Call of the Wild
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Elegant Freedom

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Elegant Freedom Empty Elegant Freedom

Post by • Echo Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:16 am

I canter in, my neck arched gracefully, my head high. I slow to a prancing trot, my misty breath showing like smoke in the air. I snort, tossing my head. I pick my feet high, neck arched, tail streaming behind me like a banner. The wind ruffled my mane and tail softly, blowing them to the left. The sunlight glinted off the snow around me, dazzling to the eye. Snow covered trees lined the meadow I was in, and a frozen stream twisted through a group of cottonwoods. I trotted over to it, sniffing the water. I pawed at it, breaking the thin ice. I lower my head and drink, then raise my dripping muzzle, the cold not effecting me. I whinnie loudly, my clear voice carrying on the wind for what could have been a mile. My nostril dialated, taking in the scent of the animals around me. An arctic fox, a flock of doves, a few white hares... I toss my head, pawing at the snow. I walked away from the trees, my feet sinking to the fetlock in the snow. I toss my head, my cream colored mane flying. I whinne again, and a few doves rose and flew away. A hare darted away from the fox, while the fox stayed slyly out of sight. I pawed at teh ground, then began to canter, tossing my head and kicking my heels into the air for fun.
• Echo
• Echo
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