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Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}

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Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}  Empty Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}

Post by Azeri Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:09 pm

Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}  8987013

‘Tennyo’s should never be seen by mortal eyes.’ Tucking strands of glossy raven-colored hair behind one ear, the Celestial Maiden concentrated on dissecting every word in the sentence individually ‘I can’t help wondering why? Are the creatures called ’humans’ on Earth that ugly?’ What mysteries did the world below hide? Why were angels and humans separated by one thousand miles of open sky? Did the people living underneath the clouds not have feelings? How did ’Earth’ look like? Did it have ornate temples polished to perfection? Did it have elegantly placed marble fountains in the courtyard? Deep-seated curiosity prickled the Tennyo’s spinal cord with a combination of unpleasant emotions, combining both anxiety and excitement. Why did she want to leave her home behind? Why did Ceres feel the need to leave for a few hours? “The constant stress of guarding fragile barriers…really wears one down.” She whispered beneath her breath, flickering burnish golden orbs across the lush courtyard to the group of twelve female Tenshi’s gathered around the center fountain. “What are they doing down there?” Scarlet lips thinned into a sullen line as realization struck her like lightening, most of the older angels had a habit of descending down to Earth. But why? “I can’t hold myself back anymore.” The ebon-haired female stood up abruptly, in the process upsetting satin bed sheets which had once lain undisturbed.

’What are you doing? Poking your nose everywhere will just get you killed!’ Her logical mind screamed ’Stay back! Stay away from them! Those angels obviously ignore the set rules for heaven!’ Ignoring internal warnings from inside herself, Ceres raced frantically through her bedroom door and down ivy-wrapped hallways to the meeting place. Heart thudding heavily against ribcage, golden-brown hues glanced upward as twelve beautiful faces turned to gaze at her cautiously. “Ceres? What are you doing here?” One angel inquired thoughtfully, raising one questioning eyebrow at the young Tennyo standing in front of her. Folding both arms defensively around herself, the raven-haired woman straightened to her full height “Call it curiosity.” She answered curtly “Why are all of you gathered in front of the gates? Do you plan on descending down to Earth?” Ceres questioned, obviously getting right to the point. “Yes, bathing in the cool springs of Miho has been a long standing tradition. Don’t worry…we have been going down to Earth for years without encountering dangerous humans. Miho no Matsubara is a private lagoon with large trees blocking the view from the sea…so the local fishermen will not spot us….” Rae reassured “One more warning though…stick to the group…don’t allow yourself to get distracted.” She stated bluntly, allowing a small smile to touch her soft lips. Most of the Tennyo in Heaven knew how to steer clear of beady human eyes, however Ceres was another story. The raven-haired female lacked knowledge, but the young angel would have to leave the nest sooner or later.

“Private lagoon?” Ceres interjected “Is the lagoon really private? I‘ve heard news of how horrific human beings could be…especially when their curiosity has been peaked by something out of this world.” The Heavenly Maiden placed emphasis to her verdict. She was biased. She was naïve in certain aspects, but Ceres couldn’t’t carry the label of stupidity glued to her back. “Curiosity killed the cat…right? I already explained the situation to you…Ceres. Humans don’t have time to waste searching for mythological creatures that only exist in legend.” Rae explained “Time doesn’t’t affect us, but remember Earth runs on a different system. It should be about morning over there…most of the fishermen from the local village will be out at sea.” Glossy pink lips curved downwards mischievously “Let’s go! I want to feel the cool water against my skin.” The russet-haired angel wrapped one slender hand around Ceres’ left wrist, azure-colored hues locked themselves against the maiden’s wide golden-brown ones “Come with me.” Even with thorough details carefully explained to the raven-haired female, she still gave of waves filled with paranoia. Why? Could fear be playing an important part in Ceres’ hesitation? ‘I changed my mind!’ Swallowing harshly, the Heavenly Maiden made an attempt to reason with the over-zealous angel, yet any present word jumbled itself deep within the woman’s throat.

She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t breath. All she noticed was Rae’s grip tightening painfully around her delicate wrist and the ground below her feet disappearing. The marble fountain in the center of the courtyard vanished, followed shortly by polished temple walls becoming obscured by misty white clouds. ’What!? Where am I?’ Ceres shook her head savagely, clearing away illogical questions threatening to overwhelm her rational senses. ‘Don’t you realize…your flying!’ Flying? Was she truly airborne? Or was her body experiencing surreal sensations? “Stop looking surprised!” Rae’s chuckling voice interrupted Ceres’ daydreams “Hmm…you're confused again? Open your wings…after all having a feathered robe would be a waste of time if you never learn how to fly in the first place.” The brunette-haired angel explained, her tight grip around the Tennyo’s slim wrist quickly loosening. ‘Feathered robe? I have never heard that term before.’ Furrowing slender eyebrows in concentration, the Tenshi instinctively summoned a pair of pure white wings tinged with gold near the edges. Entwining fingers together, Ceres pulled in a ragged breath “Not bad for a first time flyer.” She smirked, now gathering enough courage to glance down at the pale blue waters mixed in with a various assortment of conifer trees guarding the quiet lagoon. Was this Miho no Matsubara? Was the famed hideaway for angels?

Immaculate waters sparkled beneath the direct rays of tepid sunlight pouring in from the Eastern Hemisphere. Distant volcanic mountains covered in alabaster caps of snow peaked behind valleys long ago carved by retreating glaciers. Miho no Matsubara looked like a sapphire gem hidden amongst giant pine groves, but with slight openings leading out to rough white-capped seas located further South. The twelve original angels accompanied by Ceres all gasped in silent amazement for Earth was not ugly. Why did the senior’s in Heaven label Earth as hell? Why were divine creatures disallowed from ever speaking with a human being? ’Remember Ceres…stay away from humans.’ Her rational mind whispered internally ’The other angels maybe different in certain aspects, however you are a Tennyo! Everyone else has said men lust after female angels for their unearthly beauty.’ That couldn’t be true or could it? Were males truly lustful? The raven-haired female shook her head clear of troublesome worries, as golden-brown orbs flickered over to the group of angels landing gracefully. Folding alabaster-colored wings slightly, the Celestial Maiden settled soundlessly upon pristine white sands, scarlet lips parted open except speech failed Ceres. Why? Why couldn’t she speak? “Ceres? What is wrong? Are you feeling alright?” Rae questioned, glancing briefly over her left shoulder to look at the shaken Tennin. Raising one eyebrow in question, the brunette-haired female whirled fully around “Welcome to Miho no Matsubara….this place is free of humans! Relax…everything will be fine.” The female reassured, her attention kept itself trained specifically on the slender young woman until the other angels groaned in protest. “Go on ahead….I’ll be there shortly.” Rae told her group, although she had no intention of waiting for Ceres. Huffing impatiently, the elder angel quickly departed from the area, leaving one flustered Tennin completely alone.

Where could Ceres go now? Earth was a new domain for her, in which divine beings without formal training could become fallen angels. “They left me alone?! Fine….I’ll find my own spot to relax.” Clenching hands together, the young woman walked away from the sanctuary of pine groves and straight into the forest growing thinner thanks to the change in landscape. Narrowed amber orbs flickered skywards, before focusing themselves on inviting waters. The lake appeared safe enough to bathe in, but it also meant Ceres had forgotten about safety in numbers. Pausing in mid-stride, she stretched senses out for danger lingering behind lush trees, fortunately for her the thicket was devoid of humans or at least it appeared that way. “Good no humans or other unwelcome creatures.” Summoning celestial powers, the Heavenly Maiden changed the angel wings into an exquisite shawl appearing to be woven by hand. The silk-like mantle felt feathery and airy, with golden threads creating artistic swirls all over the unspoiled fabric. Folding the feathered robe neatly into a square, Ceres hung the hagoromo amongst the thick pine branches. Satisfied her shawl would be safe upon finishing her bath, the maiden hurried into the warm waters of Miho lake, although she unknowingly made the crucial mistake of relaxing her guard.

OCC: There you go! Hope the beginning is all right xD

Last edited by ὰẓέṙἰ on Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}  Empty Re: Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:20 pm

Lol I can't read it its too small.
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Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}  Empty Re: Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}

Post by Azeri Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:25 pm

{ Whoops! Fixed the font size xD}
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Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}  Empty Re: Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:00 pm

Heaven.. Hell.. LIfe.. and Death.. These four words replayed clearly through the boy's head, a blade placed in the center of his palm. The bright light of sun reflected off his broad-face, he sat on the edge of a cliff. Silence struck, it seemed as it time was slowly down. An eagle let out an ancient call as it circled above the large point of hill. Sasuke looked down, then closed his eyes and began to syncronize. The powerful white eagle hawked loudly, finally the boy took a leap of faith. Diving down, the waterfall beside him. Moments passed and he landed with a loud thud in the center of the rippling water. He popped his head up out of the water, Scanning the area around him, slowly he swam to the shore. Gripping tightly onto the edge and pulling himself out of the raging waters. Instantly he was dry, his flamming body heat drying him off almost immediately when he stepped out. Sasuke stretched, moving his shoulders back and forth to rejoint them. His inner ddragon roared beneath his skin, wanting to be released. He felt the graving hunger of the enormous beast raging deep inside of him. Smirking, Sasuke felt his body shifting. When he grew taller into a 7,000 foot dragon, he let out a screetch and unfolded his large wings. Flapping them, he gathered wing beneath him, then botled up into the sky. Calling out as he did so, letting his wings stop and glid him through the air currnet. He seen a girl with wings below him, grinning he blew golden flames out of his mouth, creating a wilf fire beneath his home land that was ocne a beautiful valley turned into a living piece of hell. Lowering his massive body to the Earth surface, slamming himself down harshly; the ground vibrated as once as he pressed powerful webbed feet, with long razor claws extended firmly. His scales rippled virtically as he gazed over at her, using his seductive hearing to listen to her.
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Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}  Empty Re: Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}

Post by Azeri Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:32 pm

Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}  8987014

‘What happened to the other Celestial Maidens? Where did everyone go? I should be able to sense their presence nearby, perhaps I’ve wandered further then expected.’ Cupping tepid water in her extended hand, the raven-haired female watched droplets squeeze between lithe fingers - to slowly drop down to Earth like reminiscent rain. Did it ever drizzle back home? Or was the weather sedated in Heaven? Allowing the lake water to seep free unhindered, Ceres quickly whirled around to examine her surrounding critically. Mother Nature appeared to be untouched, for tall cypress trees loomed all around the shoreline nestling pristine waters out of sight. “Are we the only beings capable of seeing right down to Earth? Or are other creatures I don’t know about…roaming this area?” She inquired quizzically, tilting her head skyward to gaze straight at the sun. Solitude once in a while served it’s purpose in healing frazzled nerves, but long hours spent alone placed an angel at greater risk from an attack. ’Who is going to attack me? I have given no one…any reason to come after my life. Rae did mention several times…that humans destroy what they don’t understand. So, far…I have yet to encounter danger…’

Instead of focusing on what creatures inhabited Earth, the naïve angel should be focusing on the call of an ancient eagle resonating through the valley walls. Gigantic stone cliffs captured any shrill sounds, escalating singular sounds waves into an ear splitting screech audible for miles around. “What in the world?” Ceres wadded immediately out of the water, reaching a sandy shoreline just as cranes decided to take drastic action. Extending plumed appendages outward the ivory-colored birds took flight, circling Miho lake twice before vanishing out of sight. What had been calm perfection mere seconds ago, transformed into a nightmarish call far more different than what was heard earlier. The noise wasn’t human nor was it made by a distressed bird. No, the reverberation sounded quite aggressive, almost predatory if Ceres could find an exact term to label it. ’Will I be able to pinpoint the exactly location? Right above my head….lovely.’ Would she chance a glance upwards? Obviously, the Celestial Maiden had no other alternative…but to face a 7,000 foot reptilian-looking creature alone. His deafening calls sent cold chills down her spine, while making the ground below her feet shake like a miniature earthquake. “Well….I have seen everything now.” She muttered dryly, flying straight into the air as red-gold tongues of fire left behind a trail of smoldering ash. “Why? Why would you burn a forest down? Am I invading your territory?” Ceres suddenly questioned, trailing her gaze over Sasuke’s massive body. ’Compared to him…I’m a minuscule angel unable to match him in strength…nor brute power. His element is fire…mine is restoration…breathing life into this land is going to cost me a lot of energy.’ Was the dragon capable of human speech? Telepathy? Maybe Ceres herself was being idiotic by attempting to have a civil conversation with a not so civil creature - who was staring and listening to her.
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Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}  Empty Re: Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:53 pm

The large dragon roared out, moving his jaw to blow anthymest flames out violently, striking it upward toward the angel. He sneered, then his wings unfold behind his back, letting them stretch out wide. Sasuke smirked, he spoke with a deep and scary voice that of a demon. It would send a chill down the toughest creatures, making the shudder from him. " You have not yet seen everything." His words slipping through his lips, tail wrapping around his large body as he lay sprawled out on a large mountain, massive paws hanging off the edge and head held high. He snatched up a deer that was running through the ashes of the dead Earth, he quickly gulped down the small and delicate animal. A dragon of his height and weight could not threive his hunger, he licked his lips with a snaked tongue, running slowly across his scaley mouth. He heard her speak once more, again Sasuke lifted his head to glare at her, chuckling loudly with laughter that filled the air. It was an evil fufilling chuckle. " You have invaded my territory Celestial Maiden." He glanced around him at the burned nature, flames still striking up off the Earth, a huge wilfifre that was going on made the birds fly up out of trees and screetch. He jerked at the eerie sound from the birds, snorting roughly. Smoke reflected out of his nostrils as they flared, eyes flashing a molten amber red. Glaring back up at the young women, he smiled then sighed. Shifting into his human form, he looked out around him. He thought to himself, 'What have I done?' He looked down at his hands, clentching them tightly then releasing his grip when his usual electric human blue eyes turned to sudden blood-shot red swirls. The heat of the moment came to him, and fire burned around his hands, flames popping up out of him, the veins on his neck popped out to show clearly on. Sasuke sighed heavily, claming down when the grass burned below his feet. 'I'm a monster.' He thought to himself, glancing abck up at the Celestial Maiden. " I-I'm sorry, for what I have done to your... Ah," He looked back up at the valley he had burned. " Valley I have burned." He soft softly, not daring to meet the young womens gaze again.
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Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}  Empty Re: Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}

Post by Azeri Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:06 pm

Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}  043_210

‘Ashes to ashes….dust to dust. The entire valley has been incinerated beyond repair, Gaia will definitely have a hard time restoring herself. Sad…isn’t it? Centuries of hard work reduced to almost nothing in a matter of seconds.’ The onyx-haired woman contemplated forlornly, shifting her glittering gaze down to the smoldering forest floor below. Golden flames ate away at the tree trunks devastating thousand year old conifers beyond recognition, until weakened branches spiraled out of control no longer able to withstand such an intense inferno. Land animals had little chance of survival, unless evolution triggered flight as their main source of transportation - unfortunately charred bodies would be all that remained behind. A fire couldn’t stop Mother Nature from generating again…right? Restoration without divine intervention might take a few thousand years or longer depending on the fire breathing dragon residing here.

Why? Why burn an entire valley to the ground? Didn’t the reptilian creature realize his main food source had just died out? How did he expect to survive? Widening amber eyes slightly, Ceres hastily scrambled backwards avoiding Sasuke’s amethyst flames with mere inches to spare. She might survive a direct blow assuming her celestial shield held against his assault, but a singed wing reduced her capacity to return home. “Watch where you’re aiming! I don’t intend on becoming Earth’s prisoner….much less a tasty morsel!” The Celestial retorted, flying back several meters to distance herself from the unpredictable dragon. ’His flames aren’t the only thing I should be worried about….those lethal paws and massive tail can easily knock me out of the sky….or do worse damage.’ Brushing troublesome concerns aside, all Ceres could do now was watch as an unfortunate deer become Sasuke’s fast food dinner. “Poor thing…hardly had a chance to escape.” No amount of holy powers could ever change destiny, the frightened deer become a victim of circumstance - being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Every living creature deserved to live out their life naturally, however were ’monsters’ included on the list? Should Ceres bring divine retribution upon the evil dragon? Her ponders were cut short as evil chuckles emerged out of Sasuke’s maw - filling an entire alcove with his unsettling mirth. “Invaded your territory? Well excuse me for missing the announcement! My kind have been coming here for generations, I don’t remember ever hearing a dragon complain about our presence.” Petite fingers curled into tight fists, coarse anger traveled through out her bloodstream prompting an instinctual urge to cast caution aside. To attack him head on without regard to her own safety. Another angel might heed their instinct, although impulsiveness led to paying a high price. Thinning scarlet lips in displeasure, the floating Celestial watched her opponent materialize into a human being right before her eyes. ’Dragon returning to human form? I’m seeing a shape-shifter for the first time…at least his human self looks progressively smaller…than his reptilian self.’ Not exactly news to rejoice about, his draconic side could take her completely off-guard. “Apologizing will not return this valley back to it’s former glory nor will I accept your apology. This is not my territory…ask the native animals left alive to forgive you.” She finally responded, landing twenty feet away from Sasuke. After seeing his general lack of control, Ceres couldn’t fathom coming close to him for fear of reprisal. Kneeling down on one knee, the ebony-haired Tennin held a handful of cooled ash in her palm - while scanning an entire area with hardened gold eyes. “Thank you for making my job harder…restoring an entire valley can take ages if only one maiden is actively involved.” Dispersing blackened soot into the evening breeze, Ceres walked away intent on leaving Sasuke to wallow in his own shame alone.
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Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}  Empty Re: Ephemeral Allure {R, SION}

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:46 pm

Sasuke looked at her and snarled, he watched her walk off and he did the same. Put flashing off down the hill and into the valley. Through the forest, she narrowed his eyes. Cursing in a low breath at himself. Clentching tight hands together, and punching a tree.
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