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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sat Nov 05, 2011 5:07 pm

Roses are Red

Violets are Blue

Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died

<Souls in deep thought. My heavenly eyes meet the moon. The earth held in my tight grasp, as I claw my way through its barrens. Darkness casts over the harizon. Lefting my head high, as if my remaining soul is draining away to the light that never shines. If roses are red and violets areblue. Why do you run away from love, that never dies. Take my breath and take it again, for I do not shy away from the blazing sword, for the blade that slices the throats of those who deny its strength. For I do not crave love, there is much love in the soil that the earth provides. Love lies within your hearts, traped inside, wanting to be free. No one opens there heart when love comes around, they drain in the feeling of love. My eyes stare onward through the night as I sway side to side through the thickets. Leaves begin to shuffle as her paws scuffed on the ground. Squeezing herself inbetween two trees, her mucles cuffed the sides of the two twin trees. Her claws scraped the two, lashing out her tail. She shook her coat off flinging moss out of her fur.>

Stricking pain to others is my talent

Furious yowls come within my throat

I can not sit back and watch you die

When the darkness strikes the earth, I hunt for whom killed you.

<Through the wind and the chill and the rain and the storm, I can feel an approach likefire in my Blood. Sharp glinting fangs flashed down upon the harmless volture. As the fae brung it down. Its wings stoped flopping, the fae bent down and finished it off, taking her claws and quickly slicing open its stomach. Slight chuckling came from the fae, her coat tainted with blood as her muzzle drizzled from the scarlet cursading blood that dripped down below her paws. The fae grabed the voltures neck and dragged it toward her cavern. She dropped it beside a jolted rock. Snorting she watched as the darkness faded through the night, she growled. The trees stirred silently when the wind swirled in the air. The fae trotted out of the cavern, climbing her way up behind the cave was a hill. She sat upon it, looking up at the night sky, she trailed off. Wraping her tail around her beautiful body. Her black as night coat shone brightly in the night.>
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Tempt
"I have a right to remain violent, anything you say or do will result in you getting maimed or killed."
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. 263171lxlble1hnk
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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:16 pm

Damn. That had never should have happened. He should have never tried to get with her ever since he was a pup. It was a pity, she was high matience and all about her, her, her and it made him angry. Damn. Never should he have tried to go with, and think such a female was right with him for she had deserved better than him. She deserved way better. She never should have chosen him, for he was never worth her patience. She could have had pups, and grew old with a regular mate that was worth her time but no, she decided to pick him and she never got that far.

The blood dripped from the snow white body as he stared upon the ground of a small puddle of red liquid. In the small puddle, lay a beautiful she-wolf, eyes closed and nice and long. Her perfect slender body, now broken and plastered with her blood. She had tried to struggle from his grip. Bit. Struggled. Scratched. But she didn't get away, inside she was savaged into a cold blooded murder. The male in front of her, stopped and backed away blue eyes looking at the limb body. He couldn't believe he did it, he killed his mate. He turned and walked away, not looking back. He couldn't it could get him into trouble. Trying to look back even an inch could get you into hell.

He knew she was never worth his time. More of a slut who wanted to beat the record of wolves to have the more litter of pups it wasn't worth his time, but still, she deserved better instead of being left to freeze to death in a cold puddle of her blood. He was never into her, only just a crush. Right? But what if just was meant to die? What if that's why that sudden glitch got him into killing her? He had no idea but he couldn't even pray to figure out.

The male walked towards the forest, felling an ache in his stomach. The ache of guilt. How stupid of him. He should've known that'd happen. He stopped and sniffed the ground, letting all intresting scents travel through his open nostrils, taking in any new scents. Then, he smelt a female close by. Her scent was intresting. Sweet and honey mixed with the forest. He wondered if she wasn't too aggressive. He moved on and followed her scent til it lead to a big dark open cave. He looked inside, his eyes glowing.

Word Count:438
To:S I O N
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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sat Nov 05, 2011 8:05 pm

Black darkness shadowed below.

Could this be the end of you.

For I do not take the time to heal,

The wounds on your body will stay there 'till sunset.

Thunder will strike the sea, spliting it into.

<The fae flung her head up quickly, looking over her should just an inch. Twigs began to break. Snorting with hostile, the fae turned slowly, tail swayed out from behind her. Very carefully she took very soft steps towards the ledge of the cave top. The fae looked over the edge, down at a rather large snow white male. My heart began to skip a few beats. Love is what you call it, nothing else. Make the rain fall on the heavenly earth. Let sunlight fill my dreams, for they are stuck in the shadows of darkness deep inside hell. Cocking her head, she launched herself off the cave top rock. Her hind legs pushed off the point with much power. Landing from behind the male, her head slowly rotated to face him. Her snow white eyes were usual to all, she looked at him with unease hinted in her eyes. The fae snorted, and said with a light and gentle tone but also memorzing in it as well. " Your a stanger. Stangers don't last long 'round here." She said, walking up towards him. She pushed him with a paw. " Identify yourself." She ordered.

May your sins break, and braek again.

There is a place beyond the moutains where the angels rest.

But beyond that is where a river runs red, when the moon reflects off it.

Take a gander and take it again. For you will see that there is no place for one like youself.
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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:38 am

The male looked through the cave, eyes full of curiousity. He took a step forward, his ears shoved forward, tail wagging only so much. Even since the white male was a pup, curiousity was his middle name. He took another step and before his eyes, a blur of black raced over his head, only a few inches away from touching it. He spun around, hackles rose to see a black female, meeting the mezmorising gaze of her silver orbs, he never thought he saw something ever so perfect. The way her body was lean and sleek throughout her nice-sized frame. It was so amazing. His tail started to wag beyond its control, and he almost missed what she had said but just catching it right on time. "Oh, hello miss." he greeted as pioletly as he could. "I am Arrow and you are?"

Arrow. That name fit him so perfectly. His name was from a tribe. When he was a pup, you should have seen how fast he was beating males on a domiant race ever since then, he ran fast and hit everyone so hard with such force of a lightning bolt. And then, his mother's name was Lightning and his dad, Thunder. Maybe mixed such fast and strong forces could make such a strong and powerful force. He didn't know.

The male watched the female contiently waiting for her. Hoepfully he'd indenified himself enough. Hopefully he didn't scare her. His coat was ruffled and crusted with another female's blood that would had made a scary wolf scared.

Word Count:270
Muse:Kinda Failed
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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:20 am

<Sierra snorted lightly. Looking at his ruffled coat with blood tanited on it. He was a rather large male, about the same size as Sierra. She smiled, " Hello Arrow. I'm Kystal daughter of Sydney and Abyssals." She said with a perfect voice. Her slender frame seemed as if it were swaying side to side like a flowing river. Sierra looked up to the sky, her eyes shinning with bravery, and strength. Her massive paws scuffed the earth gently. Her tail began to thump wildly on the ground, flinging up chunks of dirt. Leaves stirred around her, as the trees whistled with the wind. She turned to look back over at Arrow. " So how did you get that blood on your coat?" She asked half curious and half impressive. Her mucles rippled beneath her beautiful raven black coat.>

She travels through blistering winds.

Scortching deserts.

Climbs to the highest tower, and to find herself face to face with a dragon.

Firey breath flows into my maw, making me stronger.

I grow bigger, mucles begin to rip through my coat.

How many times do I have t tell you, there is a place beyond the horizon that yourself will never survive.
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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sun Nov 06, 2011 9:38 am

The male watched her every move with silent excitment until, until she mentioned the crusted blood which tainted his coat. His hackles rose, and his ears shoved forward, his tail stuck out and he went stiff. Arrow should have know she was going to bring that up. She wasn't blind though Arrow wished she was. Meeting he gaze, he saw that bloodied murder which had happened minutes ago.

The male looked at the sleeping body, her slender movement moving up and down silghtly and raised. His mate, Hannah, had just became his mate and they arrived here early. He looked at the small but fat cropse of a rabbit that lay besides her then walked up to his mate's perfect, and slender body nudging her in the stomach lightly. "Hey, Hannah, wake up." he whispered and saw her open her brown orbs looking around then when she spotted her mate, a smile pursed her lips, seductive. "Hello love." she murmured. She came towards him and pressed against him murring silently. He could smell her heat scent clear up his nostrils. He watched her and snorted in discust. "Go eat." he ordered. "No.. how about we do something else." she murmured and pressed her head against him. He flinched and back away. "No!" he growled. "Please," she whimpered. Her heat scent was coming out stronger than ever now and instead of doing that, he pinned her down and clawed through her stomach. "Stop it you worthless female." He could see the fear and scent the fear that was now strong on her. He soon teared her stomach and went back.

All in a swirly haze the vison was gone and he looked down at his paws then back at her eyes shaking his head. "I killed someone..." he quavered.

Word Count:407
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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sun Nov 06, 2011 11:35 am

<Sierra wideed eyed looked at him with curiousity. She shook her ehad, backing away. " W-Why?!" Her mucles got teanse. Her lips pealed back into teh beginning of a snarl, claws began to extend. Her fur stood on end, bristling with hatered. Her tail lashed out behind her. In one quick movement she swipped out a paw at him slamming him to the ground. Her massive paw, pushed all her weight down upon his neck, pinning him down. Sierra snorted, " Who did you kill Arrow?" She asked with unease. Fur prickling with anger. She will not stand still when someone mentions killing another wolf. Sierra can be a kind and gentle fae, but if you say the wrong thing she will have you for dinner. Snarling violently, her ears flew backward, disappearing into a flowing river of black mist. Sierra snorted awaiting an answer. But she wouldn't wait to long for she is timid at the moment.
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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:20 pm

The male was surprised by the sudden attack and gasped quietly as he was thrown off his paws and hit the hard ground strongly and it made him yelp. When the weight of her was on him, she saw her eyes bristling with hatred and her hackles raised. He deserved whatever was coming with him probably but right now, he didn't care what he deserved he didn't want to die. Pushing her off him with powerful back legs, the male got up and put a paw on her stomach, eyes full with fear. [b]"I-I had to.. .she was my mate." he said. Turning, he sprinted into the woods spinting perfectionatly through the trees and stopped looked at his reflection, and sigh inwardly closing his eyes.

I never knew how much it could hurt, how much it would singe my heart til it was an ash. I never knew how hard it would feel. The hatred in the female's eyes... just gave away everything to me. I'm a monster. A beast an impatient bastard.

Opening his eyes, he got into the water and watched the blood slowly dissolve off of his body and down the stream dissappearing forever.

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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:37 pm

<Sierra snorted, gasping as she was thrown off her paws and onto the ground hardly. Snorting, she looked up at him. Seeing the sadness in his eyes, she stood up slowly as the weight on her stomach began to fade. Seeing his large white frame disappear into the wood. She stood and chased after him, knowing she had said something she shouldn't have. Sierra sighed as she came upon him walking into the stream. the blood began to disolve from his coat, making his snow white coat reflect off her white orbs. He was a very handsome male. Stepping forward she nuzzled his side softly. " Why would you want to kill your mate? What did she do wrong?" Sierra asked curioudity giving a light sparkle in her eyes. She smiled faintly. Sierra's eyes flashed, seeing she was surrounded in her past. She remembered the time when she had a mate, but she killed him when she soon found out that he was forcing other faes behind her back. Sierra was once in his shoes, but not no longer. Shaking her head she looked down at her paws, sitting back on her hackles. Broad-shoulder popped out of her muscular frame. Her raven black coat shone brightly like a black fullmoon.>

Have I found my death?

How will I escape from this prison of horror?

A gate opens up for me in my darkest times.

I cross through the gate, trusting it. But knowing that was a bad idea.

I fall off the edeg of the earth.

I keep falling, falling, falling.

Until something catches me.

I open my eyes, seeing your reflection in them.

Now that I knwo you are worth my time, I will never leave your side.
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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Mon Nov 07, 2011 3:34 pm

{I will in a min.}
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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:16 pm

Arrow was sighing, and praying to god to forgive him but just for killing a innocent soul, he'd probably be damned forever. He sighed and with his last words of praying he whispered, "I'm sorry Hannah." They all faded and then he opened his blue crystals at the time feeling something on his flank. Stiffening, honey and forest lifted up his nostrils and made him inhale the air. Turning, he regonized the female and a grin came upon his face. "Hello again." he greeted tail started to wag. He then stopped and frowned, remembering that the Sierra was mad at him because of what he had done. He sighed but then pricked his ears, hearing what she had asked. The question sliced him like ice and he lowered his eyes to meet the running waters surface. "Because, she pushed me and forced me to do everything I didn't want her to do." he muttered quietly. He looked up to meet her gaze and shook hos head, eyes full of desperation. "I wish I could take it back. I didn't want to hurt her."

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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:22 pm

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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Thu Nov 10, 2011 7:25 pm

<Sierra sighed, she looked down at him. His crystal blue orbs shinning into hers. Her heart fluttered than stopped as it began to ache in pain over the dead fae. Sierra wondered what she had made him do that he felt was wrong. Sierra spoke up from the hush of silence that echoed in her pricked ears. " So she um made you do stuff that you thought was wrong... In your case not in hers?" She said. Her words coming out with curiousity more than a question. Sierra's bright white orbs shone through out the night, her raven black coat ruffled side to side. She looked away from his gaze and up at the moonlit moon, her eyes reflecting off of the light that shinned down upon the forest.>

I watch as the shooting stars flash by.

A melody plays in my head.

" Roses are Red, Violets are Blue.

Love never crossed my mind,

Until the day you Died..."

For a heart that seems to beat faster than God says it can.

There comes a time when death takes its course.

And all you can do is watch in pain.

For the blazing sword, that slices ones throats that deny its strength.

You made your bed, now you have to lie in it.
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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by ❥ Destiny Styles Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:21 pm

Arrow met the female's gaze, her white eyes were shinning into the moons orb making a perfect match and reflecting them. Her eyes were absolutly amazing but he said nothing instead, he nodded to her question. "Yes. She was ready to have pups. I exacly wasn't thinking the same." he muttered and looked down at the water his paw slowly going across the sandy surface nervously as she looked at the moon. He then looked up at her again. "I just didn't know what else to think." Getting out of the banks of the water, he shook himself water puffy. He sighed and started to groom himself the wrong way.
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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sat Dec 17, 2011 7:46 am

<Sierra chuckled lightly. Rotating her head to look down at him. Bending her head down to lick the top of his forhead. She said in her most beautiful velvet voice, that felt ever so soft and gentle than usual. " I understand your feelings. I have once lost someone I was deeply in love with." Sierra snarled at the thought of her old mates body was beneath her paws at this very moment. Her coat was arising with fury building up inside. Long silver white claws that her sharper to the point dug into the Earth's surface. Lips in the beginning of a snarl, long dagger-like glistening sharpened points clentched together. Ears pinned back, lost in the ragging pool of black water. Eyes looked deep into the moon, as they stared on. Her eyes seemed to fill with evil and righteousness... Blinking herself out of the memory and back to reality. Sierra's fur lied flat upon her shoulders and neck. Head hung low to the ground. Eyes wide and not a kind heart in sight that you would be able to usually see within her eyes. Snorting, she looekd up at Arrow and smiled warmly.>
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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died. Empty Re: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. Love never crossed my mind, until the day you Died.

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