Call of the Wild
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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:28 pm


I walk in giving a hello sweet heart look to two mares looking at me, there were in heat and I was hlf tempted till I saw a stallion near them. I roll my eyes and trot across the land looking for a lone mare. I stop and whinny, before I noticed one. She was a daple Arabain. I trot to her in a kind manner. "Hello beautiful, to day if a fine day but not as fine as a mare such as yourself." I say and take in a deep breath of her heat sent and fight my tool. I then walk to her front end, "So what is you name if I may ask, My Lady? Mine would be arch, How is your day?" He was speeding through this exited about mounting and force breeding her.

He's talking to your mare just so you know, Smile

Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTj2eDdRiL4-HYxQ4kF8rfCWW12jEoi9HDZt_8ZoPhThuBklx8R5A


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:36 pm

Alysha was grazing a fair distance away from other horses when a rather dashing young stallion -- maybe even a bachelor -- came up to her. She lifted her head and nearly choked on a mouthful of grass. He was moving quite rapidly, and she was struggling to keep up. "I'm... I'm Alysha..." she said quietly, looking over the charming young stud's features. Her usual wariness crept over her and she backed up a bit, nearly running into a tree. She smiled sheepishly.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:56 pm

He smiled, "Beautiful name, matches your beauty." He committed. "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." I say to her, "And any ways why would a kind stallion like me hurt such a beautiful creature who can take a stallion's breath away?" He said then started to sing "Am I the only one who wants to have fun tonight?"

"And now a song you the lady." He said in a charming country accent.

Got to go my dad just barged in my room and said it was bed time...Oh wait I got an idea! I'll watch a movie so I can stay up later and reply to you, yea!


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:03 pm

OOC -- ;] okay!

Alysha smiled sheepishly at his compliments and managed to utter a quick 'thank you.' She listened to his songs and managed to get lost in his eyes for almost the entire song he had sung for her, and once he was finished, she smiled, tentatively walking closer to him. "That was lovely." Alysha hadn't really paid much attention to the words, although she had listened, but something about the charming young stud captured her attention, and wouldn't allow her to pull away. Yet something deep in the back of her mind was telling her that is was a bad idea to be so trusting of a stallion -- although that voice had always been there, and had always been telling her that. So this time, Alysha decided to ignore it. She flashed him a quick smile and flicked her tail, getting rid of flies.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:21 pm

He smiled, "Why thank you beautiful." He then looked out into the filed. He saw a creak with cool fresh water, "Lets go and get a drink." He said turning and toting that way. "Beat you there." He galloped slowly acting like he was going as fast as he could.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:28 pm

Alysha blushed slightly again, and watched him bolt off. She was completely unaware of thed anger the stud possessed. She snorted and tossed her head, laughing as she galloped to catch up, "That all you got?" She neighed playfully and tugged on his mane before galloping ahead of him, skidding to a halt at the water's edge, nearly falling in. She turned her head backwards so she could look at him. "I win!" She said, sticking out her tongue, but not in a disrespectful manner. With that, she turned and lowered her muzzle to the water and began to drink, content.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:38 pm

He smirked and chased after her. Once she turned her head away he said, "No." And with that he mounted putting his weight on her and griping her tightly. He then found her hole and started to thrust in and out, groaning. His tool was large so it was hard to get in but he would fix that.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:49 pm

Alysha perked her ears up when she heard him say 'no,' and was about to question him when she felt his weight on her back. She neighed loudly and struggled underneath him, and she sucked in a breath when she felt his tool find her hole. She let out an ear-piercing cry and turned her head around, biting him hard on the shoulder -- hard enough to draw blood. "Get off me!" She pleaded, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:00 pm

He grabbed her main and yanked harshly and mad it to were she could not move her head to bit him any more. He went fast and hard. *Ahh the pleaser of hurting a mare* No no he didn't like that part is was the fact his tool was in her. He finally broke her wall and knew this was the part were a mare would groan weather they liked being forced or not. He rocked her back in forth with pleaser.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:06 pm

"Ouch," Alysha squeaked when he grabbed her mane roughly, nearly twisting her head. She whinnied with pain at each thrust, and suddenly felt something change within her. A small groan escape her lips, but she had no idea why. She immediately pursed her lips afterwards and made sure no more noises could come out. Alysha blinked her eyes rapidly, sending small tears cascading down her cheeks.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:18 pm

"Relax and stop crying it will feel good if you let it."



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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Tue Jul 12, 2011 10:23 pm

"NO!" Alysha screamed, kicking her back leg angrily. "Don't lie to me anymore!" Alysha's small stature shivered under his as she tried to hold back the tears that were pounding agaisnt her eyes. Her legs were beginning to grow tired from holding up his weight, and she nickered sadly. Suddenly, she felt more rage than anything else. "Get off me you bastard!" Alysha managed a half-buck.

[ kk baii :3 ]


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:25 pm

(Back, Smile )

I rolled my eyes and after a few more mins I got off and turned racing away from her to find more helpless females. I disappeared into the tree line.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:54 pm

"Wait!" Alysha screamed, fear crowding around her. "You're just going to leave me here?!" Alysha thought -- no, knew -- that she was pregnant, and how would she ever be able to birth and take care of the foal on her own, without protection? She neighed loudly and plopped onto the ground, tears falling off of her perfect cheekbones.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:05 pm

(I'm going to play another stallion as well.)

(Name..I can't think of one.)-
Hear a females cry of help and my head shoots up. I look to one of my sons and know I can trust him, I then gallop and she a stallion running away from responsibility. I chased him then turn and trot to the mare. "Hello are you ok.......dumb forces bastards them." He starts to mumble.

Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Mintse


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:12 pm

Alysha looked up and saw another stallion, and was immediately on her feet, ears pinned to her cranium, and tail pinned on her rump. "What do you want with me?!" Alysha sniffed, holding back even more tears.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:43 pm

"Nothing I just heard you cry for help." He said stepping back trying not to alert the mare. He let out a neigh and a mare came out of the bushes and stood by him. There ears forward. "We won't hurt you young one." The older mare said calm in a sweet tone.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:47 pm

Alysha frowned and looked at the two of them, staring at the mare that had cmoe out of the bushes. Alysha sighed slightly and unpinned her ears, looking at them, although fear still crowded her vision. "W... What do you want, then?" She asked quietly.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:10 pm

"Nothing, I just heard you call for help and I came." He said in his deep tone and the mare nudged him for it was kind of scary sounding and she didn't want the filly to run off.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:00 am

Sadly, Alysha plopped herself onto the ground with a sigh. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do..." she said softly, eyes on the grass that was waving slightly before her. Thoughts of fear and doubt crowded her mind, and she fought to hold back a fresh wave of tears.


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

Post by Guest Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:17 pm

"Come on, lets go." The mare said kindly nudging the mare. "I can help."

12 months later~

The kind mare was ready to help the young mare birth.

(Sorry if I'm sorta power playing, I'm just kind of in a hurry I guess.)


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Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck* Empty Re: Is today my lucky day? "Forcer" *ThunderStruck*

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