Call of the Wild
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Lupin Wanders... Again. {For ShadeOfDawn and LostValleyOfTears, others may join}

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Lupin Wanders...  Again.  {For ShadeOfDawn and LostValleyOfTears, others may join} Empty Lupin Wanders... Again. {For ShadeOfDawn and LostValleyOfTears, others may join}

Post by • Echo Tue Apr 27, 2010 8:05 pm

I lope silently and lithely through the forest, my fur blowing gently in the breeze. Holding my proud head high, ears pricked forward and eyes bright, I weave my way around trees, bounding over fallen logs and darting through the forest. Moonlight streamed down through the twisted boughs and leaves of the trees that rose high above my head, and through patches I could see the full moon high in the sky. Midnight. Letting out a low whine, I quicken my pace, my strides longer and faster, covering more distance in less time. The trees now seemed to loom wickidly over me, the night eerily still as I ran in a frenzied gate through the forest, shadows casting their dark glow over me in an evil sense. The trees, the plants, the animals... The whole forest and all its inhabitants itself seemed to be laughing at me, cursing me, as if shining in their glory of my weakness... Finally I slid to a stop, my eyes wide, my breath coming in short, fast gasps. Not an hour had passed. Everything seemed to be getting smaller, shrinking, suffocating me... In one desperate attempt at the freedom that was so close yet lay so far away, I let out a loud, long howl as the shadows of wolves began to appear, shifting as they came closer...

I awoke with a loud gasp, stumbling to my feet at the sound of a wolf howling. Were they back? With a slight start, I realize the frenzied, desperate howl had been my own, my heart pounding wildly in my chest. Shaking my russet colored head, I lay back down, tail and ears low, head on my white forepaws. Letting out a soft whine, closing my eyes. In my mind I could see the black Dire wolves again, their cruel faces grinning wickidly at me... Forcing my tired, sleep-deprived eyes open, I jerk myself wide awake. It was going to be another long, long night in the woods...
• Echo
• Echo
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Lupin Wanders...  Again.  {For ShadeOfDawn and LostValleyOfTears, others may join} Empty Re: Lupin Wanders... Again. {For ShadeOfDawn and LostValleyOfTears, others may join}

Post by Guest Fri Apr 30, 2010 1:07 pm

His sleek black grade was seen wanderingaimlessly through the forest, seemingly lost in thought. His black paws touched the ground nearly silently, moving with ease and silent grace as he padded through the forest. His tail was down, head and ears lowered. The few creatures that could see his face could tell his eyes were clouded with thought and worry. Suddenly, a howl broke through the air, lingering, with an edge that was almost fear which clung desperately to it. Lifting his own head to the moonlit air, ears up and ebony tail raised once more, he tilted his chin to the sky, lifting one paw. Lips forming an almost perfect circle, a loud, long howl reverberated through is chest, quiet, almost a moan, at first, then lifting into a loud, higher-pitched howl that echoed through the silent forest.

Lowering my head back down to gaze at the forest before me, I growled long and low in my through. I knew that howl. Shaking my charcoal head, the wind tugging gently at my midnight dark fur, I lifted into a long, fast lope that sped me through the forest. My paws beat the ground in a rythm(sp?) that was not unknown to my heart and mind, not caring to be silent. I lifted my nose into the air, inhaling deeply... There. Her scent. Baring my long fangs, I leap through the forest, faster and faster, my steps echoing the sound of my racing heart. Finally, I jumped over a ring of buses, sliding to a stop as I saw the figure of a lone wolf before me... Alone. Swinging my head from side to side, a low snarl deep in my throat, my eyes become confused. Shaking my head, I focus my attention to the she-wolf, my expression now shocked.

"Lupin..?" I say quietly, inching forward as I lower my body to the ground. So my ears and my nose hadn't mistake me; She was alive! But I had thought..? My eyes were intent as I shake my head, my gaze never leaving her for a moment.


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Lupin Wanders...  Again.  {For ShadeOfDawn and LostValleyOfTears, others may join} Empty Re: Lupin Wanders... Again. {For ShadeOfDawn and LostValleyOfTears, others may join}

Post by • Echo Sat May 01, 2010 7:47 am

My eyes widened in surprise as I saw the form of a familiar black wolf step quietly through the trees, his entrancing golden eyes piercing mine. Taking a step forward, ears and tail low, head cocked to the side and eyes gleaming with shock, surprise, and curiousity.

[sorry so short! {all 's's XD}]
• Echo
• Echo
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