Call of the Wild
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{EXP POST}♥ ♥ Another Day, Another Lie, Another Passing ♥ ♥

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{EXP POST}♥   ♥   Another Day, Another Lie, Another Passing   ♥   ♥ - Page 3 Empty Re: {EXP POST}♥ ♥ Another Day, Another Lie, Another Passing ♥ ♥

Post by LoveOnHerArms Sun Aug 15, 2010 1:55 pm

i wake up around nine to Hannah bouncing on my bed "Bennie Bennie wake up!" i groaned and pull the pillow over my head "Hannah its early" i mumbled into the pillow, she giggled and jumped on my back earning a grunt from me "nooooo its almost nine!" i groaned "see its still early, if its past eleven then its late" i said and she smacked me on the shoulder "get up! im hungry!" she said sitting on my back, "ow! hey no hitting the brother and ok ok fine but you gotta get off so i can get dressed" i said looking at her over my shoulder, Hannah smiled big and scrambled off me "get dressed Hannah" i called "yeah yeah!" i hear then sit up watching her go through her clothes trowing them around her "Hannah just pick some already" i stand up and grabbed a plain blue shirt and put it on leaving on my basketball shorts on "see im ready, i'll leave you" i say playing, she sighed and put on a pair of jeans and a shirt that had horses on it "ok im ready" she smiled big and walk out the door with me

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Post by • Echo Sun Aug 15, 2010 2:14 pm

{Haha, thanks!}

Walking through the kitchen, I pushed open the door, shutting it quietly behind me. Pausing, I close my eyes for a moment, inhaling deeply the crisp, early morning air, filling my lungs. My heatbeat sped slightly and I lifted my head a little higher, eyes brighter as I started walking down the lane. Following one of the paths that veered towards the maze before splitting into two paths. The left went into the maze, the right went around it and was the one I took. Running my hands over the wall, I looked over at the fields, where white-washed fences kept in sleek horses and content cows as they grazed calmly.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Sun Aug 15, 2010 2:33 pm

i walk down to the kitchen with Hannah then hold the door open for her, she smiled and run is and stops looking around, i chuckled and pick her up and set her on a stool "be nice, i'll be back in a while ok?" i asked and she nodded, walking back out i snag a apple on my way out, eating my apple i walk outside and looked around mmm where to go... i looked at the path leading to the maze and shrugged a jog sounded good, i finish my apple and pulled my shirt off, laying my T on a lawn chair then start jogging down the path, stopping when i get to the two paths i looked at them and go for right and start jogging again
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Post by • Echo Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:06 pm

{haha, sorry it took so long to reply, I had to go put together a new bridle for one of my horse's since he gets weird warts or something around his mouth once a year and the bit tears up his mouth when he has them, and he doesn't respoond well to a hackamore so I found pieces of broken bridles aand put together a bitless xD}

Once I was on the other side of the maze I follow the path towards the woods, the trees tall and spaced nicely apart, not too densely. Passing my hands over the massive trunks of the trees I walked past, I walk for a couple minutes until I found the one tree, its trunk spanning about five feet in thickness. From one of the thick boughs overhead two old, worn, but still strong ropes hung down, the ends attached to a wooden swing, the seat about three feet wide, five inches thick, and shiny from use. Running my hands over the rough bark, I cock my head slightly to the side, hearing footsteps on the path where it hardened slightly by the maze.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:15 pm

( its all good i understand the whole living on a farm and dropping everything to do something, ; ) i end up doing that a lot)

keeping a steady pace i jog listening to everything around me, i stop for a second to look around and grinned seeing that the path lead to the woods, cool with me, i start up again looking straight ahead coming into the woods then i grinned seeing Gracie coming into view, when i get up to her i stop and smirked "hey what are you doing here?" i asked running a hand through my hair, a thin layer of sweat on my body
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Post by • Echo Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:51 pm

{haha, yeah, plus I was using the old bridle for two horses and one needed a bit the other a hackamore, so it was getting tiring having to switch bits and adjustments whenever I wanted to ride, so this just makes it easier xD}

I sigh inwardly seeing that it was Bennie. I had sorta been hoping I could be alone, but for some reason I felt my heart lift out of my gut seeing him. I smirk impishly. "I sorta live here, remember?" I asked, forcing my eyes to remain on his face instead of on his body. "So you're staying at my parents' house?" I asked, wondering if he had gotten a job or his parents were friends to mine or something, but I didn't have many names since I had been in-and-out of Ireland lately.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:11 pm

(way to use your head! lol ; ) )

i chuckled and lean against a tree looking at her "yeah i know this, but i didnt pin you as a person to wander around the woods in the morning" i said back then stretch down to my toes then back up, nodded i looked at her "Yeah for a little while, our parents are old friends" i say helping her out then looked around us, and smirked seeing the swing "yours?"
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Post by • Echo Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:32 pm

{lol, as long as it works and doesn't cost two hundred bucks the way other bitless bridles do, then I'm happy xD}

I rolled my eyes slightly. "Which just proves that you don't know me," I clarified, leaning my back against the tree trunk, arms flat against it as well. Arching my eyebrows as he stretched, I flipped my long, wavy auburn hair over one shoulder. "Why would you care?" I asked, my voice a little sharp as I saw his expression. Even though I had changed a lot over the years, I was still touchy about things that had been in my childhood.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:37 pm

(yup : p )

i chuckled lightly "your right, i dont know you very well, but i still didnt see you as one" i said back then looked at her and hold up my hands seeing the 'pissed,thats still my things' look "whoa chill out Gracie i was just messin with you" i say then shook my head muttering under my breath, then looked over at her my mop of dark curls falling into my eyes
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Post by • Echo Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:57 pm

Rolling my eyes slightly, still not very content, I turn my gaze away from him, looking out at the forest for a moment, my dark hair spilling over my shoulder and framing the side of my face. The tips caught in the sunlight, becoming alive with red flames.

"Come on, Cathleen, we've got to go so we'll be back before it's dark!" My white dress swirled around my legs as I ran barefoot through the forest, dark curls cropped short to reach barely to my shoulders. "Are you sure we'll be back by then?" my sister asked, and I could hear the uneasiness in her voice and I stopped, practically skipping back to her side. "Of course we will, I promise," I said, and she followed after me, her blond hair barely reaching her chin since it was still growing back after she had had cancer. Walking so fast I was nearly running, glancing back every so often to make sure Cathleen was still behind me, I wove my way through the forest, grey eyes bright. Finally we broke through the trees into a small clearing, the grass tall and growing up to my chest. Pushing my way through, I speed walk towards the area where the grass was flattened. Crouching down, I run my fingers over the silky tan and white body of the fawn. "Oh, look at it," Cathleen said quietly, stopping a bit behind me. "He," I clarified, running my hands down over one of his ears. "Where's his mom?" she asked, and I shrugged. "I think she was killed , maybe by poachers, it is not hunting season," I said, and she nodded. "Here, help me get him to stand, if we can get him to walk back to the house then he will probably live," I said, and she nodded again, coming closer. Together, we urged him to stand, stumbling slightly as he leaned his weight on us to keep from falling. His eyes were wide and frightened, but we talked quietly and soothingly to him, pushing gently against him to get him to walk forward. We coaxed him to move for almost an hour before we finally saw the houses between the trees. One of the stable hands, Shawn, saw us coming and hurried over. "Where have you two be- Where did you find him?" I explained quickly, and he helped us put him in an empty stall in the barn, calling over his shoulder for one of the other hands to get a bottle of calf replacer. "Uhm, Rae..." Cathleen said quietly, and I turned to see her bending over slightly, face blank, hand grasping at her stomach. "I-I don't f-f-feel..." Without being able to finish her sentence, she collasped on the floor, unmoving and limp. My mouth dropped, knowing that this time she wasn't playing. "Shawn!" I screeched, running forward to kneel by her side, rolling her over onto her back and cupping her head in my hands. "Cathy!" I yelled. Her eyes were ope and glazed over, sweat beading on her brow and cheeks, lips blue, mouth opened slightly, barely breathing...

Another breeze passed through, seeming to clear my mind and bringing me back to reality. It hadn't been far from here that we had found the baby deer, though since we had been so small when we were six it had seemed to take a lifetime to cross over the distance. Pushing the multicolored memory to the back of my mind the way I had been doing for over fifteen years now, I sigh softly, closing my eyes and leaning my head against the tree, brow furrowed, temples throbbing painfully.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:08 pm

i looked at her when she stared off into space, just watching her not saying a word, hell yeah i wanted to know what she was thinking but now wasnt the time to ask. rubbing my bare back against the rugh tree bark i let out a small sigh, it felt good, then seeing her come back to the world, but she this time she wasnt pissed with me, she looked like she was fighting back emotions, taking a couple steps to her "Gracie?" i asked worry in my dark eyes.

(sorry its short bt theres not much to work with...)
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Post by • Echo Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:18 pm

{It's no problem. Normally I post a helluva lot and this is the way that I usually write, but I add a lot more into it... Lol, I've just found that not many people here actually attempt to read 2k of words and ignore it or just skim through it which is why I post less here ^.^ }

Almost as if from a distance, I heard a voice calling me, bringing me back farther into the land of the living. Blinking slightly, for a moment I forgot where I was, then it all came back and I felt something in my chest sink, dropping down to my toes as I turned my head to look back at Bennie. "Yes?" I ask, my voice soft, barely more than a whisper yet still audible.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:31 pm

(ahhh right, yeah i like putting a lot into it, it makes it better and gives me a way to put down everything that im yeah i get cha it annoys the hell outta me now seeing some of the bios and posts that are only three to fives words)

i looked at her "you ok?" i asked clearly knowing she wasnt but i still asked, slowly i reach out and tuck some lose hair behind her ear, my hand lingered on her soft cheek for a sec then i pulled back looking her in the eyes "just talk to me Gracie, tell me whats going on so im not to damned confused" i said my voice having a edge of roughness in it but i wanted to know what was going on, hell i wanted to play her knight but that didnt look like it was going to happen anytime soon, so i was going to be real with her, god knows i wanted some one to be real with besides Cole
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Post by • Echo Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:52 pm

{Aw, man, I know, right? They're even leaving out what they look like! I'll have a good sized post somewhere and someone will come along and reply with less than a real sentence in just a matter of a few seconds without really caring or reading the whole post just because they can}

Hearing his question, I lay my cheek back against the bark of the tree, feeling my throat close and tears burn behind my eyes, though I pushed them back before they could show, staring at the ground as it seemed to sway under me. "I'm... Fine," I say, my voice still quiet but firm in the end. I hated the feeling of being vulnerable or weak. "There's nothing going on right now," I insisted, not emphazing the last part but not skipping over it lightly, either. I wasn't about to start pouring my mind out to some guy I met last night while I was hiding from my parents and the rest of the party.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:06 pm

( i know! it drives me crazy! i want to know something abut that person! i have one that i really want someone to post but i want more then barley a sentence, but then again a lot of then chicken out of doing the long ones....)

i looked at her my arms crossed "like hell you are fine, you wont ever look me in the eyes" i pointed out then lean my head back and groaned softly "just tell me or tell the freakin tree! for all i care but dont hold it all in!" i said trowing my arms in the air then shoving then into my pockets looking at her with worry but getting pissed eyes "hell yell at me do somthing beside keep it all in Gracie, it kills you in the end" i say then last part softly, then taking a step to her "scream right now,dont ask just do it" i growled out my voice firm with a hard edge in it. it pissed me off when people acted like everything was fine when they looked like shit, she need to get pissed of it would help her so much, there was a reason for my madness
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Post by • Echo Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:37 pm

{Geez, I know, I hate that because it's just them being lazy most of the time since they don't want to sit there and write.}

I felt my hand clench slowly into a fist, working on unclenching it, staring hard at the ground. I knew he was trying to get me to say what was bothering me, but I had gone through this thousands of times before and wasn't about to let it get to me now. "There is nothing going on right now, and if I were you, I wouldn't be so quick to try to get me to confide in somneone I met less than twelve hours ago," I growled, nails on my left hand digging into my palms, out of his view since it was at my side. I blinked once, holding my eyes closed for a minute before opening and adding in a softer voice. "But please stay out of my buisness," I whispered.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:45 pm

(yeah i annoys me so much)

i looked at her and snorted hearing her "dont flatter yourself kid, i just dont want to see you f*cked later on in life, or more then you already are" i said back my voice hard and cold, this was getting annoying, she was on the edge of breaking down in front of me then she tels me to stay out of it, yeah as if i would stay out of it, i rolled my eyes at myself then looked at her "Gracie im not trying to get into your business, your the one who spaced out then almost broke down in front of me" i pointed out, i wasnt going to sugar coat everything and not tell her the truth, personally i think she need someone to tell it to her straight and not let her run and hide like she was doing, but that was just me
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Post by • Echo Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:50 pm

{Yeah, same >.>}

I rolled my eyes slightly. "Why do you care if I get totally screwed over or not? It doesn't affect your life," I snapped, and my eyes narrowed more as I turned my head to glare at him. "I did not almost break down in front of you!" I snarled, eyes blazing as I pushed away from the tree, pushing past him since he was basically right in front of me, making my way back down the path. There was no way in hell a guy would come up to me and try to give me adive that really is basically telling me what to do.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:59 pm

i looked at her and rolled my eyes "because i do, its not that uncommon for someone to care about you Gracie" i growled out then snorted watching her get pissed with me, "oh really? so the tears that you held back and the blank face were normal for you? figures that it would be" i snapped back then watch her storm he way back to the house, i shook my head and turn around and keep jogging back down the path i'd taken this before so i knew that it would lope around back to the house.

i finished eating so i went outside to play, but there was no one to play with, sighing i wander around the yard avoiding the maze Bennie told me to not go in there because you would get lost and then a monster would eat you, but i think he was kidding about the monster part...i think...sighing again i see someone walk down a path, maybe that person would play with me? i smiled big at the idea and run to that person, i smiled bigger seeing it was a girl "hey! will you play with me?" i asked looking at her with Bambi blue eyes my blond hair falling out of the ponytail
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Post by • Echo Tue Aug 17, 2010 11:26 pm

"Of course it is," I growled to myself, tuning him out as I pushed myself forward. Hearing a little girl's voice after a moment, I look up, smiling as I saw a kid running towards me. "Hmm? Sure, what do you want to play? I'm Raphael," I added, smiling as I knelt down slightly.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:12 pm

i looked at her and smiled big "im Hannah, umm what is there to do?" i asked looking at her rocking back on my heels with a bright smile
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Post by • Echo Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:27 pm

I looked up slightly at the sky, thinking. "Well, if you like animals we can go see the horses or go down to the pond where the ducks and swans hang out or to the dog kennels. There's always the maze, too, it's always fun going through there..." I said, trailing off. It'd been so long since I had played as a girl here.
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:53 pm

Hannah~ i clapped my hands excited hearing about all the animals then i cocked my head to the side hearing about the maze "but Bennie said the maze has monsters in it, how is that fun when a monster could get you and eat you all up?" i asked with big blue eyes then pushed my hair out of my face, Bennie wasnt good at putting up my hair, when ever he did it, my hair would fall out almost right away
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Post by • Echo Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:02 am

{sorry, it might be taking me a while to respond since my brain is malfunctioning since my whole body is basically numb I'm so sore ^.^}

I arched my eyebrows slightly. "Bennie is your older brother?" I asked, then shook my head. "There aren't any monsters in the maze, it's just a simp- Well, I wouldn't exactly say simple, but it's just a maze, no strange creatures lurking in it," I insist calmly.

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Post by LoveOnHerArms Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:08 am

(nah its all good, i cant sleep thats why im still up, bt why are ya sore?)

i nodded "uh huh Bennies my brother" i say then looked at her "you sure? theres no monsters?" i say looking at her then shrugged "ok but can we go check to make sure?" i asked my hands behind my back as i rock on my heels "cause maybe you just arnt looking for them" i tell her with a big smile
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