Call of the Wild
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Eleganta searches

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Eleganta searches Empty Eleganta searches

Post by Guest Mon Jan 18, 2010 5:24 pm

*Swift sure-footed feet cantered over the land leaving small hoof impressions in the soft grassy dirt. White mane and tail billow out and whip in the wind, her breath even. She hadn't even broken a sweat though she had been running for quite awhile now. Slowing to a sudden stop dirt clods fly in her wake. She rested now under the viney branches of a Willow Tree, the last rays of the sun hitting her white coat and making it shimmer. Raising her soft blackened muzzle she takes a look around for the first time, gasping almost at the beautiful scene of the dense forest and gorgeous rolling lush meadow that spread out before her. Although she was above it all, her strong sense of smell told her that many herds and other horses inhabitited this wonderous land. Swishing her tail slowly she let out a small whinnie, it was soft and lovely.*


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Eleganta searches Empty Re: Eleganta searches

Post by Guest Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:01 am

Cider- My ears prick, the soft call almost sounds like my sister, Sapphyre... But there's something different. "Come on," I gently nudge my aged mother, Sage, ahead of me. "Maybe we can find someone who's seen Sapphy." When we finally get to where the noise had come from, there is a gorgeous white mare... But this is not the sister I had been searching for. I lift my cream tail, my golden neck stretches to get this mare's scent. "Hello," I say cautiously.

Sage- This mare is not my daughter. I am tired and aching and am nowhere near in the mood for manners. "Yes, hi," I niegh bluntly. "I am Sage, this is one of my daughters, Cider, and I'm sure the pleasure's all yours. We've been looking for my youngest, a mare of about 5 years. She has a very dark bay coat, almost black. Her mane is the same and her tail is the cream of my daughter's here. She has chocolate brown eyes exactly like mine. Have you seen her?"


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Eleganta searches Empty Re: Eleganta searches

Post by Guest Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:44 pm

*I turn my gentle eyes to the tired travelers, and they sadden greatly.* "I am sorry, but I have not. Perhaps I could asist you with finding her?" *Worry crosses my face as I examine the older mare.* "Please, do not think me rude, but may I suggest you rest?" *I ask the older mare. Then I turn to the younger one, she was very pretty.* "Hello, I am Eleganta." *I bend a knee to the ground and bow, touching my velvet soft muzzle to the ground. Getting up with ease I look about, trying to find a horse that fit that discription*


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Eleganta searches Empty Re: Eleganta searches

Post by Guest Wed Jan 20, 2010 4:22 pm

Cider- I sigh at my mother's boldness, but respect Eleganta for being so polite. "I don't think she's around here," I admit. "We haven't caught her scent for days, and we only came here because your voice sounds a bit like hers from a distance." I shift my shoulder, supporting Sage. "She does need more rest. We slept all night in a meadow, then woke up and my sister, Sapphyre, was gone. I'm Cider by the way. This is my rude mother, Sage. Please excuse her harshness, she's really worried."

Sage- I'm too tired to care that Cider is speaking for me. I sigh and lean against her as she leads me to a shady spot under a nearby tree. I grunt a thanks as I sink down.


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Eleganta searches Empty Re: Eleganta searches

Post by Guest Wed Jan 20, 2010 5:31 pm

(My lips spread in a beautiful smile* "Its quite all right. Hmm..I have no clue. I'm sorry to have mistaken you" *My white/cream mane blows back in wisps of soft hair as the wind picked up slightly. My tail blew back a bit, looking almost a gentle yellow in the rays of the sun that were left. Long curving lashes graced my face as I looked down at the lush green grass. I lower my delicate muzzle down to it and pull some up out of the life giving ground. Munching quietly on this I look around once again*


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Eleganta searches Empty Re: Eleganta searches

Post by Guest Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:07 am

Cider- I thank the mare as she gracefully goes back to grazing. The light is fading fast, and we need to find somewhere safe, at least for the night. "If you don't mind another question," I ask, "Do you know of anywhere near to here that we could sleep tonight?"


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Eleganta searches Empty Re: Eleganta searches

Post by Guest Fri Jan 22, 2010 6:47 pm

*Smiling I nod* "Yes, yes I do. There is a nice clove of tree's about a mile back. I stayed there last night, its warmer there and it offers alot of protection." *I flick my long forelock out of my eyes and swish my tail. Turning towards the fading light I smile grimly, feeling lonely..Maybe stallions didn't like mares like me. I thought sadly as a silver tear slid down my white face*


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Eleganta searches Empty Re: Eleganta searches

Post by Guest Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:21 am

Cider- When the mare turned away from us, I could swear I got this strange... Feeling of despair wafting from her. I stiffened. How can I feel an emotion come from someone...? I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but Sage needed a safe place now. I went and got my mother up, supporting her right shoulder. "Would you like to lead us," I ask Eleganta, "Or should we leave you be? Are you waiting for someone...?"


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Eleganta searches Empty Re: Eleganta searches

Post by Guest Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:52 pm

Eleganta: *I toss my head, the tear vanishing. Then I turn to her and smile brightly but grimly* "Yes, I will lead." *Starting forward I pass them, I was slightly taller than them. My feet made hardly a noise as I walked quietly towards the cave*


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