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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Harley Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:45 pm

First off, I Take it back. I have to make topics, if not I explode with titles and fluff. GO ahead and let this be ignored, I just need to type something related to my life, alright?


There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS_I200p9kDTJxg30JCq9d5Ct8lcZMAzpAIT0YRB6AdQVznlP_AYw

Valencia locked her car, smirking at the shabby cars packed behind and in front of it. Blonde hair cascaded softly down her slightly tanned shoulders. Freshly glossed lips were shaped into a smile, skimpy black bikini covering only her vitals. The normal whistles and shouts, sometimes a tap on her butt were all part of her day on the beach.

This girl was considered a slut, a bitchy little priss. And that was how she preferred it. It covered up her past.

Valencia laid her towel down, stretching her nearly perfect body over it and soaking up the hot rays of sun. The boys eyed her, until she gave them a deathly look. She mastered the art in school.

Uniquely shaped eyes returned to their normal lusty look as he faced the sun. At times like this, Valencia could think about her past.

"Mother! No, don't go! Don't take her away! Please.." The young girl sobbed, watching the police roughly shove her mother into the large grey bus. "Sorry hun, your mommy did bad things." The sheriff said. "We put her on a special prisoner bus. She will be just fine."

That day something inside Valencia snapped, a murderous look was painted into her hazel eyes, and most avoided her.

Valencia snapped back to reality, air unable to go down her throat. Finally, she cleared her lungs and wiped the burning tears from her cheeks.

To this day, her beloved mother was still in Germany. Deported for drugs, robbery, and fake citizenship, meaning she was not a actually member of the USA.

A older man was smirking at her tears. Valencia balled her fist and shook it, that look returning in her eyes. He wiped the silly grin off his handsome face and returned to his own business.

The 10 year old lay on her bed, sobbing. When her dad came in to try to comfort her, Valencia just screamed at him and told him told him to leave. She had only one friend. A boy only a year older than her who had hugged her as the bus drove off. They never saw each other again.

Valencia returned to the real word once more, shaking the thoughts from her head. "She will be back." The teen said, getting up and heading over to the surf shack.

Once a pure black board was rented, Valencia headed out to the waves, thin legs powering her along easily as she headed into the deep.

Once out and surfing, a muscular guy surfed beside her. Being herself, she pushed him off and spun around, changing directions and heading for shore with a single movement.

Tears, confusion, agony, that was all the young girl thought and felt. "Its all your fault! You shouldn't of ordered her away!" Valencia yelled at her father. "She tried to run us off the road, you could of been killed!" Her father snapped. "But I wasn't!" Valencia screamed. "It is all your fault I don't have a mother anymore!"

Valencia came back, blue ocean rising above her in a wave. She whipped her head around, seeing a guy her age get out of the car. "-" Valencia tried to call out, but the wave shoved her under. Once up onto the beach, the surf board washed up along side her, the young girl couched and sputtered, wondering why no one was trying to help her.

I'm a bitch, that's why.

She thought. Everyone around here knew her and knew to avoid her. But this new guy didn't. He was approaching to help her.

Valencia moved with her father so she could start off new, and new people from other cities didn't know her reputation.
She recognized this guy. It was the boy who hugged her. But know, he moved to New York.

No one knew her past. And she liked it that way. Maybe this guy would see her eyes and know it was her. But something about his handsome features was different.


First of all, my mom has almost been deported a few times, that part is true. And I would like you to reply as the guy, who is the boys brother.
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Harley Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:46 pm

` Anybody, please? This is one I would kinda like to do.. `
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Saviour Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:07 pm

I'll rp later =3
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Harley Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:13 pm

Thanks, Saviour.
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Saviour Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:03 pm


"Hey, heard the waves were nice today. You should come check it out with Levi and I" The background waves cause the voicemail to be nearly ambiguous, but I manage and nod. Sending a quick text to let them know I'll be there in a few. I let out a small, yet slightly playful, sigh and look around for my board. Furrowing my brows, I look out my open door and call out to my mom. "Wheres's my board?" I ask, noticing it hadn't been in my closet. Her voice was quiet- she must be on the first floor. "Didn't you leave it on the porch last night?" She asked. Oh god. Yes I did. I jump down the stairs two at a time and open the door. Only to find a rather muddy board lying on the 2 by 4s that made up the deck. You couldn't even tell the board had been pure white. What had I been up to last night?! I take the board in my hands and quickly spray it off. Revealing the glossy color underneath. Once finished, I set it against the house and walk back inside to change.

My white swim trunks mimicked the color of my board as I grabbed it. Just in time to see my four year old sister in the doorway- bikini and all. "No, Dev, you can't come this time." She looked like she was going to throw herself on the ground, but instead she turned around and gave my mom 'the look'. "No!" I say sternly, and my mom sighs. "I'm busy" She grumbles, and I push Devoriah gently back inside. Where she sniffles and stamps her feet up the stairs. With a roll of my eyes, I look over at mom. "Be back around three" I say and close the door behind me. Our house was right on the beach, so I needn't use mom's car. No, I do not have my own yet. The blinding sunlight was temporarily painful until my eyes adjusted, and I was able to see perfectly fine. I had blue eyes, dark hair, a bright smile - with dimples - and a nicely tanned body. I wasn't too muscular, but I had a six back and well developed biceps.

Without a second glance around, I set my board into the sand deep enough to hold it up and shield my eyes to look for Levi and Grant. I catch the flash of a board and then the bright yellow of Levi's board. He immediately comes over. "Nice waves" He says, before Grant adds his usual "And nice babes" Levi and I shake our heads softly before we catch a silenced call. I search the blue waves only to catch a girl - around my age and rather hot - fighting against the large swells. I toss my cell phone in the sand by my board, along with my wallet, and sprint towards the water. Jumping in and starting after her. The waves were rather rough, but I was used to it. I grasp her arm strongly but not to rough and lift her above the water enough for her to breathe. "You ok?" I ask as I set her against the warm sand.
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Saviour Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:05 pm

[ Is that enough?! Sorry I have to go D= ]
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Harley Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:27 pm

(Enough, that is more than enough)

Valencia sputtered, coughing as she came out of the salty ocean. "I'm fine!" She snapped, yanking her arm away. "Putting your feet downstream in the ocean doesn't help, I guess." She laughed to herself, thinking of her days when she was on the river with her dad. Now dirty blonde hair was plastered to her evenly tanned face. Valencia gently picked up the black board, holding it between the crook of her arm and her waist.

Her dad never understood the homework she brought home, never was he any help. Her best friend let her stay with her as much as she could, but even the best things have to end. Hayley left on a 2 year trip to Africa. Some religious mission thing. It left her alone, fighting with teachers and other students.

Valencia smiled up at him, or, to him. She wasn't much shorter than him. Wet lips hid the pearly white teeth once more before she titled her head. "You look familiar." Valencia said, nearly getting knocked down by one of the higher waves. She spit the salty water out, scowling. "I prefer rivers to this." The teen muttered, wiping her hair out of her eyes.

She went through 3 high schools, getting suspended more than enough, and finally, expelled. A horrible tutor was hired for her, pushing her to the limit. Finally, after constant begging, Valencia's dad fired the monstrosity of a tutor. Valencia sat on her bed, over joyed. She picked up an old picture of the boy, tilting her head.

Valencia shook her head. "No, just, never mind. Its stupid." Dark eyes lowered their feet, and she quickly climbed out of the cold water and back to her towel.
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Saviour Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:09 pm


I shake my head at her words. "You must have me mixed up with someone else..." I say, then watch as she climbs out of the water. Was she angry at me or something? But why would she be, didn't I just save her? I shake my head again, only more to myself this time, and climb out as well. Running a hand through my hair to smooth it out before grabbing my board. "Ready?" I ask Levi and Grant, and they nod. They grab their boards and we start paddling out to the deeper parts of the water. That way we could catch the waves early and ride them further. A smirk tugged at the corner of my lips and I push the tip of Grant's board roughly. Causing him to dunk straight into the salty ocean. He came up and flicked his hair free of the water. "Thanks" He says sarcastically over Levi and I's laughter. He lifts himself onto the board and we all stand up on them at once. Balancing like it was our second nature as we slid over the waves. Once one died, we went onto another. Using the momentum from the last to ride up the crest of another.
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Harley Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:53 pm

Valencia sighed, fiddling with the sandy corner of her towel. She muttered curses under her breath, watching the 3 perfect all the things she couldn't on a wave. Hazel eyes watched the blue ocean on the horizon pondering how it looked like the edge of the earth. With a huff, Valencia stood up. She shook the towel off and wrapped it around the bottom of her waist.

The red convertible sat in the mid-day sun. The handle made Valencia jump back, shaking her hand. "Damn heat." She muttered, opening it and ducking her head inside. "Where is it?" She growled, opening the grey glove box. Nothing. The side concel? Nothing.
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Saviour Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:56 am


I wince as Grant crosses in front of me, forcing my board to slow down and curving to a stop. Where it sunk into the water slightly. I sit down, feet dangling in the water. Levi was soon to follow Grant and catch the rest of the waves. I chuckle and lean back. Letting out a small sigh. The warm sun wasn't quite uncomfortable, but it was just right.

[ sorry so short ]
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Harley Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:27 pm

(It is fine, ugh, and I am going to quit doing the fancy font thing, I'm ired of doing it)

Valencia found what she had been searching for under the seat. Her phone. 1 new text message. It read across the screen. Hey, U wanna come to the party 2night? Everyone will be there, Becca. The teen smiled and replied, Sure, Why not. And sent it. Atleast she would have something to do. Bring someone! Her friend replied. Do I have to? Valencia wrote, pushing hr hair out of her eyes. If you want to come, yes. Becca texted. Fine.

Valencia threw her phone back in the car. "Might as well look." She strode back to the waves, gently tightening her towel.

(Brain dead so I threw that in so they could meet up again, is it OK?)
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Saviour Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:35 pm

[ Yea ]


I grew tired of the sun and the silence and paddled slowly back to short. Stepping into the sand and shaking my hair free of the water. "Hey guys, wanna get a burger?" I yell over at them, towelling off slightly and grabbing my phone and wallet. A text popped onto the screen, and I flip out the keyboard. It was from my mom just checking to make sure I was alright. I'm fine mom, love you I reply and close it. Propping my board up along the shack of the small restaurant and pushing open the door. Levi and Grant stepped in closely behind me.
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Harley Mon Sep 05, 2011 1:53 pm

Valencia urged herself to go and get to know somebody. The boy she had asked seemed her only option, but she was afraid of what he would think of her. Slipping the orange shirt on, along with denim shorts. "Valencia!" A faint voice called. "Molly?" Valencia asked, turning to see the friend hurtling towards her. "Slow down!" Valencia yelled, backing up.

Molly plowed into her, knocking them both over. "You got sand in my hair!" Valencia complained. "Hehe, sorry." Her friend said. "Now, lets go get something to eat." She said, pulling Valencia along. "No, no, its fine." She said, pulling back. "I saw you eying him." Molly smiled, shoving open the door and letting Valencia follow.

(I was bored earlier, and searched teen girls, the first couple lines of images were Justin Bieber. but here is Molly-

There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZrj2IKXSQYTnNIThCJRQssPzNU1B9gtIjNuDvBXL1ZWCAZb0
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Saviour Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:04 pm


I throw a fry at Grant and his wandering eyes. "You know none of them would go for you. They find you repulsive" I jest, and he returns the gesture by throwing a tomato in my drink. I frown and push my hand into the coke. Barely grabbing the fruit and taking it out without spilling any soda. I take his coke and push mine toward him. "There you are" I smirk, and levi laughs at my straight face. The door rings as it opens, and we all happened to look back. It was the girl from before, and her friend. She was perfect. Not to be weird or whatever. Well, fine, it's weird no matter what. But she was beautiful, stunning.. Grant's chortle made me snap back and I turn around. Glaring at him "At least she is good looking. You were looking at beached whales" I growl the words and take a big bite of my burger.
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Harley Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:16 pm

Molly looked over at the 3, smiling. "Any news about Hailey?" Valencia asked, sitting down at a 4 person table. "I heard they sent her off to Korea, didn't even let her come back here." Molly said. "Well, let me get the food." Valencia said, heading up.

She returned with the meal, and set it down. "Why don't you ask him to go the party with you? It isn't a date or anything!" Molly laughed a bit to loudly. "I'm going alone and that is final." Valencia said, snapping her teeth. "I will bite you." Molly wiggled her fingers. "Ooh, I'm scared now." She jested.

Once Valencia finished, she headed back out into the fresh air, wondering what Molly was doing.
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There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.) Empty Re: There Is Always A Secret Lying Beneath Me (Mature.)

Post by Saviour Sun Jan 01, 2012 3:30 pm

[ Not sure what to say here lol... I totally forgot about this topic ages ago xD Sorry ]
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