when the dogs started runnin around like the idiots they are and broke one of the lamps in the living room, then the kittens started hissing and spittin at the dogs and almost clawed their eyes out. Turns out the dogs were barking cause the goats had gotten out and were runnin' 'round the backyard. I got stuck cleaning the tack room by myself, and it was horrible. My sister ditched me while we were cleaning the house to go to a friends', telling Mom that the house was already clean. Then the dogs jumped into the garden and squashed some of our watermelons and dig up some of the strawberry and cucumber plants, and they broke the fence, too. Cross Country practice started yesterday and I hadn't been able to run much over the summer so my thighs hurt like a b-word and my ankles are weak again. While I was working with one of the mustangs I've been training I got kicked right in my right thigh and now have a massive bruise literally in the shape of a hoof on the back which only makes my thigh hurt more. And of course, when my careless sister was done riding she just threw her horse in the pen and left the gate unlocked, so then I had to get on other mustang and find her, thank God she didn't run through the barbed wire outside of our property >.< Kristen was basically pretending to be asleep so she didn't have to catch her own damned horse, and now the pain killers I took are just keeping me up so I probably won't be able to sleep 'till around three and I've gotta get up at five. And just now our tom cat came home and got in a fight with my barn/house cat 6.6}

The tips of my mouth tugged upward into a small smile. "Of course there aren't any, I would've seen them by now," I said. "And if they're just hiding, then they can't be all that mean, now can they?"
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:45 am

(aww sorry hun sounds like you've had a rough day (as if you ddint know) yeah my dad wasnt as bad as your but it still sucked, got up to my dog on my bed barking and growling like a idiot, my dads got the next five days off : /, on the way to youth, which it a hour drive my dad likes to tell me stuff i've done wrong, then got to youth and my dad completely ignored me, and was smiling and talking to my friends and everyone else..cause im just his daughter nothing big sme days i think he wishes i wasnt his friend keeps lying to know end, one who's like a sister is avoiding me and off doing who knows what..*sighs* all in all its been a sucky mouth....but you take the prize on crappiest day..sorry again hun)

i looked at her and nodded "i guess not, i mean if there hiding...." i trail off thinking then looked back at her "can we go in the maze?"
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Post by • Echo Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:58 am

{ Rolling Eyes Don't even get me started on school, nothing is right there anymore, I wanna go back just to have something to do, but everyone is constantly at each other's throats and I have a feeling I might be getting into more than one fights if I'm not more careful this year than last... I would really prefer to keep my slate clean, but it's basically impossible for everyone at Mt. Empire. We are legend in CA. Not for good reasons, either. And at least your dad is actually home. I haven't seen my dad once in the past nine months or so. He'll be home in a couple more months. For two effin' weeks. Then he'll be gone again for the Lord knows how long. He's missed every holiday and birthday this year, and all of us have already had our birthdays. And when he is here, really all he does is yell and fight with my mom over such stupid things... Then he's yelling at me constantly since my brother acts like a girl and my sis can't keep her grades up and is so lazy, and I'm always stuck with the short end of the straw cause I like to stay in my room all day or avoid my family since when I do try to be with them, all they do is yell and fight. I can't wait to get out of CA and move to Ohio or Maine or Maryland...}

I smiled again, nodding. "Of course, there's a really cool part in the middle," I said, straightening up.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:09 am

(good luck with school thank god i was homeschoold, the little hick town i live by has the worst school! i hated it there which i went to till 5th grad..and sorry about your dad, i really am, i miss how my dad used to be.... i understand more then i want to, about the fighting, it got so bad here with my parents fighting that my mom would be in tears and my dad would leave the house, lucky me im the oldest so i got to explain to my little brother and sister that its not smart to go downstairs right now and mom and dad are going to be ok, it got so bad i though they were going to spilt up..then my dad started going on dirty sites which oddly enough that hurt me so bad i didnt want to be with him. bt hes doing better now but the stupid fights still happen..i mean its like there in middle school fighting over a notebook! bt yeah i still end up doing most of the house work these days....the joys of being the oldest......)

i smiled "really? cool!" i looked at her pushing hair back out of my face
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Post by • Echo Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:25 am

{My parents once had the divorce papers all written up and everything, but they never actually went completely through with it. And I'm not even the oldest, my sister is, but she is the laziest, most self-centered person i have ever met. I know that most people say you can't really hate your family, but I have just one prejudice: People who beat animals. I wouldn't be surprised to look up people who beat animals and see a picture of my sister. Because of her I have hidden every single crop. She used to whip her horse over the head with them. Does she stop? No. She grabs a damn stick. A hard, heavy, stick that has thorns on it, and uses that instead. She's so irresponsible, because of her my horse has almost broken his leg and is head shy. I don't let her anywhere near my horse now. My cat hates her, my dog is terrified of her. She only cares about doing what she wants. She ran her old horse over concrete, screwed up his tendon, then discarded him like he was trash because he could no longer run or jump. She doesn't care about the animals; She cares about the ribbons.}

I chuckle softly. "Of course, let's go," I said, nodding behind me to one of the four entrances to the maze.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:33 am

(wow yeah my parents never went that far..that i know off, wow yeah hun your sister would be in the hospital if she was my sister, no one ever hits my horses or they have a problem with me and a bloody face, i freak out on my brother when he kicks the dog or one of the yard goats we have running again, animal abuse it not ok with me, i mean really what did it ever do to you? bt i dont go all crazy like some animal rights person, and i cant stand to watch many shows on animal plaint because of seeing how there treated, bt yeah she wouldnt last long if she was my family...i tend to beat you up then talk.. ; ) )

i smiled and nodded walking with her looking around "so you live here right?" i asked looking up at her
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Post by • Echo Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:49 am

{Yeah, I hate it so much. One time I actually went up to her horse in the arena and yelled at her. She tried to force the horse to charge at me and I unclipped the reins and took the bridle off and threw her damned crop in the cow water. My brother is taking just after her when it comes to the animals and hits everything he can for no friggin' reason. My sister thinks I'm weak cause I'm just 13 and am 2 years younger than her, but she has no effin' idea and someday she's going to be way too cocky and is going to get exactly what she's had coming for the fifteen years she's been alive. She says her horse loves her, but her horse charges her even more than she has ever done to me now, 'cause I am actually nice to her and treat her the way she's supposed to be. I cannot stand my family, but no one ever gets it. I tell them all these things and they think I'm making it up since my sister, being the bitch she is, lies about it and says I'm the one that's lying. I have a great poker face, I lie pretty damn well, but only about things like to keep me or my friends from getting jumped AGAIN at school and such. I hate lying, but my sister's whole life seems to revolve around them. If I could trade her for another sister, I would. Anyone but an animal abuser.}

I smile small. "Sorta," I say, looking up at the sky. "I jump around a lot."

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Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:25 am

(wow....dang girl.....yeah sorry i cant give you some advice about what to do besides beat the crap outta here XD, i dont think that would go over when with your mom tho....ha your talking to one of the masters at the poker face, and i dont lie (ok about the big stuff bt when it comes to like how my life or how im feeling, then i lie cause people dont need to know everything about me) hmmmmm...yeah sorry i've got nothing.....)

i looked up at her and nodded "ohhhh kinda like me and Bennie, we move around a lot" i say then looked around
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Post by • Echo Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:36 pm

{Yeah, she doesn't ever care about anything unless it has something to do with her, and it just pisses the crap outta me, she lies constantly and can never keep a promise and she's just a bitch to everyone}

The corners of my lips tugged upwards in a smile. "Are you two staying here for awhile?" I asked, turning towards the maze.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:42 pm

(wow...sounds like some ppl i know, bt yeah sorry about that, so how is your cousin doing? and you?)

i looked up at her and nodded "uh huh, Bennie said just for a little while then were going back to America" i smiled small then looked around
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Post by • Echo Sun Aug 22, 2010 3:48 pm

{She's already gone through this way too many times, she started chemo again the other day and now is complaining to her mom about being stuck in a hospital bed again. My family and I came back to our house today since we had to go shopping for school things and baby stuff since our neighbor's baby shower is in a couple of days. I'm fine, can't wait till school starts for once, I live near none of my friends and haven't seen them all summer v.v}

I smiled without opening my mouth. "Where do you guys live in America?" I asked curiously, looking down at her again before starting to walkk slowly towards the maze, waiting for her.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:03 pm

(ahhhhh i see, and haha yeah i get what you mean when you say you dont live near your friends i see then twice a week more if my lucky, when do oyu start school?)

i shrugged "we've lived all over the place but my favorite was in Main, it so pretty there" i said looking up at her then hurry after her to the maze, looking around
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Post by • Echo Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:18 pm

{Unfortunately on Wednesday, just three days left ^.^}

I smiled, following the worn path back to the maze. "Yeah, Maine is my favorite out there, the wildlife is gorgeous, and so is the ocean," I said.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:43 pm

(ahhhh yay you! lol)

i smiled and nodded walking beside her "uh huh, but the water was always so cold" i say looking up at her
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Post by • Echo Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:49 pm

-snorts- You're funny. I wish it were already over, I can't wait to get out of highschool and leave crazy ol' CA behind. I'm going to Maine or Ohio xD

I smiled. "I think that's just about everywhere," I said as we reached the maze, trailing a hand over the greenery. It split into three different ways immediately, right, left, and straight. "You wanna choose where to go?" I asked, a smile playing on the corners of my lips as I watched her.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:16 pm

(haha yes i am funny XD bt yeah its so over rated)

i nodded "yeah" i nodded then looked at the maze peering in, looking at the three paths i looked up at her then back at the paths "yeah the right one" i say then reached up and grabbed her hand, just in case there really where monsters, i start walking in with her
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Post by • Echo Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:11 pm

xD Sorry it took so long, power out >.<

I smile, squeezing her hand and walking beside her as I turned right. A flock of red-winged blackbirds sailed overhead, and I could hear a few squirrels calling to each other, complaining and fighting over territory and food.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:29 pm

its ok, we get those a lot durning the summer

i smiled brightly up at her then keep walking looking around for monsters or anything like that, using my feel hand i push my hair out of my eyes
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Post by • Echo Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:34 pm

Haha, same here, it's annoying

I watch her for a bit, glancing up only every so often so I didn't trip and fall on my face and to see what path we were taking.

Sorry, I can't think on this one ^.^
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:43 pm

yup very annoying and its ok

i smiled at her then stopped when we got to a parting, i looked at them, then turned to the left after i looked up at Raphael to see if it was right or not
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Post by • Echo Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:52 pm

I pause slightly. "It's probably best to go the other way unless you'd like to circle the entire maze a couple more times before finding a dead end," I said, smiling small.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Sun Aug 29, 2010 12:57 pm

i stopped and looked up at her "oh, ok" i turn on my heels to go the other way, walking the other way i looked up at her "how do you know the right way to go?"
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Post by • Echo Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:05 pm

I shrugged slightly. "I've been through this maze millions of times, studied the blueprints that were used to make it, and probably have every possible route memorized in my mind," I say, trailing a hand along the leafy, green wall.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:18 pm

i listen to her then nodded "oh cool" i flashed her a sweet smile then looked around, i peek around the courner for monsters thne seeing none i smiled and skip ahead for her giggling sotly
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Post by • Echo Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:20 pm

{My mind is an absolute blank on this one, so I'll just skip forward a bit if it's fine by you?}
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