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Wandering Spirits

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Wandering Spirits Empty Wandering Spirits

Post by Guest Thu Nov 24, 2011 6:07 pm


The land of Arcadia is a land filled with mystery, beauty and deceit. Love and betrayal. Friendship and treachery. But more than that, it is a land ravaged by war. The Al Ra'shid, the dark skinned people of the Ra'shid desert, declared war on Arcadia after their chieftain was murdered by a rogue Arcadian assassin. Queen Loriana Salazare, the eldest daughter of the deceased King Sebastian II and Queen Maria, has lead her people with wisdom and courage. That was before she left Arcadia for Lyanore, land of the Shadowsbane and the neighbouring elven empire, in order to strike an allegiance with Emperor Lycaeon and the Empress Alexia. But they refuse to take any part in the war until their daughter, the princess Katarya is found.

The Arcadian queen, knowing what pain it would be to lose her own daughter, sympathised with the elven royals, but pressed her case. They thought her insensitive and rashly declined any offer of allegiance, then ordered she remove herself from the empire. Loriana reluctantly agreed and returned to her homeland. Relations between the Arcadian people and the elves of Lyanore grew icy and tensions heightened. That was a year ago. Since then, there has been no sign of the princess and the elves still refuse to ally themselves with the humans. The Al Ra'shid are still yet to make their first attack on Arcadia, but it could happen at any moment.

Lycaeon and Alexia still search for their beloved daughter. They believe that she was kidnapped. But what they believe is not so. She ran away. For reasons unknown, the princess took off, leaving behind everything she knew.

My character(s) Razz

Name: Katarya Valkynira Shadowsbane (Catar-ee-ah)
Nickames/alternative name: her nickname's Kat, but, due to circumstance, she goes by Nyx
Age: 17
Race: although she appears fully elven, Katarya's actually a half-elf
Appearance: Straight, chestnut brown hair riddled with fine streaks of blonde, red and dark brown. It's cropped short, with some layers falling down across her face to partialy cover her left eye. A few braids of varying thickness's are scattered through it, along with some wooden and metal beads. The most noticeable is the one that hangs against her right cheek. She has large almond-shaped green-brown eyes, framed by thick dark eyelashes and often lines them with dark green ochre. Dark arching eyebrows, high cheekbones and full lips. Pointed ears. Her skin is slightly tanned. She's 5'5", petite, slightly wide in the shoulders, busty with wide hips and long legs (compared with her height). She has small hands and feet and overall isn't really a very large person, or presence. She's startlingly attractive, and rather intimidating for someone so small, but something about her comes across as rather vulnerable. She wears leather armour in either dark green or brown. A corset, shorts and leather boots, along with leather greaves and matching bracers are her usual attire, often accompanied by a full length hooded cloak.
Scars/tattoos etc: She has a tribal tattoo next to her left eye that traces its way down past her ear, down her neck, over her collarbone and down the whole length of her back before curling around her left hip and down her thigh, coming to an end a few inches above her knee. She also has a scar on the top of her right shoulder. She has her right nostril pierced, along with both of her ears, her right ear is pierced once at the top, her left twice, along with once at the bottom on each. She has the left side of her bottom lip pierced but rarely wears a lip ring. She also has her left eyebrow pierced.
Personality: Kat tends to be quiet around strangers, but can be sociable and humorous when she wants to be. She loves to laugh, but is easily agitated and quick to voice her frustrations. She often speaks or acts before she thinks and can be recklessly impulsive. She's aggressive and rather impatient, but a deep thinker who will at times step back to look at the bigger picture. She's agile, quiet and stealthy and can more than hold her own in a fight, being trained in swordsmanship, archery and hand-to-hand combat, Katarya fights with the skill of a battle-hardened soldier, with the grace and beauty of a warrior priestess, and with the raw talent and prowess the Lyanore elves are renowned for.
Skills/talents: Very skilled warrior. Talented swordswoman and deadly archer. She speaks both the common language used by humans and the mysterious language of the elves. She can read and write. She's well trained, being able to carry almost her own weight and run with great speeds.
Magical gifts etc: She has magical gifts, like all elves, but, like the more powerful, she is yet to be in the ideal circumstance for them to show themselves.
History: Born a princess, she ran away with her personal guard, Talon Jai at sixteen years old, the reasons for her doing so are known only to her.

Name: Talon Rush
Nicknames/alt. names: Eagle
Age: 19
Race: Human shapeshifter, although he does have elven ancestry
Appearance: Thick, messy, snow white hair with a single braid hanging against his right cheek. Dark blue eyes that change colour on occasion. A strong brow, defined cheekbones, hard, strong jawline. A sly, mischievous smile. Tanned skin in contrast to his unusual hair colour. There's the slightest hint of a point to his ears. Well built, 6'2", wide shoulders, thickly muscled arms, a wide, well defined chest and narrow hips. Strong legs, large hands and feet. He has a very intimidating presence and is constantly surrounded by an aura of danger. Like Katarya, he wears traditional leather armour in shades of brown and green.
Scars/tattoos etc: Large, discoloured scars criss-cross the bottom left of his back, some curl around his waist, grazing across his stomach. He never speaks of them, or their origins.
Personality: Depending on his mood, he can be silent and thoughtful, loud and boisterous, or humorous and somewhat sensitive. He has a habit of mirroring those around him. Short tempered, violent, very easily agitated. Very fluid in his movements and light on his feet for someone of such size. Very skilled warrior, with sword, mace or bow, he can always improvise with whatever's on hand. Trustworthy and a good listener. Very intelligent and logical, adapts well.
History: He was born in the southern forests of Lyanore, home of the half-man, half-beast creatures that haunt the nightmares of many an elf or human. He never knew his father and his mother died when he was fifteen. He left his home after her death and travelled to the capital to join the Imperial Guard and was promoted to the stature of the princess' personal guard.


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Wandering Spirits Empty Re: Wandering Spirits

Post by Spritz Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:53 am

Perfect, you did quite well. Let me make up my own now.
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Age : 29
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