Call of the Wild
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The half siblings (AshySky)

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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Soul Hunter Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:34 pm

I walked around with my little sister guiding my through the grave yard to town... My brother walked behind carefully
my name is Kieta... i had short slightly scruffy white hair and amber eyes with diluted pupils but i was blind..i had wings one black(Left) and the other white(Right) i wore long sleeved black top with white sleeves and faded jeans.. i was half angel, half demon..
my little sister was rather young she had white wings, long blonde hair adn brown eyes and wore a cute little dress..she was called Saphire.. she was an Angel
and my older brotehr had short black hair and black eyes as well as black wings he wore jeans and a t-shirt..he was called Cacifer..He was a Demon

We walked around for a while making sure our wings were hidden... we stopped at the park and my sister sat down while i tried walking around on own a bit...i used my other four remaining senses and my wings loosened slightly useing them to figure out where the tree's were and movedmy hand along it since this place was unfamiliar i found it rather hard to get use to it.. i usually stayed at our home since i couldn't see and it was rather stressful when there was so much noise around in town on my own so Saphire or Calcifer would guide me if we had to go to town...
not many could tell i was blind because i didn't look or act it most of the time...
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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Guest Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:20 pm

I sat stareing at the clouds. Sky lay beside me snarling every time Mich bared her teeth at me. Mavrick lied with his head in my lap. It was a peaceful day. I let my black hair fall over my clear eyes. I ran my hand through Mavricks soft brown hair. I smirked slightly as I watched the people in the park walk wide circles around me and the wolves. I wasnt the sweet 'Angel' people thought of me. Yes I was sweet but I had my own side. Sky suddenly pushed Mavrick off my lap, growling and crawling into my lap. I giggled as Mavy got up. "Im sorry, Mavy I guess Sky got a little jelous." He smiled. "I guess so." Moon and Sun began running toward the town. I got up andbegan running to get them, leaveng Sky, Mavy, and Mich behind. "Pups!"


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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Soul Hunter Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:14 am

i jerked picking up other voices and growling "Cacifer, who's that?" i said turning my head slightly.. her walked over and whispered in my ear what he saw happening
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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Guest Thu Nov 04, 2010 8:18 am

Sky suddenly shot past me, shocking me still. I sent myself flinging forward. Mavrick caught me laughing as Sky pushed the pups back. "Sorry about that, Nature." Skys wolfish voice spoke. "Its okay Sky you love your pups." I smiled shaking the dirt out of my hair. He nodded, looking jelously at Mavrick. "I wish I were human." Sky sighed. "No you dont." Mavrick said looking at him. Thats when I noticed a family of three, a mother, father, and daughter.

(I know they arent that type of family but im being silly)


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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Soul Hunter Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:01 am


i heard my sister up in a tree and she laughed happily.. i followed her laughing and sat beside her and she put her fingers carefully on my eyelids and closed them and smiled.. she was rather sweet compared to me and my brother was just laid back but i found it more difficult since i coulsd not instantly tell what was going on whenever i was in town...
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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Guest Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:08 am

I smiled at Sky before walking over to a tree where the family sat. "Hello." i called up the tree friendly. Sky saw this and troted over, barking his hello up into the tree. Mavrick had begun fighting with Mich over who was boss. I giggled turning my clear eyes back up into the tree.


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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Soul Hunter Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:10 am

i turned my head and to the voice and my sister climbed down first and called me "Sissy" she shouted and i looked down my brother watched just incase i misjudged my distance and jumped down swiftly i felt something was different and oulled the sleeves of my siblings and made them back off slightly from them
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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Guest Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:16 am

Oh sisters, I thought. "My name is Nature, you can call me Re." I annouced just as friendly. Mavrick and Mich were still fighting. Smileing and without look, I sent roots from the ground up and grabbing Mich and Mavy. "This wolf here is Sky, these pups are Moon and Sun, then the idiots behind me are Mavrick and Mich." I said in one breath.


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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Soul Hunter Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:20 am

i felt the earth move and instiantly moved to the sky spread my wings to get away from them quickly.. "my name is Calcifer, these are my younger sisters, the youngest is called Saphire and up there is Keita" he said before Saphire flew beside me and pulled me down gently... i remained rather silent trying to figure out what was going on.."Calfey told Nature who we were" she whispered to me since i hadn't really listened at all...
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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Guest Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:25 am

"Nice to meet you." I said commanding the roots to drop Mavy beside me, and Mich beside the pups. "Yes nice to meet you." Mavy said. "So whatcha doing in the park?" I asked when Sky pushed against my side, forceing me down.


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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Soul Hunter Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:26 am

"just going for a walk to get me use to town more incase i have to come here by myself" i said simply listening around my and letting my wings fall a bit limp and touch the ground to firgure out my position...
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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Guest Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:31 am

"Cool Im not allowed to go into the town, unless its important." I said hyperly almost. Being eighteen and childish is weird but its me. Mavy nodded, chuckleing remembering why I cant go into town. I glared at him and pouted.


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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Soul Hunter Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:36 am

"sis, just doesn't liek town" "she isn't use to it at all so she won't talk much here either" said Calcifer moving hair from ym eyes showing them my diluted amber eyes and pupils.."you see Keita is blind" "poor choice of words Calcifer"
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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Guest Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:45 am

"Oh.... well I know your not human.... but what are you?" I asked curiously. I didnt know she was blind she seemed to see. "Mavy is a shapeshifter. And the rest are normal wolves." I said forgetting about me.That tended to happen.


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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Soul Hunter Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:49 am

"i know your thinking i'm not blind but i really can't see i have just adapted to it better than most..." i said "i'm a Demon, Saphire is an Angel and Keita..Kieta is a half breed, i mix of both which is how we are all siblings" said Calcifer...i kept one of my wings close to my siblings not completely cofortable in town i just wanted to get back home...
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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Guest Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:53 am

Nature nodded. "Well if you want you can come to my home. Its very quiet. And Mavrick and the wolves have to go hunting anyway." I said before looking down. "And I dont want to be alone..." I amitted smileing, letting my eyes travel up to Demons almost begging, with my best puppy eyes.


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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Soul Hunter Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:09 am

Calcifer nodded and Saphire took my hand to help me around..."do we have to?" "Keita, it's be better for us all to have some freinds especailly you who reamins cooped up at that place" "i have my reasons" "aww please sis!" said Saphire.. yeah ok.. i had a soft spot when it came to Saphire... "ok fine, but your helping me around" "dont we always"
he turned back "ok sure...and sorry about that" he said
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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Guest Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:19 am

"Yays!" I squealed pushing Mavy toward the woods. "Get me food." I said before motioning the to come, and headed for a small dirt path. I loved my little home, a little cabin. Well not really little, ten people could live in it. "You'll love my home." I hope, I added in my head as we came apon a huge lake and a rocky island with my home dead in the center.


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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Soul Hunter Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:22 am

"i smell forest and wood, where are we?" i asked my voice rather calm as i lifted my head slightly to sniff the air "i also hear water" "there a big lake" "and the cabins are made of wood" said my brother adn sister
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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Guest Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:28 am

"Okay so just becareful with crossing the bridge because its wet and you might-Ahh" I yell as I slip off into the water comeing up with my teased hair wetted down. "Slip..." I said blushing as I climbed out and shook off like a dog. "Sorry 'bout that." I said walking back toward the cabin. "Go anywhere you want."


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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Soul Hunter Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:35 am

Saphire let go of my hand and so did Calcifer and i stopped myself panicking while i gradually got to grips with the area.. my wings fell loose and i began walking around touching the wood and walking carefully.. Saphire was running around with Calcifer trying to stop her from getting in any danger for example falling in the river...
i cameto the edge of the cabin and walked aroundsniffing the air and listening around me so i could judged my distance as i used my wings to catch bits of wind so i knew which direction i was facing... it was a whole lot more complicated than it looked...
i found a nice quiet spot and sat down so i didn't get myself lost...i put my hand down infront of my legs and felt water.."must be close to the lake" i said and shuffeled back a bit so i was a little way from the water... i began grooming my white wing by running my hand along the feathers my other senses were hieghtened to make up for the one i was born without...
Calcifer was too busy trying to catch my crafty little sister
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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Guest Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:57 pm

I smiled at them. "Hey Guys! Come in here! I got some food if yall are hungry." I said showing them the freash deer meat Marky just brought in and I cooked. "Its smoked" I grinned. My eyes gleamed happily. I looked at Calcifer and blushed alittle he looke cute chaseing after his adorable little sister. I turned to Keita and walked over to her, "Here ya go, Keita." I said haning her one of the plates.


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The half siblings (AshySky) Empty Re: The half siblings (AshySky)

Post by Soul Hunter Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:09 pm

i took the plate and thanks her before i sniffed it and Calcifer and Saphire got theres and sat on either side of me...
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