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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Saviour Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:09 pm

Safiera's golden brown eyes washed over the brightly lit hospital room. Her breathing was silent and her loose bangs fluttered over her skin like a flag in a summer breeze. The heart monitor beeped steadily, sending the green light over mountains and valleys. She sighed, and ran a hand down the little girls arm. She slowed it near her wrist and slid her long fingers into the girl's hand. She squeezed slowly, and looked up at the Grim Reaper. "She's so young.. " Her voice was smooth and melodic but her words were pleading. He nodded, seeming unfazed by the innocent girl's soft features. He moved closer to her body and took a long breath. "Ready?" He asked. Safiera nodded slowly, and crouched down beside the bed. Death moved his hand about a foot over her chest, then clenched his finger into a fist rapidly. The heart monitor exploded with beeping before it slowed to a monotone tune. Safiera's eyes fluttered close...


A small voice cried out to Safiera as she stepped slowly up the hill, her white coat with black spots filtering the harsh wind into a caressing breeze before it touched her skin. She flicked her tail to the side and searched the scene for the girl. She was down at the bottom of the hill in a meadow that had long grass. She was nearly swept away in the wind. Safiera lifted herself into a run, and balanced herself on the way down the hill. She leaped over the girl and hissed at the small pack of wolves that were growling at her. They cocked their heads, and she let out another hiss. This time she lunged towards one of them and it sprinted away. She turned to look at the little, around 7 year old, girl. "It's alright... Jessica... It's okay" She cooed, then looked back at the wolves. Two of them had run off but three remained. Their hackles were raised, and so were Safiera's. "Leave her alone!" She growled, and lunged at them again. This time her feline claws slashed over the shoulder of the smallest wolf, and it yelped in surprise. They all backed up a few feet, and the injured one turned and disappeared into the forest's shadows. The clouds parted slightly and let some sun warm Safiera's back. She glanced up, then looked down at the girl. "Exactly, think soothing thoughts" She paused for a moment and dove into the girl's memories. She found one that was one of her favorites, and she slowed her breathing. As she fought back the wolves, she spoke to the girl. "Remember when you woke up early.... Before the sun rose. It was Christmas.. No, it was Easter." She said, correcting herself. The sky brightened a little more as the girl's mind calmed. Another wolf disappeared into the sticky darkness that lay beyond the forest walls. "You were convinced your mom had bought you that ugly old sweater that she liked at Target" She said, and Safiera managed a hypnotic giggle. She narrowed her eyes at the last wolf and lunged at it. He didn't move, or flinch, but rather snarled and stepped closer. Safiera was growing restless. "But you knew something was different when you saw the big box beside your basket" She said, running low on breath. She looked up at the sky, it hadn't changed. "Remember? You heard the yelp, and ran over to it?" She said, her honey colored eyes returning to the midnight black coat of the wolf. "It was a puppy, the little boxer you'd fallen in love with at the pet store?" She said, and the girl let out a giggle. The sound bounced around her small, imaginary world and the wolf cowered back. The sky brightened, causing Safiera's pelt to glisten. She snarled loudly at the wolf and it yelped, turning around quickly and dashing away into the forest. The sunlight grew brighter and brighter as Safiera sprinted away from the forest and the meadow and over the hill.


Safiera opened her eyes and the bright hospital light caused them to ache momentarily. "Get out!" The nurse yelled at her, and Safiera stepped back from the room. She opened the curtain and nearly ran into the Grim Reaper. "Got it" She said with an exasperated smile. She clasped a hand over her silver locket and he nodded in approval.
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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty Re: The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Faded*~*Light Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:04 pm

I walked across the cold tiles on the hospital floor, looking for the grim reaper and his helper. My blue eyes darted across the hallways, catching people staring at me. I started to walk faster, feeling uncomfortable. Should i tell them to stop? I didn't even know wy they were staring at me. Was it my fiery red hair, my electric blue eyes, or my very pale skin? Whatever it was, i wish they would take their eyes off me. I knew that i had to be getting closer to where they were. I was told to meet them here on this floor. I silently walked by each room, looking inside, i didn't want to disturb anyone. Finally i came to a room where i saw them. I looked back and everyone was still looking at me, so i became angry. "Why don't you take a picture?! It'll last longer!" i glared and then walked into the room, slamming the door behind me.

I turned around and saw that the girl was dead. I saw the grim reaper and his helper looking up at me. I calmed myself down and smiled akwardly. "Sorry about that... So, i was told to meet you here?" I looked down at the locket in the girls hand. "Her soul?" i asked, looking at the girl who was now gone.
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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty Re: The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Saviour Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:11 pm

Safiera glanced over as a woman yelled at someone. She cocked a slender eyebrow and let a small chuckle slip from her lips. She glanced up at Death, but he cast her a stern look. Silencing herself, Safiera turned back to look at the woman she now realized was the messenger. She offered a slight smile and stepped over into an empty room. Death motioned for her to follow, and then moved to stand slightly behind his daughter of sorts. She shut and locked the door behind the messenger and nodded slowly. "Yea, Jessica Piaz..." She told her, ensuring it was the right girl. Safiera then unlatched her silver locket and clasped her hand around what one would only assume to be the girl's soul. "She was a sweet girl, be careful" She warned the messenger as she opened her hand. The glowing pink orb rested above her upturned palm, waiting to be taken to the District.

[[ Let's just call the decision place the District lolz ]]
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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty Re: The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Faded*~*Light Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:36 pm


I looked at the soul and then back at the woman. "I will, trust me I'm very protective" i took it from her hands and closed my eyes.

I wasn't in the hospital anymore, i was practically in another world. I was now in my wolf form, carrying the girl's soul in a jar. I cautiously looked around and saw the path i had to take to get to the District. I ran through the trees along the dark path. This part was definately my least favorite part of the travel. The forest was dark, all the trees had little to no leaves and the branches were shaped like spikes. I tried not to look into its depths, because if i did, i would get scared. And that would NOT be good. I had to get this sweet little girl to the District, where she can finally find peace in Heaven.

I was almost t the end of the forest, i could see the barren plains ahead. I ran faster, eager to get out of this eerie place. I heard a weird sound behind me. I stopped an cocked my ears backwards, being very careful. A twig cracked as something stepped closer to me. I whirled around, my lips in a snarl, showing my sharp teeth. "Who's there?! Show yourself" i growled. A shadowy figure stepped onto the path, it had scaly skin and a long skinny tail. I looked closer at its face and its head. It had horns. The devil. I barked at the creature "What do you want?!"

His voice was low and sneaky "I'm willing to make you a deal" he said with an evil grin.

"I'm not making ANY deals with you!" i snarled.

"You might want to hear it before you decide... If you give me that girls soul, I will make sure you never go to Hell. You will be granted a spot in Heaven no matter what happens. All you have to do is hand over that jar..." He held his scaly hand out.

"No, this sweet little grl deserves to go to Heaven, and I'm going to make sure she gets there if it's the last thing i do!" i growled. I spun around spraying dirt in his face. I took off as fast as i could, i could see the District in the distance. If i could make it there before him, the Grim Reaper could stop him so i wouldn't have to face him by myself. "Grim Reaper, Safiera, please hurry" i said to myself.
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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty Re: The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Saviour Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:33 pm

[[ See, you can post really well! ]]

Safiera nodded slowly at the woman as her hand slipped over the soul. She left the room quickly, and Safiera looked up at Death nervously. "Should we-" She started, but he knew what she was going to say. "Yes" He said simply, and he left the room quickly. Pausing at the doorway, he seemed to fade from view. Safiera sighed softly, and her body dissipated into the chilled, sterilized hospital air.


Her breath came short and fast as she weaved through the looming shadows and fog that seemed to lick at her heels in hunger. Safiera turned on a dime, sliding onto a well worn path. She glanced to her left, her honey brown eyes lingering in the grey tendrils as they swirled over the dark figures that tricked her eyes. Her head turned away to the right, and she saw the tall building that represented the District. Just as her eyes rested on its figure, she bounded off into a steady sprint. Her hind legs reaching up towards her front paws as she moved. She was a blur to anyone lurking in the shadows, and she seemed unaware of who that might be. The breath that rose from Safiera's lungs came faster, and she finally leaped up the front steps. The doors were hanging open already. Safiera glanced around before she walked steadily towards the front desk. She found it an obvious disadvantage that she had to be in her animal form when she was in this dimension, but she lived with it. Her white spotted paws met the edge of the wood as she peered over the top. "Jessica Piaz" She said, her lips and jaw continuing to pant. When she spoke, it was as if the voice lingered on the breeze.
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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty Re: The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Faded*~*Light Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:05 am


I stopped when i entered the doors of the building. I was safe now, the devil wasn't allowed in here. I looked back and saw him in the distance. He gave me an evil glare and then creeped back into th shadows. I sighed in relief that he was gone. I saw Safiera at the front desk. I put my front paws on the desk, placing the jar on the counter. "Here you go" i said, still panting. "This is Jessica Piaz's soul" i said to the worker behind the desk.

[[ I don't know how the whole process works so i didn't know what to say lol ]]
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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty Re: The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:45 pm

[[ Make it up, that's what I do haha ]]

Safiera glanced over at the messenger as she delivered the soul, and she offered a feline smile. "Good job" She said, her voice wavered slightly through the unsteady realm's air. Death materialized behind them, and smirked slightly. "Well done, you two" He said, his voice and appearance the same as when they were in reality.

[[ But I fail, so eh lol ]]
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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty Re: The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Faded*~*Light Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:25 pm

[[ What are we gonna do now? Go get more souls?? lol ]]
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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty Re: The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:27 pm

[[ I thought they were going to get in trouble because they supposedly got things mixed up, but they find out it was the District's fault and so they get into a big fight with them? ]]
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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty Re: The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Faded*~*Light Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:53 pm

[[ okay ]]

Faded Light~*~

I waited for them to say that the girl was approved to go to heaven, then we could leave. I sat around, waiting... "What is taking so long?" i asked, getting impatient.

The worker looked up at me with disapproval. "I'm sorry, but this sould has to go to Hell.

I growled and my eyes turned red. "No, there must be a mistake!" i snarled.

"I'm afraid that this cannot be changed.. you may leave now."

"No, I'm not leaving until this gets figured out... There's no way in hell that that sweet little girl can't go to heaven!" i yelled. I looked over at Saferia, confused. "What, what does this mean??" i asked her.
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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty Re: The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Saviour Sun Jun 24, 2012 1:36 pm

Safiera was just about to leave the building with Death by her side when she heard the woman's words saying the girl was forbidden to go to heaven. She bristled, and whirled around. A hand clasped around the silver collar she wore that showed she was property of the District, and Safiera growled and turned her head back to look at the Grim Reaper. "What are you doing? This is a mistake!" She said, the words rushed. She pulled away from Death, but the collar tightened and Safiera gritted her teeth. She backed up so it would loosen, and Safiera took a breath. "I will deal with this, go back before you do anything stupid" He told her, his mouth barely moving as he spoke the quiet but powerful words. A growl vibrated Safiera's throat, but she moved towards the messenger when she was released. "Come on, we need to go" She said softly, her honey brown eyes flashing with anger as she glared up at the receptionist. The woman narrowed her eyes slightly, but turned her attention to Death as he spoke to her. Safiera looked back to the messenger. "That little girl will be fine..." Safiera told her, the words and the tone were convincing but Safiera wasn't so sure she believed what she had said.
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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty Re: The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Faded*~*Light Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:46 am


I walked out of the District with Saferia and listened to what she said. I didn't believe her, but we had to leave, i knew we would probably do something stupid and make things even worse for the girl. I looked back at the building, then looked off into the distance. I nodded to Saferia, then my body dissolved into the cool air.

I was back in the hospital room in my human form, nobody was there and the lights were all off. The other humans would be curious of what happened in there ifi came out of this room, so i had to go out the window. I hurried own the side of the building, grabbing onto rails and stepping onto windowsills. I was fast and agile, trustng my feet and hands to know what to do. Hopefully nobody would see me.
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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty Re: The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Saviour Tue Jun 26, 2012 12:23 am

Safiera looked into the girl's eyes as she turned back to her, but saw nothing more than understanding. Relieved with the expression, she let her image fade from the sticky tendrils of darkness that were grasping at their still living forms. The breeze swept across the path and covered their tracks.

When Safiera returned to reality, her breath was slightly labored and she was alone. The dark, stuffy room took a minute to come into focus, but once it did she recognized all the hospital's supplies and cleaning products. Her hair braid slipped off her shoulder and rested against her spine as she turned her head. The window cast a chilling breeze against her skin, and goosebumps rose in response. The pale moonlight licked up the rest of the blurred darkness, and she moved silently towards the opened window. It was small, and high up. Safiera struggled to get up to the window that rested just at her shoulders. Her arms flexing lean muscles as she pulled her body through the slim opening. Her teeth tugged at the bottom of her lip and a grunt escaped her. Her breath fogged out before her eyes as she pulled her small feet from the room, and a stronger breeze whipped Safiera's bangs away from her forehead. Honey colored eyes swept over the landscape before she turned and ran off beside a paved road she knew well.
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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty Re: The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Faded*~*Light Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:32 am

[[ What are we gonna do now lol do they like all live with eachother? ]]
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The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]] Empty Re: The End Of The Line... [[ Faded*~*Light, M ]]

Post by Saviour Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:50 am

( sure )
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