Call of the Wild
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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R]

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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R]

Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:23 pm

Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Dragoness_adoptable__closed__by_cynder_dragon_spyro-d5knh52

She woke up from her cave, full of her precious, lovely prisms. She craved prisms greatly and won't let a single one go to waste. Stretching her large paws, it scraped some of the prisms but she could one day eat them. Grabbing a small one with her long, lizard like tongue, she ate it and kicked a bit, loving the flavor. Walking outside, she saw some small male dragons and breathed her colorful ray at them which scorched the rocks as they ran but she fried a few. She was in heat and was more highly aggressive so a lot of small dragons were wary but the larger ones kept their distance. Laying down, she started scrapping the rock slowly with her claws, wanting each one sharp like knives.

Last edited by WestJailFest on Tue Nov 20, 2012 12:31 am; edited 1 time in total


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Re: Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R]

Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:34 pm" alt="" />
Drake could smell his next victim as her heat sent wafted up his large flared nostrils. The male water dragon took to the sky and flew towards the sent. He landed perfectly on a cliff and watched the land below him with eagle like eyes. A few males running from a female fire dragon, he chuckled hard before gliding down to the entrance. He was much bigger then the female abd smirked about this, "Well hello, babe" he called to her folding his wings and welcoming himself into her home. Delight danced in his young eyes.

(Ugh, it's horrible. Sorry)


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Prism

Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:58 pm

"Get out of my home, you damn hobo!!" She roared at him as she confronted him. She was highly aggressive but was a pure bitch, which was what the gentle ones said. Snarling, she blasted him in the shoulder with her ray and growled. "Go on, get! I don't take in perverted hobos like you!" She snapped as the furs on her tail rose, puffed up like crazy.


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Re: Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R]

Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:27 pm

Drake started to laugh at her, cracking up. He was cruel and would normally hurt her for calling him a name but he couldn't stop laughing,"Ho-hobo?" He said then snorted, "Oh I got a home." He said then when she tried to scorch him he aimed to blast her over with water as he released it from himself. After that, while she was busy he easily made a wall of fast moving powerful water that blocked the entrance. He moved closer to her, wanting to get to business, "I love 'em fiesty but right now I just want to mate. So babe will ya juat make this easy?" He asked her while standing high above her.


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Re: Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R]

Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:57 pm

(Done, sorry about that)


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Prism

Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:16 pm

"You have an hour to get your scaly butt out of my house and go back to the pits of hell where you came from!!" She roared, her teeth bared. Giving a smoky snort, she turned and ran off the ledge, diving down but came up in the air, flying off. She lacked size but she made up for it in speed. She had a secret prism mine that had up to twenty tunnels and only two ways out and only she knew which ways to go in it. Soaring up in the clouds, she was right above them as she kept an eye in case she should use his size against him. If he came after her, she would have to dive sense she felt the presence of a prism mine nearby.

((its cool.))


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Re: Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R]

Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:27 pm

Drake snorted and with a raging snarl flew off after her. Her turned over and before she could fly up was under her with his oversized wings blocking her way out,"Shhh" He said wickedly pulling her close to him. Instantly his hard and massive Dick started searching for her pussy, quickly he found it and shoved it in thrusting in and out while they dived down to a open sea below. He let out a loud moan as the went down....down...and down.


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Prism

Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:41 pm

She screamed as she was just too small for him. Digging her knife sharp claws onto his stomach, she started wiggling away from him and was pissed. Taking a bite while she started glowing, her ray powered up and she shot him though damaged herself a bit. Finally forcing his tool out of her pussy, her body was softening up sense a fire dragon was not made for the waters; she will die before he was done. She growled and quickly tried to get herself out of the water as her life force was dying. "You retard! We are of opposite elements! Your water and i'm fire; i'll die in this hell hole called 'water'!" she said as best as she could in the water. Surfacing, she swam to land and growled as she tried to get herself dry. "Luckily he didn't finish....and he can rot in that sea without me! Dude almost killed me...." She grumbled to herself as she started climbing the cliffs, being a few more inched from her mine. Once in, it was like a cave but in the middle of the cliffs. Running inside it, she was drying herself from the winds as she took the way to other side. She now and then checked around her before continuing, her guards up.
((Gonna make it hard for you, haha. G'luck restarting and actually finishing the job you started. X3))


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Re: Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R]

Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:56 pm

(Lol, alright. Never had a challenge before while playing a forcer...this shall be fun.)

Drake kept pounding in and out and just before they entered the water released her into the sky. Quickly he wrapped his tail around her and pulled so tightly it probably cut her leg. He let go but only cause he knew he'd catch her. Soaring through the water he moved to the edge and flew up and out fallowing her into the mine. He looked at all the shapes and took in a deep breath from his nostrils smelling her. He started to fallow her sent trail.


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Re: Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R]

Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:14 pm

(Oh and don't forget our other topic, the one at sunny beach)


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Prism

Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:22 pm

Able to fly, she just kept running. The tunnel out was starting to get smaller till it fit only her. Slipping out, she used all her strength and pushed a huge rock over it. Looking up, she was at the mountain and her cave was at the top. Taking flight, she was flying pretty fast cause if he broke out of the mine, he would catch up. She kept pushing herself to go faster till she stopped at her den. Seeing leftover water, she poured the water all over the den and herself and had a different fragrance with it that made most dragons think it was resting point for mountain goats. Hating the scent but needing protection, she dived into her horde of prisms and stayed still, breathing quietly and calmly. She wasn't going to give him a chance. Peering out the back, she noticed the one in a den next to hers made a hole she could fit through. Quickly, she crawled to it and got inside the other den, her tail acting like a slow snake slithering inside the hole. Passing through her neighbor, she chuckled and smiled then continued to move fast, taking flight again and diving down as she went to the other side of the mountain, remembering about those abandoned caves that were actual resting points the mountain goats relied on.

((I am advancing her escape my amigo. >:3 And i won't, just i have writers block about it.))


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Re: Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R]

Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 10:38 pm

Drake fallowed and shoved easily through the whole, busting the rock and making it wider. With his delicate large nostrils he could still manage to pick up her sent barely, it was faint but he had it. He smashed through prisms, rock walls, and other things in his way as he gave chase. He opened his wings and took flight searching for her. It took him some time to pick her out in the foggy setting but ge did and soon he lashed out his really long tail. He aimed it to lap around her and pull her close. He enjoyed chase but was getting tired. He yawned and snorted loudly before reaching his head out and snapping at her rump.

(Oh, well it can be short and sorry my post turned out horrible.)


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Prism

Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 11:24 pm

Growling, she slashed her tail at his face and accelerated to keep away. She looked back to see him still behind her and hissed as she soared up into some clouds but hopped she wouldn't run into a Daydream dragon or it would give him the successful chance. She spotted a Daydream dragon ahead and growled, trying to go above it so it doesn't give him victory. Accelerating a bit more, she was on the other dragon's tail.

((I guess we should let Drake be victorious, hmm?))


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Re: Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R]

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:27 pm

(If you think he's earned it and I really don't mind a two sentence reply to or topic in the sunny beach board. Anything will suffice.)

Raging with anger now Drake fallowed her moving as quick as his large body would allow. He spotted the daydream dragon and with a smirk slung his tail out and aimed to twist it up (forgot her name)'s leg and squeeze while pulling her closer to him. He took in a very deep breath of her heat sent, inhaling loudly as he did so. His tool throbbed with desire in it's sheath, he wanted her so be in her seemed like gold to him.


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Prism

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:40 pm

She snarled as she accelerated a bit more. The dragon spotted her and did what it did best, making her get distracted enough that she slowed down. She groaned as she quickly recovered but was slow enough to catch her. Leg wrapped and pulled closer to him, her tail tried to whack him but it only let her scent cloud up his nostrils. Not able to speed up, she snorted and finally admitted defeat. Slowing till she almost stopped, she grabbed onto him and smirked, tail thrashing.


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Re: Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R]

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19, 2012 5:58 pm

Drake gave a wicked smirk and wrapped his tail around her to hold her in place. Quickly he pushed his Dick in and started to thrust moaning loudly. His large wings batted as he searched for a good spot for sex. Finally he found a perfect cliff and landed pressing her agents the rock wall and pushing himsef deeper into her. He covered them with his oversized wings. He groaned in severe delight.


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty Prism

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19, 2012 6:05 pm

She snarled as she felt ultimate pain. She groaned as she couldn't take hit, he was way bigger than him. She moaned as she gripped some rocks. "Your bigger than me, i might snap like a twig!" She roared at him, her hair hiding her eyes. When he went deeper she yelped in pain but moaned lightly, feeling like she'll split like paper.


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Touch me and i'll fry you!! [FORCER or NORMAL dragons allowed] ((MALES))[M][R] Empty ....

Post by Guest Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:36 pm



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