Call of the Wild
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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:14 pm

I snort as she makes a break for it, I roar in anger.. chasing after her.. I catch glimpses of her darting through the trees, I charge throug them. How dare she try and run, I thought to myself...

I was gaining ground, but came a gap that was just big enough for her to fit through, I reared striking at the trees. My large bulk could not fit through the gap... I stepped a few yards back, semi - rearing and charging forwards, I hit the trees and they splintered with the force of my blow, making the gap big enough... I stumbled through the gap, feeling slightly dizzy. Shaking my head, I catch up to her. I circle her, snapping at her, before barging her to the ground, placing my hoof on her neck... " Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you now..." I screamed...I was a horse of brute strength, not even a tree could stop me....


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:23 pm

I growled " No!," i raced toward them, seeing the stud holding down the are, i roared in anger and charged out of the trees, breaking them, sticks of the trees fell off as i bolted through them, crashing into the stud, and sending him into the ground and sliding towarda tree... growling and rearing strikin at him, standin infront of the mare..... "Back off of the mare, if you dont, you will get more pain " i snapped.....

Last edited by *Immortals Dream* on Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:28 pm

I had made it through the small gap just as he was about to get me. Smiling in triumph I slow my tired pace a little bit. Hearing the sound of his body versus the tree caused me to worry but not much. Though when I heard the trees splinter and break under his force, fear crept up my spine and sent a numbness through out my body.

Next thing I know his rock hard body rammed into mine causing me to fall and slide several feet. Instantly tears sprung to my eyes as I look up at him in fright. "Ple-please. You don't want to do this. I'll do anything...just please don't kill me." I cried in a strained whisper. As I tried uselessly to push away from him. His sharp hoof cutting into my wind pipe as I do so.


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:32 pm

[quote="*Immortals Dream*"]Delilah~
I growled " No!," i raced toward them, seeing the stud holding down the are, i roared in anger and charged out of the trees, breaking them, sticks of the trees fell off as i bolted through them, crashing into the stud, and sending him into the ground and sliding towarda tree... growling and rearing strikin at him, standin infront of the mare..... "Back off of the mare, if you dont, you will get more pain " i snapped.....
(( here is my real post srry bout te last one ))
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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:40 pm

I felt the impact of the mare, one of my ribs crack under the I slid across the floor. I stopped at the bottom of a tree, and looked up my eyes blurred.. I raised the front half of my body, and shook my head. I heaved myself onto four feet and stood there my ears pinned back against my skull....I stomped my hoof heavly against the ground... rearing every once in a while...I panted but only slightly. I was built like a tank...I glared at Delilah, snorting...


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:47 pm

As soon as his hoof leaves my soft wind pipe I cough and choke as the precious air flows freely down into my lungs. Sitting up I cough a little bit more and lift my head to watch the two. My whole reality seemed like a dream as I watched them, everything seemed to move so slow. Grunting I haul myself to my unsteady feet and shake lightly to rid the cold snow off of my black and white mane. Shifting my gaze to the stallion I watch him fervently.


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:50 pm

I snorted and rolled my eyes, " Think twice bfore you mess with me and Shantara, got that, or next time, it wont look so great for you " i said, stomping myhoove right back at him " I can do that too 'jack ass' " i said under my breath..... My long dark black/brown mane fell like a waterfall right back to its usual spot..... Whiping my head to look at shantara, i shoke my head, " Stay behide me at all times " i said..... Turning back too the stud......
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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:05 pm

I coughed slightly, my eye flicking between Delilah and Shantara...was she really worth it, she was probably carrying my foal anyway. I was finding it more and more difficult to breath, with out showing that I was having difficulty...I shook my head...turned looking away from them and walked slowly away..flicking my tail.

I was more than a little bit upset, I had never lost a fight, and definatly to a female. I stopped and looked behind me, I reared striking the air one last time, before landing back on the ground. I turned again, bucking hitting a tree...The pain in my side had trebled, I must have puncutured a lung or body was leaning to one side as I walked, stamping my feet down.........I snapped at everything and anything that crossed my path...I raised my head picking up the scent of another mare. I smiled and trotted if not a little lopsided in that direction...

Last edited by Too Late For Mercy on Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:13 pm

Watching the stallion, I almost. Feel his mane. Sighing I dip my head and look at the mare. "Thanks." I know he was hurting, and I felt bad, even though he forced me I felt bad. There was a possibility I was going to have his foal, but I was sure I wasn't. He hadn't gone deep enough to be sure. I take a small gentle step forward then stop snd turn around. "Thanks" I sat again and trot back into the woods. I had a slight limp, but nothin that hurt to bad. My black and white mane whipped back from my neck and a black dorsal stripe led to my flagged tail. Snorting quietly, my dun coloured body moves silently through the forest.


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:20 pm

I growled " Why you waking away, you pussy!"i yelld, threatening him oo come bacand fight like a realstud that h thinks he is..... Sorting and turing toward Shantara..... Hearing a neigh break through he air, i rolled my eyes, hearng my sister.....

Walking through the forest,and scentin a std near by, grwling and standingmy grond, where i was..... Neighing for y sister, i didnt know were she was.... My beautifl white spoted gray coat, glisened in the sunlight.... I was almost invisableamoun th snowy earth below my hooves.....
(( Srry so short ))
Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 3e3636d7
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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:27 pm

I stopped in my tracks, picking up that annoying mares voice on the wind...I snorted a few times... before turning around.. I galloped towards her as fast as I could...I came to a skidding stop back in the clearing. I lunged at her, drawing back out of her reach...I lowered my head and pinned my ears back...


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:36 pm

Hearing his running hooves again, I freeze in my tracks. Though I soon realize he was going back to where we were previously. Remaining still, I wait to see what happens next. For I was about two miles away.


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:45 pm

I growled and lunged at him, whiped my hoovs in the air, and chasing his skin on the end of m sharp hoove, sending him flying in the air and hard into the earth floor......

I walkd alittl more, seening my siter and a stud in a battle too the death, i smirked, knowin tat my sister will bewinnig this battle.....
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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 8:58 pm

Hearing the dull thud, my ears flick in that direction. Its sound sending electrifying shivers up my spine as I wondered who it was. Raising my head I let out an ear splitting cautious neigh. My ears pricked all the way as I wait for any sound in reply.


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:00 pm

I got myself back onto my feet, charging into her side, knocking her over, into a tree.. I vicously stabbed at her side with my razor sharp hooves, there was no way she could dodge all the blows.I stepped back and lunged for her throat...I snorted and nieghed loudly


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:08 pm

His reigning voice breaks the stillness and chrages the air electrifying. Snorting I give a low uncertain whicker and prance a few feet from the sound. Squealing I rear half way up my height and twist in the air. Slamming my front hooves down on the cold frozen ground in protest.


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:10 pm

I hear her protests, but do not loose concentration...I grasp onto Delilah's throat biting down.


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:12 pm

Dodging his this hoof and teeth blow, i jumped up,a stratch across my sie but not ba, i chargd at him and whipd around him, sinking my teeth into hs weak skin...... Bopinga bloo vesal and bloo going evrywhre. i kicked out mylegs while still holding onto his neck, hearing a cack break loose.... Kowing i broke on of his rib cags..... I jumpd back, ready foran attack.... Soo all hell will break loose, if he makes me bleed, that wont b good for him......

Watching this all go down, i snorted and wacheda s te stud go his ass kicked by my sister..... And hes a male, wow what a brute! (sp?)
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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:19 pm

I stagger, falling to one knee. My breathing starts to quicken as I loose more and more blood. My head is starting to swirl, I stand although wobbling a bit..I lunge forwards, grabbing at her ankle...


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:25 pm

Hearing silence again I let out another whinny. This one more loud. Snorting I prance in a tight circle, my ears constantly flicking. Swishing my tail I nicker.


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:37 pm

I jumpe back from his bite, and wached as he fell o the ground, slightly worried for what i have done, but then again not really caring.... Neighing too her replyi watch him.... Whinny softly, an taking a step toward him, leaning myhead down, i nicker to him, worryness in my eyes, i have kiled lots of horses in my past, and was a mare of true colors..... I nuzzled his side..... Then pullingm head up maig sure he didnt do anything, or then ill kill him..... For sure.....

Seeing he studfall to the ground, i grin, and roll my eyes.... Now why woul he go and fight m sister anyways.....
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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:43 pm

I collapse onto my side, a large thud following soon after....I panted shutting my sides heaved as I took each breath. I nieghed as loudly as I could, I could have sworn I heard the trees around me shake...


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:50 pm

Hearing them both neigh I quickly gallop in thei direction. Seeing him on the ground I stop adruptly. Falling to my knees I shake my head. "Don't you go dying! If I am pregnant with your foal, you will be here as its daddy!" I spat through my tears. Then look up at the mare."thank you so much." I say gently. "I- I know I shouldn't care for him...but like I said..if I am pregnant, he needs to be here."


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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Dec 21, 2010 9:54 pm

I looke around worried, seeing sme herbs next to me, well that was convenyent... I thought... Pick them up and nuzzling his side, " eat these, they'll make the bleedingstop an you will feel no more pain...." i said... Nuzzling te herbs toward his mouth..... Pleady him too eat them.... I know i was helping my enemy but oh well..... Hearing what Shantara said, i didnt look at her just looking down at him.... " Yea well your welcome, and i wasent this nie sometimes i wold hve let him die, " i spat te last word out.....

walking out of the shadows andnext too my sister....
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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

Post by °∞ßlûē•ßãbÿ•Døll∞° Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:01 pm

OCC~.....G2g, dont post alot while im gone, haha lol....... B on tm.....
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Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fear is what you make it.. (A real forcer that wont take no for an answer. Mature post)

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