Call of the Wild
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Tiger Eye returns to his land (R)

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Tiger Eye returns to his land (R) Empty Tiger Eye returns to his land (R)

Post by Tameless Silence Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:52 am

Tiger Eye~

My ruby red eyes took in the land slowly as I stood atop the cliff I so often stood upon. A sinister smile creeped its way onto my handsome black face as I took in the scorched land. It's black ruins gave me delight. Snorting softly, I rear up to my full length. My sharp hooves striked out in the air savagely as I let out a loud piercing neigh. A warning to all who resigned in my land. Fanning my wings, I snort loudly once again as I come back down. Sparks flew and a loud cracking noise screeched through the air as my hooves met the hard rock beneath me.

Turning around, once again I look around at the land surrounding. Except this time, it was for my herd. I had no idea whether they were still around or not. But I vowed silently I would find them, for they were all that mattered to my dark heart. All else could fuck off.
Tameless Silence
Tameless Silence
Good player
Good player

Posts : 148
Join date : 2012-10-23
Age : 31
Location : Where ever my dreams take me (:

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