Call of the Wild
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Red Curls and Moonlight Love (a memory. this is not an actual RP.)

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Red Curls and Moonlight Love (a memory. this is not an actual RP.) Empty Red Curls and Moonlight Love (a memory. this is not an actual RP.)

Post by Guest Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:07 pm

Standing amongst a crowd of strangers, a girl with petite red curls paced back and forth uneasily. She knew absolutly nobody here except one girl who stood in the distance. But, that girl did not matter to her anymore. Turning away from that direction, the pale girl continued to pace back forth along the sidewalk. She side stepped other people and moved around their still forms. They all were waiting for somebody to come for them, but the girl was waiting to be rescued.

The girl was called Sadie. She was about sixteen and short for her age. She had thin auburn curls that fell a little past her shoulders and framed her heart shaped face. Stray strands often whisped across her soft cheek bones and grazed her thin, pink lips. Even in the coolness of November, her skin appeared whiter than snow and soft. Against the white, her tan freckles stuck out on her sweet face, all sprinkled across her cheeks, nose and under her bright hazel eyes. She had a spunky attitude, though she was very shy and timid. Sadie had no notion of beautiful she really was.

Still pacing, the girl was unaware of the boy not far from her watching her. He was a handsome boy about a year or so older than her. He stood with his hands in his pocket, his jacket tight around his body and a backpack on his back. No one seemed to notice him, including Sadie. After a few minutes, Sadie began to get the itchy feeling of someone's eyes on her. She looked up expecting to see the former girl still staring her down when instead she met the gaze of the handsome boy. Though shy, she approached him slowly and stopped. He smirked and stayed where he was. Sadie's lucid eyes drank him in. He was taller than her, thin, and had brown curly hair. He had a thin face with sharp cheek bones and a deep brown eyes covered by long lashes. He offered a smile and she saw the glint of braces on his white teeth.

sadie had no idea who this boy was. Never in her life had she seen him before. But as she stood there amongst the crowd of waiting people, something stirred inside of her as her gaze locked with the boy. She must have been blushing beceause the boy laughed softly and she quickly looked away. When she lifted her kind gaze again, he was standing before her. Sadie had to look up to see him clearly. This time she smiled at him and shuffled her feet. She answered the unspoken question, "Sadie." He returned, "James." By knowing the stranger's name, Sadie knew she had been rescued.

Over time the two had grown quite fond of one another and soon started a slow relationship. They were a lively couple. The boy was always with her as if protecting her from something she could not see. The girl went nowhere without the boy. Sadie and James were passionate towards each other. Sadie was still young and unexperianced, but that did not bother James. He thought it was rather cute she did not know as much as he did and obliged to help her learn. He showed everyway possible that he loved her and Sadie showed it back as much as she was capable of. The two teens were in love and saw themselves as soul mates. Nights were spent wraped in each other's arms embracing what they had. They were lip locked and hands roamed freely over the warm flesh of the other.

Time started to draw to a close. The Sadie did not know what she wanted anymore and other things were starting to creep up and ruin her. she no longer felt connected to James as school and family began to sink in. she started to grow annoyed with James and often shunned him. Alone, Sadie sought help from another boy, a boy whom she had met in her past but had come back into her life. Behind her "mate's" back, she talked to this boy and started to feel for him. At this time, she knew se could no longer go on with James. She ended it as painlessly as she could, at least for her. she felt horrible that she had to crush James' heart and often cried. But this new boy, she thought, would take all her pain away.

Sadie stood pressed against a tree one late night with James' breath hot on her neck and his cold hands under her shirt. Hidden in the pine tree, out of view, the two attempted to make love. Though failing, they persisted. Sadie put her hands on his face and pulled him to her, placing her thin lips on his and drawing him into a passionate kiss. The two struggled, covered in sweat, to make it happen, but it just wouldn't work. Someday Sadie thought as she held James close to her.

Since Sadie and James spent that night together in the tree, nither one had spoken much of it. Though it lingers on Sadie's mind quite often and on James'. Sadie rarely sees her James now. She sits alone in her room, pale hand resting on her freckled cheek and things about their memories. Sometimes she gets the urge to talk him or find him, but she can't make it happen. Sometimes James just drops off the face of the Earth and she has to ask his friend's if they have heard from him. Sadie still love the poor boy she fell in love with so long ago and knows that, yes, they are destined to be together if it was only allowed to be.

Pacing back and forth along the cracked side walk, alone and cold, a girl with red curls and soft white skin waits impatiently for the handsome boy with the rich brown eyes to return to her and rescure her once more...

(please do not try to RP with this lol it is merely a memory. you can post a comment though. It is real in a way. I just placed in here because i am wounded..)


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