Call of the Wild
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Fallen Angel [OPEN]

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Fallen Angel [OPEN] Empty Fallen Angel [OPEN]

Post by P r o m i s e r Thu Mar 17, 2016 6:18 pm

Fallen Angel [OPEN] 5746899b3e74d95484da840d20810d64

F a l l e n A n g e l

N a m e
Fallen Angel

N i c k n a m e
Fallen or Dark Angel/Angel of Darkness

A g e
418 years old

G e n d e r

S p e c i e s

B r e e d
Immortal Timber Wolf

B i r t h d a y
November 3rd

Fallen Angel [OPEN] Large

P e r s o n a l i t y
Quiet, vengeful, and eerie, Fallen Angel gives off a cold aura that scares wolves away without her saying a word. She could give one look of her bright, orange eyes, and it would send chills down your spine. The female doesn't fuck around, not one bit. She is cold-hearted, violent, and a damn murderer, and a good one at that. Fallen Angel has a record of violent tendencies, even many years ago of when she was in a pack, and a young pup, when everything wasn't so dark. As she grew older, the urge to kill and fight. Fallen Angel is not a wolf you want to get in a tussle with, as she could kill you, blindfolded. But, oddly enough, she's very charming, and doesn't have just males flocking after her. That's right. Fallen Angel doesn't just lust after males.

Fallen Angel, despite her hard and snappy exterior, can be the life of the party, enjoying life while it's right there in front of her. She really does know how to have fun, and if you flirt with her a little, you could bring out a whole new side to her. Fallen Angel can be very loving, especially towards puppies, and she's right there when you need her. Fallen Angel will listen to you vent, no matter who you are.

Fallen Angel [OPEN] Black-wolf-from-the-back

F u r C o l o r

Black, with some slightly lighter shades.

E y e C o l o r
Bright orange, or amber.

H e i g h t
5'7" feet tall

W e i g h t
300 lbs

Fallen Angel [OPEN] Original

P a r e n t s

Rising[Father] Alive
Hell's Gate[Mother] Alive

S i b l i n g s
Dawn[Sister] Deceased
Soul Eater[Brother] Unknown

Fallen Angel [OPEN] Large

S t r e n g t h s
Fantastic liar
Her aura
Brute strength
Won't back down to anyone

W e a k n e s s e s
Can be arrogant
Her good looks get her in trouble

Fallen Angel [OPEN] Tumblr_m14033oSZz1qa1umco1_500

H i s t o r y
Hell no...

L i k e s
Manipulating wolves
Autumn and Summer
Forest fires
Evil brutes(to an extent)
Her brother

D i s l i k e s
Her parents
Most wolves
Being beaten
Being forced

Fallen Angel [OPEN] Tumblr_lkfj429wNF1qcmd8go1_500

M a r k i n g s
Her body is crisscrossed with scars

M a t e s
Fire Blaze[Deceased]
Misery's Silence[Alive]

P u p s
None of her own yet.

Fallen Angel [OPEN] Original

T h e m e S o n g
Dark Horse by Katy Perry
Demons by Imagine Dragons

Fallen Angel [OPEN] Tumblr_nhiwq2cZyc1sy2z51o1_500
P r o m i s e r
P r o m i s e r

Posts : 8331
Join date : 2012-07-10
Age : 23

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