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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:24 pm

Nova grinned, swinging her legs out of her jeep and jumping down onto the hot sand. She brushed her hair out of her face. The beach wasn't very crowded today, and seemed to be lacking its normal population of obese children and old men in way-to-small speedos. It would be a good day. Her hazel eyes scanned over the horizon, watching the tide come in with renewed energy. The sun was high in the sky, and gave her a very good reason to shed the tank top she had used to conceal her neon bikini. The shorts could stay. After all, they were the same electrifying blue as her hair and top. Nova could care less about getting noticed. It was being different. Who cared about being a ditzy blonde with a set of double D's? Definitley not Nova. She giggled at her own gutter humor, and plopped down onto her plain old black towel. Crossing her legs, Nova settled back, arms crossed behind her head as she stretched out. The wolf inside was utterly content. It completely agreed with stretching out in the sun for a cat nap. A woman struggled to control her set of screaming toddlers, and Nova glanced over to give her a deathly glare. They were quickly herded into a cherry red sports car. Hmm, that girl must of had enough of daddy's money to party her life away, and ended up with a couple of children in return. Nova was always quick to judge.

As the day progressed, people slowly drifted away from the beach. Nova felt isolated as her part of the beach was abandoned, and a rosy glow started on the horizion. Why couldn't it be like this every day? She wouldn't mind. After all, if things got rough, she had a wolf to back her up. The softness of her towel lulled her into a light doze. Relaxation was rare. Nova crooked one knee up, and sighed with contentment. A small sound caught her attention. She shot up, on her feet in a defensive position in seconds. Her hazel eyes were tinted gold, and her jaw of set. Nova couldn't see anything. "God damnit Nova, relax!" She scolded herself, trying to unwind muscles she hadn't known were tense. Yeah, that'd never happen. Whatever. When night sent it, she could disappear into a nearby forest and take her frustration out on some tree or animal. Feeling like an idiot, Nova pulled her knees to her chest, and rested her chin on them as the sun set.
For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Werewolf_by_m1ken-d4cpu2o

Last edited by Unicorn_Fluff on Mon May 20, 2013 5:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Tayssi Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:31 am

For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)
For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Hell_hound_by_azany-d58f65o

Stepping from the hotel, running a hand through his dark hair, Gabriel’s green eyes turned to look down the street. Within the green colouring of his eyes, he had ribbons of red, a complimentary trait left by his Hellhound form. The red never completely vanished. But not many really took much notice to it. They just thought it was contacts. Shaking his head, he started down the street with a satisfied smirk. Another girl last night. She had been a pretty little blonde with pale skin and blue eyes. He had done well to win her over. Not that it had been hard. No girl had ever rejected him and he was proud of that fact. He was in the top 3 of the most attractive men in the town, according to the girls. And it wasn’t a small town, either. But he didn’t care whether he was 1 or 20, he knew he was good looking and could get the girls. That was all that mattered to him. Shoving his hands into his jean pockets, he walked through the town, stopping off at McDonalds at lunch time and grabbing a Happy Meal. Yes, a Happy Meal. He bit into the cheeseburger and glanced down an alleyway, seeing a group of guys hanging out and probably exchanging money and drugs. It wasn’t any of his business, anyway. Grunting in response to his own thoughts, he kept going, ignoring the guys as they called out to him. No body fought with Gabriel Flynn. They knew they would lose.

Throwing his rubbish away as he finished his meal, he looked at the toy, seeing it was a crappy little girls toy of a my little pony or something. He groaned, but shoved it in his pocket, anyway. Maybe some girl would like to have it. He went to the beach for a couple of hours, watching as the sun set. He walked up to the beach car park for a minute because he thought he heard someone call his name, but no one was there. He turned, but then tripped through some bushes. Well that was graceful. He straightened himself and tugged his shirt down as he noticed it had ridden up his torso. He stepped onto the sand once again and it was then that he noticed the blue haired girl in the sunset. His eyes widened slightly, surprised he hadn’t noticed her earlier. Then again, he had been busy in the water with the other guys, as few as there were, and borrowing a board and surfing for a bit.

He noticed her jumping at something and getting into a defensive position for a moment before she sat back down, resting her chin on her knees. He gave a soft smile at the sight. She was definitely a lot different to most girls in town.. So why hadn’t he seen her before? He walked up behind her, lifting a strand of her hair before he smiled down at her. “It’s different,” he commented with a pause, “I like it,” she seemed like she’d be a pretty cool friend and not just a one night stand. He leaned towards her and noticed she smelt slightly different from normal humans. It was a strong smell, to him, but not entirely bad. Maybe it was just his imagination? Or she had just run into someone who had a different sort of smell? He couldn’t be sure.

Inside of him, he could feel his Hellhound stirring. He couldn’t work out whether it was upset or excited, or maybe a bit of both. But it confused the hell out of him. It was never like that. Never. And he couldn’t work out why it was acting like this.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:49 am

Nova glanced around, watching the world around her come into sharper detail. Her senses were sharpened as the werewolf prepared to come out, since after all, it was never really denied a chance to appear. She huffed. Show-off. Wouldn't her prince charming be lucky? The night of her wedding she would transform into some beast that easily reached seven feet tall, and most likely have the divorce papers in her hands the next day. Nova giggled. That would be priceless. She'd have to remember that. Shifting her posistion slightly, Nova closed her eyes and sighed. Things were cooling down, but it never really got cold here, did it? She was about to find out. Her thoughts were jumbled and straightening them out would let her relax a litte more. She probably should've left. But she was all alone, at a beach as the sun was setting and there was no chance of the temperature dropping beneath sixty. Why go? This was pretty much perfect. She wasn't planning on returning every day and tanning until she looked like a raisin, but once or twie a month whenever she had herself well enough under control. That could work. There wasn't anything to agitate or scare her here, unless hallucinating hobos counted, but she still had to focus on not letting her bad side get through sometimes. Nova. Her thoughts shifted to consider her name. Her mother must've been high. She didn't know any rational woman who would willingly name her child Nova. Not that she minded. It helped her with the 'different'.

She didn't care if sleep was nagging at her or not. It was like.. working out for humans. Seeing how long she could resist. It was more of a game, actually Her and her wolf side were not always coordinated, but it never forced its way out. It just pushed, wanting to hunt or run or something. Nova didn't really consider it a different person, or wolf, it was still her, she had full control when she was shifted. But it was more of a nagging sensation, like she had to change, wanted to. The longer she resisted, the more apealing the idea became. A forest was less than ten miles away, and in the sturdy little jeep, that would take less than twenty minutes. Might as well. Nova forced her eyes to open. Her excitement was growing, like a dog getting ready to go for a walk. A very slight pull on her hair morphed the excitement into aggression and fear, and Nova jerked away, spinning around to face her attacker on her knees. "It's different." A look of confusion came over her and she watched the man. She knew her hazel eyes must be nearly golden, but all Nova could do was hope he thought they were contacts. "I like it." What? Liked what? Her hair fell into her face, and Nova remembered her hair being touched. "Well I'm glad you like it, but I'd appreciate it more if you didn't scare me half to death next time." Nova muttered, brushing the sand from hands and shorts as she watched him cautiously.

Her werewolf was agitated. He didn't smell right. Her head tilted slightly, showing her suspicion. Nova slowly moved from her knees to her feet, and tried not to glare up at him. She was ready to bolt, since she didn't know many people, besides her self, that hung around at the beach at night. Nova jumped as the waves crashed into the shore behind her, and silently cursed at herself for being so flinchy. She wasn't a tall or well built person, and felt rather small compared to him. She was only 5'4, and Nova looked him over in a quick glance. He was taller than her. Her nervousness didn't let her estimate much more. Nova bit back a sharp remark, and focused on keeping her wolf back.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Tayssi Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:10 am

Gabriel looked down at the girl, his green eyes widening in surprise. She spun around, on her hands and knees, with a hostile aura around her. Her eyes were a bright golden colour and he stared at them for a moment, trying to figure out why they were like that.. Contacts, maybe? Shaking his head slightly, he waited, watching as she calmed herself down and then spoke. He pulled his hands away, raising them in surrender. “I’m sorry,” he said, watching as she stood up and brushed the sand from her hands and shorts. She was short compared to him; he was 6’3’’ and she had to be about 5’4’’, give or take. He watched as she tilted her head, her gaze full of suspicion. She had every right to be suspicious of him for just coming up and touching her hair. He noticed as she jumped at the sound of crashing waves and his lips tweaked at the edges, though refused to let the smirk show through. “I honestly didn’t mean to scare you. Your hair just caught my attention and I couldn’t help but to touch it..” he said, taking a step back and running a large hand though his dark hair.

He glanced away for a moment, looking down the beach, his Hellhound snapping its jaws now, wanting to be let out. Gabe wasn’t ashamed of what he was, but it scared people. People couldn’t accept the unknown and his other form was unknown to humankind. He knew it was him, yet his Hellhound was a completely separate identity to him. He hand a mind of his own and if Gabe’s will wasn’t strong enough, he’d force his way out. When he was in his other form, it took a hell of a lot of concentration to control him if he was hungry. And not hungry for animals.. He got his moments where he wanted to feast on human flesh. But Gabe didn’t allow it. He never would if he could help it. Even when he slept, he had to control it. Most of the time, it was still awake and fighting to escape. Only moments of peace were when it finally slept. And when it did, it would for days. His red laced, green eyes turned back to the girl who stood almost a foot shorter than him. “I’m sorry,” he repeated with a sigh.

He watched her for a moment before he said, “I’m Gabriel… What’s your name?” he cocked his head to the side with a grin, waiting for her reply. He flinched slightly as his Hellhound tried to claw its way out and he took a deep breath before supressing it even more than usual. Something was up and he wanted to know what. He had a sneaking suspicion it had something to with this girl, as well.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:37 pm

Nova watched his hands as he put them up in a position of surrender. "It's fine, you just caught me off guard." She offered him a nervous smile. "You know, since that isn't something that happens on a daily basis. For me, anyway." Nova said in a humorous tone, and rolled her eyes playfully. Her werewolf was pushing harder, telling her to run and get away from him. She had learned to trust it, but Nova was wondering if it was just using him as an excuse to leave. It wasn't below that. Nova cast a longing look over at her jeep, and wished she had left a little earlier. The need to change was almost breathtaking. It took a lot to keep her breathing pace normal, and her hands not in fists. "Big city, not many people with good intentions..." Nova reminded him, and knelt to pick up her towel. She still watched him cautiously. There were ups and downs to being her type of werewolf. She couldn't just ask it what was wrong, since they shared the same mind and it knew just as much as she did. On the bright side, she never worried about losing control and waking up in the morning with the memory of going on a mass killing spree in her head. Nova wouldn't be able to live like that. As strong and defiant as she was, she wouldn't be ready to hold back something like that.

A new, overwhelming wave of need to change over came her, and Nova sucked in her breath sharply. "Nova." She replied, returning his smile softy. What she needed was a really believable excuse to get out of there. "Er, I should be going... my uh.." Nova paused, trying to come up with something that didn't make it sound like she was lying, "Dog! My dog won't be very happy if I leave her alone to long, so I guess I'll see you around..." Hugging the towel to her chest, Nova offered a small wave and started backing towards her jeep. Her foot caught against the other, and she went down with a squeak. Color flooded her cheeks, and Nova cursed as she scrambled back up. Her excuse had not been one bit believable. Why not just tell him she was lying to his face? He couldn't of been that stupid. The cool surface of the car bumped into her waist, and Nova whirled around, tossing her stuff in and climbing in after it. She'd be lucky if she didn't crash before she got to her destination. Her breathing was rather ragged and uneven, and Nova noticed her hand shaking as she started her vehicle. When was the last time she changed? It never was really this bad. Two months. No wonder. Life had been so busy she hadn't even thought of slipping away and changing, even if just for an hour. Now she looked like some weirdo and would most likely total her car. "Should've run when I had the chance." She whispered, and put her seatbelt on for good measure.

Nova was just fine without being a werewolf, but with the pest thrown into everything, it made things just a little too difficult for her taste. School had always been a little rough, having to explain to teachers why she was having little break downs now and then. They always passed it off as some disease. After she had gotten through with college, Nova had vowed to change at least once a month. Like most things, she failed to follow that schedule, and this was the result.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Tayssi Sun Mar 03, 2013 12:26 am

Gabriel watched the girl carefully before he nodded her response, grinning at her remark. When she mentioned about the city being bad, Gabe gave a light shrug and then nodded in agreement after thinking about it for a moment. It was true. There weren’t many good people around. Most were shady, kind of like how he could be a lot of the time. He could be pretty shady.. Like, nearly every night he’d sleep with a girl, if that couldn’t be counted as shady, he didn’t know what would be. That was it though. Gabriel was a playboy, nothing else. He didn’t do drugs, nor did he smoke. He drank from time to time, but not excessively. He never found any interest in always being drunk. What was point? It ruined your life. Mind you, sleeping around could be bad if he did decide to settle down one day.. But that was a big, big if he didn’t want to even contemplate. Settling down and trusting one completely meant showing his Hellhound to them. And transforming into a huge dog-like creature standing at 5’2’’. He was larger than the average Hellhound at 4-5 ft, but his size didn’t slow him. Like all Hellhounds, he was fast and like all males, very strong. He had been challenged by an alpha a while back and had won. Smashed him, really. Gabe couldn’t say whether he was strong, or he had just been a weak alpha, as he hadn’t run into many males before. And when he had, they never challenged eachother.

The girl’s voice snapped him back to reality and he shook his head, clearing his mind before he looked back at the blue haired girl. So her name was Nova. It was different… Just like her.. And he liked it. His smile faltered for a moment when she said she needed to go back to her dog.. She was lying, he knew she was, but he let it drop. He shoved his hands into his pockets and watched as she backed up to her jeep. She tripped along the way and he stepped forward, about to walk up and help her but he decided against it. She wanted to leave, so he’d leave her. He watched her get up and get into her jeep. Once she was in, Gabriel took a deep breath and started running down the pathway. Running always helped clear his head and usually it would dim the Hellhound down if he was agitated. That was what he was hoping for. He was still trying to claw his way out and it was exhausting Gabe keeping him at bay. He barely ever got this bad, so he didn’t understand why he was trying so hard now. What had set him off?

Gabe ran and ran, until he got to the forest a few miles from where he had been at the beach. His Hellhound was still the same; still trying its hardest to escape. Growling in frustration, Gabriel ran into the forest. If he ran far enough in, he could let it run for a little bit by itself. Then it could be happy. Hopefully. Hopefully it would be content if he let it loose for a few minutes. Pushing himself to run faster, he eventually came to the centre of the forest and stopped. Shoving his jeans off quickly and stepping away, Gabriel changed into a large canine in a ball of flames. Its coat jet black, different to the usual red or brown of a Hellhound. He wore a large spiked collar, and flaming red eyes. Gabriel let most of his control of the hound go and instantly, the creature snapped his overly large jaw with a ferocious snarl. Flames sparked at his paws, but Gabe suppressed them. No need to light the forest on fire. The Hellhound growled in frustration and reared back on his hind paws and shook his head sharply. His front paws landed and it gave a loud, deep howl as he threw his head back.

Once he was silent, he took off, sniffing the air as his stretched its legs and searched. However, Gabriel made sure he didn’t run too close back to the city. There was no need to be found out. He didn’t want to be seen.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Sun Mar 03, 2013 5:47 pm

Nova didn't notice him leaving, only focused on putting the vehicle into reverse and backing out onto the road. The jeep was accelerating quickly, moving just above the legal limit. She didn't care, she'd gotten away with it before. The police had more important things to do back in town, not watch some rundown highway that a ton of people used. Nova shook her head, wondering about what went through their heads. She bit down on her tongue, trying it ignore the nagging sensation of an impatient werewolf. The forest was still five minutes away, but it might as well been an eternity. Nova felt relief when the trees finally came into sight, and came to a sliding stop at the side of the road. Cars could still get by, she didn't need to worry about that. Would anybody be interested in stealing her jeep? She sighed, and bundled them up with her shirt and shorts quickly after she removed them, and tucked them away into the roots of a tree. Finally, Nova let the wolf through. The coarse black fur snaked along her body as the entire muscle build changed along with bone structure. It was painless, but the popping and grinding noises always made her wince. Her eyes were pretty much glowing gold. Her new ears twitched, catching a faint howl, but elected to ignore it. Standing on her hind legs, Nova was easiy seven feet tall. She smiled, and lowered herself down onto all fours. There was a renewed energy, and Nova had to get it out.

The trees rushed by in a blur, and the wind made her eyes water, but Nova could care less about that. She launched herself into the air, grabbing onto a tree before she could slam into it and hurt herself. The bark was oozing out sap, and Nova growled when it tangled with the fur on her paws, but moved out onto a thicker branch anyway. There was a stream not to far away, and after a quick snack, it couldn't hurt to stop there. Besides, Nova hated being sticky. The only part of her that had staid the almost the same was her eyes. They were stil completely normal, human eyes that glowed just a teensy bit. Definetly human. Nova grinned, and watched the game trail below her. She wasn't planning on anything big or anything, just a deer or if she wanted to go to that new Thai resturant later, a rabbit. With claws digging into the sticky bark of the tree, the werewolf waited, and watched.

It wasn't too long before a rather large rabbit peeped out onto the trail, testing the area for any particularlly dangerous predators. Nova practically fell onto it's head, biting the base of the neck to cut off its annoying squeal. Victorious, Nova trotted towards the stream, the rabbit dangling from her jaws. The glow had faded now that most of the energy had been released, leaving her normal golden eyes. If she staid in her wolf form long enough, her eyes would go back to hazel, but Nova saw no point in that, so she didn't. She set the rabbit beside her, and rubbed the sap and collected dirt from her paws. The rabbit was bleeding onto the ground, and would soon be lying in a small pudle of blood if she didn't do something about it soon. Eat it, was the only logical answer. It wasn't the best, but it would keep her content until she got back to town. Nova sighed, washed the blood from her muzzle, and set off again. Things were clearer now, now that she was partially content and didn't feel an over whelming urge to change or kill. She snarled at a small fox, who's curiousity got the best of, and it scurried away. Nova tipped her head back and howled, happy that the night had gone almost as planned.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Tayssi Sun Mar 03, 2013 6:57 pm

Gabriel sat back and let the Hellhound do what it wanted, his control only strong enough to stop him from leaving the forest or scorching it to ash. It was great to be able to let his control go. It helped him relax. Something he hadn’t been able to do in a very long time. Being a Hellhound was a lot of work. It was exhausting, trying to keep him at bay and not let him take control. It would be a disaster if that happened. Everybody would be torn to shreds and everything would be set alight. Being different from the other Hellhounds had its perks, but it also had its downsides. Such as having a Hellhound that was more aggressive than most. So there was no way he could let his control slip near a human. Even though Hellhounds were known for their aggression and being merciless, most others had an agreement with their inner beats. If changed near a human, it will not attack it. In exchange, they would change more often and be allowed free range for a day or so, being allowed to attack whatever else it wanted to. It was the agreement nearly all Hellhounds agreed to. Unless they had gone rogue or savage. Then the other Hellhounds, which may or may not be in packs, would deal with them appropriately.

However, Gabriel’s Hellhound was not like that. It never listened to him and had never spoken to him. Gabe had tried many times, but it had only ever snapped in reply. Never a word spoken. But he knew he could speak... After all, he had a thing about speaking in his sleep. So, due to that, no agreement had been made and Gabe had to continue fighting against the Hellhound. Always had, ever since he was 5 and his Hellhound’s colouring had finally started to set in. Many times when he was younger, he had changed against his will. The Hellhound had forced its way out. But luckily, with others around, and being still a pup, it could do no damage. Other than fires, which the other Hellhounds around would stop.

Gabe’s attention snapped back to reality when the Hellhound tried to spark fire at his paws. Though, he was able to stop him in time. He could feel every muscle moving in its overly large, muscular body as it ran. It was a magnificent beast, but just too destructive. If one as used to the paranormal, they would think he was a splendid, rare Hellhound. But nobody could get near him if his control wasn’t right. The beast leaped over a large fallen tree and kept on running, with every exhale, smoke escaping. Gabe could feel the heat building at his chest, ready to release some flames through its mouth. However, Gabe cooled it as soon as possible and the Hellhound snarled in frustration.

Suddenly, a howl cut through their thoughts of eachother and the beast stopped in his tracks. His ears went forward and his eyes went wide for a moment before it took off towards the sound. In a heartbeat, the sight of a very large wolf like beast came into sight and the Hellhound slowed down to a walk. His black fur blending into the darkness, but his red eyes illuminating the night. It had longer back legs, so it could obviously stand on them and its body was almost human like. The beast growled, knowing just what it was. A werewolf, both the hellhound and Gabriel thought together. This surprised both of them. However, the Hellhound shook away the surprise faster and he rushed at the werewolf, his large, deadly paws carrying with quietly over the forest floor. A moment later, it had pounced on the creature and tackled it to the ground with a snarl. The beast was confused. A sense of excitement washed over him, as well as curiosity. But he was cautious as well. However, like all Hellhounds, he was territorial. Very territorial. The beast growled momentarily, before it caught hold of its scent. More beast, but a sliver of human. It was the same scent the girl from before had.

Gabriel reined back his control over the Hellhound, but the beast fought, stepping off of the Werewolf and rearing back onto its hind paws with a ferocious snarl. Gabe pulled the beast’s control away from its own body and took over. His paws landed heavily on the ground and he shook out his black fur, before he stepped back and looked at the Werewolf. He had never come into contact with one before. Which was why he hadn’t known what her scent had been. His ears flicked back in a submissive gesture and whimpered an apology. Though all paranormal wolf creatures could share a mind link, and his was wide open, he would not try and link their minds. It meant being able to pry into their mind for a moment if the other wished to do so. And though Gabriel had learnt to block everything other than hearing speech, so no one could get into his mind, he wasn’t sure if the girl had. It was a hard skill to learn and he didn’t want to pry into her privacy if she hadn’t..
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Sun Mar 03, 2013 7:47 pm

Nova considered changing back and enjoying the night for a bit. That wasn't a very good idea, since she would have no coverage and would be completely vulnerable. Oh well, she could enjoy it as it was. She slipped off into her thoughts, eyes halfway closed. Gabriel, that had been his name. Just his presence had agitated both her and her werewolf. Nova would have to avoid him, if that was his effect. The man hadn't smelled right. She let out a shaky breath, feeling her hackles rise just at the thought. He looked completely normal, save for his eyes, which she passed off as contacts. But what if there was more beneath the cover? After all, it wasn't impossible for him to be something like her. But the chances were still very low. If he was something more than human, and she had caused a disturbance with his creature, he had done a hell of a lot better of hiding it than she had. It didn't matter. She would avoid him from now on. It was pure instinct. Her instinct had never let her down, had it? It helped with hunting, when she was in potential danger, and many other things that she could name. Nova was good at avoiding people. She had come into contact with other paranormals before, and none of them had been friendly. It could've been an even fight, but she had always chosen to flee. Fighting wasn't really her style, anyway. Some things weren't worth fighting. She just ended up getting burned.

The only thing that alerted her of the creature's presence was its eyes. Her own golden eyes snapped open as the beast stepped into her line of sight. She was frozen. Nova knew these creatures all too well. Hellhounds. If there was something she detested more, she hadn't met it yet. Nova was going to run, but the beast already had her pinned. A snarl ripped its way out of her throat, and she bared her teeth. Nova wasn't about to try and fight it. She still had scars from previous fights. Those things were territorial, and if this particular thing felt threatened, then she'd have to get out of there fast. Baring her throat in submission was just like asking it to kill her, and so was fighting back. A fight against another werewolf was nothing for her, but she hated fire, and hellhounds were pretty much made of fire, in her book. The last time she had fought one was when she was 18, and the scar on her abdomen still hadn't faded.

She was amazed when it stepped off. Her eyes were filled with fear as she watched its every move carefully. Nova's breathing was ragged, uneven, a clear sign of her fear. The realization hit her like a freight train, and she back pedaled into the tree so hard she slipped back down onto her back. The scent was familiar, and the mind link belonged to the man she had talked to on the beach. No, it couldn't be. Nova was just making it up to calm herself down, that was all. No, she wouldn't hide the truth like that, even from herself. It was him. Her's had been open, but it snapped shut, not willing to let him or anyone else in.Whether he was friendly or not, Nova wasn't going to trust that easy. So she bolted, taking off towards her jeep with a growl. It was nearly a mile long run, and the anxiety mixed with fear made it all the more harder. The tree where she had hid her stuff came into sight, and Nova quickly ran the plan through in her head. If she wasn't being pursued, or if he was still a long ways behind, then she could change, dress, and get up into the trees where she was safe. A quick glance behind her assured her that she had time. Nova slammed into the tree as a human, redressing quickly and scrambling up the rough bark of the tree. It dug into her hands and feet, but she was safer up here than in her jeep.

Maybe, just maybe, if he had been something else, she would of stuck around long enough to make her peace. But hellhounds' and their humans did not see eye to eye, and if he had lost control she could've been in real danger. The wound on her abdomen had been big enough that it left a pale scar on her human body, a faint reminder why she had to avoid the hellhounds. Her phobia of fire didn't help anything. Nova would only feel safe when he left. Her keys were still down there, dropped carelessly in the dirt. Oh, that was smart! Nova shook it off, climbing higher until the branches could barely support even her light weight. She didn't feel any safer. Even with leaves concealing her, her hair was like a beacon. Gah, sometimes she hated herself. But it was too late to do anything now. She had to wait.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Tayssi Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:43 pm

Gabriel was surprised when Nova he could smell her fear, let alone see it… And even more surprised when she ran. Werewolves were a species which liked to challenge other paranormals, by what he had heard from many other Hellhounds. So why had she seemed so scared of him and ran? It wasn’t like he had actually hurt her to scare her. Sure, his Hellhound had tackled her and snarled, but that was it. No biting, or tearing. He had gotten his control back before then. It confused him. He watched her disappear into the trees, probably to her jeep she had had at the beach. He huffed and then decided to try and speak to her. He ran after her, knowing he was a fair way behind her, but knew he’d catch up soon. He snapped his jeans up in his jaw along the way, thankful that he had to cut through the centre of the forest to follow her trail. Soon, Nova’s jeep was in his view. He changed back to his human form, pulling his jeans on quickly and stepping out of the forest, up to her jeep. He peered inside, but did not see her.

He stepped back and looked around, wondering where she had gone. He could feel his Hellhound trying to escape again and he sighed. So she was still close by. He looked around, by something glinting in the moonlight caught his attention. Bending down, he picked up some keys and glanced at the jeep. So they were Nova’s keys, he guessed. He held onto them for a moment before putting them in his pocket, keeping his hand in there so he didn’t forget when he found her. Running his other hand through his hair, Gabriel wondered when she’d come out of hiding. He leaned against her jeep and closed his eyes for a moment, leaning his head back. He could feel the cool metal against his bare back and he couldn’t help but smile. He never bothered about trying to keep his shirt when he changed. Just his pants. It’s not like going shirtless was unusual for a guy. Pantsless, yeah, that was a little weird. He huffed softly and then opened his eyes. It was that moment that he saw something up in the tree. He stepped forward and concentrated harder. Sure enough, it was blue hair. Soon, he could make out Nova perfectly.

“Nova!” he called with a sigh, “Please come down, I’m not going to hurt you!” he watched her closely before he looked at the ground for a moment, before looking back at her. “It would be totally unfair of you to hate me just because of what I am and not who I am..” he commented, folding his arms across his chest. “I have him under control, anyway. Back then was just a momentary lapse of concentration.. I mean, seeing a Werewolf for the first time is pretty surprising.. And anyway, I have your keys, you’re going to need to come down to grab them at some point, or you’re going to be walking home,” he said and chuckled, grinning up at her, and hoping that she would come down. There was no way he was going to hurt her. He had his Hellhound under control now. He could ignore him when he had to, and this was one of those moments. His focus was all on Nova and trying to get her to come down. “Will you please come down?” he asked with a soft smile. He wanted to explain what had happened..
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:21 pm

Her heart wasn't going to slow down anytime soon. She had settled between a fork in the branches, her knees pulled to her chest. Her jeep was in sight, and so were the keys. The scar was burning at the unpleasant memories. Nova put a hand up, watching it shake uncontrollably. Her werewolf had no desire to come back out anytime soon. It wasn't long before she could hear him, and bit back a growl of protest as he picked up her keys. If she was going to return to ground level, she'd be fully shifted and ready to fight. Nova watched him, too scared for her eyes to even turn to their golden color. They were pure hazel, and filled with undeniable fear. Climbing a tree wasn't the smartest thing to do, but at least she didn't have to run. She was too shaky. Nova listened to him speak, kept her eyes glued to him. Slowly, her legs stretched out to the branch below her, bringing her more into sight than she had been before. "No, you wouldn't hurt me. I know that. But it would." Nova said, slipping down to one of the lower branches. She was suspended above him, eyes wide and flicking back and forth as she made sure nothing went wrong. "I don't hate you. I just hate the Hellhound." Nova added to his comment. Her eyes closed, and she dropped from the branch, landing in a crouched posistion. "I'm down. Happy? Walking home isn't big on my list of things to do right now." Nova was surprised. Her voice was just as shaky as her body.

"I know you're curious about why I ran. Or confused at least." Slowly, she eased into a standing position. He said he had it under control. Hopefully he really did. "Hellhounds are not fun to fight. Werewolves aren't fire resistant." Her eyes were trained on the pocket where her keys were located, and her eyes occasionally flickered to his face. "I don't like fire, and for a very good reason, and since your little friend there practically breathes it.. I think you can fit the pieces together." Nova's hand settled on her stomach without her consent, but she let is stay. "You might be in control now, but I had good reason to run. How well could you control it if I fought back?" Her voice was cold, emotionless, almost. Nova inched towards the driver's side of the jeep, and opened the door. "But before you make any wild assumptions, I don't hate or dislike you, but what you are.. it scares me." She admitted, pulling out and closing the door. "All of you do. I mean, do you expect me to lower my guard? None of the others bothered to control themselves." Nova turned away from him, sliding down until she was sitting. "I'd like my keys back, if you don't mind."
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Tayssi Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:07 pm

Gabriel smiled when he watched her slowly come down from the tree. She was very correct in saying that his Hellhound would hurt her. If he let it, it would do its utmost to tear her apart, not just hurt her. Gabe was pretty sure he needed some anger management classes, to be honest. Anger Management for Hellhounds. Yeah, cause that would sit well on a building in the city. Many questions and suspicions would be popping up. It was good to know that she didn’t hate him though, he didn’t like being hated. By girls, anyway. Guys, he could care less about. When she finally landed on the ground, asking if he was happy, he couldn’t help but grin, “very,” he replied. Though he did notice how shaky her voice was. She was scared, he didn’t need his heightened senses to realise that. He nodded in reply to her next comment and he unfolded his arms and stuck on into the pocket with the keys, watching her closely. Okay, so Werewolves weren’t fire resistant; he’ have to remember that. He gave a shrug when she explained why she didn’t like his Hellhound. He now knew why she had ran and it was completely understandable. She didn’t realise he had managed to get him under control.

His green, red eyes flickered to where her hand rested on her stomach for a moment before he looked back at her face, curiosity lacing through him. But he let it drop. He didn’t want to pry. She then asked if he could’ve controlled the Hellhound, had she fought back and he scratched the back of his head, glancing away. He could. He’d done it before. He had never let his Hellhound fight. It had always been him. He looked back at Nova as she spoke and he gave a light smile when she said she didn’t hate him, though that smile vanish when she said what he was scared her. To be honest, those words hurt... A lot. But he didn’t tell her that. He looked at the ground for a moment before she said about no one else bothering to control their Hellhound. Gabriel looked back at her as she asked for her keys and he pulled them from his pocket, leaning on the car slightly, but making no move to give the keys back. “By the way,” he said, “I have never let him fight. So yes, I could have controlled him. And no one else bothers to control their Hellhound, because they have an agreement with me.. I don’t. They don’t need to control them. I do. I won against an alpha Hellhound without its help and I have to control him in my sleep, so I’m pretty sure I can control him in any sort of situation. If I couldn’t control him, I would’ve ended my own life long ago,” he said darkly, before he handed her back her keys.

He huffed in mild annoyance, before he ran his hands over his face, calming himself. He cast a final look at Nova before he said, “I need to go,” and ran down the road back towards town. His Hellhound had fallen silent for some reason, but he didn’t care at that moment. Talking about how he had to control himself all the time put him in a pretty dark mood. He didn’t know why, but it always had that effect on him. Maybe it was because he just found it unfair that no other Hellhound he had come across; which was over 200, needed to control them. They could let them do as they please and they’d follow their agreements. But no, not Gabriel’s Hellhound. He had to keep a tight rein on the beast all the time. He loved being a Hellhound and loved being different, but there were times like this that he wished he wasn’t. And unfortunately, the part where he had said he’d would’ve ended his own life.. Yeah, that part he was deadly serious about. He preferred never to think about it, but that’s what he would do, should he ever lose control over his Hellhound for good.

Gabe shook his head and pushed himself into a sprint the last few hundred metres to town. By the time he had ran back, a thin sheen of sweat was covering him. From a mixture of the running and his thoughts sending him into the deep end. He grunted, annoyed at himself as he slowed to a jog. There were at least 6 hours until daybreak, so he should go home and sleep. But he knew his thoughts would keep him up all night, so that plan was out of the question. He shook his head, checking the time and knowing known of the girls would be up still. He growled to himself and walked home, had a quick shower and put some board shorts on. No one would be at the beach for ages, so he could go there and clear his head.

Gabriel walked out the door, slamming it shut behind him and not caring to lock it at that point. Yes, Gabriel had a temper, and yes, he was very agitated at the moment. Maybe it was a mixture of him talking about his control and thinking it, and maybe because Nova had his Hellhound scared her that he was so ticked off. Her words had stung. And he knew she didn’t really mean it, but he’d always been sensitive when it came to scaring people because of what he was. He’d always blame and hate himself afterwards, and this time wasn’t much different. Walking to the beach, Gabriel stepped onto the soft, cold sand before he walked to the water, stepping into it, up to his waist. He just stood there for who knows how long, staring at the crescent moon in the sky. But it was at least an hour before he stepped back onto the sand, where he sat down and crossed his legs, bowing his head slightly and staring at the dark ocean and the reflection of the moon on the water. He just sat and stared for who knows how long.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:59 pm

She had upset him. The signs couldn't of been any clearer. Nova had told him the truth, there wasn't any way he could of misunderstood what she had said. Now she sat there, the cold metal of the jeep sending shivers up her spine, and a set of seemingly ice cold keys clutched in her hand. But sitting here and pouting about it wouldn't help her case. Going home and getting some rest would. Nova stood, swinging the door of her jeep open and climbing in. She couldn't resist slamming the door. There was a built up frustration that she hadn't been aware of. The engine was purring, almost content sounding. Even that pushed her buttons. Nova pulled out onto the road, keeping it slow. On the bright side, she wouldn't have to change for a while. The werewolf side of her was too shocked to want to come out. If that could be considered a bright side... She clicked on the radio, not caring if her ears would be permanently damaged. Something to take her mind off things. Nova tapped the accelerator, not even daring to glance at the beach as she raced by.

The lights of the city brought strange comfort as she rolled into town, waving at various friends and considering pulling into the Thai restruant. Maybe tomorrow. There was too much to think about at the moment. Taking her anger out on an innocent waiter was not going to improve her night. Her apartment building came into view, the parking lot packed as it usually was. Nova pulled into one of the few remaining spots, shutting down her jeep and hopping out. The pavement was cold against her bare feet. Shards of broken glass were scattered, a few nicking her as she tried to avoid them. Cursing, Nova slipped inside, heading up several flights of stairs before clearing her mind enough to actually remember her room number. Flicking the lights on as she stepped inside, Nova smiled weakly, throwing her stuff on the dark blue couch and quickly following. The screen of her phone was glowing. Grumbling, she picked it up, browsing through the many text messages she had received from her very impatient friends.

Wanna go to the beach tomorrow? You there? Hmm? You there? Come on, you never leave your phone!

All sent in the course of less than an hour. Nova chuckled, quickly replying with a 'Yeah, sure.' It was the last place she wanted to be, considering the day's events, but she had grown quite distant with them, and quality time was necessary. She changed into more comfortable clothes, and reclined on the couch, slightly sandy towel serving as a makeshift pillow. The bed was too far away. Nova glanced over at the wall. One picture hung there. A picture of her and her first dog. It had been a pit bull mutt of some sort, but she loved it despite all the awful things said about the breed. Nova was 16, with her arms wrapped around the dog's neck. The scar was missing from her uncovered stomach, and her hair its natural dark brown. That had been the only picture worth keeping. Her dog had been with her the night she was attacked by Hellhounds, and it too, was almost killed. Even the most expensive, well trained vet hadn't been able to save it. Another reason for her to hate Hellhounds. Nova's thoughts drifted to Gabriel, and the things he had said earlier. He would've taken his own life? Normally, she thought suicide was just a permanent solution to a temporary problem, a way to back out because things were too hard. But not being able to control a beast like that was a perfectly good reason. Taking the lives of the innocent people was something she wouldn't able to live with herself.

Nova the calm wash over her. She wasn't in any danger now. And if she had needed any more calming, then she could always turn to the collection of scotch in her kitchen. Drinking wasn't unheard of for her, but everyone needed a little break from reality, right? The hangovers were nothing compared to so]me of the things she had felt, so Nova learned to just be grateful that the pain wasn't as bad as it came. Gabriel would be dismissed from her mind, and her werewolf wouldn't have to be afraid to come out. He wouldn't be getting an apology from her, no, not if she could help it. Why? She wouldn't be seeing him, and if she could help it, she'd stay away and forget about him. It was for the best, anyway.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Tayssi Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:24 pm

The sun started to rise and Gabriel finally pushed himself to his feet and brushed the sand off. H stretched his hands above his head with a yawn before he turned and started back home. He had calmed down completely and his head was free of any thoughts which might send him back over the edge. Just sitting at the beach always helped him relax and calm down. His green eyes looked down the street and saw a few of his lady friends walking together. He would’ve gone over to them, but now, he was just tired. He needed some rest. Badly. If he didn’t, he’d have a high chance of collapsing before even going to work, let alone in the middle of shift. He worked as a shirtless waiter at a restaurant on the other side of town. To be honest, not many people knew about it, as it was a relatively new job. He had gotten it through connections and was able to get higher pay then most, which he definitely wasn’t complaining about. And only a few girls and guys around town knew about it, though kept it secret. The guys, because, the ones that knew were his mates, and the girls kept quiet because they wanted him to themselves. No, he wasn’t being cocky. They had actually told him that.

He got to his house, pushed the door open, got changed and went straight to sleep. He woke up at 12 exactly and he changed into some jeans and a white singlet top. He packed his work clothes into a bag, long with some water and a bag of chips and left the house, grabbing his phone along the way. Again, he didn’t bother locking the door. He walked down the street, looking at his watch and sighing. His shift didn’t start until 7. Walking to Maccas, he suddenly remembered he still had that toy in his other jeans pocket. He chuckled at the thought and went and bought a double cheeseburger meal with a frozen Coke. He nodded in thanks when he got his meal and went to the beach. He sat down on the sand and ate his burger in only a few bites before he had half of his drink, wincing as he got a brain freeze. He started on his chips next, eating them slowly as he looked around the beach, to see if he could see anyone that was familiar.

However, Gabriel came up empty. He finished off his chips and drink, walked up to the pathway and threw the rubbish in the bin before he peeled off his shirt and put it in his bag, which he left in a bush. He walked along the sane, the ocean water lapping at his feet. He stuck his hands into his pockets and hunched his shoulders for a minute, before he relaxed. For about 10 minutes, he walked along the beach, before he heard people stampeding towards him from behind. Gabriel’s eyes widened when he saw 3 of his mates; Andrew, Cody and Ben. One minute, he was looking at them running, the next Cody had spear tackled him into the water. “Oh shit!” Gabriel yelped in surprise as the cold water hit his back. “Geez, Codez,” Gabriel grumbled and the guys just laughed, Ben pushing his head under the water. Gabriel pushed the guys away and stood up with a huff, staring down at himself. “Great, now I’m drenched,” he huffed and Andrew laughed, saying, “It’s a beach, what do you expect?!” Gabriel glared at him and then ran a hand through his wet hair. “I gotta go to work tonight,” he said and the guys gasped in mock horror. “No shit?!” they exclaimed together. Gabriel smirked at them and then they all cracked up. Gabriel pushed the guys and then started walking again and they all followed him like puppies, laughing amongst themselves.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:49 pm

Nova awoke to the sound of her phone going off. She groaned, and stretched out to get it. Several messages were on it, all telling her they would be there in less than twenty minutes. Sighing, Nova shuffled towards the bathroom. The shower felt good, and seemed to wash away all the stress that remained from last night. Good way to bring that back up.. She thought angrily to herself, dragging a brush through her curly hair. It would be easy to get rid of the color, to blend in with the rest. Did she want that? Maybe. Nova hoped there would be no need for jeans. She planned on coming right back here. Pinning her hair back away from her face, Nova hurried off to her bedroom, in search of one of the many bikinis she owned. Her friends would drag her off to the beach every day if she didn't have a job. She wouldn't be able to handle that. A light blue caught her eye. It wasn't the neon color she usually wore, but it had hardly ever been used and had no problems with it. No reason not to wear it. Throw in a pair of black shorts and she was set. A knock at the door told her time was up. She grabbed a bag with an extra set of clothes, in case something happened like it had last night. One could never been safe. Her friend, an attractive Hawaian girl, pulled her along and started talking about all the things Nova had missed. She listened, laughing and trying not to fall over.

Of course, what really caught her attention was the car in the parking lot. "Holy crap, Jessie, when did you get a freaking ferarri?" Nova had stopped dead, eyes glued to the silver sports car with her mouth hanging open. "It's my brother's, but since I'm his favorite, and only little sister, he let me drive it! I thought it was appropriate for the occasion, we haven't seen each other in forever!" She replied, pushing Nova into the passenger's seat with a giggle. Nova blinked, running her hand over the leather interior. Jessie's brother was the CEO of a local hospital, so of course he could afford to buy it, much less let his reckless little sister drive it. Tearing her eyes away, Nova turned to Jessie, who now sat across from her. "Where's Prue?" She asked. "Already there." Jessie turned the key, and the car purred to life. "Too bad. I wouldn't of missed a chance to ride in this." Nova leaned back, utterly content. Another day of relaxing on the beach, with no need to change into a werewolf, and hopefully, no more Gabriel related thoughts.

Of course, the beach was packed when they pulled up. And Nova felt her werewolf urges slink back, and huffed in exasperation. He was here. Oh well, it was a big beach and she'd probably never see him. Jessie bolted out of the car, pulling Nova out before she could curse in surprise. Prue, an equally attractive redhead was waiting there, probably to ambush her. While having the air choked out of her, Nova scanned the beach carefully, concentrating on keeping calm. A big bonus was that there was plenty of wild hair colors here as well. She saw various neon pinks and greens, and some blueish purple, like her's. That was comforting. Of course, that comfort was short lived as she was drug across the beach and pushed down on already laid out towels. "You guys really thought this out, didn't you?" Nova grinned, watching them plop down on either side of her. "Yep." They said in unison.

Nova laid back, arms draped lazily over her stomach. She could feel the slightly raised flesh of the scar. Prue and Jessie had asked her about it the minute they saw the scar, and she passed it off as a childhood accident. They didn't pry any further. Nova laced her arms back behind her head, leaving it exposed and started listening to the conversation between the two. Stuff about a trip to Italy and getting promoted and getting a new dog. That bothered her more than it should of. Nova hadn't dared get another dog after the attack, and never even really thought about it. Replacing her first was wrong. The talking had faded, and Nova glanced over at the two. Either dozing or looking for innocent guys to prey on. Not that they would mind, anyway. Rolling her eyes, Nova set her head back on her arms, and closed her eyes.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Tayssi Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:15 pm

Gabriel glanced around the beach, the bluish coloured hairs catching his eye every time he saw one. However, none turned out to be Nova, which he wasn’t sure whether he was happy or upset about. To be honest, she intrigued him, even if she had pissed him off last night. But that hadn’t been her fault. He couldn’t blame her. Shaking his head and ridding some water from his hair, the man glanced back at the guys following him and he grinned. “So what are you guys doing tonight?” he asked. Andrew shrugged, probably not even sure himself what he was going to do and Cody gave a sheepish grin. Gabriel knew he was going to meet up with his girlfriend of 4 years. She was a cute girl with large blue eyes and curly black hair named Annie. She and Cody were meant to be together. Cody was a rather short guy, with the cute boyish looks, with soft brown eyes and sandy blonde hair. Which always got people asking him for I.D in clubs and stuff. It was rather funny. Andrew was a tall man with an always shaved head which would otherwise have black hair, and greyish blue eyes. And then there was Ben. He was of average height, with wavy honey brown hair reaching just above his shoulders and hazel eyes. He was quite the looker and he knew it. He was a lot like Gabriel when it came to the ladies.

Ben looked at Gabriel and grinned, “I’ll probably come and annoy you at work,” he replied with a chuckle. Gabe couldn’t help but roll his eyes, before he turned and pushed the wavy haired man into the water. The other guys laughed as Ben glared at Gabe. However, Gabe just smirked at him and looked up the beach. It was then that he saw her. Laying back on a towel with two girls who were probably her friends. He was about to walk towards her, when he was attacked by Ben, how grabbed his legs and yanked them from under him. Gabe yelped in surprise as he fell into the water again and Ben pounced on him, pushing his head under the salty water for a moment, laughing, whilst Andrew and Cody just stood back and laughed. Gabriel got his arms underneath him whilst his head was under and he shifted so his hands were supporting most of his upper weight. Ben was sitting on his stomach, so it was a little difficult. However, he managed and he quickly pushed himself up, yelled, “Rah!” and Ben toppled backwards into the water. Cody fell down, laughing and Andrew looked away, trying to stop his laughter.

Gabriel grinned and pushed himself to stand up, wiping as much sand off himself as he could. He looked over at Nova and her friends for a moment before he helped Ben to his feet and then walked towards her. He shook his head quickly, ridding most of the water from his hair. A minute later, he was standing in front of the girls’ towels, looking down at Nova. Only Cody stood behind him, Andrew and Ben were still in the water, talking. Gabriel looked at Jessie and Prue and gave a smile to them before he looked at Nova. “So we meet again,” he said lightly with a grin. His Hellhound was weakly trying to get out. When Gabe forcefully caged him back inside him so quickly last night, it had taken most of his strength fighting back. But being so surprised had meant Gabe’s victory. He looked down at the blue haired girl and then glanced back at Cody, who was watching him with confusion. Gabriel just grinned and nodded over to Ben and Andrew. Cody gave a slow nod and walked back down to them, leaving Gabriel with Nova and her two friends.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:14 pm

Nova gently touched the werewolf side of her, seeing if it would want to come out on the beach. She already knew the answer. There was always a possibility that Gabriel and her weren't the only strange creatures here. Sneaking off into the woods wasn't allowed today. Or for a while, actually. Of course, she had less to lose now. Now that her dog was gone. Her friends would be crushed if she died, but they could move on. She didn't have any family that she knew of. But she had a job. It paid alright, but not as much as some. Nova huffed quietly. Between her friends, her job was definitley low ranking. Prue was some sort of game designer, and Jessie was still training to become a doctor. It wasn't that Nova wasn't intelligent. She had been offered several scholarships from several different colleges, but didn't go to any of them. She had went to college, but none of the ones that she could've. Of course, she could get almost any job she wanted, but what she did, it wasn't as strict as some jobs could be. Who wanted to be a CEO? With all those responsibilites, Nova would go crazy.

Her werewolf grew more agitated, and Nova knew who was coming. She opened her eyes, and saw Prue grinning evily at her. A serious glance told her it wasn't what she thought. Nova sat up, watching Gabriel and trying to ignore her giggling friends. "Didn't expect you." She glanced at the man behind him, blinking her hazel eyes before shifting her gaze back to Gabriel. "Is there something you haven't been telling us, Nova?" Prue giggled, hitting her lightly in the shoulder. "No.... but this is Gabriel. We met last night, when he scared the crap out of me. And Gabriel, meet the hellions, Prue and Jessie." She nodded to them as she introduced them, and rolled her eyes at their fits of laughter. It would take a lot to convince her to try to even love a Hellhound. If only they knew. "Go harass Lily. She's gotten off easy." Nova pointed to a girl at the far end of the beach, a slightly newer friend. Prue and Jessie let out dramatic sighs of exasperation, but still obeyed. Smiling, Nova watched them go. It faded slightly when she turned back to Gabriel.

She knew what she had said to upset him. It wasn't that hard to figure out. He couldn't help what he was, but could she help that she was scared of them? Yeah, she could. Her fear could be cured, but there wasn't any way to stop being a Hellhound. Hesitantly, she patted the towel on her right, Prue's, telling him to sit. Apologizing was necessary. "I am sorry, for what I said last night. You left before I could explain why." Nova leaned back, and ran her fingers through the sand. Hopefully the scar could explain it well enough. She didn't really want to piss him off again. Nova knew he wouldn't hurt her, but angering a Hellhound wasn't the smartest thing to do. Sticking a fork in a toaster was more fun that fighting an angry Hellhound.

Nova had to remind herself that Gabriel wasn't the one who gave her the scar, wasn't the one who killed her dog. He wasn't responsible for her fear. She had to quit treating him like he was. Besides, she wanted to clear things up before she went to work tonight. It was hard to concentrate when guilt was weighing on her shoulders. Nova sent several glances his way. She wasn't as scared, but her werewolf was definitley nervous. Too bad. Fear wasn't going to control what she did. It never had, and she wasn't about to let it.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Tayssi Tue Mar 05, 2013 7:46 pm

Gabriel looked at Prue as she spoke, and smiled at them as Nova introduced them. He watched them go for a while before looking back a Nova. He could see she was unsure about him being here and he couldn’t say he blamed her, really. Hellhounds weren’t exactly known to be a friendly bunch. When she patted the towel beside her, Gabe hesitated, glancing at his mates for a moment before he sat down beside her. Once he had sat, she apologised to him. His green and red eyes widened in surprise and he looked at her face for a long moment, before he noticed the sun ever so slightly glinting off something on her stomach. His eyes darted down and he saw the scar. The man winced slightly as he studied it for a moment, an urge to reach over and run his fingers over it. Though, he kept his hands firmly on the towel either side of him. So she had been attacked by a Hellhound. And by the looks of it, it hadn’t been a very pretty sight when it happened. Even as a Werewolf, a Hellhound was a bastard to take on. They were ruthless and never cared about mercy or even sparing their own lives. They lived to fight and kill. That was their main purpose.

He looked out onto the ocean and all the people in the water and he sighed. “You have nothing to apologise for, Nova. I overreacted and for that, I am sorry. I shouldn’t have just left like that,” he said, glancing across at her for a moment. “And I should have kept more control on him last night. I didn’t think anyone else was there,” he said lightly, running a hand through his hair. He had made a terrible mistake last night. He had let his surprise at seeing a Werewolf get the better of him. A second later and his Hellhound would’ve started ripping into her. Gabriel looked away, cringing at the thought. What if it had happened? What would he have done then? Left her, or buried her? What could he have done? He probably would’ve ended up having to do what he’d done last time he’d accidentally killed someone. Left. He had to run. A lot. For days he ran with barely any sleep and only the occasional stop off for food or water. That always haunted him, even though it happened almost 5 years ago, he still thought about it.

Honestly, he wasn’t sure how he had lived with the guilt. He had almost taken his own life after that, but had been stopped by a Hellhound which had been nearby at the time. He had tried 4 times after that, but each time, that same Hellhound would stop him. Even as he travelled on, like he had been following him the whole time. Gabriel shook his head of the thoughts and noticed how tense he had gotten during his thoughts and he took a deep breath. When he exhaled, Gabe forced himself to relax before he looked at Nova again.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:17 pm

Nova sometimes wondered what would happen if she changed, right here in the middle of the beach. She couldn't decide whether it would be hilarious or mortifying. Would Prue and Jessie leave her? She would've had a hard time dealing with it, but what Gabriel had said the night before, about hating him for what he was and not for who he was. Maybe they wouldn't see that logic. It was hard to see logic when you were terrified. She knew that. Nova tried to put herself in that situation. It was difficult. But she didn't have a reason to change randomly in the middle of the beach. That would mean running for the rest of her life, or staring at the white walls of the looney bin until she found a way to either kill herself or was blessed with death.

She looked over at Gabriel as he spoke. "I wouldn't of been very happy either. I don't want to be feared, but I guess it's just a fact we need to accept, right? We're different, and today, different is looked down upon." She told him. "I don't blame you for leaving. I probably would've too." Nova watched his eyes carefully, realizing that he had seen the scar. So he knew now. But that wound would of been worth it if he lived... She thought, emotions twisting just at the thought. A small nod followed the rest of his words. "But you're right. I shouldn't hate, or be scared of you. You never did any of this to me." Nova looked down at her stomach, and bit her cheek. "But maybe I should get home. Prue and Jessie, knowing those two, can get some guy to take them home, or to fetch their car. They were the ones that kidnapped me, after all, I have my rights." Nova laughed lightly, watching the two as they sent mischiveous smiles her way.

Nova wouldn't mind driving a Ferarri. And they couldn't say no, not after nabbing her from her apartment. But they brought her here, and she didn't have to fear Gabriel as much anymore. He had control. She ran that through her head over and over, trying to convince her werewolf that he wouldn't hurt her. "Plus, I need to get the time I'm going to work tonight. Sleep wouldn't be bad either. After last night, I think it's something I need." Nova brushed her hair out of her face, and sat up. "Don't you? You don't exactly look like you've gotten all of your beauty sleep either." She jested, glancing over at him. Prue and Jessie were coming back over. Knowing them, they'd be here for the rest of the day. "If they'll let me. We've been here only an hour.."
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Tayssi Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:05 pm

Gabriel nodded slowly to Nova’s words. They were different, and Gabriel had no problem with that, but he did have a problem with being hated. He didn’t like it too much if someone hated him.. Unless he hated them, then he had no problem with them hating him. Celebrated it, actually. He glanced at her when she said she probably would’ve left if it had been her in that situation. He didn’t respond, just watched her quietly. She went on to say she shouldn’t be scared of him and he sat up a little straighter with a slight grin. Her eyes flicked down to her scar before she said she should get home and then spoke of Jessie and Prue. The man looked over at them, watching them for a moment before his focus went back to Nova. When she said they were the ones who kidnapped her, Gabriel chuckled softly. So she wasn’t so bad after all. When he had thought last night she could be a good friend, he hadn’t been wrong. Not really, anyway. The people who were different were generally the funnest to be around anyway. It had always been like that.

Gabriel looked over at his mates and they all waved at him, Ben winking and glancing across at Nova. Gabriel rolled his eyes with a smirk before he looked back at Nova as she spoke. He smiled at her words as she said it didn’t look like he had gotten his beauty sleep. He snorted in response, and gestured to himself and his shirtless torso, “I don’t need beauty sleep,” he said with a smirk, “I’m already too attractive.. Just ask the ladies,” he said with a wink before he chuckled. He stretched his hand above his head and cast a glance in Nova’s direction. “Where do you work?” he asked with a grin as he watched Prue and Jessie walk towards them. He smiled at them as they got closer and he stood up, giving Prue her towel back. He looked at Nova again, waiting for an answer. Well, more like hoping that she’s give him one. It wasn’t like he was going to come see her, he had work as well. He wouldn’t have time.

(sorry this one is so pathetic >.< mind blank)
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:51 pm

Nova watched him, noticing how he straightened a little when she spoke of her non-hate for him. Her eyes widened as he responded to her tease about beauty sleep. "Don't need to know the details..." She glanced away, but was still obviously playing with him. The thing Nova had never really done was try to see him as a human. Yeah, he was attractive but what she knew him for was the Hellhound. They weren't things to be toyed with, and if any human female knew, Gabriel would be sleeping alone. She needed to stop thinking like that, anyway. The Hellhound side of him wasn't going to hurt her, and the human part was completely different. Nova tensed as the topic of her job came up, but quickly brushed it off.

"At a club downtown." It wasn't one of those run down places, where the air was covered with a haze of smoke and the women danced in the bare essentials. It was better than that. She watched him stand, and Prue took his place. "Mind if I take the car? I have stuff to do, and I'm not gonna make you leave." Nova told Jessie. "Yeah sure, I'll tell my brother to come pick us up. He knows where your apartment is." Jessie was distracted, by what, Nova didn't know, but she had gotten permission to drive the Ferrari, and that was good enough for her. She stood, leaving her towel and bag behind. It would probably be raided by the two when she finally got it back, but Nova didn't really care. "What about you?" She asked Gabriel, accepting the keys from Jessie.

She cast an anxious glance over at the car. Nova had never really been sure where her obsession with sport cars came from, but it made up for her obnoxious fire phobia.

(It's fine, mine isn't much better)
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Tayssi Tue Mar 05, 2013 10:38 pm

Gabriel smirked at her words, looking down at himself. “What? You don’t like it?” he asked playfully. He looked at Prue and Jessie for a moment before Nova told him she worked at a club downtown. He raised an eyebrow for a moment but didn’t pry any further. As the girls spoke to one another, he looked back at his mates. They were still standing there, like they expected him to come back down and hang with them. When Nova asked what he was going to do, he looked back at her and shrugged. “I should probably head home and have a shower, seeing as I now smell like sea water,” he said with a huff. He noticed her glancing over at the car and he grinned. “Mind if I get a lift?” he asked lightly, not sure if she’d say yes or no. “Doesn’t bother me either way. I can walk,” he said with a smile. Sure, he had a car back at home, but it had sat in the garage for about 3 years. He preferred to walk, as a lot of his mates expected him to drive them around everywhere if he was using his car. It was easier not to.

He looked at Nova for a moment before he walked up to the pathway, reaching into a bush and pulling out his bag. He waited near the car for Nova to come up and give him her answer. He had come up, so she could say bye to her friends without him lingering around. Gabriel glanced down at his mates who were staring at him and he gave a shrug and then waved to them. Ben seemed to pout, but Andrew bumped his shoulder with his fist and he and Cody waved. Ben eventually lifted up a hand in a small wave, despite not wanting to. Gabe couldn’t help but chuckle at him. For an adult, he was very childlike. Kind of like how Cody looked like a child. Though he was the most mature out of the three... Most of the time, anyway. He had his moments. Gabriel grinned and ran a hand through his hair and looked at the car.

It was a pretty sick car. He’d do a lot to get a car like this, but, alas, it would never happen. He didn’t have enough money. Even with his savings, he wouldn’t have enough. Which kind of upset him a little. He shook his head, clearing his mind and looked around to see where Nova had vanished to.

(I think i've written too much today Razz running out of muse hahaha :3)
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:26 pm

Nova rolled her eyes. It was a good thing she didn't blush very often. She caught his reaction to her occupation, but brushed it off. Nova wasn't a stripper, and definitley didn't sell herself. She knew better. Nova listened to him, smiling as he said he smelled like sea water. He did. He wanted a ride home? She could do that. Jessie probably wouldn't let her brother ever wash the seat he sat on, knowing that little flirt. Nova nodded, not sure if he caught it or not. She wasn't going to be selfish and deny him a chance to ride in that car. After all, it was a rare occasion and things were settled between them. Nova wasn't going to say no.

As he got up and grabbed his stuff. She wondered if he was anxious. Nova had been. It had been hard to resist telling Jessie to speed up. There was no laying back and relaxing in that. Or at least, it was like that in Nova's case. Sitting back and enjoying the scenery had never been her thing. But being able to outrun most things and get the mini adrenaline rush while doing it wasn't something she could turn down. Nova shook her head, clearing her mind and grabbing her phone out of her bag. That was something she couldn't trust her friends with. "I'll leave it at my apartment after I drop Gabriel off, alright?" She asked, having to wave her hand in front of Jessie's face to get her attention. Honestly, Nova didn't get what caused the pull between Jessie and any single, attractive guy available. She felt bad for whoever Jessie was going to start stalking next. Grinning, Nova headed over to the car, keys and phone in hand. "And yes, I can drop you off." She told him as she opened her door. "I think you already knew the answer to that, anyway. I'm not that mean." Nova giggled, slipping in and starting the car. "I will need the location of your house, if you don't mind. It'll be difficult to get you home without it."
She quickly turned the AC on, disliking the uncomfortable heat the sun had caused. Setting her phone on the dash, Nova over her shoulder, smiling. It was funny how people gave sport cars so much clearance. Probably thought the owner would sue them for just scuffing it. Hopefully, she could avoid doing that as well. Nova had met Jessie's brother, and he was not someone you wanted to piss off. Even taller than Gabriel, he had an aura of menace around him. Jessie insisted he was a big softy, which we was, but that wasn't something strangers saw. Besides, Nova wouldn't be happy if someone damaged a car that had the price of several houses. She was pretty sure he had a Lamborghini Diablo in that garage somewhere.
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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Tayssi Wed Mar 06, 2013 11:01 pm

Gabriel heard Nova walking just as he started to turn back to the car. He glanced at her and grinned as she said he could get a lift. He didn’t need any more of an invite. He got in and shut the door quickly, grinning all the while. When she spoke again, Gabe chuckled, casting a sideways glance at her for a moment. As the car started, she asked where he lived and he leaned back for a moment, saying, “26 Arthur Street,” he shifted forward again as they pulled out of the parking lot. Arthur Street was known for its fancy houses and almost mansions. However, Gabriel just had a 2 story house that didn’t look anything overly fancy. It wasn’t ordinary, but it wasn’t flashy, however it was painted black with a pale blue roof. And, it had a fair bit of land out back and inside was spacious. It was his home and he loved it. Given, he didn’t actually own it, but he didn’t rent it either. It belonged to a Hellhound that used to live in the city, however he left, vowing he wouldn’t come back, but wouldn’t sell the house. It confused Gabriel why he did it like that, but never asked questions as he told him he could move in and stay for as long as he liked, as long as he looked after it. Fully furnished and all expenses paid, Gabriel would’ve been a complete dickhead to say no.

Glancing across at Nova, he ran a hand through his hair as they started to drive. “You do know where it is, right?” he asked lightly with a smirk. Everybody knew where Arthur Street was, but he left like being an ass and teasing her a bit. Given, it was more joking around than teasing, but either way, it still amused Gabe. He looked out the side of the car with a grin, happy he was able to be in the car. It wasn’t every day he got a chance to be in a car like this. It made him happy. His Hellhound had fallen silent, completely and utterly still and Gabe knew it had finally gone to sleep. He visibly relaxed and he gave a relieved sigh and rolled his shoulders slightly, his green and red eyes looking over at Nova once again. She intrigued him. A lot. And he was glad he had gotten the chance to meet her, even if it had been a meeting he would’ve preferred to have passed on. It could’ve ended messily, but it hadn’t. So he had to be thankful for that.

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For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M) Empty Re: For Every Rainbow It Takes A Little Rain (M)

Post by Unicorn_Fluff Thu Mar 07, 2013 6:51 pm

Arthur Street? Nova blinked, vaguely remembering the house she had passed by so many times. She could barely picture it in her head. Accelerating slightly, she leaned back in her seat, sighing softly. Her werewolf wasn't as tense as it had been. It was still cautious, but knew that Gabriel wasn't a threat as long as he staid in his human form. Nova promised her self that she would stay calm if she ever shifted again. Squealing and running off like a pup wasn't normally what she liked to do. Thoughts shifting back to other things, Nova watched the road with her head slightly tilted.

His question called her eyes to roll, and she turned a corner sharply just to jostle him a bit. "Who doesn't?" She grinned, and was forced to slow down as they rolled into town. Forcing herself to concentrate a little more, Nova brushed her hair out of her face and looked over at him again. "I'm fairly sure you have a job. I told you mine, and I'm curious about your's. Only fair?" She asked, and looked past him to her own apartment building. Well, actually, she told him where she worked, not what her actual job was. People had a habit of assuming of just what she did at that club, and most were wrong. Nova turned onto his street, and spotted the black house instantly. There wasn't any car parked near it, so she assumed it was either tucked away or he didn't have one. Either was possible.

She pulled up along side the sidewalk, and looked the house over in a quick glance. Definitely something you didn't see everywhere. Nova checked the time on the car, and shook her head. Still quite a while before she actually had to go to work. Maybe she shouldn't of left so early. Oh well, it meant more time to laze around and do what she wanted. Gabriel had definitley made her life more interesting. Whether that was good or bad, she still hadn't figured it out. But at the moment, it seemed like a pretty good thing. Leaning forward, she turned the faint hum of the radio up to a slightly more comfortable level, and shifted her eyes back over to him. There were still more questions she wanted to ask, but they could wait.

(Oh, and I found what I originally intended her to look like, but I'm definietly keeping the color of her hair. I was too lazy to find this again~ )
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