Call of the Wild
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Post by • Echo Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:56 pm

Catherine Michelle Cucjen
Diary entry #1
April 19, 2065

My name is Catie- today marks the 19th year since I was born into this world. It was 12 years ago on this day that I turned 7. It was three days after that, when my house was raided by a government special ops team. I haven't seen my family, or anyone from the outside world, since that day. It's been roughly 12 years since I last was free. 12 long years since I last saw the "outside world", beyond the iron fences keeping me here.

My life has only been filled with pain, fear, and shades of gray since.

I'm not really sure what's been going on in the world since then. Every so often, they bring more people in, all sorts of new people, with all sorts of crazy stories. Stories about skies black with smoke and fields red with blood, people starving and people dying, motherless children and childless mothers; hate, envy, pain, and anger. I'd still rather be a part of that than this.

No one sees it. And the ones who do are the ones who lived it, who still live it, who have to deal with it every day of their lives. And yet they say nothing. Why? It’s like the soldiers who went to war in Vietnam during the Cold War all those years ago. They don’t talk about how they had to kill an innocent young boy because he pointed a gun on them. They don’t say how they watched so many people suffer so much, and they couldn’t do anything except sit there and watch, and occasionally aid their torturers in causing them pain. It’s just a fact; it’s one of those unspoken laws that humanity seems to have decided unanimously yet without speaking a single word about it; if you don’t talk about it, if you don’t think about it, if you refuse to acknowledge it or do anything about it, then it’s not happening, it’s not as bad as it seems, it’s not a problem.

That’s a lie.

Most have agreed that the Cold War ended years ago in the early 1990s. I, however, like to disagree, as do many of the people who stand beside me in these cramped cells and cages. The Cold War is very much a reality, but few people know about it, because it’s just that: Cold. No actual contact between the fighting countries, or so I hear. But now, unlike before, it’s not just nuclear threats; Yes, the nuclear weapons and capabilities are growing larger and stronger with every passing day, but there’s much, much more to it now. Testing, for “scientific purposes”, has been going on for years now. Experiments, both mentally and physically, injections, tests, and so, so much more. Every day, it’s something worse. Injections that will supposedly make us “better”, but only have countless, painful side-effects. Experiments to test our capabilities and makes us stronger. Tests like dunking us in freezing water to see how long it takes us to die of either shock, hyperthermia, lack of air, or some other thing. Tests like sending us to gas chambers to see what the chemicals do to us, or to see what we can withstand. And fighting to the death. They make us fight and kill each other; to them it’s a game. To them, we’re just lab rats, things to be looked at under a microscope for study or poked with a stick to see what eventually makes us tick. It’s much, much worse than most people can imagine, what most can or ever will go through, and so much more than what went on in the 1900s. I can’t help but wonder how much longer it will take before I go, too.

I’ve been talking to Matt lately, the boy in the cell beside my own. I think he may be crazy. He keeps talking about rebellion and fighting back. I can see what they do to him for it. They beat him, give him the worst experiments, starve him, keep water from him. Why don’t they just kill him? I wonder if it’s because they’re using him as a lesson, to show others what will happen if they talk or act like he does? And if that’s the case, why not just hold a public execution? They’ve done it enough times as it is. But an even better question would be why he continues it? Why continue when it just brings him more pain and torture? I cannot fathom the reason why, nor am I sure if I want to know.

But I can’t help but wonder if he is right. This has been going on for so long now, since somewhere around 2020, I heard, and the government hides so much from us. They started burning books long ago; this generation has never picked up any kind of book or magazine now, not even textbooks in school (even those have now been replaced by television, videos, recordings, and radios). Do people even know what they are anymore? I do. There are books here; it seems the government has a thing for breaking all the rules they create. Maybe it is time that we did something about it. If we got enough people to join us, resist them, then… What? Could we actually escape with our lives? And if so, what then? Go into hiding? No, I think he may just be crazy. It couldn’t ever work, right? They’re too powerful.

They call this place the “Hospital”. I’ve heard there are several others spread all around the country, sometimes more than one in every state, but always at least one. Funny, I heard at one point, hospitals were used to help people, but they don’t need them that way anymore. The rest of the world is starving, yet we’re well-fed. The rest of the world is poor, yet we have loads of money to spend on the silliest of things, like torturing our own people, or burning books. The rest of the world is being educated at a young age, and yet we live in solitary confinement from all of them, knowing only what our government decides is good for us to know, what they censor. Is that why they all hate us so much? Is that why they are trying to get rid of us? Doesn’t our government see that they are destroying us, destroying themselves, from the inside out?

Either way, someone’s coming, so I should go. If I got caught writing, there’s no telling what they would do to me. Cut out my tongue, kill me, punish me like they do Matt… And the things written in here could cause serious harm to others. No, I should go.

Catherine Michelle Cucjen

Catie closed the leather-bound journal, slipping the ink pen within the folds of its covers, and slipped it into the casing over her pillow on the bunk bed. Sitting up, careful not to hit her head on Sierra’s bunk above her, she listened to the footsteps marching slowly down the corridor; heavy booted feet stomping in an endless, synchronized rhythm that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. One, too, three, four. One, two, three, four. Thud, thud, thud, thud, over and over again. The cells and inmates grew quiet, looking out from between the bars at the men dressed all in white. They all looked the same; sharpened, hard features; long legs; gaunt bodies; ice cold eyes; dark, or graying, hair. They walked in two rows, always, people filed behind them in a line of snake-like bodies. Their footsteps rang out through the empty stone walkway, creating an eerie effect on the people who shrank back from them as they passed, attempting to hide in the shadows. They were coming for someone; this Catie knew. They never came without a reason.

“Catherine…” The soft, muted cry instantly caught the 19-year old’s attention, and in one fluid motion she was standing, peering over the edge of the second bed in the bunk at the small child hidden against the covers. Sierra’s bright blue eyes shone with curiosity and apprehension, and her lower lip quivered slightly as though she were about to cry. Without a word, Catie gathered her into her arms and slowly brought her down onto the lower bunk, cradling her against her torso. Flipping a blanket over the child’s small body, she lay her cheek against her blonde hair and ran her fingers through the long, golden strands, gently untangling any knot she found. Rocking her against her body slightly, she felt Sierra burrow into her more, tucking her head against her chest and clutching her shirt tightly.

“Shh…” Ice gripped Catie’s chest tightly, her blue eyes shining brightly through the dark room. The only light came from the weak white bulbs in the center of the ceiling in the walkway, and from the gray of the sun coming in through the high-set, barred window that was found in every small cell. Shrinking back against the cold stone walls, Catie watched the shadows grow bigger as the men came closer, praying silently to any Lord or God that may exist that they left them alone this time. When they stopped, her heart skipped a beat at how close they sounded, until she realized they were stopping outside her cell. Then her heart began to race twice as fast as before. Against her, Sierra let out a muffled cry, and Catie tightened her grip, whispering incoherent words against her hair.

“Shh… It’s okay…”

In the other cell, Matt sat alone on the bunk, arms folded behind his head, legs crossed at the ankles, staring straight up at the cold, gray stoned ceiling. He didn’t show any sign as to knowing that they were there; he sat completely still, waiting, listening, blending into the shadows. For a few moments, everything was still, until one of the white coats slammed something metal against the cell bars. Matthew flinched, and knew immediately that his pretense of hiding had instantly vanished, and he frowned into the dark.

Heavy prison doors grated open, a high pitched squealing sound pitching through the empty air and clawing its way down Catie's ears. She winced in pain, pulling Sierra's too-thin body closer to her own in an attempt to muffle the sounds before it reached the young girl's ears. Her shoulders fell forward in relief- her cell door remained shut.

Lifting her chin slightly, she watched as the men standing before her shifting, the endless expanse of white coats and black boots parting into a semi circle around... Someone. Dark hair tumbled over her shoulders and down her back with seemingly no defined shape or style, ragged and knotted in a way that caused Catie want to reach up and run long fingers through her own messy locks, but she suppressed the urge and kept said hand firmly around her companion's body instead. The mystery girl appeared to be in distress- not something Catie was surprised at. Everyone here was distressed, it would be shocking for this girl to be any different.

Despite how many men surrounded her, she seemed to put up a well-enough fight, however futile it was, for in the end, they succeeded in wrangling her into the dank cell and slamming the door shut before she could launch herself back through the opening. After that, there were no words exchanged, just the repetitive synchronized thud of a large score of boots falling against the cold, hard floor. And it was only once they cleared out and the doors at the end of the hallway were again drug back into their places that Catie was able to get a good look at the slender young woman, and the sandy haired boy who had been brought in with her, through a sliver of dusty white light.

In the cell beside her own, Matt stirred, coming forward off his bed and walking slowly towards the iron bars keeping him within his personal hell, as did many of the other inmates up and down the line, curious to see their new "neighbor".

Last edited by • Echo on Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post by LoveOnHerArms Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:34 pm

You would think adding some color anywhere in this hell would kill the people that ran it, then it probably would. Everything was so either dull or dark looking. No color unless you counted shades of grey white and black as color. Ronnie supposed she would call them colors if she ever saw some other colors. But no the only time she got to see some other colors was when they were allowed outside, or when she looked at Alex's eyes. If she was lucky; and most of the time she wasn't. She could see the sky, going from shades of a bright blue fading off to a pale blue. Every once in a while she saw a bird, she often wondered what it felt like to be able to just fly away. Actually be able to use her wings and fly away from here, to be free. Freedom, free, those were words that nobody said in this place. No one dared to say them, not the 'test subjects' that endured hell every day.  But silently....Silently they all thought about it, or the ones that dared to think about it. Freedom. That was something Ronnie thought about all the time. The day she could get her and Alex out of this hell and be free.

"Get moving rat" A rough voice said shoving Ronnie's shoulder roughly sending her stumbling forward before she could catch herself. Straightening up she set her jaw and glared at the larger man that seemed to tower over her. 'Everyone towers over you, thats what you get for being short' She told herself dryly before walking forward making sure Alex was beside her and took the child's hand into her and held on. She was not going to get separated from him, she would make sure nothing happened to the seven year old. Alex looked up at Ronnie with a light smile before he looked ahead taking in everything.

It always amazed Ronnie how Alex looked at things, he way always curious and a happy bright person. Some of that was probably because Ronnie protected the boy so much but it was just his personality as well.  The two of them walked between two walls of white coats and guards, giving them to way to escape or even try too.  Gritting her teeth Ronnie walked with them as they lead the two. They were getting moved to a different floor and cell. Why? Well because the roommate next to them in their old cell had beaten within a inch of his life. In Ronnie's defense the jerk had been picking on Alex and had tried to kill him, the girl saw red at that, by the end of the fight she was being held back by two guards. She had spend three days in a cell alone without anything to eat just a little water everyday to keep her alive.

Holding onto Alex's hand Ronnie became more alert as they walked into the dimly lit room. The air smelled stale and musty, the floors hard cold stone with damp spots. It looked like a jail house, rooms separated by iron bars, the spaces between them to small for someone to squeeze through. They didn't have any real privacy, bunk beds lined up against one wall  and that was it. Some of the cells had a high up bared window to let some light it other then that the only light came from the lights that hung in the walkway between the cell.

Alex's hand tightened around Ronnie's she glanced down at him and squeezed his hand gently to reassure him. Keeping her chin up and jaw set Ronnie stopped suddenly when the white coats stopped suddenly in front of her.  Wincing as the heavy metal door opened making the most awful high pitched squealing sound. "Put her in this one, we'll put the boy in a different room." One of the white coats barked out moving out of the way.

"What? No!" Ronnie cried out as she got shoved forward violently, ripping her hand away from Alex's "Get off me!" She yelled as one guard went to throw her into the cell, she twisted  out of his grip and lunged at the one that was holding Alex back. "Let go of him!" She snarled at the man. One guard growled as the cattle prod in his hand went out and stabbed at the left side of her stomach. Ronnie's body lurched with pain as the voltage cured through her body, getting her stomach to tighten up. Gritting her teeth Ronnie kept moving forward, it was just pain something she could block out. The guard moved to use Alex as a shield but the girl was quicker, her fist mad contact with the man's face, heard the solid crack of his nose breaking under her fist, it honestly was a satisfying feeling. Grabbing Alex she jerked him behind her and snarled looking at the men that circled around her.

The fight had been short lived but the girl had gotten more good shots in, breaking, someone else's  nose, cracking or possibly breaking a few ribs and making lots of bruises.The guards had gotten some shots as well, one got her in the side with his heavy boot while another one got her again with the cattle prod. She was not going to let them separate her and Alex, that was not a option.  "Just throw the boy into the goddamn cell already!" One of the white coats barked out, a large man threw Alex into the cell getting him to cry out in surprise and fall onto the cold stone with a grunt. Two guards grabbed her by her shoulders and threw her into the cell after Alex.

Snarling Ronnie's wings snapped out catching her before she was inches from hitting the stone, with one beat of her wings she lurched forward ready to launch  herself back at one of the guards or one of the white coats but the door was slammed into place. Ronnie barley had time to stop herself, hands going out in front of her, feet now skidding against the stone in effort to stop herself. She still slammed into the door but she didn't hurt herself...Much.  She sneered at the men as the marched out. Once they were gone she released her grip on the iron bars.

Breathing hard her body was a chorus of pains, stomach threatening to bring up the little food she had gotten, body threatening to pass out on her. 'Block it all out, it's just pain something you can block out' "Alex? You alright?" She asked  turning around, barley having time to open her arms and brace herself for the sandy hairs boy to slam into her chest and hug her tightly. It hurt like hell but Ronnie didn't say anything just hugged him back letting out a sigh of relief.  "I thought they were going to take me away" He muffled against her dirty shirt. The boy was nearly as all as Ronnie was, with short-ish sandy blond hair and clear sky blue eyes. His wings were loosely folded across his back. "Nah they can't take you away from me" She assured the boy one hand smoothing back his hair with a gentle smile. It kinda amazed herself how she could go from seeing red and wanting to kill someone to being gentle and more mother like with Alex. Alex looked up at her with big blue eyes "Your bleeding" He told her worried looking at her nose and split lip.  "Im alright Alex, just a bloody nose and split lip, they'll heal" She assured him again.

Alex smiled up at her before letting go and noticed Catie and Sierra, he smiled brightly walking over to the bars to see them "Hi! Im Alex"" He told them before looking around again curious, he looked at all the others watching them silently before looking back at the two girls that were next to him just on the other side of the bars.

Ronnie let out a slow breath when Alex let go and walked off. Wiping the blood that dripped out of her nose with the back of her hand she then wiped her hand of her dirty worn out jeans before doing the same with her lip, the lip would heal soon enough. Lifting her dirty shirt but the girl sighed seeing four puckered up burn marks on her stomach and side. The skin around the marks was red, irritated, and tender already bruises formed on her lightly tanned skin in various places from the fight. Funny she had just healed up from that other fight as was already bruised up again. Not that it was really hard here not to get bruised up.

Dropping her shirt Ronnie walked over to where Alex's stood a slight limp in her walk, her left leg apparently decided it wanted to die. She offered a ghost of a smile looking at the two new girls and the guy past them in  different cell. Golden eyes scanned the area, they were being watched from all around, the two new ones being checked out. No one said anything though, well besides Alex who talked to the little girl in the cell right next to theirs. Wings loosely folded against her back again Ronnie's gaze went back to the two standing in front of them and the guy in the next cell over. "Hi.." She said softly still breathing still more labored.

A nap...Thats what she wanted right now, to just curl up on one of the hard cots and take a nap while she could. Her body was screaming in pain while the throbbing in her head didn't stop but Ronnie couldn't right now, she didn't want to scare Alex besides it would be rude to sleep while they had guests right? That thought brought a faint bitter grin to the girls lips.
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Post by • Echo Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:35 pm

and if i may just take your breath away

In a strange way, the sounds the heavily booted feet created as they struck the ground repeatedly in complete and perfect synchronization reminded her of a melody she had heard once when she was younger. The words to the lullaby were strung through her mind, weaving the memory of sitting before a great stone hearth whose orange fire crackled and popped loudly within, a memory of soft hands unaccustomed to manual labor combing through a young girl's long, silky hair, a heavy shawl wrapped around each of their shoulders to ward off the cold of the brisk Irish winter. The lullaby was sung once then, too, the flames in the fireplace lighting the way for a brighter and happier future for mother and daughter, safe behind a closed door sealing them away from the worries of the outside world.

Only the room had not been as safe as the pair had once thought. As the sound of the booted feet faded, so too did the memory, taking with it the warmth of the fire and the lyrics to the song. The words became stuck in her throat before they could fall past her lips, confused and forgotten in the web surrounding her. Catie let her chin drop gently onto the bleached locks tumbling from the child's head, noticing silently how dirty and tangled the strands looked now in comparison to those that had once sat before the grand hearth. Her eyes, shaken from the past and now again seeing that which was before her, studied the pair across from her with wariness, her peripheral vision catching sight of Matt leaning against the industrial glass wall, close to the front bars of his cell. But even as her eyes took in the sight of her dirty new neighbors-which reminded herself of the filth which covered her only self from head to toe and saturated her clothes fully-her mind could only fully process one thing.

They had wings.

"Catie." The voice was bordering on the edge of a whine: soft, high pitched, and quite clamant, demanding Catie's attention commandingly so. Her grip loosened just enough for the girl to twist in her arms and gaze up at her with pleading eyes. Catie knew her well enough, and Sierra knew this- not even needing to put into words her request (demand) in order for the older woman to understand. Catie only hesitated a mini second before she nodded, releasing the child reluctantly.

"Go ahead." As the pale, dirty girl clambered off of her lab and half ran to the bars of her cell, eyes fixed firmly on the young boy across from her, Catie sat up straighter, legs bent over the edge of the bed and feet touching the floor. It was not lost on her that she should be feeling uneasy for the girl, wary of any danger she might face at the hands of these two strangers, but she just couldn't bring herself to feel any distress for her. As small as Sierra may look, she was far from incompetent, which she loved to remind Catie of daily. Catie tried to protect her- really, she did- but sometimes, really, what was the point? Especially now, when the odds of these two, one of whom had just gotten into a nasty tangle with the white coats, harming her little angel were quite unlikely indeed, there was no reason for her to worry excessively. So instead, she leaned forward, hands locked onto the edge of the metal bed, trying to ignore the soreness and fatigue penetrating her slight form, willing her mind to return to the fond memory of earlier.

Sierra pressed her face up against the bars, hands each clamped firmly onto one iron rod as she studied the two with a mixture of interest and curiosity. Slowly, she extended one arm through the bars, up to her shoulder and then farther still. If only she were a few inches slimmer about the bust and waist, perhaps she would have been able to truly slip through the bars. But as it was, the cold metal bit sharply into her skin as she squeezed herself against it. The aisle was so narrow, if one of the others across from her were to stretch their own arm out in likewise fashion, then perhaps they would be able to brush their fingers or even hands against one another.

"I'm Sierra." Her voice betrayed her age, in a way, for she sounded far too old and wary, caution coloring her tone. Her eyes, round and open, held a hard edge to them uncommon to children her age, speaking volumes of her time spent in such cramped and uncomfortable quarters, her eyes having seen more in less than a decade than most grown up men in their entire lives. However, nothing about the pair across from her seemed threatening, and the moment her skin brushed alongside that of the boy, all fear and caution was thrown to the wind, a large smiling tugging the corners of her lips up to her ears, as Catie would tell her, and she didn't wait for the boy's response before she spoke again, quite mindfully aware of Catie's eyes watching her carefully and raptly.

"Do you want to be friends?"

so move to a place so far away

catie's pov ◆ complete ◆ 883 words ◆ for loveonherarms
sorry for such a long wait! I told you I was bad at this. .-. i haven't quite figured her out yet, i'm still kind of building her past, but it shouldn't take me too long and i missed writing. (:

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Post by LoveOnHerArms Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:00 am

Body pressed against the bars bright blue eyes looked at the girls in the cell across from theirs. Well he was mainly looking at the younger girl curiously, a smear of dirt was on his right cheek standing out against his dirty skin. Blond hair was messy spiked up in every direction, the boy looked like he could use a long bath and several good meals but there was still a light in his eyes, they still held that child like curiosity and light in them. "Alex" He told the girl dirty fingers gripping the bars on either side of his face looking at her.

He silently watched as she squeezed almost half her body between the bars stretching her hand out for him to touch, he did the same. Extending his arm out Alex started squeezing through the bars, he was almost as tall as the girl but he was thinner. If he worked at it Alex would be able to squeeze through the bars completely, as it was almost half of his body had slipped between the bars, fingers stretched out to touch Sierra's. Seeing this Ronnie quickly grabbed hold of Alex's shoulder gently "Don't slip through the bars Alex" She told him her tone gentle but firm, if he got out she didn't want to think about what they'd do to her little baby.

Alex huffed softly at Ronnie before squeezing a little more through the bars, his fingers stretched out, when their fingers touched Alex held his breath looking at the girl before a bright smile formed on his lips "Yes" He told her still touching her hand,he didn't want to move, having not really be able to have contact with anyone but Ronnie. This was new and exciting to him, it wasn't every day he made a new friend. "This is Ronnie" He said glancing back at Ronnie before smiling back at Sierra.

Golden eye's glanced at the doors before going back to the children, it was breath taking beautiful to see the two of them stretched out to touch hands but at the same time it had Ronnie on edge. If the guards or white coats saw this things would get bad quickly. Eye's darted back to the doors before she gently tugged on Alex's shoulder "Come on, I don't want you two getting caught" She told him, keeping one eye on the doors while Alex sighed slowly moving away from Sierra and moving back, once he wasn't squeezed between the bars anymore, he pressed his face back against them, hands gripping the cold metal bars.

Still trying to control her breathing Alex pushing dirty messy curls out of her face and swallowed hard as her stomach tightened and rolled. One hand went to her stomach while she willed herself not to throw up and pass out. No matter how much she loved the blissful blackness, she couldn't give into the blackness. It would scare Alex and Ronnie wasn't sure if she'd wake up any time soon if she did. Swallowing hard again her skin turned pale under the layer of dirt and grime. Her stomach rolled and tightened again before the girl whirled around only adding to the nausea and pain, stumbled a few steps away from Alex before she fell to her knees. Her teeth snapped together, Ronnie was almost positive she took off a chunk of her tongue while fresh pain shot through her body. Not that she really had much time to think of it, the little food she had gotten today came back up. The horrible gagging sounds echoed in her ears while she threw up one hand clutching her stomach.

Alex's eye's widened as Ronnie whirled around and fell "Ronnie!" Rushing to her, worry and fear filled his eyes. "Whats wrong?" He rushed out unsure about what to do, was there anything he could do to help? He didn't know just watched her throw up, his eye's widening more seeing the blood.

Groaning Ronnie wiped her mouth with the back of her hand wishing she could rinse out her mouth with something. Spitting would have to do, spitting she groaned softly again. "I-Im alright Alex" She told him forcing a weak smile before she scooted away from her vomit and promptly laid down on the cold damp stone floor. Laying on her back Ronnie didn't dare close her eyes, just tried to focus on steadying her breathing, if she closed her eye's she'd pass out. One hand drapped over her stomach the other at her side "Holy crap...who knew cattle prods hurt so much?" She asked no one in particular her voice still more weak and breathless sounding but it still held sass and sarcasm. "I do not recommend getting zapped with one" Ronnie raised one eyebrow as she got no response from anyone, not even a snort or rude comment back.

"Really? Nothing? Normally I at lest get a snort or dirty look" She said looking up at the dirty disgusting ceiling just trying to get her body to relax a little, her muscles were still all tense and hurting like hell, much like the rest of her body.

Alex sat down beside Ronnie still scared but didn't know what to do. He looked back at Sierra and the girl with her, sh had said her name was Catie, his eye's went to the tall boy that was in the cell next to Sierra's "Who are you?" He asked the fear slowly leaving his eyes but he didn't move from Ronnie's side.

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Post by • Echo Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:09 pm

and if i may just take your breath away

The boy's eyes were so wide and so trusting, a trait that Catie had never seen before in anyone but Sierra's. Occasionally, there was another that she saw, a fleeting glance between the bars that locked them in like animals, but it was never long before those lights would fade or disappear completely. The dark haired girl was dreading the day her little Sierra's lights, too, would fade or even disappear. As she knew all too well, nothing ever lasts forever; and the bad things always seemed to last longer than the good. She was trying to drag it out as long as possible, but while they were in these animal cages, it was only a matter of time.

As Sierra's hand reached through the bars of the cell, Catie's own fingers slipped beneath the covers on her bed, feeling the hard lump where her diary lay inside the old, stained mattress, slipped through a long tear on one side. The younger girl's name rose in Catie's throat, lodging itself in an anxious lump. She choked it down, feeling strangled for a moment as she found herself unable to breathe for a moment past the hard lump welling there. She knew that there was nothing to worry about, but that knowledge didn't stop the way her heart constricted painfully.

The young blond girl shivered at the contact between her's and the boy's fingers, and Catie grasped the edge of the bed tightly, her knuckles bleaching white as the skin was stretched taut over the bones. The other girl, the one in the adjacent cell, seemed to be just as concerned as Catie was, pulling the boy back from the bars. Sierra tossed her blond hair over one shoulder, glancing back at her older-sister-figure, before she slid to the ground, folding her legs beneath her. Both arms slid through the bars now, fingers drawing patterns in the dirty floor. She huffed loudly, clearly annoyed that the older girl had pulled back her new 'friend'. Catie watched her carefully, ready to leap forward and pull her from the bars should the doors at either end of the long, narrow hallway should open. She would let the younger girl, always full of surprises, stay where she sat... at least for now. Catie pulled her hands into her lap, clasping them together, watching the way her knuckles jutted out when she flexed them, for a moment transfixed by their movements, ignoring the sounds coming from the other cell.

That is, until she heard a thudding sound. Looking up, she saw that the other girl had fallen, the boy standing over her. Catie half stood, her first instinct to run over, until reality kicked in. Even if she really wanted to, there was no way for her to be able to break down the cell bars to get over and help the girl. If there was a way, she would have done it long ago... With a different goal in mind though, of course. She sat back down on her lumpy cot, watching, observing. When the girl spoke, Catie said nothing, and Sierra followed suit, slowly standing and walking over to the cot, where she sat instead on the floor in front of Catie, feeling her protective arms wrap lightly around her. Catie set her jaw, ignoring the girl's comments.

Her eyes followed the boy now as he sat down, his eyes looking from Ronnie, to Sierra, then to herself. She met his gaze warily, studying him briefly before his eyes slipped to the cell next to her. To Matt's cell. That man was always so quiet, she was always forgetting he was there sometimes.

"Who are you?" For a moment, there was just silence, and Catie was surprised that he wasn't going to get an answer. Until with a soft rustling sound, Matt walked slowly forward, crouching at the end of his cell.

"I'm Matthew. It's Alex, right?" he asked, looking past the boy for a moment at the girl, Ronnie. Her antics amused him, but he didn't dare to let himself show it.

so move to a place so far away

catie's pov ◆ complete ◆  680 words ◆ for loveonherarms
Sorry, I rambled.

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Post by LoveOnHerArms Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:39 pm

Looking up at the disgustingly dirty ceiling Ronnie frowned some "Alex remind me to tell the maid she really needs to clean the ceiling, it's disgusting" Alex looked up at the ceiling for a moment before giggling some. That got Ronnie to smile faintly, she may feel like she was dying but her first propriety was making sure Alex was okay, she didn't want him to be worried over her. She'd be alright in a few days, so she'd often comment on the most ridiculous things, anything to get Alex to laugh and smile again. One hand patted him on the back lightly before falling to the cold stone floor, she didn't have the energy to keep her hand on his back, hell right now it was taking all the energy she had left to keep breathing and keep her eyes open.

Sitting next to Ronnie Alex looked over Matt blue eyes filling back with interest as he looked at the tall man. Now the child was conflicted he wanted to press himself against the bars to look at the man better but he didn't want to leave Ronnie's side either. One hand reached out and grabbed hold of Ronnie's in a way to stay with her. "Uh huh, and this is Ronnie" He said smiling more now looking at Matt. "Hi, it's great to meet you, please excuse me for not moving" Ronnie spoke lifting a hand in a wave but didn't move besides that, hand dropping back onto her stomach the girl let out a slow breath the ghost of a smile coming back when Alex giggled again.

Slowly Alex scooted away from Ronnie and rose to his feet. His wings were still loosely folded against his back, the sandy blond feathers looking just as dirty as the rest of the child, the feathers looked darker then they really were. Walking back to the bars he looked at the man curiously "Do you have wings too?"  He asked already trying to squeeze his thine body through the bars, maybe he could touch him as well like  he had with his new friend, and to see him better. Tongue poking out the corner of his mouth Alex has managed to get half of his body through the bars, grunting softly as he continued.  

Hearing Alex grunt Ronnie's eye's snapped open as she bolted up, that was her first mistake. The head rush she got was enough to drop her to the ground, sucking in a hiss she scrambled to her feet ignoring her body screaming in protest threatening to drop her back to the ground "Alex stop" Her voice was sharp cutting through the silence of the room, echoing off the walls as she scrambled to get over to him. Stopping Alex looked back over at her with a frown "But..I want to see Matt better" "You can't just squeeze through the bars Alex, if one of the white coats or guards catch you..."  She trailed off, her breathing getting more labored again, face pale under the later of dirt and grim on her skin. Frowning Alex looking at her before sighing and squeezed back into the cell "I just wanted to be friends with him" He grumbled looking like someone who had been told they don't get a cookie. Swallowing Alex looked at him, hands on his shoulders to get him to look up at her and to held the girl keep her balance. The room seemed to be tilting and spinning now.  "Buddy you can't squeeze through the bars, I don't want you getting hurt, promise me you won't do that again" Alex sighed looking up at her"I promise"  Alex gave him a light hug before swallowing again.

"I-Im gonna sit down..." Sliding down the bars Ronnie groaned sitting on the floor, the beds that were against the back wall were to far away at the moment, no the ground was fine. Alex frowned looking at her"Ronnie?" "Im alright kid, just need to sit down" She promised with a weak smile "Why don't you talk to your new friends" She offered trying to get his attention away from her.    
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