Call of the Wild
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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:44 am

Lenore walked around, trying to find a good herd. Most stallions rejected her, cleaming she was to big. with her 186 cm she couldn't be called small.
She stoped to see if her foals were still following her. She wasn't very paitent today, probobly because she was in heat. And also, because she knew she would proboly not be covered. Again. The wind blew trough manes, as she bowed back her head.
Lenore:Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Lenore_new_design_by_Nixly


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:51 pm

Mistaka: *I trotted timidly after her, kinda afraid of big stallions. I had been abused since I was abadoned, but it was all better now since Lenore had adopted me, Shalom, and Lahakate. I stay in the bushes though, along with my two adopted brothers*

Shalom: *I huddle next to Mistaka, we were closer in age, Lahakate was a about 5 months older than us. I look up and our big brother, he who had done his best to protect us since finding us. Most of the time seriously hurt, since he wasn't yet a year old challenging a older stallion wasn't to good. He only did it though when they picked on us. I smile at him appreciatively*

Lahakate: *I smile back and stand in the bushes as my little brother and sister layed there. I turn my head back to Lenore and watched patiently. We wouldn't come out until she found someone and thought him safe. I was fiercely protective and I would be out there to wait with her, but my duty was watching my adopted siblings. I smile again down at them with love*


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:49 am

"Everything is ok, you can come." No stallions around, no herds around. why didn't they find anyone?


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:25 am

"you girls can come with me" *Mason said as he strutted around the two mares* "by the way, im strong... i weigh 1500 pounds and im 18 hand s tall... and im a wild mustang"


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:58 am

Lenore stood protecivly around her 3 adopted foals. "Nice to meet you." Lenore hinniked. this stallion was only slighly smaller then her... and he didn't mind it! enthouisatic she looked at him, happily hinniking: "I'm Lenore, and these are my foals: Mistaka, Shalom and Lahakate." Lenore's tone made sure that the stallion would understand that she would not allow her foals to be abanded again. She would rather be rejected again, then having to give up her foals. On a much kinder tone, she said: "And who are you?" Lenore admired his strong body, almost flirting with the taller stallion, carfully not to wonder off from her foals. She was fasinated by his beautiful blaze. She softly whispered to her foals: "What do you think of him?"

18 hands = 182,88 cm
18,31 = 186 cm
Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Fendi%202


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:41 am

"are these foals your own? or did u adopt them?


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:00 am

Lahakate: *I stubbornly shook my little but well muscled neck.* "We will wait here...I don't know about him yet." *Though I was still a young colt, I wouldn't hesitate to challenge an older horse* "We are Lenore's adopted children of recent." *I yell to the stallion that had approached Lenore.*

Shalom: *I quiver slightly while laying next to Mistaka, the last stallion that we had met that was that size had left Lahakate practically dead because he had defended us.*

Mistaka: *I hunker down and out of sight from the stallion, my breath coming in short for fear he would hear us*


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:23 am

Lenore got discrated by how her foals's responce to the stallion. Lenore turned her head and gently touched Lahakate's nose. "Shhh, it's alright Lahakate. I won't let anyone harm you, and i will not abandon you, Mistaka or Shalom." Her eyes flashed to the scared Mistaka and Shalom and as her looks softened, she said: "It's all right, Mistaka, Shalom, None will harm you. I won't allow it!" The last words had a ferm, reasureing tone, to calm them down. She disided to let them lay there and to let Lahakate stand next to her.
Lenore turned to the stallion and spoke: "There are my foals, and i will protect them always. This colt - she pointed at Lahakate- is one of my sons."
Because she was in heat, she had some trouble standing still, and moved form one leg to an other. Lenore's tail wiped though the air.


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:14 am

*i noticed she was in heat and said,"Do you want to join my herd in the cherry orchard? im the leader there...but i only have one mare in my herd right now"


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 14, 2010 9:51 am

Lenore considered the possibility... this was the first time she was invited into a herd, she would love to join with him. Even if his herd only had one other mare, that meant he was still young, and strong. A good chance for her foals to grow up normally! Lenore looked surprised but loving, and said, "And my foals? I'm not going anywhere without my foals." She wasn't planning of letting anyone harm them! and Mistaka and Shalom where still so scared... they needed a herd, where they could get a chance to grow up normally.

If there was only one other mare, perhaps she could become the lead mare. with the power of a lead mare, Lahakate and Shalom could stay longer with her... Lenore whispered to her foals: "Would you like to join this herd?" she sounded enthousiasticly, happy that some stallion finaly wanted her!


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:32 am

Lahakate: *I look at the stallion thoughtfully, then lower my head in consent* "Alright."

Shalom: *I along with Mistaka got up and stood behind Lenore, peaking out from behind her tail to peer at the stallion curiously*

Mistaka: *My little nostrils quiver as I sniff the stallions smell, putting it to memory so I would know my herd's scent*


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:55 am

"Alright. We will join you and your herd." Curouisly, she carfully moved closer to the stallion, gently nuzzling him.
"This little girl, is Mistaka, and you already met Lahakate, and -Lenore moved her tail up, so Salom would be a little visable-this is Shalom."
A shot of exitment moved thou her spine, know she would get a change to raise her foals correctly.


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:00 am

Shalom: *My eyes go saucer wide when she moves her tail and I jump back.*

Mistaka: *Giggling I turn to Shalom* "Its okay bruver, we gots a home now" *My little smile brightens with hope*

Lahakate: *I snort with a crooked grin on my face* "Yes, we do Mistaka." *A full smile now on my face as I tussel her mane*


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:13 am

"ok then... great! you'll be in my herd, and your foals can come too" Smile "follow me" *i gallop out of the garden towards cherry orchard* (reply in 'this is Mason's land)


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

Post by Guest Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:33 am

"Let's go..." Lenore followed her new stallion, but made sure her foals still could follow her.

this one?


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Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd. Empty Re: Lenore in Heat, looking for a big stallion or a herd.

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