Call of the Wild
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My Vampires

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My Vampires Empty My Vampires

Post by Shadow-Walker Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:14 pm

Name: William Lyes
Age in human years: 25
Age as Vampire: 500
Gender: male
Personality: like a knight is supposed to be William is very courageous as well as loyal. He is very king even for a vampire but sometimes his instincts take control and he ends up killing someone.
History: When war was going on in many lands kings sent out there best army and calveries. As the wars raged William and other riders were sent out to try and help with the battle. Their king never told them what they were against until it was to late. unknown to any of the royal armies they were sent to their death. As they fought valiontly many parished and died. William managed to survive but not without carrying a curse that would change him forever.
Looks: William has semi long hair that stops at his shoulders and Is slightly curly. His eyes are blue but when starved of blood they turn a deep crimpson red.
My Vampires Spfeidnuukaesefu
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Age : 29

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