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Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid)

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Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid) Empty Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid)

Post by Emoticon Mon May 17, 2010 4:47 pm

*I come in with rain dripping off my clothes from the showers this afternoon.*"I'm soaked. Oh crap!! I'm gonna be late if i don't hurry up and get to work! 10 mins!? no no no!"*I race up stairs to take a shower, getting sand and dirt off me, get dreesed in my work clothes and leave. I almost forget then I come back in the house to grab my notebook for working. I wrote a note for her that said, I am late for work and gotta go I won't be back untill 6:30PM. If you call me i won't be able to pick up because I'll be busy serving food. Your bed is on the main floor, their is some food in the fridge or in the microwave if your hungry and you can shower in your bathroom in your room I run out the door but before I leave my cellphone is in the house so i run to go get it and get in the car, RING RING RING.....RING RING RIN I pick up the phone and say,"Hello?" I have a worried face because my boss is calling because im late, his name was patrick. "Olan!!! where are you!? the night shift waiters are all sick so I need you here ASAP!! Your the only one of my waiters and I'm getting a bad repatasion from this! the guest are waiting in the rain hurry OR YOUR FIRED!"I have a sick expression on my face because it was hard just finding a job here!"Ok boss im parking in the employee spot right now and got here as soon as posabole!, bye!"*I go in there and serve food*
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Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid) Empty Re: Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid)

Post by • Echo Mon May 17, 2010 5:45 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Kiera Like a Star @ heaven
I walk into teh house, looking around. This was nice... Shaking my head slightly, I pull off my boots, which I had rinsed all the sand off outside, and set them beside the door. "Hello?" I called, but no response. Wondering if I had got the wrong house, I walk around a for a few moments, then find the note. Skimming through it, I sigh softly, setting it back down. What was I even doing here? *You're in the frigging house of a stranger, for crying out loud!* my mind shouted at me, but I ignored it. Oh, who cared, anyway? At least I was going to be somewhere dry, for a change. And safe. Sorta... Combing my fingers through my damp hair, I frown slightly, then shake my head. Moving around the house, I explore for a few minutes, looking around at the furniture and art on the walls. Finally I retreated almost warily into the room I would be staying in, lookingb at the plain bed with white and blue sheets, the lamp on the bedside table, ect... A normal guest room. Shutting the door quietly behind me, I walk into the bathroom, also shutting that door and locking it. Taking a deep breath, I look in the mirror, examining my tanned features and drowned-rat looking hair. Shaking my head slightly, I turn on the shower, pulling out a towel as I waited for it to get warm. Once it was, I stripped down quickly, stepping behind the curtain and under the rain of water. Mist and steam rose from the water, and I quickly rinsed my body free of beach sand and grime. Quickly washing my body and hair, I just stand there for a few minutes, letting the warm water run over my body for a bit. Finally, I turn the water off, grabbing my towel and drying my body, pulling on the dryest clothes from my pack: A pair of light blue jeans and a plain white T-shirt. Pulling my brush through my hair, I grab my clothes and my pack, exiting the bathroom.. Setting my dirty clothes on the floor and my pack on the bed, I let out a sigh, sitting down.
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Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid) Empty Re: Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid)

Post by Emoticon Tue May 18, 2010 7:22 pm

*I leave the resterount and drive back home, Almost falling asleep on the way back. I park my car and lock it, With sweat running down my face and arms, but not dripping. I unlock the doors and come inside, I see her boots. I think to myself, Good she made it here, I thought she didn't know were to stay because she thought it was a strangers house. I really shoundn't do that next time, In the future."*take off my shoes and my socks, then untieing my tie and heading up stairs to take yet again another shower because of all the sweat and food messes from the customers. This wasn't good, I have to be a saled chief, then learn how to cook meat. Atleast I still have the day off and the other day off too. I was good at cooking skills and got $29 dollars per hour. I jump into the shower washing my skin and hair off. I come back out, Still feeling tired from the day's work.*"I guess it's just life..."I say to myself*I get dressed in my shorts and long sleeve shirt getting ready to go to bed. Just then I thnk about the guest down stairs and spring up and go down the stairs. I knock on the door and say,"I'm cooking Spagitei and meatballs for dinner if you want some. Come out if your hungry."I say to her.
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Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid) Empty Re: Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid)

Post by • Echo Sat May 29, 2010 8:11 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Kiera Like a Star @ heaven
Standing up, I wander over to the window, it's white, lacy curtains strung out over it. Pushing the silky fabric to the side slightly, I peer out into the oncoming darkness, the rays from the lamp in my room only spreading light out about five feet, give or take some, before fading and giving way to the inky blackness beyond. Rain pelted angrily at the house, following the path of the rain as it, too, pounding and bashed at everything that dared to stand tall before it, howling out its furious rage at the impossible. I felt a tremor run up my spine slightly, knowing that this was only the beginning of the turrent, and that it would be much worse later. The power flickered slightly, then went off. I caught my breath, eyes adjusting as quickly as possible to the dark, before being blinded by light as the power came back on. Wincing slightly, I rubbed my eyes, dropping my hands and blinking quickly to adjust my eyes for the second time in a row. A knock suddenly sounded on my door, yet it sounded like something being dropped from the stairs. Automatically, I froze. Then the knock came again, along with Orlando's voice, I breathed a sigh of relief, though it was lost in the fury of the storm. I lifted my head slightly, moving away from the window. I shake my head at my fear, which seemed so silly in my own eyes now, since I knew now it was all alright, and moved towards the door. To my horror, I swayed slightly, my legs feeling like jelly, and leaned against the wall, disgusted with myself. "I will, thanks," I say, my vocie slightly higher than usual, as steady as I could get it at the moment. Breathing in and out deeply for a moment, I walk to the door, opening it to look up at him, tilting my head back slightly. He was about a head taller than me, I could see. I look down at his outfit, smiling dimly. "Nice shorts," I say, my voice steady again.
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Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid) Empty Re: Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid)

Post by Emoticon Sat May 29, 2010 8:51 pm

*I look at her confused, wondering whats wrong with her. I look out the window, and see the storm and fell a chill go down my spine and comes back up and I shake my sholders.*"thanks, it's ready. How do you like it?"*I say as I walk and dish up a bowl for you and me as I pour the dressing on the saled. I pour you some water and set the table.*"Ok. Bon apptit! Do you want to get to know eachother better? I'll start first."The story is in boldI lived in a Condo when I was 9. My family was riched didn't want to spend it on a mansion. Instend, they donated it to a cause. They mostly donated it to shelters and cancer cures, but they also donated it to the lottery people. When I was 15, They lost it all. They live in a trailer home, and it got even worse when i was 16. They had achoal and drug problems, so they made ne drive to the liquor store and rob some, I had to buy drugs and eventrly served time for it. When I was 18, I got out of prison, got a GED and became a waitor for a long time.That's my story, whats yours?
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Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid) Empty Re: Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid)

Post by • Echo Sat May 29, 2010 9:42 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Kiera Like a Star @ heaven
I smile small, walking slightly behind him as I followed him. "This is fine," I said, smiling small. "And thank you, again. It's nice to be inside during this storm," I say softly, chewing on the inside of my lower lip. Taking a drink from my glass of water, I nod slightly. "Sure, of course," I say, setting it down and watching him, listening. I shook my head slightly when he was down. My head had cleared and I could think a lot easier after my shower, and I ran through his words over and over in my mind for a few minutes before answering. "Why didn't you run away?" I ask, then waved my hand slightly. "Nevermind, I wouldn't, either, if I had the choice." I sigh softly, then look up. "Guess it's my turn, huh?" I say, laughing softly, my voice chiming like bells. My eyes were turned downward, tracing the patterns in the table with my gaze. Words whispered through my mind, and I spoke as they passed through.

"When I was only six, my family was murdered. I came home from school that day, stomping angrily since my mom hadn't been there to pick me up, like I had promised. Throwing a toddler tantrum, as we called. I probably would have forgotten everything the moment I walked tFhrough that door; My dad used to always swing me up and grab me in a big bear hug, tickling me until I begged him to start between hysterical laughs and gasping for air from laughing so hard.

Then I smelled the smoke. I never imagined it would be my house; I was more focused on getting home; My mind had already moved on from my anger to anticaption of tasting my mom's fresh baked cookies that she baked. There was an explosion when I turned onto my block, and glass littered everywhere. Th man who had called 911 grabbed me, pulling me behind a shield of bushes and trees, protecting me. Even so, through the leaves and the twigs, I could still see.

Fire rose up from the building, my house. I couldn't think properly; My mind couldn't digest what I was seeing. I thought it was a dream a knightmare, though someone, no matter how deep down, I knew how wrong I was. I could taste the smoke that billowed up into the Heavens, hear the sirens wailing down the street as firetrucks and police cars raced towards us, see the flames that danced mockingly in fierce joy around the bodies of my mom, dad, and baby sister who lay in silence in the disaster.


sorry, I've got to go to bed ^.^ I'll finish later.
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Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid) Empty Re: Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid)

Post by • Echo Sun May 30, 2010 6:33 pm

The police cars and fire trucks skidded to a stop, an ambulance right behind him. Immediately they all got out, but it was too late. All the windows had shattered, flames leaping out each one, adn teh house was swaying slightly, trembling. Then, with a loud, creaking scream, the house collapsed. The man who had pulled me away jumped up and ran to the police to say what he had seen. THen he gestured towards where I was, and right away a paramedic raced towards me. They put me on a stretcher than was way too big for me, putting on the neck brace and everything. They put a light in front of my eyes, and though I didn't know it at the time, they were checking for a concussion. I kept telling them I was fine, that I just wanted to go home. I heard one of them whisper somehting about being in shock, then they put me in the ambulance and drove me to the hospital. I fell asleep one the way.

When I woke up again, everything was white. I blinked, then squinted. A beep continued to sound again and again in a slow rythm, and I scowled in annoyance. Irritated, I tried to sit up, but a nurse came in. She scolded me, and I heard the little beep get faster. Her expression softened, and she shook her head, smiling small. 'How are your doing' she asked. 'Where am I? I want my mom!' She frowned, then hurried out of the room. A man came in, dressed in a white that matched the room. The doctor. I never really studied him, just glared continuously at him. 'Kiera' he said. I scowled harder. 'Your family is dead' I jsut stared at him, then started laughing. 'Is it April? I remember it being March, is it April Fools' day?' He frowned, and I felt a cold tremor run up my spine. THe beep got even faster. 'No they aren't' I insisted, shaking my head. 'They can' be, I need them' He just shook his head and walked out. 'Liar!' I yelled after him, then laid back down, crossing my arms over my small chest and scowling.

I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

But still my parents didn't come. I never saw my mom walk trhough the door, smiling as she held Amanda in her arms, Dad standing behind her. Only my nurse. Then a man and woman in matching suits came. They took me to a big house where there were a bunch of other kids. An orphanage. I passed through house after house. The longest I ever stayed in one was 5 weeks. The shortest was 2 hours. No one wanted me. I didn't want any of them. At school I got detention every day, Friday night school, Saturday school. My grades stayed high, though. I remember my mom telling me before she died that she wanted me to get into a good college, get a good job, do good in Life. She wanted everything to be good for me, wanted me to be happy.

When I was 15, I left. I didn't really consider it running away at the time; I just went for a walk. I satyed away for a week, then snuck back in. I took everything I would need, which wasn't much, and then left the town. On my way, I said goodbye to my family's graves. Then I hitched a ride up from California to Nevada. I found a ranch and worked there. I stayed there with the other hands; All men, of course. I pulled my weight around as much as they did, usually better."

When I finished, I found myself staring out the window, lost in thought. I had left out a few parts. The parts where, on my way to the ranch, I was dropped off at a port. A pirate port. I had stayed with pirates for five years, why I left I still didn't know.
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Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid) Empty Re: Olandor comes to his house.(aka justifid)

Post by Emoticon Sun May 30, 2010 6:55 pm

"Wow, thats a long but sad story. And I did think about running away, but didn't have the curage to do it. Just had a feeling in my stomach that kept me from doing it, ya know? well, are you going to stay here or move on out after the storm. If you are staying, thats great but I'm going to be moving. I'm going to be a horse trainer in New Jersey, and I'm going to quit my job as a waiter. But it's a long time from now, I have to save up the money, buy a moving truck with boxes, and find someone who'll buy this place. It's going to take more than 10 months or maybe a year. and I'm going to settle down and have a family. Going to have to find the land, the money and the house. If you wanna come you can, But you have a house and you can't just leave it. Well, are you done with dinner? it's 7:00PM, I don't really go to bed this late but this day I would've crashed when I just sat on my bed."*I get up and take my plate and wash it off. you haven't noticed but now you see food marks all over the fridge and cabnits, as if something blew up.*
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