Call of the Wild
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A Rainbow Of Colors Doesn't Have To Shine On The Outside [[Starting A Herd]]

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A Rainbow Of Colors Doesn't Have To Shine On The Outside  [[Starting A Herd]] Empty A Rainbow Of Colors Doesn't Have To Shine On The Outside [[Starting A Herd]]

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:25 pm

History Lesson

A Rainbow Of Colors Doesn't Have To Shine On The Outside

A streak of maroon flashed through the trees, and was trailed by a strip of black. White socks lined the unknown's legs, which carried it swiftly through the forest of ferns, trees, saplings, and mosses. A few groups of does fled when the large creature brushed through a low hanging branch, but they didn't go far. The creature entered the clearing, a wide open meadow with the greenest of grass, and sweet flowers and clovers. Soon, the creature was recognized as a horse, with a bay coat and white socks. The stallion had black hooves and a silky coat, mane, and tail. He threw his head up into the baby blue sky, that had small clouds in the shapes of fluffy cotton balls, and he whinnied loudly to any other of his kin. The sound echoed around him like a bugle, and as he fell to the ground the sound echoed itself too far for his keen sense of hearing to pick it up. A loud snort erupted from his muzzle, and he dipped his nose to the ground to taste the sweet greens for himself.

The day was a warm, late summer day, and a raincloud was far from anyone's mind. A cool breeze blew up from the south, and kept the area from growing to a scorching heat. In a nearby marsh, a small trickling sound sung it's gentle melody and soothed History Lesson[Tori]'s ears. He sighed deeply, knowing he had chosen the correct area to start a peaceful family group. A bright, colorful rainbow sprouted up over the tall mountain that held the forest and meadow in it's skirt.

[[Sorry, it isn't that great.... But please join anyway!!]]

A Rainbow Of Colors Doesn't Have To Shine On The Outside  [[Starting A Herd]] Oldenb11


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A Rainbow Of Colors Doesn't Have To Shine On The Outside  [[Starting A Herd]] Empty Re: A Rainbow Of Colors Doesn't Have To Shine On The Outside [[Starting A Herd]]

Post by Tayssi Mon Jan 02, 2012 11:44 pm

A Rainbow Of Colors Doesn't Have To Shine On The Outside  [[Starting A Herd]] Bigpizarro

Heaven's Fury

Gold ablaze, white smudged within as the mare ran through the trees, her tail flowing out behind her like a wave. A flaming chestnut coat was the colour she sported along with a white blaze and white markings on each leg. Her mane carressed her elegant neck like the wind against her body. Her dark eyes stared ahead, no destination really in mind. A chestnut Oldenburg mare whose name happened to be Heaven's Fury. Not many knew of the young mare not where she had come from; that was how she liked it.
A whinny pierced the air through the canopy of the trees and Heaven skidded to a stop, dirt and leaves flying out infront of her in a dirty curtain obscuring her vision. Ears flicking forward, the mare pinpointed the direction of the sound. West. Turning in that direction, Heaven half reared, lifting her upper half of her body off the ground slightly, before she spung off from her back legs, leaping into the air. Landing on the ground, she took off into a gallop towards the sound of the other horse, eyes alight with curiousity and excitement.
Up ahead, a meadow came into view, but no horse. It couldn't've been any farther. Leaping from the trees and landing in a halt in the meadow, Heaven's dark midnight blue eyes scanned the area. Soon enough, a bay stallion came into view. A gorgeous bay oldenburg stalion. Heaven pricked her ears forward again before she pawed the ground once, nickering to the stallion. Se flicked her golden tail before she cautiously made her way over to the stallion. She didn't know him and didn't know what he might do to her.
Only one way to find out.
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Join date : 2011-09-20
Age : 28
Location : Bottom of the sea with my Dinglehopper

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