Call of the Wild
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Never Give Up...

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Never Give Up... Empty Never Give Up...

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:26 pm

Brisket pulled at the rope. It didn't give way. She pulled again. Still nothing. At this point, she was trying to stay awake. She pulled again. Again. Again. She could fell herself dowsing off as her body weakly swayed back and forth.
You're stronger than this, Brisket. Don't give up. You can do it. She muttered to herself. Then, her ears pricked up and her body jolted awake. She looked around. She could smell something...then she saw it too. It was a small, yellow thing, trying to enter her pen. It did and slowly walked over to her. It was a dog, Brisket recognized it's form from the wolves she had seen. It slowly walked up to her.
Hel-lo? It asked in a sweet, shy voice.
Who are you? Brisket snorted.
Shhh! it said then looked around. It sat down and wiggled something from around her back. My name is Sandy, and we, ummm, well, me and some of the horses...well, we... the dog shyly stumbled over her words. Then, both Birsket and the dog's ears perked up. A man had come out of the cabin and was walking to another. He headed there way, and Brisket painfully took a step and nodded Sandy behind her. Sandy jumped up and wagged her tail as she ran to hide behind Brisket's legs. Brisket lowered her head, but continued listening the man. Then, to the animal's horror, it headed their way, when a neigh from the stables distracted him, and he changed his course. After checking on the horses, he walked to the other cabin and disappeared inside. Sandy moved out from behind Brisket's legs.
Thank you. She whimpered, her voice a little less nervous sounding. Some of the other horses and myself wanted to help you. The Lab pulled the sachel that she wore of, and opened it with her nose. Brisket's heart fluttered and her stomach growled when she smelled the sweet smell of hay. Sandy grabbed the bag and dumped out the contents. Hay. Brisket reached down to eat it, but she was stopped. The rope held her back. she straightened back up and sadly shook her head, frustrated. Sandy looked around, and then stood up. Brisket heard the dog whine, and opened her eyes. Snady was standing there, with hay in her mouth, reached her head out to Brisket. Brisket smiled and tenderly took the hay from Sandy, and thankfully chewed.
Thank you, Sandy. She said, as the dog grabbed another mouthful. Brisket took it too.
You're welcome. And this is from everyone. Th dog said, nodding in the direction of some of the stables. Brisket raised her head and let a out a thankful, beautiful neigh. She listened and some of the horses quietly replied.
They said that you were welcome. Sandy said, assuming that Brisket didn't hear them.
I know. Brisket said, and grabbed another mouthful.
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