Call of the Wild
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What happend to 1!?

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What happend to 1!? Empty What happend to 1!?

Post by Emoticon Fri May 21, 2010 8:26 pm

*I trot into the foaling grounds, then slow down to a walk. I lean against a tree almost breaking it with my weight. I slid down ripping off the bark and not getting splinters, I stand back up*"What is happening to me!? This is not how last time was, it is the oppisite besides my water breaking unexpecting."*I push hard, with a gush of blood coming out. A slippery foal comes out and i trun around to lick it. Not knowing a pushed, I feel big pain as 2 other foals comeout by mistake.*"Oh no. This is what I get for letting a stud mount me for sooo long. The first one comes out by head, But it didn't hurt since it had a soft covering on the head and feet. The other one came out sideways, The one I'm still pushing now.*"Oh my....THE PAIN!!!!"* take a deep breath and sigh, bringing out the foal with the sack still on it. Then, a moused size foal came out, not knowing it was there. I came around to lick them.

*I stand up with the little energy I have in my body.*"Here foals, come suckle. You need nurishment"yeah right, after givng birth, i need A WHOLE lot of nurishment.*i say to myself. I lick them some more, then I turn around and see the other one still dyeing of air.*"Uh oh! let me lick you some more"*I lick the head of the foal, giving much needed air into the foals lung's. It comes over to my nipples. I crush a piece of bark because of the pain of nursing at first, then the relive of draining milk from my body. The after-affects of giving birth were starting to take afect.*"I'm going to grab a powerberry, come with me foals"*I walk slowly until I find a powerberry, I eat it and perk up with energy.*"ok lets name you guys at the horse bio's."
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Age : 24
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