Call of the Wild
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Define 'Heat' [M]

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Define 'Heat' [M] Empty Define 'Heat' [M]

Post by Crimzy Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:22 pm

Define 'Heat' [M] Aero_13

Define 'Heat' [M] 2itph78

The brute made his way through the falling snow, his heavy paws crunching the icy snow beneath him, the beast’s mysterious teal eyes where focused onwards, his pawsteps where swift and careful, he was obviously in no hurry. He was always a hard one to read, his blue orbs, where always hard to read, some wondered if there was darkness hidden behind those beautiful eyes of his, but, one would never know, unless they where patient enough to stay around him, probing him with questions, in hopes of him answering at least a few. However, he was never the type for opening up with others, rather he kept his feeling hidden, unless the matter bothered him, he breathed quietly into the passing snow, his breath easily noticed within the air, quickly disappearing in the atmosphere. He himself, wasn’t sure where he was headed, but, he didn’t let that stop him, he continued on being pushed by the cool temperature, wherever it lead him, suddenly, he paused gazing up as he saw a small pound covered in thick ice, strolling ever so closer, he stopped at the edge, watching the small bubbles rise towards the top, popping as soon as the reached the ice. Water. It was hard to find such a refreshing source in the harsh winter, however, it seemed he had gotten lucky, and there was no away he would pass up such as a surprise as this, raising a paw he pressed it against the surface, his ears twitching at the breaking ice, his misty orbs watching intently, quickly removing his paw form the raising water. The last he needed was to become wet. Lowering his skull towards the exposed water he began to drink it, wincing at the numb feeling, and the slight pain of the frigid liquid, although, he ignored the uncomfortable feeling still drinking, finally, getting his fill he raised his head, pressing his tongue against the remaining droplets.

His blue eyes took notice of his company, his eyed the stranger, those orbs focused on the beast, he had rarely seen the creature so close before, only venturing closer when he had supportive wolves behind him, those experienced with how the creature acted, he kept his eyes focused on his company, there was no doubt that it could become a challenge for one wolf to handle, those horns looked deadly, not to mention it’s huge size. He made no move to disturb it, they watched each other closely, the canine almost looked motionless, save, the raising in his broad chest, his breath escaping his black nostrils, the mountain goat finally broke the eerie silence, snorting loudly as it continued on it’s way, he could hear the tap of it’s sharp hooves against the barren rock, the wolf, sighed as it disappeared out of his sight, shaking his pelt of the fresh snow, he made his way over to a small group of trees, strolling closer, he laid down under a tree, rolling over onto his back, his body exposed for everyone to see. The female around her sure where acting strange, they would press so close against his side, muttering words into his ears. that would make his fur prickle, nevertheless, he had not the slightest idea what they where talking about, the words would leave an odd feeling in his stealth. Shaking his head he continued to rest on his back, perhaps, an answer would come soon.

-- Word Count; 579

-- Notes; I need a seductive female wolf and or dog, to show Aero what he’s missing. She can’t be aggressive, because, that will only cause him to close up even more, he is a shy male after all, I would like her to be sly and cunning. This roleplay is mature, for there will be some mating rpg, foreplay form the female is encouraged, I will only allow experienced roleplayers to post here, a paragraph is required, and you are more than welcomed to do more.

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Define 'Heat' [M] Empty Re: Define 'Heat' [M]

Post by Blitzer Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:19 pm

Define 'Heat' [M] Dreamstime_l_5044071

Delilah sauntered lightly through the woods, brushing against almost every tree she passed. Behind, she would leave the most desirable of scents: heat. With a yawn, she exposed her white fangs, noticeably smaller than a regular wolf. She never thought it made her much different, being a hybrid. She still felt the same way in this time of year, wanting the fulfillment that only males could give. Being part dog made no difference to her. Continuing on through the forest, she paused near a raspberry bush, barely being able to peek over. On the other side lay a very handsome male, yet he seemed to not even notice her scent. "Odd..." She muttered, but shook her thick white fur out nonetheless. As carefully and neatly as she could, the fae stepped out of the brush and glanced at the male, murmuring, "Hello..."
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