Call of the Wild
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Bloddy daggers (Sion)

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Bloddy daggers (Sion) Empty Bloddy daggers (Sion)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:17 pm

Bloody daggers, know as Passion in her pack stood on the high rock with the alpha's son. They where best friends but secretly Passion like the brown well muscled wolf. She may of been a omega pup but she had risen to be a great warrior. She scanned the land for seeing nothing of the sort but soon saw something white move behind a bush and sniffed the air it was a deer and she was quick to yell down to her pack, "Deer!" She watched as the hunters then took off after it. Passion then scampered off the high rock and went to get a drink from the pond in the land next to her pack's it was unowned and a very nice place. Lapping up the water Passion was variable to any passing unknown wolf wishing to harm her. The female was soon to go in heat for the first time but knew she was safe in her pack. Once done the female turned and started to walk back home.


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Bloddy daggers (Sion) Empty Re: Bloddy daggers (Sion)

Post by Guest Tue Jan 10, 2012 3:54 pm



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Bloddy daggers (Sion) Empty Re: Bloddy daggers (Sion)

Post by Guest Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:24 pm



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Bloddy daggers (Sion) Empty Re: Bloddy daggers (Sion)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:33 pm

( Well, I don't know how to reply to this actually, Shadows not really a pack kind of wolf. He likes being a loner. )
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Location : A Purple Dingo Ate My Baby!!!!!!!!!! O.o

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Bloddy daggers (Sion) Empty Re: Bloddy daggers (Sion)

Post by Guest Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:39 pm

(I know, I was thinking things change for her and she doesn't want to be with a pack any more when she geets to know him and all the stuff he can do being with out a pack? Or something. Idk.)


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Bloddy daggers (Sion) Empty Re: Bloddy daggers (Sion)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:48 pm


The leaves lashed across the earth floor. Trembling creatures lurked back in their holes as Shadow paced by them. Trees and bushes rustled with the wind making eerie sounds, echo in his pricked ears. Fresh scents of doe and buck traveled up his muzzle. He breathed in softly and slowly. Then, with a quick smirk she bolted off down a steep slope and skidded to a stop. Finding himself a buck that was grazing on a patch of grass near its hooves. Shadow smirked, delighted with how large this one was. He sunk back into a crouch and moved his hips back and forth almost ready to fling himself at its rump. He extended his claws and unsheathed out his fangs. A rumble echoed inside Shadows throat. Growling loudly and jumping forward and onto its rump. Bringing the buck down as soon as Shadow hit its back with his powerful claws as they sunk deep inside its spine. With his fangs fastened tightly into its neck, he went for the kill.

Releasing his grip a bit then letting out a growl of rage and swiftly with her quick reflexes he pushed his back paws off its back and held onto its neck twisting and breaking the bucks neck instantly. Shadow loosened his grip and looked down at the fresh kill of his. With that he gnawed onto the shoulder a bit, before tearing at its neck. Shadow placed one of his fore-paws onto its back neck and then taking his sharp dagger like fangs and swiftly jerking his head up to tear out the neck bone. He gnawed on it for awhile.
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Join date : 2010-05-15
Age : 26
Location : A Purple Dingo Ate My Baby!!!!!!!!!! O.o

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Bloddy daggers (Sion) Empty Re: Bloddy daggers (Sion)

Post by Guest Sun Jan 15, 2012 7:17 pm

The hunters stopped and stared as a lone wolf took down their deer, this should be easy the lead hunter thought and let out a small growl stepping out ready to fight over the kill as the others move out behind him, "We'll be taking that." He said walking towards him chest puffed out the male muscled bulged out and he barked in shadows face challenging him for what was left of the kill. Passion walked through the woods till hearing them she stepped forward, still hidden and watched. Not paying attention to her tail so her sent leaked.


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Bloddy daggers (Sion) Empty Re: Bloddy daggers (Sion)

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