Call of the Wild
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T e m p t a t i o n -Advanced-R/M-Male Needed-

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T e m p t a t i o n -Advanced-R/M-Male Needed- Empty T e m p t a t i o n -Advanced-R/M-Male Needed-

Post by → Tue Mar 26, 2013 8:46 pm

❤Riley "Lou" Marie Toff❤
T e m p t a t i o n -Advanced-R/M-Male Needed-
" You've got enemies?
That means you actually stood up for something in your life."

{Riley's speech}

No light. No comfort. No cool winds that could sweep you away and let you dance across the open sky like an eagle spreading it's wings to take flight. Yet, the only shades of black that seemed to engulf the entire forest with still crawling shadows of darkness, were the blood-lust creatures, that once were humans. Though if you look close enough, within those shadows lay a still, cold, and motionless figure of that of a girl. Sprawled out on the rocky Earth surface, and each passing moment was none the less, silent. Ears buzzing as she came to consciousness, chest heaving slightly, and eye lids still con-sealed. Not daring to open, aware that the world around her was now run by flesh-eating monsters. Her heart seemed to skip beats, trying to process what was going on. She remembered the lake she was drifting off too, just when the world went black around her.

Do I even remember my own name?

Rising to sit up some, Riley put her hand to rest on the back of her head, feeling a small bump where she had hit her head, hard on a rock, luckily it didn't bleed. Her light honey hair laced across her face with the breeze current, sending trails of reeking blood. Making the olive skin toned girl wrinkle her nose in disgust, grunting she finally stood to her stumpy feet. Half stumbling and half regaining her balance with one jolt of energy that scorched throughout her body now, which of course made her jerk her head to one side, only to hear a shuffle of a bush. Yes, she was hearing impaired, but she could here things when her ears wanted her too. Shaking her head in shame at herself, feeling stupid for it was only a mere rabbit. Hopping along the Earth surface, dodging Riley's feet and scurrying off down the trail. The girl's heavenly lavender purple gaze, tinted with a shade of glazed blue, watching the rabbit for a short period of time. By the time it got to a tree in the distance, getting ready to make it's way into the safe haven of it's home, a limp yet rough frame came into view rather quickly, and with a swipe of the human-like creature's hands, the thing snapped the poor little rabbit's neck, crushing it's bones to salver it with it's crusted teeth.
Riley shuddered, a chill of unwanted comfort made her spine tingle with shock and confusion, yet not scarred riddance shot through her. Just curiosity into what that thing was, though she planned on not staying for long for the creature had spotted her by an instant snap of it's head. She couldn't hear the faint growl of the monster, though she knew that's what it was doing as it headed forward, towards her. Gaze casting around her to find something sharp. Every few seconds looking up to notice the not-so-human thing rushing towards her, coming in fast with impact. The confused girl found a stake that was certainly sharp to a point, just beyond a thicket. Not wasting any time or effort, Riley dove for the wooden stake, sliding a little on the leafy ground, her hand extended to grasp it. She finally did, feeling power vibrate in her arms as soon as she rolled over, the creature now only inches away to being on top of her made the purple eyed girl strike with mind-blowing strength that she never thought she had. Eyes widening to see the rotten blood of it splatter, her head jerked to the side just in time so the infested red goo didn't catch her face. Slowly, yet cautiously she rotated her head only slightly, eyes to the corner, she pulled the stake from it's chest. Pressing her steel-toed battle boots against the body, flinging it off her.

" f***." She muttered, irritably.

Riley lifted herself up off the ground, narrowing her eyes to slits she backed up into a tree. Jumping forward, not knowing what it was, though she punctured this so-called weapon she had in her hands, straight through the tree. Gasping some, the girl huffed in annoyance now. Tossing the stake aside, she casts the thing that tried to eat her, a still hardening glare before turning to stalk off. Testing her hearing, Riley could only sense a few people near her. Which made her pace pick up some. Landing up behind the group of kids, she grumbled. Unable to hear them, though their words came out in rasps. She stayed silent, not quite ready to show herself to them, for she didn't trust no one, and if they were the only people left standing on this Earth she probably still wouldn't trust them. Nor couldn't. But, maybe she would have to risk the chance of having to comfort these people on her own terms.

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T e m p t a t i o n -Advanced-R/M-Male Needed- Empty Re: T e m p t a t i o n -Advanced-R/M-Male Needed-

Post by → Tue May 07, 2013 5:15 pm

Heycan someone please join.
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Join date : 2012-11-19
Age : 26
Location : Why do you wanna know? Are you a stalker?!

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