Call of the Wild
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Destroyer announces his arrival..

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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Guest Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:10 am


My pitch black mane whips back from my face and my tail snakes behind me like a wind whipped banner. Dark wings, that reached a span of almost thirty feet on each side, whistled in the wind and made of black flames. My whole appreance seemed obscure to one's eyes, mostly because I looked like a phatom ghost. Bits and parts of me seemed to break away in a black smoke, but the whole of me was still there. The only thing you could see clearly was the light green eyes that forever glared. Black thunder clouds followed in my wake and lightning nipped at my heels, but I could've cared less. A terrible neigh rips out of my throat as my black fiery feet hit the ground at a run. I only slow when I get to the end of the cliff that drops off into the sky. Stopping there I rear up and flare my wings out, striking the air with forehooves, a shrill high pitched challenging scream erupting from me. Coming back down I fold my wings and look around, the black smoke like stuff still flowing around me and away from me. The only thing you could tell was that I was a big horse, you couldn't see any features, except my eyes that burned with anger and greed. I wait, for there was a mare that was following me..I also wait to see if any others would come.


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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Saviour Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:14 pm

Neritic:I hear him and then slow when I see the clearing. I watch his show and then snort, so he would know I was there. I didn't want to scare him especially because of his size. I lower my head and walk out toward him I flick my forelock out of my eyes and look at the clearing, I lower raise my head and nicker to him "You remind me of someone I used to know long ago" I say almost to quiet for him to hear. My forelock was long as was my mane. My structure was large, abnormal for mares and I was strong.
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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Guest Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:03 pm

Destroyer: I trot over to her, noting how careful she was to make sure I knew she was there. Which was good. Nickering when I get close enough, I stop and watch her. "Is that a good or bad thing?"


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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Saviour Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:37 pm

I shrug "We will see" I said and shake my mane.
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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Guest Fri Nov 05, 2010 2:13 pm

Aching my eyebrow momentarily I shake my head to rid the conversation and instead focus on the land we were on. Snorting I pick my feet up and start to walk around to see if there were others here. My pitch black mane waved back in the wind in little whisps as I picked my pace up to a jumpy trot at the smell of warm blood growling I pin my ears and snap at the shadowy figures of my demons when they get to close.


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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Saviour Sun Nov 07, 2010 10:51 am

I watch his curious behavior and chuckle, I then state sarcastically "They only want to play" I stay where I was, smirking slightly and relaxing as the wind blows through my dark mane and tail..
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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Guest Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:07 pm

I flatten my ears momentarily at her sarcasim, but dismiss it as I come to a stop. Standing atop a high cliff I look over the land with a evil grin, my dark laughter starting softly then up to a roar. Black clouds quickly filled the sky and the tempature dropped several degrees per second until it reached a chilling point that satisfied me. So cold was it that everything froze and if touched would shatter into millions of pieces. A evil chilling aura rested over the land as I sat atop my cliff contently. As this all came about the Demons became increasingly restless. Their forms shooting around and over me until I snapped at them. "Be still!" I roar. My ears flat against my head. "You will go and bring me back the souls that died, and those alive" a dark chuckle rang "kill!" My words rang out, and it seemed as if before I even said them the Demons were screaming and screetching as they dove over the cliff and covered the land.


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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Saviour Tue Nov 23, 2010 5:50 pm

I smirk as the land becomes frozen, much to my liking. I step foreward, breaking the ice that rested on my feathered hooves. I touch his side momentarily with my muzzle then look out as the demons leave with exstatic[sp?] actions.
[srry im not exactly thinking right now lol]
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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Guest Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:21 pm

Feeling her touch i twist my head around and nip at her muzzle softly. "Soon, everything will be ours!" My sinister voice chimmed. The mere thought of owning all the land sent exciting chills all over me. But first. I needed a queen. My thoughts said and I rest my gaze on Neritic. Perfect. The voice hissed into my ears and I turn completely to her. Going to her side I nip it sharply but gently, and I begin circling her.


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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Saviour Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:54 pm

My pulse raised excitedly at his words and his voice. I chuckle softly. I watch him as he circles me, his motions, his eyes, his thoughts. I figured I knew what he wanted but kept from saying anything about it "What are you up to?" I asked, my voice dark yet sweet; sinister but sexy... I stood there with my curled furlock rested over my one ice-blue eye. My breath fogging out of my nostrils like a veil and my body dark in contrast to the icy background of my mystical picture.
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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Guest Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:08 am

I stop infront of her and chuckle darkly. "You should know what I want, Neritic." Giving a lop sided smirk, my eyes light as I just stand there and watch her instead.


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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Saviour Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:12 pm

I shrug "Well I don't, so elaborate please" I said and returned the smirk, and for the first time in a long while, I flicked my forelock out of my face to reveal my stunningly ice-blue eye that seemed to see right through to the soul.
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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Guest Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:27 pm

I chuckle, this one I liked. Her attitude and everything was very stunning. The wind picked up and started to blow against us, tossing our manes and lifting our tails slightly, it also disturbed my form and seemed to make it blur. Then slowly a whisper came to my ears. Its hideous voice cooing to my ears like a long lost child. Suddenly snarling I snap with bared fangs at the air, my ears pinned against my skull and my eyes dilated. Growling I flare my nostrils and turn my massive body into the wind. "Someone called my name." I hissed as I studied the skies seeking the answer out. But when it came to me it showed me of two winged mares. In a land not far from here. Roaring I rear up into the wind and strike out, my large hooves slicing through the air like knives. In the same second a lightning bolt struck not far from us and the thunder bellowed its rage. When my hooves finally came back down to the earth, the skies where totally black except for the occational (sp) lightning bolt in the sky and the rumbling of thunder.

Fangs still bared and ears still pinned I let my eyes roam the valley below the cliff which I had returned to. Snaking my head into the air I let out a horrifying scream, calling the demons that worshipped me. In response they came. Their streaking black forms racing across the valley floor like a nightmare as they made their way to me, their leader. Slowly a dark evil smirk slid onto my face as I awaited them.


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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Saviour Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:08 pm

I watch as his strong body blurs like a dream infront of me, giving me goosebumps. I then jump back defensively when he lashes out, but do not rear up in an aggressive stance like I normally would have. I watch as he angers, causing the sky to blacken and a storm to brew. The lightning boomed with its partner thunder until the Earth shook and I watched Destroyer as he figuired out who this whisperer was. I lower my head, causing my curly messed up mane to fall down infront of my face in a sharp, fast, demon-like motion. I close my eyes and listen to my surroundings, then open my eyes. They were black, completely, not just the pupils and color part. The normally white part was a glossy black color. I prick my ears and raise my head, my lips curling back in a demonic smile. "Are you hungry?" I asked, my voice glitching slightly and my breath fogging from my mouth. My forelock had split evenly and rested infront of my ears slightly, along with some of my mane. I shake my head and fix my mane, the hair laying somewhat perfect on my warm neck. The blood pulsed through my vein and arterie highway as I waited for his answer...hoping it was a yes, for I wanted a hunt while he took care of business.
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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Guest Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:38 pm

My face twisted into a dark smile at her words. Turning my head around I look at her, my black and red rimmed eyes boring into hers. "Of course" I hissed in return.

(Sorry its short lol I'm at a friends house on my phone)


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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Saviour Fri Dec 17, 2010 8:42 pm

[its fine ; ) ]

I smirk with a dark intent " I will get us a meal while you deal with this" I said and walk up to him, my eyes still demon-like because of my boring hunger. I touch his side with my muzzle, his hair barely touching mine when I pull back and raise my head. I nod and raise my large, feathered hoof. I strut foreward and then, with an exstatic[sp?] motion I launch off into the dark, moist, and eerily fitting scene of the forest. I smell the air as I run, searching for the nearest scent of a soul...

[mine is short too cuz I gtg real quick, I have to put away my clothes Razz ]
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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 12:01 pm

I dip my head and flick my tail when she barely touches me. Turning my head I watch her disappear into the forest. Slowly, oh so slowly, my dark chuckle started and then went into a full blast laugh. Like that of a mental maniac. Suddenly my dark black wings sprang from my back of my blurred form. lunging foward I jump into the sky and evapurate (sp) into a thin cloud of a black fog.


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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Saviour Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:46 pm

I smirk at the thought of warm blood trickling down my neck like a thick syrup of sweet deliciousness... I shook my head, focus, I need to find a horse....
[srry idk what to say]
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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Saviour Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:17 pm

I reach the spot where we are 'camped' and throw the huge stallion down on the ground. I smirk at his pathetic and bloodied face. I step down on his head and scrape my hoof over it. It made his expression and everything disappear and i then grab his throat and pierce his skin, drinking the hot, crimson liquid. His blood trickled down my throat like a river of death and I rested my eyes, almost moaning from the sweet dark pleasure I got from the liquid.
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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Guest Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:09 pm

After she was well finished with the stallion, I appeared. Not that far from her. A dark chuckle erupted from my throat as I spot the dark stains that were left on her pelt from the blood.


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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

Post by Guest Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:44 pm

I lift my head, my eyes clouded from my last kill, they were black with an eerie blood stained look. I smile devilishly "I made you dinner hun" I said, my fangs shrinking back as I my eyes slowly turned back, I still kept my one eye covered, though it was the same as the other at the time. I turn my head to one side and watch him with interest.


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Destroyer announces his arrival.. Empty Re: Destroyer announces his arrival..

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