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He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Tameless Silence Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:41 pm

The land was as green as ever, it pleased King Arthur to see the land rich and thriving in the coming of this new spring. Lifting his head a bit higher he turned his golden brown eyes towards the plains where he hoped to find mares to join his herd. Snorting he tossed his head in defiance as he bolted forward eagerly towards the plains and mares that awaited him.
As I stepped onto the open plains I cast I wary glance around me before coming to a stop. Once I decide there was no danger I let out a loud pitched neigh calling for mares. Ears pricked I look all out around me, causing myself to get excited and prance a bit. Coming to an abrupt stop I rear and let out a shrill whistle to warn any nearby stallions to stay away. Coming back down to the ground I snort softly and rest a back hoof in wait.
My silver man and tail glistened in the bright spring sun, but not nearly as brightly as my pure white coat. Lowering my head a bit, I don't even bother to flick my thick forelock out of my eyes. The mares would come, maybe not right away, but eventually they would.

Last edited by Tameless Silence on Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Harley Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:31 pm

He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Medicine_hat_by_venomxbaby-d4f02wj

Sakura lifted her head, silky white forelock falling over her forehead. A long silky tail had been still ever since the scent of a strange stallion wafted towards her, and Sakura knew she had to be cautious. Sakura was forced out on her own at the age of 10 months, and had barely survived until she found this plentiful meadow. Was a stallion coming to chase her away? Or force her? The young mare couldn't be sure, and decided to stay on the outskirts, where grass met forest. Her nervous scent was very apparent, and Sakura edged away from the sound of the stallion.

The high neigh turned Sakura's ears forward, and she resisted the urge to race to the sound. Taking small steps, the mare made her way into the field of view of the stallion, nickering in reply. Would he hurt her? It didn't seem likely.

(grr short)
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Faye Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:35 pm

Almond Joy~

I walked slowly and solemnly into the clearing, hoping I wouldn't be noticed. My eyes immediately darted in the direction of the two horses. One mare.. One stallion. It didn't seem like the best combination to me. Eh, I'd risk it since my throat was red, dry and irritated. I hadn't dranken anything in days with the exception of a few mud puddles on my way here.I still had several smal grains of sand wedged inbetween my molars. There was a river flowing through the center of the meadow. I could see the sun reflecting off the water causing it to appear like a diamond in the bottom of the pool. I wasn't able to hold to myself back any longer. I transfered into a brisk walk, brushing quickly past the mare. I didn't even look at the mare. I was thinking.. rather foolishly that if I didn't look at her then we would both be invisible. Well that wasn't what happened much to my dissappointment.
I halted at the edge of the river since it was a steep drop off into 5 feet of water and I didn't feel like getting all wet and shivering my rump off. Before I lowered my muzzle to suck up as much water I was physically could my eyes searched the surrounding area looking out for any potential dangers. My muzzle lightly brushed the water, it was cold but oh so refreshing. I sucked down the water in large gulps, drinking nearly enough for two horses. Lower parts my ratty clumped mane hung down into the crystal water. The water fought it's way though the rat nests in the tips of my mane causing the small knots to work their ways out. When I finally drank my fill of the water.. which was indeed alot I slowly lifted my head up, my lower part of my man dripping with the fresh cool water. My eyes managed to find my way over to the stallion once again, they wandered over him.. as I wondered what type of threat he could possibly be.
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Tameless Silence Wed Oct 24, 2012 6:27 pm

Hearing a small nicker, I prick my ears and lift my head up curiously. I see a small white mare with patches of brown watching me hesitantly. Standing up straighter I blow softly causing my soft pink nostrils to waver gently. Licking my dry lips I neigh gently, a reassuring, I'll do you no harm neigh. As I do that I notice another mare, though she barely pays attention to either of us and makes a straight bee line for the cold flowing river.
Interested I take a couple prancing steps towards the two with my tail flagged and head high, then I come to a stop. My gentle eyes appraised the two with respect. I'd do neither harm, nor would I allow harm be done to any mare while in my presence.
"Welcome ladies. I hope you both are doing well?" My voice was loud and strong as I spoke. Making it obvious I was firm with my question and not afraid, but also there was a calming undertone to it. I low my head a tad to show no aggression and watched the two as they both looked at me. I could see in both that they were unsure of me, but not totally scared of me.
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Faye Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:04 pm

Almond Joy~

My body instantly tensed as he came towards me. Every fiber of my bean told me to run.. as I always had. He seemed nice enough though. "Hello, I am quite well.. and how are you?" I squeezed out as cordially as I possibly could.My voice was a bit raspy though and I almost didn't reconizemy own voice when I spoke. So this is what thirst does to you? I took one small step towards him.. my eyes never quite leaving him. I extended my neck out as far as it could go, I wanted to keep my distance. I was offering to sniff muzzles with him.. a common greeting which I had been told was usually the right thing to do. My long ragged mane continued to drip water.. drop by drop by drop. Each tiny bead of water falling to earth and landing with the smallest plop on a single blade of grass. Then it would slowly make it's way down to the soil where the roots lay and it would be sucked up quicker than fly finds manure. My small fuzzy ears pricked forward and my amber eyes intent on him as I awaited his response.

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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Harley Wed Oct 24, 2012 7:13 pm

Sakura quickly stepped back, blue eyes wide. A soft breeze ruffles her mane, and sending her tail forward between her legs as she examined the stranger. She didn't fear the thirsty mare, not at all, but this stallion... Sakura cursed herself for being afraid, mostly because he showed no signs of harming her, the kind look in his eye. His neigh caused her to lower her head, stomach heaving as she let out a calm sigh. His voice was different than she expected, but shook that away and perked her ears as the other mare approached.
Deciding it was safe, Sakura took a hesitant step forward, her nostrils flaring slightly as she tested the scent of the two. As she came closer, her blue eys became mores apparent, and she lowered her head, hoping to seem submissive. Waiting several moments after the other mare had spoken, Sakura lifted her head, opening her mouth to speak, "H-hi... and I am fine as well."
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Tameless Silence Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:01 am

I was pleased when both calmed their tense nerves an replied to me. Smiling I close the few feet remaining between us and stop. "And what are your names?" I ask, then quickly shake my head with a grin. "Forgive me, my name is King Arthur, but you can just call me king."
Still smiling I lift my head a little bit higher after I flick my forlock out of my golden brown eyes. Unsure of what to do I stand there patiently, relaxed, and waited for one of them to reply.

(Sorry so short)
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Harley Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:37 pm

Sakura's creamy white tail flicked out behind her, and her belly quivered as she shooed away the annoying flies. She fought the urge to step back as he moved closer, forcing herself to quit the trembling as he told them his name. "I am Sakura.." The young mare said, carefully avoiding his gaze. Sakura wasn't afraid, just nervous and jumpy, cautious like she always was. Her long mane became lopsided when the wind bit into her side, and the horse shivered slightly. She could smell him very clearly now, and his scent didn't hide any devious intentions.
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Tameless Silence Sat Nov 17, 2012 8:45 pm

(Should we continue for a lil bit?)
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Harley Sat Nov 17, 2012 9:06 pm

(Can we?)
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Tameless Silence Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:49 am

(I'd like to wait for faye, but idk when the last time she was on?)
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Guest Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:27 am

(Plz add a raiting)


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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Harley Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:52 pm

(Not for a long while, I don't think.)
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Tameless Silence Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:01 pm

(Well then we will continue, give me a min to write)
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Tameless Silence Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:05 pm

I smiled. " Sakura, what a lovely name. Pleased to meet you." I looked around, wondering if there would be anymore mares joining us. The other mare seemed to remain quiet.
Lowering my head to the ground, I nip the tender grass and chew it slowly. It had been awhile since I had had a stable meal. The last place I had been was a waste land. A place no smart animal would go, but where the humble went to learn new standards.

(Sorry, a lot on my mind)
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Guest Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:13 pm

(Ehem, I said plz add a rating. Fail to answer this again and I'll be forced to lock your topic.)


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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Tameless Silence Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:23 pm

(Then tell me how, thanks)
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Guest Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:24 pm

(Have you read the rules? It goes in the title.)


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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Tameless Silence Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:27 pm

(Yeah I read them, just took me a min to figure out how to get it into the title)
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Guest Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:30 pm

(Oh, ok good. Thanks for adding it. I didn't want to lock one of your topics)


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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Tameless Silence Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:46 pm

( thanks(: and sorry about that!) lol!
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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Guest Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:53 pm

(Welcome, It's fine Very Happy)


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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

Post by Tameless Silence Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:31 am

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He comes searching for a herd (PG13) Empty Re: He comes searching for a herd (PG13)

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