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When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...)

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When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...) Empty When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:56 pm

The wind raced through her ears, as Sacrifice stood out into the wind, while the rain drizzled down upon her gleamming coat. She watched as the rain fell from the heavens and to the earth floor, Sarcrifice glared into the dence rain that fell harder as thunder roared upon her head... She lowered her head and stared down at the muddy/grassy area below her, that she stood upon.. After awhile she walked away, her head held high but sadness filled those beautiful eyes of hers...

Sacrifice walked through the thick, lush grass of the meadow. " why does sacrifice's end deadly?" I asked myself siently. I looked down at my hooves, watching them hit the ground with each step i took. I sigh and kept walking on, " Is there even someone out there that can understand me?" I asked myself.

Deadly Sacrifice, a rather beautiful mare actually, with eyes that are blue almost a white kind of, a glossy brown coat, and now no herd after her mother died, everyone thought she killed her mother, but she didnt it was her father who did, now she has no family, now looking for a mate, or even a companion. She stands in the meadow, surrounded by thick, dark, green woods, starting with cherry's and berry's in the bushes. but then turning to a tall oak tree, thick variety of other trees, such as redwoods.

I stand up and start to walk towards the center of the large, beautiful, flower filled meadow. I arch my elegant, long, slender neck to smell the flowers of new greenleaf in the air. Feeling the need to get my blood up and running, i pick up to a trolt, the wind blowing my mane and tail behind me, my tail flagged as i raced the wind. I speed up, wanting to leave my past, disgratful, and disapponited lifeless body behind where i was. Reaching the edge of the meadow, i slow down, and then stoped when comming closer to the edge.
I then start down the slope into the woods, the long branches from the trees, brush up against my side, neck, and legs. I stop at the last of the branches and stared into the dark, curelsome woods. I take a deep breath, swallow my fear that hid inside of me, and take a few steps further When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...) Stormwashedlookside1004into the forest.

When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...) 78724853_4137e23728
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When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...) Empty Re: When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Jan 16, 2011 3:18 pm

(Mist Dancer is not a stallion but she could be a friend. Mist Dancer is a gohstly gray Arabian mare and very beautiful, graceful and sweet.)

I hoped the lonley mare would join the dance, i had not seen her with my own eye's yet but I new she was coming. I paformed the piaffe in the mist of the morning. My gravity was more towards my hind end, with my hindquarters slightly lowered and great bending of the joints in my hind legs. My front end was highly mobile, free, and light, with a great flexion in my joints of the front of my legs, I remain light in the hand. I retain a clear and even rhythm, I knew I was showing great impulsion, and I had a moment of suspension between my foot falls.

It was not the most impresive move but it took my mind off thing's, it took grate consintration and skill. I heard her coming I would save the best for last at invite her to join me.

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When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...) Empty Re: When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:04 pm

~Deadly Sacrifice~
She stopped and glared at another mare, Sacrifice rised one of her eyebrows and chuckled slightly... Sacrifice walked out of the shadows to show the mare that she was not her for a fight, or to harm her... " I'm Deadly Sacrifice, adn who are you?Z" I asked flicking my tail with unease, i snort and mu muscles twitched when they moved... I shoke my head, and my eyes glowed. They were beautiful and bright, she smiled. Her eyes were not like other mares, and hers had a spark in them, which meant they really did, her eyes were a beautiful light blue, almost a white...
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When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...) Empty Re: When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...)

Post by Man O' War Lover Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:56 pm

I looked back at her I bowed my neck ito a high crest and said "Mist Dancer." But that was all. My forlock coverd half my face and my long tail that trailed the ground floated around me in the light breeze. I moved slowly toured her my movment flawliss and graceful, no horse could move over the ground like I did, I seemed to glid. I stopped only a few yard's away. I noted the mare's stunning eye's. Mine where a warm rich brown with strikes of gold. "I sen's you have heavy troubles and doubt's." I said.

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When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...) Empty Re: When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:36 pm

She smiled and dipped her head " NIce name.. and it seems as though i do, but do to say i dont..." I said and smirked evily...
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When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...) Empty Re: When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...)

Post by Man O' War Lover Mon Jan 17, 2011 9:29 pm

"Thank you." I said to her complement. I looked with kind steady eye's as I said to her next reply. "What makes you say that?" "If you have troubles would you like to work theme out, I dance to take troubles and doubt's off my mind." I said in a soft gentle voice. I smiled a plesant smile.

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When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...) Empty Re: When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...)

Post by BayMickey Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:25 pm

~Dream Weaver~
I trotted across my family's death palce. I smelt the evil around me. I let out a grunt. This was always my favorite place, ever since I was left here. I spotted two mares in a file not too far away. I pounded up to them. "Hello...." I held up my head. I didn't show any emothion. "I'm Dream Weaver, and you?" I saw that one mare was a deep caramel brown with icey blue eyes. The other was gray and had sweet brown eyes. Both were mysterious in diffrent ways. I stood there, probably looking like a fool. I loosened my muscles. I didn't stand so tall then. Thay obviously didn't pose a treat, but if they decided to attack, they wouldn't win.
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When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...) Empty Re: When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...)

Post by Man O' War Lover Wed Feb 23, 2011 8:12 pm

Mist Dancer

I bowed my head. "All is welcomed in this clearing. You may join us I'm Mist dancer and this is Deadly Sacrifice." I smiled a warm trusting smile my eye's sparkled in the light once it struck theme.

Man O' War Lover
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When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...) Empty Re: When a deadly Sacrifice comes my way, a Thunderstorm comes too....( anyone can join, will eb a mature post...)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:58 pm

He snarled at the new horse. She pawed at the ground. Then turned to Mist Dancer. " I can speak fro myself!" She snapped. Her mucles plugging out of her coat. She was larger then this new hrose. She snorted adn pawed the ground still. Shaking her head in fury. Thunder roared over head and lightnign shot down beside Deadly. She did not jump nor move. She just there blankly pawing at the ground fury building up inside of her. If this new horse attacks you would sure to see me killing the horse limp by limp. I may seem nice and sweet on the outside but in the insdie i'm a cold-hearted demon that found it's self out of hell and above the earth...
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