Call of the Wild
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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Thu Mar 18, 2010 7:58 pm

Achlys: I gallop beside my sisters between Desdemona and Pyrena through a forest silently like ghosts, not leaving a single hoof print. Our heads were held high and there was wild look in our eyes. There was a reason we were being silent instead of allowing our hooves to tear up the ground, pounding like thunder… we were hunting. We come into a clearing and skid to a stop seeing a young stallion in the middle of the clearing. He looked at us cautiously trying to hide the fear in his eyes, every ounce of common sense he had screaming at him to run. I didn’t think of him as a coward, it was only natural for prey to be scared of the predator. I smirk as Charissa walks up to him holding her head high challengingly with her ears flat against her head. The stallion snorted with a determined look in his eyes, knowing this was a fight to the death. Desdemona, Pyrena, and I circled around them like hungry wolves. The stallion reared up and lashed out his hooves, but Charissa did not waist her time showing off and lunged at the stallion with her fangs bared and grabbed a hold of his throat ripping it out. The stallion screamed in pain and fell on his back gasping for breath, as a pool of blood formed around him. Charissa spit his throat out as we closed in on the dieing stallion, with bloodlust clearly showing in our eyes and we began ripping the flesh from his body.


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Mon Mar 29, 2010 1:23 pm

~ Solrayne ~
I watched as the cruel mares devoured that poor stallion, I screeched making my prescence known, spreading my large wings I scream again, clutching the tree in my talons, being in Gryphon forme allowed me to be slightly more agile than my other formes, I jumped between the trees watching their every move I leapt down to the grass, snarling baring the hidden fangs, I walked across the edge of the clearing my large claws ripping at the very ground, Who be you and why are you in my sanctuary? My voice as dark and evil as the cloud above.
Artemis Sinfeather
Artemis Sinfeather
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Location : Watching a feather drift down.... I am adrift in a sea of torment.

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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:35 pm

Pyrena: I look up when I hear a loud scream from one of the trees along with my sisters and watch as a Gryphon leaps out of the tree. I hiss baring my pearly white fangs that were dripping in the dead stallion's blood as my fiery red mane waves around wildly. "I am Pyrena these are my sisters Desdemona, Achlys, and Charissa. And what to you mean your sanctuary?" I watch her causiously with my souless black eyes, the female was obviously strong so I knew we would have to stay on guard.


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:10 am

~ Solrayne ~
I opened my beak and let out a looser cry, I am Solrayne, Guardian of these tainted forests. I live within them and will protect them and the creatures that reside within aswell, my brethren do not take kindly to trespassers. I look to them Shadowy feathers ruffled by the wind I dug my talons into the ground, splitting it and creating large cracks in the surface.
Artemis Sinfeather
Artemis Sinfeather
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Location : Watching a feather drift down.... I am adrift in a sea of torment.

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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:28 pm

Desdemona: I snort and toss my mane "Protect them? Thunder Cloud is a place for fighting not protecting." I watch her no hint of fear in my eyes as I stand before the Gryphon with my head held high. Charissa danced beside me impatiently, her neck was arched with the whites of her eyes showing, she never liked to stand in one place for to long, so this was very aggravating for her.


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:50 am

~ Solrayne ~
I protect those who are injured, I care for them till they can stand on their own feet metephorically of course. I snarled powerfully, a shadow appeared billowing around my being, my form shifted to a large serpent with wings and claws big enough to slash apart one of the mares, I suggest you do not test my will and patience. I hiss loudly, my shrill voice calling a fierce wind, I uncoil the tip of my tail showing a large arrowhead tip upon it.
Artemis Sinfeather
Artemis Sinfeather
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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Thu Apr 01, 2010 7:13 pm

Charissa: I snarl visiously, I was at the end of my rope. "The stallion looked healthy to me, but I have desire to contiune this argument. What's done is done and we will now take our leave" I ignore when Pyrena hisses beside me, unlike me she liked to take her time with things and wanted to continue the argument/fight. I snort and toss my head then turn and walk away with my sisters trailing behind.


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:14 pm

i stay in the shadows. i was listening to the mares and the other thing that was bothering them. my red mane covered my long fangs. my black and red body looked like a blood covered fight winner


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:04 am

~ Solrayne ~
I watch them leave but call to them, You can stay if you wish, and kill as much as you want the creatures you have to kill must be healthy, that way they aren't under my protection. My snake forme dissipates leaving a young mare in it's place, There are many things in these forests that can feed your thirst much more than a stallion can. I walk the other way then stop and turn around to face them, That is if you think you can bring them down. I bow my head and wait for their reply.
Artemis Sinfeather
Artemis Sinfeather
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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:59 pm

Pyrena: We stopped and looked at the mare with our ears perked, she had caught our interest. I turn toward her curiously "Such as?" Suddenly the wind changes direction and I catch the sent of something that smells kind of like a horse but also like a predator. I lay my ears flat against my head and flare my nostrils looking around for it.


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Sat Apr 03, 2010 9:54 pm

i smerked as i ran out from the forest my mane, tail, and forlok flying out dehind me. my long sharp fangs showed. i reered to a stop and bellowed handsomly *i am danger and that is what i am.*


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:24 am

~ Solrayne ~
I look to the stallion, neighing slightly at him, I am Solrayne, Shifter is my race. I look back to the mares and tell them telepathically, Well there is a pack of large wolves close to where I live, there is one Minotaur not far from here and there is a Young Dragon over the far side. Sound good to you?
Artemis Sinfeather
Artemis Sinfeather
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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:42 am

Achlys: I look at the stallion and hiss showing that I too had fangs "My name is Achlys, these are my sisters Desdemona, Pyrena, and Charissa. We are the Mares of Diomedes" I look back at Solrayne when I hear Dragon and smirk nodding "Yes, it does"


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:20 pm

i dow at the mares *hello i am looking for a herd of vampiric horses like u all to join can u help me out?* i asked at i walked to the mares and looked them over


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:40 pm

~ Solrayne ~
I bow to him, I shook my mane and looked to Achlys, my dark purple red eyes darting between each of the sisters and Danger.
Artemis Sinfeather
Artemis Sinfeather
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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:47 pm

i turn back to the word dragon and my form changes *like this?* i asked. my coat was now scale and my tail was dalance tool. my fangs stayed to same olthough they got longer. i was a vamiric shapeshifter and i loved to show my talent


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Sun Apr 04, 2010 4:26 pm

~ Solrayne ~
I smile and a shadow appears around me, I became taller and my skin became delicately placed black, purple and red scales, my tail became long and spiked, my face became a large snake-like head, large wings erupted from my back I smiled, Exactly. I flex my large raven black claws, watching them.
Artemis Sinfeather
Artemis Sinfeather
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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:23 pm

my figure slides back down and my stallion form cames out


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:11 pm

Desdemona: I snort and flick my tail boredly watching the two shapeshifters. Charissa growled beside me wanting to go find the dragon, since the young stallion had been nowhere near enough for all four of us.


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Artemis Sinfeather Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:30 pm

~ Solrayne ~
I looked to the mares again and became a mare once more, This way if you want to find the dragon. I smiled and trotted into the brush in search of the dragon.
Artemis Sinfeather
Artemis Sinfeather
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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:05 pm

i change back into a vampire stallion *can i join you mares?* i asked *i can help take the dragon down.* i said as i showed my long fangs


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:47 pm

Pyrena: I look at the others then back at the stallion and smirk nodding "Sure" I turn trot after Solrayne with my sisters following me, snorting and tossing their manes impatiently. We didn't bother being quiet like last time, since we knew that the dragon wouldn't run.


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:05 pm

i shifted and now i was a pegases. i lifted myself off the ground and fallowed the group high about making sure we were not being led into a trap.


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The Mares of Diomedes Hunt Empty Re: The Mares of Diomedes Hunt

Post by Guest Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:39 pm

Charissa: I snort and look up at Danger then back in front of me and gallop fasting along with my sisters when the scent of dragon gets stronger.


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