Call of the Wild
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The Destroyer...and his Sister, Mahake, comes

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The Destroyer...and his Sister, Mahake, comes Empty The Destroyer...and his Sister, Mahake, comes

Post by Guest Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:42 pm

Destroyer: *I appear suddenly and all life around me dies just as suddenly as I had appeared. I growl leathaly*

Mahake: *I appear next to him smiling, a hint of death playing on my lips like a violin.* "Well, well brother, looks like we can call this heavenly place home" *i hiss in the most sweetest voice ever heard*

Destroyer: *a shadow of a smile appears on my dark figure* "So it is Mahake. You know what to do with the leader..." *I chuckle deeply, then roar with laughter full of vicious hate for all that lives.. I calm then and glare at her* "Also, bring the two dark wolves two me.." *I snarl loudly, instantly dark flitting objects appear all around. Not all of them were here, for some of them were with herds that were destined to be destroyed soon. My eyes glow pleasantly with greed for blood.*

Mahake: *I bow with slight* "Yes, your Dark Highness" *then I disappear, only a wisp of dark smoke stays in my leaving quake*


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The Destroyer...and his Sister, Mahake, comes Empty Re: The Destroyer...and his Sister, Mahake, comes

Post by Guest Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:53 pm

Midnight's Fury:*i walk in to see them, and bow to them in respect*


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The Destroyer...and his Sister, Mahake, comes Empty Re: The Destroyer...and his Sister, Mahake, comes

Post by Guest Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:27 pm

Destroyer: *I roar in complete pitch black hatred and surround her in pain. making her fall to the ground paralyzed with in unbearable pain* "I should kill-!"

Mahake: "BROTHER!!" *I snap viciously the word hitting him like a whip to the face* "Let her go! She could be of service!"

Destroyer: *I growl coldly and release the pain but leave her in a paralyzed state so we could question her*


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The Destroyer...and his Sister, Mahake, comes Empty Re: The Destroyer...and his Sister, Mahake, comes

Post by Guest Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:49 pm

Midnight's Fury:*i look at him*"What the &*#% was that for?!"*i snort*"I just came to see if i could join you!"


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The Destroyer...and his Sister, Mahake, comes Empty Re: The Destroyer...and his Sister, Mahake, comes

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